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Disable premade groups for PVP?


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No, I don't mind - I still get commendations.


AND now +3 for every match played for Illum commendations.


This part I don't mind at all.


And I am in no hurry to get bm gear, since for my spec - BM is not crucial (not looking for expertise anymore that much).


So, believe it or not, I WANT PVP TO BE BETTER.


you are the very first person i have ever heard complain about this. you are trying to say that, instead ofyou joining a guild, making friends to get a group together, that ou want friends to be told they can't play together.


just increditble. i was certain your op was a troll post, just to get something foing, but i think you are serious.

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I'll be here. :)


The bigger question is, will you be here? :D


LOL. He probably will and trollin' a new troll in "fail english"


OP just in case you don't know: A non sequitur can denote an abrupt, illogical, unexpected or absurd turn of plot or dialogue not normally associated with or appropriate to that preceding it.


Pretty much sums it up.


+1 Andryah. ;)

Edited by Urael
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Oh, yes, btw...


You all who is cramping that "game is ok as it is, you get over it whiner etc." please reconsider that BIOWARE started with something very interesting in last few days:


pure marketing action of "bring your friend, he gets week of SWTOR for free".


To untrained eyes this is "good", "lame", "bad" etc. To people in marketing (like me) this is a symptom: you don't attract new customers if you have steady flow of people coming and steady number of subscribers.


So something IS wrong that they make this action SO FAST after launch. One would expect that kind of action after, say, a year. When people are fed up.


But they do it exactly 2 and a half months after launch?


What does that tell you?


They HAVE to face with the fact that it is better to loose "few groups of coordinated hommies" who are having a ***** being big bad Sith then loosing a whole lot of INDIVIDUALS with steady income, just because their post-50lvl is subject to abuse.



...but...Rift got it after like...4 months.


Seriously...your logic is flawed, they added a trial so people could try the game, nothing is wrong.


Also, you greatly overestimate the amount of people who want to play ONLY pvp, but will NOT group up. Most pvpers who aren't just doing it as a time sink, group up.

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I dont get why "premade" they play togheter and "random" they are not playing together


to my point of view both group are playing toghter but one is trained and most probabily is using voice chat (kind of unfair advantage)


the other is playing togheter is not only fighting maybe even struggling at writing stuff in OPS chat to try to work things out....


so people that say only premade is playing togheter are just wrong they are both playing togheter but one has many many advatange over the other so many that u would think it is correct to have 2 different league


"random league"

"premade league"


the problem is that population not always allow this to happen... in that case it's usually the stronger that has to adapt (since it can) and lower himself to the weak because the weaker no matter what maybe CAN'T step up


but people on MMO it's just selfish and most of the time jerks so they will tell you that they feel punished when they cant do what they want too bad that playing TOGHETER (what they hide behind to feel less selfish) is not doing what you want but most often then not compromise to make everybody play and enjoy...


but go teach kids to use the brain and be mature.... impossible.

Edited by Pekish
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From BW: "We can avoid matches where you're going up against a team of players who have a win-loss ratio that' s much higher than yours. We're going to continue to expand up on the PvP ranking in future updates as well. This one we're kind of calling the pre-season, because it's just the beginning of our ranking system. We intend to add to it significantly." http://pc.ign.com/articles/121/1219843p1.html


OP, this addresses the issue right? Eventually it will be pre-mades vs. pre-mades by default because higher win/loss groups will be paired.

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There are now quite a few pre-made groups on my server and they are getting unfair advantage. Usually they come in 4 or at least 3 - 2 dps and healer. Or 2 healers.


And they ravage.


IMHO, this is unfair advantage and I see the result: you wait very long for pvp simply because there is no players. Also, every other game is quit in 120 seconds.


Since I see this is read by devs, I am writing this. How do I see? Well, since people complained about individuals leaving WZ in the start or in the middle - devs introduced the vote system.


Maybe they will not disable pre-made completely, but - maybe they will find a way to make a match more equal.


Let me try and explain this very simply:



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There are now quite a few pre-made groups on my server and they are getting unfair advantage. Usually they come in 4 or at least 3 - 2 dps and healer. Or 2 healers.


And they ravage.


