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Gunslingas Y U SO OP


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Levle 50 Sorc valor 50 here full champion set of armor.



2day I was in a wz. I am not exaggeration when I say that this gunslinger was doing better than my whole team. I swear if these guys don't fix this I am unsubbing my account and my sisters account. We love starwars and dragon ages and mass effet. but this, is, rediculus.


They have high dmgs , dots, they can just sit there and kill you before you get to them and when you do they have 3 or 5 knockbacks and stuns and they can heal themselves. Everyone should be equal when playing these games agsint other players but this is rediculus. I mean, man. I got like 5 wz's with gunslingers flipping out and killing everything in sight. I try to cap the alderan and bam, shot in the head by gunslinger. I turn around to see what hit me like that and he just rolls away like a ninja and shoots at me through the walls.


Fix this crap bw or i swear to god i'm unsubbing and your going to loose another paying customer who is good at ths game.


Hopefully no-one tells him about our bullet time slo-mo, the gun-kata hidden fourth talent tree, or the sorc shield penetrating bullets we have, then ppl will be really pissed at how OP we are.


10/10 ;)

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A) Maybe a troll post.


B) The "lack of power" Gunslingers/Snipers complain about are very very exaggerated as they can do absolutely devastating damage.


C) Most gunslingers/snipers I see just camp up in the same spot most of the match and expect to do amazing then cry when they can't.

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What I hate even more is when you give up on killing gunslingers because they're so OP, then when you try to kill the guy next to them the gunslinger pops guard on him, taunts you, then heals him to full while critting you for 11k with tracer missile.
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Gunslingers can kick you in the nads, that is more than a pushback


also, you think this is a joke?


Psh, gunslingers are the joke .. stop killing the pvp bw .. stop it now


Nerf them or i and my sisters are out. Scoundres got theres so i know you can doit




Please do exactly that. Leave and don't post again. Honestly of all the classes to come here and say are OP you pick Gunslinger? I mean do you suck that bad?


Please leave go down to the local Gamestop and buy World of Warcraft and you will find it more to your liking I guess.

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Levle 50 Sorc valor 50 here full champion set of armor.



2day I was in a wz. I am not exaggeration when I say that this gunslinger was doing better than my whole team. I swear if these guys don't fix this I am unsubbing my account and my sisters account. We love starwars and dragon ages and mass effet. but this, is, rediculus.


They have high dmgs , dots, they can just sit there and kill you before you get to them and when you do they have 3 or 5 knockbacks and stuns and they can heal themselves. Everyone should be equal when playing these games agsint other players but this is rediculus. I mean, man. I got like 5 wz's with gunslingers flipping out and killing everything in sight. I try to cap the alderan and bam, shot in the head by gunslinger. I turn around to see what hit me like that and he just rolls away like a ninja and shoots at me through the walls.


Fix this crap bw or i swear to god i'm unsubbing and your going to loose another paying customer who is good at ths game.


Stop playing please.


Stop the nerfs, I'm a sith sorcs and I think they're fine. If they lose the DPS then what the IS the point of playing the sniper? You guys already nerfed operatives, now this?


Whats next nerf any class that hits harder than 5k? You might as well nerf everything in DPS and make epic (******** *cough*) fights lasting for 30 minutes and doing nothing.

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the gun-kata hidden fourth talent tree



Great movie, this explains it all.



Please leave go down to the local Gamestop and buy World of Warcraft and you will find it more to your liking I guess.







You might as well nerf everything in DPS and make epic (******** *cough*) fights lasting for 30 minutes and doing nothing.




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What I hate even more is when you give up on killing gunslingers because they're so OP, then when you try to kill the guy next to them the gunslinger pops guard on him, taunts you, then heals him to full while critting you for 11k with tracer missile.


I LOL'd :D

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Instead of everyone trolling my fred and tellings that have people that don't know what they are saying. How about we just all come up to the point fo reality that these classes are too op and need to be adjusted back down to say the sorcs level. I mean to do my abilites i have to press alot of buttons and do things that are much more complicated than most classes except maybe bh that does the missile things.



Nerf Gunslingers now. I like how all these gunslingers are all posting lik they are getting away with murderers.

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A) Maybe a troll post.


B) The "lack of power" Gunslingers/Snipers complain about are very very exaggerated as they can do absolutely devastating damage.


C) Most gunslingers/snipers I see just camp up in the same spot most of the match and expect to do amazing then cry when they can't.


It's a troll post. Look at his past posts. He is deliberately misspelling words in this thread.

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It's a troll post. Look at his past posts. He is deliberately misspelling words in this thread.




Put a debuff ont he gunslinger every time he enters cover that makes him not move

Encorporate a new system that makes people know that they are shooting you

Nearly all of their moves are instant , makes some of them have cast times

I think they need a dmgs reduction in the critical area

See to it that if they crit one on one person they can't crit on another time for 10 seconds



As if you even had to read that far ... Nerf Gunslingers now

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If anything, gunslinger needs a buff.


I have both lvl 50 sage and gunslinger and i'll tell you this man: you're playing it wrong is sniper is shooting you down just like that.


Over and out.

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If anything, gunslinger needs a buff.


I have both lvl 50 sage and gunslinger and i'll tell you this man: you're playing it wrong is sniper is shooting you down just like that.


Over and out.



xD, dear Lord




Nerf Gunslingers, I assure you the game would benefit from it greatly

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Here is my thoughts on fixing the gunslinger so everyone can enjoy this pvp. Which is dying because of this reason. Loot at what you've done to star wars.


Put a debuff ont he gunslinger every time he enters cover that makes him not move

Encorporate a new system that makes people know that they are shooting you

Nearly all of their moves are instant , makes some of them have cast times

I think they need a dmgs reduction in the critical area

See to it that if they crit one on one person they can't crit on another time for 10 seconds




- cover makes a sniper like me not move

- you get a blue dot on you when you are targetted by a sniper

- snipers have cast times for our big damage abilities

- our attacks are all ranged attacks so we are subject to the most mitigation, the other ranged dps classes do not have this

- the last one i just lol'd

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