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Why did Swtor turn into GW2?


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If we are discussing promising future pvp scenarios then I cant see how any mmo pvp fan can not at least look at a massive, three server, two week long battle without thinking 'blimey that could be cool'. Of course you could just say 'lol GW2 will fail'.


Seriously, regardless of genre/license/title does such a thing not make the pvper in you think it sounds great? DAoC is still talked about as having stupidly great world pvp that no one has come close to beating. As a player who likes pvp I will support any game that tries something new or old so long as it gives me a good pvp experience.


It wont kill swtor. It wont do everything better than swtor but I imagine it will do some things better and will fail only on a par with this game.


So please, give up on the 'your game is dead' 'no your game will fail' 'my dad is bigger than your dad' 'well my dad knows kung fu' tripe.


What i'm trying to say is..GW 2 got no lightsabers ^^

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Back in the day ppl were willing to put time into earning gear, sadly now the entitlement generation has started playing mmo's and has ruined WOW and many other games.

The entitlement generation feels they should have everything right now with no work on a silver platter...


Back in the day really sucked.

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This. Surprised BW has the balls to do this. Luckily their core combat is decent enough (now, after several major patches) that the PvP in this game may actually survive, even if the overarching system is still taking baby steps (Ilum is an epic failure, but WZs are OK; RWZ might pan out decently).


As long as they don't do something retarded like force players to arena4gear, SWTOR PvP may sustainable for casual / nonserious play.


And this is why all competitive players will look to GW2... I wish that time and effort was rewarded more than a casual 1-2 hours a night... oh wellz

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Playing casually aka 1-2 hours a night won't get you full champion gear in 2 weeks. Believe it or not, there are people who aren't lucky enough to win items from the stupid champion bags. Going on 70+ bags between my Merc and Jugg with ZERO items but commendations so far.


Except that I've done my dailies for TWO days (and completed one of the weeklies) and in that period, I am only 4 pieces short of being fully centurion/champion geared. Tonight, I plan on finishing the other weekly along with my dailies, and after that, everything (except my weapon) I have will be centurion, at the least, with 4-5 pieces of champ gear.


With my current gear, I am more than competitive as an operative, getting no less than 5-6 medals a match and often breaking 150k damage and heals, at the same time.


Not to mention that with the changes in 1.5, both dailies can be completed in 2 hours max, regardless of weather or not your faction is controlling center.

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Back in the day ppl were willing to put time into earning gear, sadly now the entitlement generation has started playing mmo's and has ruined WOW and many other games.


I'm from "back in the day" (Woo, MUDs!) and I have to say that it sounds retarded when people go on about how they put so much work into a valor rank and they deserve advantages in PvP. Really? Because grinding out valor is hard?


Serious PvPers don't give a **** about "working" for PvP gear because we want to fight the players, not their gear. I want to be a better player than the next guy and dominate him, not beat him because I started with a 10% advantage.

Edited by Bovinity
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was that sarcasm ;\


If so,


8 dungeons storymode

8 same dungeons explorable mode with 3 different path leading to 3 different overall dungeon


32 dungeons


i can't tell if its sarcasm D: dam you internet!




Rift had 1 event that kept happening all the time across all maps with the same goal but only with reskinned monster. it also was not dynamic.


Your idea of dynamic is a 30 minute story mode flashpoint in gw2.

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I'm from "back in the day" (Woo, MUDs!) and I have to say that it sounds retarded when people go on about how they put so much work into a valor rank and they deserve advantages in PvP. Really? Because grind out valor is hard?


Serious PvPers don't give a **** about "working" for PvP gear because we want to fight the players, not their gear. I want to be a better player than the next guy and dominate him, not beat him because I started with a 10% advantage.


This guy gets it.

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Except that I've done my dailies for TWO days (and completed one of the weeklies) and in that period, I am only 4 pieces short of being fully centurion/champion geared. Tonight, I plan on finishing the other weekly along with my dailies, and after that, everything (except my weapon) I have will be centurion, at the least, with 4-5 pieces of champ gear.


With my current gear, I am more than competitive as an operative, getting no less than 5-6 medals a match and often breaking 150k damage and heals, at the same time.


Not to mention that with the changes in 1.5, both dailies can be completed in 2 hours max, regardless of weather or not your faction is controlling center.


