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Thank you BioWare.


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Thank you Bioware.


I was really, really, really looking forward to this new patch. I really was. The patch notes looked excellent. 1.2 was looking more or less very good. Unfortunately as a paying customer I expect some sort of clear and concise communication between you and I. Yet for some reason you are unable to do that, and why is beyond me. You see this patch was looking very, very good for the PvP community as a whole. Warzone kills to count towards weeklies/daily's so that we could avoid the disaster which is Ilum. This was the most welcome change I think anyone in our PvP community could have asked for because simply put your engine can not run Ilum. You know what that's fine, I understand that MMO launches are bumpy, I have been through 3, I get that. So it was awesome to see you guys taking initiative to drive the hordes of players away from Ilum. It wasn't going to kill Ilum either, but it would have decreased the amount of people flocking their for kills which in turn would have relieved your engine and allowed people to run at decent FPS and therefore actually enjoy Ilum.


What I just do not understand is how you conveniently left out of your patch notes that you could only get 3 kills in a warzone. You were very, very clear about limiting medals, yet somehow the daily/weekly kill limit was left out of the notes. Why?! Why did you leave them out? I was SO excited for this patch and yet the one thing which would have pretty much negated how I felt about this patch was left out of your notes. Why!?


I have a killer gaming rig, and yet for some reason I don't get over 5 fps on Ilum. And like I said before I get it. MMO launches are rough. But it is NOT fun to play on Ilum, where as a hard core PvPer I am basically required to go to get gear. Which wont even matter in 1.2 but that's a whole different story.


Fact of the matter is as a paying customer who has already been screwed by other producers of MMO's blindsiding their community I have come to hope/expect some sort of clear communication from Bioware to their customers.


Bottom line is we know you left that part out of the patch notes on purpose, and its not cool. You were taking the game in the right direction you would have allowed yourselves time to re-tool Ilum and yet still have it work, since there would not be such huge mobs of players rolling around lagging your engine. Yet instead you chose to leave a very, very important fact of the game mechanics you were changing out of the patch notes, where you tell us what you are changing


I appreciate you guys trying I really, really do because god I love Star Wars I live and breathe it. But guys you cant just blindside your community like that. Because the thing about MMO's whether we are customers or not, we are a community. And in this community just like any community in the world if the governing force announces a change, but leaves out the ONE crucial part of the welcomed change that community will find that they were deceived. Some wont feel as deceived as others, some wont care, some will. But EVERYONE will see that there was some sort of neglect on your part. Which will in turn cause the community to have much less faith in the future changes said governing forces implements later on.


That being said, I am sorry for the long read but I know I am not the only person who will now read the patch notes and assume they are leaving critical things out.

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They said you could get credit, but they never stated how much. I always assumed that it would be a flat value assigned per completion of a Warzone, since it wouldn't make -any- sense for your Ilum daily to be finished in a single Warzone. So now it takes ~ 2.5 hours to complete your daily, and most likely you'll finish your WZ Daily in that span as well. If you take the time to collect a few armaments, even better.
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What I just do not understand is how you conveniently left out of your patch notes that you could only get 3 kills in a warzone. You were very, very clear about limiting medals, yet somehow the daily/weekly kill limit was left out of the notes. Why?! Why did you leave them out? I was SO excited for this patch and yet the one thing which would have pretty much negated how I felt about this patch was left out of your notes. Why!?


Yeah, this.. Nice surprise... not?


So kill 3 people, get 4 medals, go afk, get battlemaster in 2 days.



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Did you really think that they were going to set it up so that a single Warzone would complete one of your dailies? While requiring 10 a day is pretty high (they clearly want to still give people a reason to go to Ilum) it would have been a crazy gear giveaway if one WZ a day gave you a BM bag.


Yes, the patch notes could have been better. Yes, perhaps they should make it so you get 4 credits per warzone instead of 3 but... this situation is better than an almost-free BM bag for everyone, every day.

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They said you could get credit, but they never stated how much. I always assumed that it would be a flat value assigned per completion of a Warzone, since it wouldn't make -any- sense for your Ilum daily to be finished in a single Warzone. So now it takes ~ 2.5 hours to complete your daily, and most likely you'll finish your WZ Daily in that span as well. If you take the time to collect a few armaments, even better.


Theres 8 players, you dont get credit after you kill people over and over on Ilum. Why would it be that way in WZ? As I said. Never did I say, nor did I expect to be able to knock it out in 1 WZ.



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They said you could get credit, but they never stated how much. I always assumed that it would be a flat value assigned per completion of a Warzone, since it wouldn't make -any- sense for your Ilum daily to be finished in a single Warzone. So now it takes ~ 2.5 hours to complete your daily, and most likely you'll finish your WZ Daily in that span as well. If you take the time to collect a few armaments, even better.


Oh and how do you do that on a server where you have 50 Indy cars racing the track while they wait for WZ's and you can barely muster 5 in Ilum on your side? Oh that's right you don't smart guy. Game is tanking get over it fanboy.

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Did you really think that they were going to set it up so that a single Warzone would complete one of your dailies? While requiring 10 a day is pretty high (they clearly want to still give people a reason to go to Ilum) it would have been a crazy gear giveaway if one WZ a day gave you a BM bag.


Yes, the patch notes could have been better. Yes, perhaps they should make it so you get 4 credits per warzone instead of 3 but... this situation is better than an almost-free BM bag for everyone, every day.


