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High Quality Expensive Armour!


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Newsflash: This is not Skyrim. This is an MMO. What you want completely invalidates what MMOs are centered around, which is incremental gains generally achieved based on time invested, and entirely level dependent.


Progress in this and nearly every other MMO is governed by level. That's the meter (and gate) for every single thing in the game, and it's what every system in the game is centered around - be it character level, item level, ability rank, etc.


If you don't like it, go play something else. Not trying to be a ******** here, just giving you solid advice. What you are asking for is never, ever, ever, ever, ever going to happen.


TLDR: Your idea is terrible.

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Nope, not my first MMO.


The thread wasn't for your benefit.


I hope Bioware can see the shortcomings and make changes. If i am getting bored then others must also think this. Lvl 50 doesn't come quickly.


LOL you said to level up is way too easy in this game... now your saying lv 50 cant come quick enough? make up your mind....

Edited by Notannos
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Wow, just wow.


I think I have seen it all now.


I guess you missed the part where a MMO was about grinding and getting rewards (usually at max level) and how the saying goes "the game doesnt start till you hit the level cap".


People dont say that for nothing.


I would NEVER play a game that let me buy level 50 gear at level 20. Thats just a ludicrous idea to even have, let alone ask for. It takes away any and all incentive to even level your character.

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This is a rubbish idea. Yes, the armor could be super expensive, but players with lots of money will not be concerned with the expense and just buy it for there level 1 character. It will kill crafting completley (at the moment, crafting low level gear can be quite profitable)
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My initial post was a solution to try and make lvls 20-50 useful, and therefore less boring. Obviously, i didn't explain this well, my apologies for that. It just seems that the game doesn't start until lvl 50, what is the point of that?


Maybe it is just time for me to switch game.


Bioware originally said that the whole point of this game was not the WOW-style "get to max level, and then the real game starts", but the journey from 1 to 49/50. The end-game content in this game is, frankly, thin on the ground.

Bioware have a history with their single-player games of making the game all about the character's story and the journey they go on.


If you are going to say "The journey is boring, the only part of the game that is not boring is the PvP that really only becomes viable when you get to 50" - a statement I would have to disagree with, by the way, I suspect that your PvP experience so far has not been representative of the rest of the community, and I personally feel that the story told throughout the 1-49 period is oen of the game's strong points - then I think you may well find that this game is not for you. You seem to be looking for something that SWTOR does not offer in quite the way you are looking for it.

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Nope, not my first MMO.


If i am getting bored then others must also think this. Lvl 50 doesn't come quickly.



I have played many, many MMO's (Everquest, Anarchy Online, Camelot, LOTR, WoW, FF, and others I can't recall right now) and this is by FAR the easiest game to level up in.


My feeling, judging by your posts is that this game is just not suited to you. If you feel bored, then walk away and try something else. There are plenty of options out there. I find the game to be amazing. It's like they took alot of the pains I have suffered in the other MMO's and removed them (gathering resources, leveling grind, mobility to locations to name a few).


Good luck in whatever you decide.

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If you played Dragons Age, then you know that there were a few swords and pieces of armour floating about that were legendary and cost 100k (which was silly money). You could save up and buy them if you felt like the grind was worth it. Some people do. Where is the equivalent armour here? It seems like it is just restricted to lvl 50s.


My comment about making lvl 50 armour available to lower lvls but for a very high price was just a suggestion for the way bioware could easily implement it.


It wouldn't break the game if the price was high because only a few people would bother trying to save up and buy it, but it would be rewarding for those who do.


Cue the nearest credit farming service in 3...2...


Money is not an issue for more people than you think....and people would do it. It'd make the nasty illegal farming service people happy as heck to supply you.

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Oh God,


You really think this is just a badly disguised 'please give me help playing pvp' post?


There is nothing to aim for in the game apart levelling up. This makes the game boring. Crafting is worthless.


Do you understand now?


Welcome to MMO's, you level up your character first and then you worry about gear. The gear game starts at 50 aka endgame.

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