Centurion isn't competitive against any decent Champ/BM geared player. Also just 150k dmg(I average about 320k dmg and 50-60k+ healing on my Merc just running with Columi gear since the Centurion gear is inferior)? Guess you missed the part where you can only get 3 kills per WZ counting towards your Ilum Daily/Weekly.

Edited by Bloodcharged
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Why doesn't Bioware just give out the PVE gear for the new NM encounters too? According to carebear logic everyone should be on equal footing, hardcore players shouldn't have better gear (lulz). I can't believe that people are excited that they are introducing welfare PVP epics. You should get gear based on wins and ratings. If you didn't grind to get the PVP gear tfb. I've never seen more carebears in any other game.


BM gear is already half useless as it is, since they want to stay around the 10% cap on expertise. If you can't own someone in your rakata at this point you should think about re-rolling and stop citing gear differences, RL Job, being a family man etc as to why you're getting stomped.


PVP gear shouldn't be handed out the same way that Raid gear shouldn't be handed out. You should have to work to get it, and they need to up the effect of expertise so raiders can't just come in and compete with raw stats and no expertise.

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All gear worthless since its all freebie come 1.2...Who wants to pay a monthly sub for no progression just welfare for all? PvP just lost its carrot on a stick thanks for killing this game faster than Rift BW....


if you were a real pvper, you'd be doing it for the rush of beating other people. Not some carrot to make you more OP then the less initiated PvPer.

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What i'm trying to say is..GW 2 got no lightsabers ^^


sadly lightsabers do not equal compelling/fun pvp or pve or combat. Not that swtor is terrible and not that everyone including me doesnt like lightsabers...its just the novelty of lightsabers will diminish faster than fun combat and world pvp(no ilum doesnt count).

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1. I will play both swtor, GW2, and possibly Tera when they are all out.


2. The people who haven't read anything about GW2 except maybe the 1 post they glanced at that said "No Raids" make me laugh


3. PvP is exactly what it says on the tin, Player vs. Player.

- It is not PvG, Player vs. Gear

- Gear for the most part is just for the game to have progression in PvE (no-one wants a new raid to have the same gear reqs. as their current raid, gear IS the goal in PvE), however, it also brings with it the people who think that because they grinded higher gear than others they are performing better due to skill, and not the gear they grinded.


4. GW2 will not die, go watch some vids. etc. if you are one of the "lol no PvE" people.

- It's good to actually understand something before you try debate about it


5. swtor will not die purely because of GW2, Tera, or... pandas -.-. And it will certainly not die because people like the op want a PvG game not a PvP game.

Edited by Hahkil
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Why doesn't Bioware just give out the PVE gear for the new NM encounters too? According to carebear logic everyone should be on equal footing, hardcore players shouldn't have better gear (lulz). I can't believe that people are excited that they are introducing welfare PVP epics. You should get gear based on wins and ratings. If you didn't grind to get the PVP gear tfb. I've never seen more carebears in any other game.


BM gear is already half useless as it is, since they want to stay around the 10% cap on expertise. If you can't own someone in your rakata at this point you should think about re-rolling and stop citing gear differences, RL Job, being a family man etc as to why you're getting stomped.


PVP gear shouldn't be handed out the same way that Raid gear shouldn't be handed out. You should have to work to get it, and they need to up the effect of expertise so raiders can't just come in and compete with raw stats and no expertise.


By that logic, when you enter EV normal mode, the difficult of the first boss is determined by a random factor, it might be the difficulty of the actual boss, or it might be the difficulty of soa NMM, no matter what level your gear is.


The only way gearprogression would work in pvp is if they made different queues depending on what gear you have, so you would only be matched against players around your gear level. At that point they might aswell give every the same gear, and make progression in ways of titles/cool stuff, or just player skill in general.

Edited by Jadeor
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Centurion isn't competitive against any decent Champ/BM geared player. Also just 150k dmg(I average about 320k dmg and 50-60k+ healing on my Merc just running with Columi gear since the Centurion gear is inferior)? Guess you missed the part where you can only get 3 kills per WZ counting towards your Ilum Daily/Weekly.


If centurion isn't competitive, then why is it that I win 8/10 of any of the 1v1 fights that I come across? Also, doing 10 WZs a day isn't really that time consuming, considering I already have to do around 6 in order to finish the other daily.