IMHO, this is unfair advantage and I see the result: you wait very long for pvp simply because there is no players. Also, every other game is quit in 120 seconds.


Since I see this is read by devs, I am writing this. How do I see? Well, since people complained about individuals leaving WZ in the start or in the middle - devs introduced the vote system.


Maybe they will not disable pre-made completely, but - maybe they will find a way to make a match more equal.


Fair is giving everyone the option to do it. The fact you don’t avail yourself of the party-queue option is not germane to the fairness argument. Every person has the ability to do it, that’s fair enough. I generally queue alone, does it mean I’m at a disadvantage to a group of four using vent/teamspeak/mumble? Yea I am, does it matter, not a bit.


If our team wins against a premade lol yea, so much better than beating 8 random people. The problem is you grew up with outcome based competition and think that you’re owed a win. You’re not, you’re owed an equal chance to do what everyone else is able to do, and that’s all, nothing more. Take advantage of all the options give you, and you will see your wins go up, simple as that.

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I am sorry, I think you missed the point - this is a COMMERCIAL GAME.

Devs are payed. Owner is payed. Etc.


So you want more people on. And if you don't make good time for MOST of people, you don't have self-sustainable game (MMORPG are that kind, if I understood the concept good).


You and your friends are, I am sure, very important - but if I need to sacrifice good feeling of "you and your hommies" so I attract 20 more people, then who cares about your felling?


This game is a MMORPG. This genre is meant to encourage grouping up and working as a team to play the game. The premades that are beating you are playing the game the way it is upposed to be played by grouping with thier friends and guildmates to accomplish a goal.


You should also be out there trying to find people to play with to even the odds not yelling on the forums so that they nerf cooperative play in a MMO.

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Great idea! This game was simply not anti social enough. Let's slap more restrictions on what friends should be allowed to do together in game.


Great post OP, would read again!

It's a fair point that you make, but finding an elegant solution to splitting premade and solo queues is something I've been waiting for the genre to do for some time now.


Something like cross-server premades, and same-server solo queues; while that's possibly insufficient in and of itself, it's a start.

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It's a fair point that you make, but finding an elegant solution to splitting premade and solo queues is something I've been waiting for the genre to do for some time now.


Something like cross-server premades, and same-server solo queues; while that's possibly insufficient in and of itself, it's a start.


Again, from BW:


"We can avoid matches where you're going up against a team of players who have a win-loss ratio that' s much higher than yours. We're going to continue to expand up on the PvP ranking in future updates as well. This one we're kind of calling the pre-season, because it's just the beginning of our ranking system. We intend to add to it significantly."

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From BW: "We can avoid matches where you're going up against a team of players who have a win-loss ratio that' s much higher than yours. We're going to continue to expand up on the PvP ranking in future updates as well. This one we're kind of calling the pre-season, because it's just the beginning of our ranking system. We intend to add to it significantly." http://pc.ign.com/articles/121/1219843p1.html


OP, this addresses the issue right? Eventually it will be pre-mades vs. pre-mades by default because higher win/loss groups will be paired.


Yes, that is the issue.


And shows that I am not the only one who has problems with it.


Now you all little boys can whine and dine and show that they didn't pass 14.

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Yes, that is the issue.


And shows that I am not the only one who has problems with it.


Now you all little boys can whine and dine and show that they didn't pass 14.


No. My point is not that your point is invalid. My point is that BW is already addressing this - the game will inherently pit teams based on win/loss. As such, it should naturally flow that PUGs will generally be paired with PUGs and pre-mades w/ pre-mades (if the logic is that premades are much "better"). But keep boxing with strawmen if you like.

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Again, from BW:


"We can avoid matches where you're going up against a team of players who have a win-loss ratio that' s much higher than yours.

So that doesn't address my point at all.


Way to throw a meaningless BW quote at me, though.


My point is that BW is already addressing this - the game will inherently pit teams based on win/loss.
Well, that's what they say, but a developer can say pretty much whatever they want (especially about something that's not even in testing yet).


As such, it should naturally flow that PUGs will generally be paired with PUGs and pre-mades w/ pre-mades (if the logic is that premades are much "better").
There's no evidence for this. In fact, I don't even think you know what you're talking about, if you think the ranking system they're going to slap on will be anything but a headache and wrought with abuse.