Who said I expected to get it done in 1 WZ? Read my entire post thanks.

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Thank you Bioware. I was really, really, really looking forward to this new patch. I really was. The patch notes looked excellent. 1.2 was looking more or less very good. Unfortunately as a paying customer I expect some sort of clear and concise communication between you and I. [/b]



When did the use of proper grammar become unfashionable? :(

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Most of you cried about Ilum. Now live with it. Be careful what you ask for.


What is your gaming rig. I have an I7 and a 560ti 8gb and an ssd drive and Ilum is fine unless there is a stupid mission update.


BW removed about the only part of the game I liked. If there would have been WZ alternatives on Ilum I would never ever have played a WZ.


There is no faction war. The is only one faction and an after thought. No balance and now that ilum is dead there is no reason to even attempt to balance that factions.


We used to be able to do the ilum weekly on tues in about two hours. Now you have to play 50 stupid huttball matches. Oh joy!


We just got hosed by another BW time sink!


Congrats on your victory.......or was it.


What has BW done in the pvp area right to make you think they would all of a sudden wake up and have it figured out.


Look at 1.2 and see the "stuff" they are throwing against a wall and hoping it sticks.


Valor...to the folks that did it right ....They just gave you the finger. They didn't have the integrity to ban the abusers so they might as well piss off everyone right?


Enjoy your 2 hour plus grind for 30 kills now.

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Most of you cried about Ilum. Now live with it. Be careful what you ask for.


What is your gaming rig. I have an I7 and a 560ti 8gb and an ssd drive and Ilum is fine unless there is a stupid mission update.


BW removed about the only part of the game I liked. If there would have been WZ alternatives on Ilum I would never ever have played a WZ.


There is no faction war. The is only one faction and an after thought. No balance and now that ilum is dead there is no reason to even attempt to balance that factions.


We used to be able to do the ilum weekly on tues in about two hours. Now you have to play 50 stupid huttball matches. Oh joy!


We just got hosed by another BW time sink!


Congrats on your victory.......or was it.


What has BW done in the pvp area right to make you think they would all of a sudden wake up and have it figured out.


Look at 1.2 and see the "stuff" they are throwing against a wall and hoping it sticks.


Valor...to the folks that did it right ....They just gave you the finger. They didn't have the integrity to ban the abusers so they might as well piss off everyone right?


Enjoy your 2 hour plus grind for 30 kills now.


Firstly, I run 2 GTS 250's and I have a quad core and 8 gigs of ram. I shouldnt have an FPS problem.


Secondly find a post besides here where I cry about Ilum. In fact in my post it says Ilum was nice when there wasnt lag. On my server Ilum on Tuesdays consists of 60+ imps camping 20-30 rebels. In a total of under 10 FPS. Also Ilum here isnt dead there is a group out there now. Also I cant understand the rest of your gibberish. Point is this changed nothing it might have just as well been left the same.


Once again look through all my posts and you can tell me where I cried about Ilum and balance before. Because I havent.

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So what i gather from your wall was that they didn´t post in the patch notes that wz only gives 3 kills and you feel cheated because of it :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


Did my daily wz wins and weekly wz wins(ye lucky streak) today while doing the "ex ilum" daily and was loving it there´s no need to go find boxes or camp at reb gates for kills you can log in at about any time and do your daily kills and no need to worry about logging in at rush hour to get your daily done or be doomed to nascar in center for boxes.

Granted it will take longer that ilum used to but you still make good honor from WZ´s and you´re not plagued with "target X was resently killed and is not worth valor" or "no valor gained" bugs and let´s face it if you solo que you can easily spend 10-20 games to get the 3 wins for the pvp daily anyways.

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Yeah, this.. Nice surprise... not?


So kill 3 people, get 4 medals, go afk, get battlemaster in 2 days.




This is what I'm doing now. I don't do the WZ dailies because I hate the WZs, and they ruined open world PVP even more on Ilum as now there is NO ONE THERE.


So since I have to do WZ's to get my ilum kills, as I don't drive in circles for arms, it's go get my 3 kills, afk. Rinse repeat.


That being said, my house will be cleaner now and I'll get more little things I've been meaning to do done.


Anyone pissed off at me afking in a WZ, take it up with BW, I don't care.

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i thought all kills in a wz counted towards the daily as well, and was disappointed my 36 kills in my 1st wz only counted as 3... :mad:


i just went back to ilum and fortunately there was the usual tuesday fighting that i was able to get my weekly 150 kills before leaving for work... it's not dead after all! :D

Edited by wessik
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i thought all kills in a wz counted towards the daily as well, and was disappointed my 36 kills in my 1st wz only counted as 3... :mad:


i just went back to ilum and fortunately there was the usual tuesday fighting that i was able to get my weekly 150 kills before leaving for work... it's not dead after all! :D



Oh noes!!! Bioware didn't make it so you could complete your daily in a 10 minute warzone. Oh the humanity!!! :D


I guess some people won't be satisfied until Bioware just gives you full BM and Rakta gear as soon as you hit 50.

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I had a blast on ilum on Tuesday.... Sorry to hear about your poor experiences... IMO working as intended... 3 a wz is a good number. I had 27 after some small guerilla warfare fights and we lost central. Finished a wz and finished offhand daily. I love the new system
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