On a side note, I am from a PvE server, hence why I am speaking for causal PvPers, but still many on my sever are full BM geared, and I am able to stand toe to toe with them...

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Playing casually aka 1-2 hours a night won't get you full champion gear in 2 weeks. Believe it or not, there are people who aren't lucky enough to win items from the stupid champion bags. Going on 70+ bags between my Merc and Jugg with ZERO items but commendations so far.


Yes it is. Do you know what you are even typing and stating?


They up the commendations to cater to casual players. Are you saying you won't have full champion with 70 bags?? Are you delusional? 70 x 15 = 1050 centurion commendations. 70 x 7 = 490 champion commendations.


Its clearly you have way more than enough to get geared up AND buy extra to modify your gear.



Also its funny that before SWTOR came out, everyone was so hyped. Now they played it and decided to look foward to GW2 now. After GW2 come out, I bet same people are going to plague those forums and say that game sucked.


Here's a thought. Your getting to old for video games, get out more.

Edited by heikaze
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If centurion isn't competitive, then why is it that I win 8/10 of any of the 1v1 fights that I come across? Also, doing 10 WZs a day isn't really that time consuming, considering I already have to do around 6 in order to finish the other daily.


On a side note, I am from a PvE server, hence why I am speaking for causal PvPers, but still many on my sever are full BM geared, and I am able to stand toe to toe with them...


Doing 10 WZs a day when queues on my server are 15-20 minutes for each are time consuming.

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Doing 10 WZs a day when queues on my server are 15-20 minutes for each are time consuming.


What are you doing in that 15-20 minutes? Just sitting around? If your faction controls central, you could spend those queue times collecting supplies. Which is probably what you would've done before 1.5 anyways. This, plus including the fact that you need 5-6 WZs for your other daily actually reduces the time it will take you to complete both dailies..


Now, if your faction doesn't control central, or even if it does, then you could be out getting Ilum kills etc. Either way, because of 1.5 it is still much easier to get the wz commendations to buy the champ bags, as well as complete the dailies than it was pre-1.5.

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By that logic, when you enter EV normal mode, the difficult of the first boss is determined by a random factor, it might be the difficulty of the actual boss, or it might be the difficulty of soa NMM, no matter what level your gear is.


The only way gearprogression would work in pvp is if they made different queues depending on what gear you have, so you would only be matched against players around your gear level. At that point they might aswell give every the same gear, and make progression in ways of titles/cool stuff, or just player skill in general.


They're going to match people based on their ELO rating come ranked. Your other point makes no sense. If PVP gear is going to be welfare, make the PvE gear welfare too. I'm already bored as it is doing raids. I rather PvP any day of the week

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Back in the day ppl were willing to put time into earning gear, sadly now the entitlement generation has started playing mmo's and has ruined WOW and many other games.

The entitlement generation feels they should have everything right now with no work on a silver platter...


This moron. Maybe some of us who experienced the korean grind one too many times decided that getting a sword of +12 owning shouldn't take 3 weeks of 8-hour-a-day play? Since...you know...that isn't fun?:rolleyes:




Why don't you shove it and go play some korean mmo's and we'll see how fast you come crawling back.

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Except that GW1's xpac does not work the same. Many people only bought prophecye. or nightfall or faction not all 4. According to the wiki they sold 5 million copy of nightfall and faction together. this is not counting prophecy and eye of the north


fairly sure thats not true


in 2008 after eye of the north was realeased they were only at 5 million total for all 3 campaigns and the expansion, these numbers were also given out after gw2 had been announced. also the whole game has been like $9.00 for over a year now so sales bragging by its fans is kinda lame. the game is bad


played it for over 3 years now and most people who play considers all 3 campaigns and the expansion as 1 game since you need all 4 to go after the titles and get all the skills


anyway like i said guild wars fans are the worse [but it could just be alll mmo players]

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if you were a real pvper, you'd be doing it for the rush of beating other people. Not some carrot to make you more OP then the less initiated PvPer.


We wipe the floor with every premade on my server wtb cross server. untill 1.2 theres nothing to do.

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We wipe the floor with every premade on my server wtb cross server. untill 1.2 theres nothing to do.


Have fun waiting for the cross sever, with how well everything else in this game runs its probably going to be a while.

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