The answer is segregated queues. The only problem with segregated queues is that premade queues can run long on same-server, which creates a negative feedback cycle where players give up, further exacerbating already long queues.


So, premades need cross-server queues, possibly even full cross-server. Then you can give them their ranking system based on win/loss, and it'll be meaningful, and they can be happy.


Meanwhile, solo players can queue alone, though depending on server populations even their queues may be impacted. But rather than move to full cross-server queues, it might be more prudent to go with clustered cross-server queues. You can even give them their own unique ranking system, because win/loss ranking isn't very effective for solo queue.

Edited by Ansultares
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Why should a well coordinated "team" be forced to split up?


Would it be fair to have a winning sports team for instance, have to split up their winning roster at random every time they play a new team?


Why do you wish to penalize friends/guildmates who work well together?


I am sorry that you don't have a team to watch your back. Find one.


This is a non-issue. Move along please.




Yeah the OP kinda walked into that one, but there is a truth underneath too.


I never explored WoW Arenas much, but wasn't that for organized PvP? Guildies and friends who maximize synergy compete in an apples to apples environment with a group of enemies of similar ilk? And BGs were meant more for PUG play.


SWTOR may stand to benefit from something like this.


Like it or not, the casual audience is the financial engine of MMOs so they need to have mechanics designed for them too. Smart devs can do this without hurting the veteran crowd in the process. Having Arenas and BGs is a way of doing this, perhaps not perfect, but better than just having WZs.


Right now SWTOR pits organized groups against PUGs as the only option. In time, this will alienate the masses.

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sounds to me like people dont like challenges , are are *******, and suck at swtor.. Grow a pair of balls and play the game like the developers intended. if you dont like the game, rather suck at the game and complain about the game... Then unsuscribe and go play wow..


stop crying , and learn to spell.

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There are now quite a few pre-made groups on my server and they are getting unfair advantage. Usually they come in 4 or at least 3 - 2 dps and healer. Or 2 healers.


And they ravage.


IMHO, this is unfair advantage and I see the result: you wait very long for pvp simply because there is no players. Also, every other game is quit in 120 seconds.


Since I see this is read by devs, I am writing this. How do I see? Well, since people complained about individuals leaving WZ in the start or in the middle - devs introduced the vote system.


Maybe they will not disable pre-made completely, but - maybe they will find a way to make a match more equal.


Why is this "unfair", is there a game mechanic that is preventing you from doing the same thing? Are they taking advantage of something you are prevented from taking advantage of as well? They are playing the same game as you, with the exact same mechanics that you have to contend with. That is the definitively "fair". What you want is an advantage, that would be "unfair".


BTW, I got steam rolled for 4 hours last night by pre-mades. Never once did I consider it "unfair" (it sucked, but then that's life). For future reference, Tuesdays always suck for pre-mades, as that is when the [WEEKLY] resets.


Suck it up, it isn't the end of the world.

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I want to be able to do hard mode PvE raids after I ding level 50! I want the datacron stats by drinking red color kool-aid that tastes like Cherry. I want to vist a NPC and be able to pick up all the necessary gear as well as have said NPC give me a pill to swallow that recalculates my talents to optimize them for me...


I'm at a disadvantage when a premade group of 8, who has been raiding for months on end, are able to enter a hard mode encounter and I can't. I can't heal as well as them, I can't dps as well as them, and I am pretty sure I don't know the encounters as they do.


I want, I want, I want...


Wow - pretty epic.


People are friends. They play a massive multi player game. They form bonds or share something in common. They form a team, they join a warzone, they have fun. They learn who does what and when. It is called team building. It is called fun.


You can do one of two things.


A. you can form your own band of friends, build a team, lead or be a member, and join said warzones.




B. you can run to the forums and ask the devs to change the game to suit your needs because you can't adapt.


You are not at any disadvantage unless you choose to play a single player game. No more, no less.

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I think what the OP is looking for is a system that pits premades against premades and pugs against pugs which would be fair IMHO.


Couldn't agree more, its so broken Premade vs PUGS its not funny, 2 days just to get 3 wins.... cause 99% of the time its premades....

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