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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.2 is "The Messiah of all Patches"


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The Star Wars name keeps people playing not how "good" the game is.


it failed so badly because despite having the features of WoW it copied to much of the game style of WoW, tho the more i think of it this really just feels like WoW with lightsabers with less features o.o


My trooper would destroy your mage.



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To have this many new features this soon means most of these features were supposed to be available at release. Unfortunately, BW couldn't figure out how to make the hero engine work correctly until after release, so they didn't have time to finish the features they are releasing in 1.2.


Funny thing, NONE of this features were mentioned, the Legacy was mentioned a bit at CC 2011, otherwise it was rumoured.

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All those things should have been there since day one, except the content related things (fp/op), as for 1.2 being a messiah patch, not really, still no cross server functionality nor dungeon tool in it, and until those things basically everyone i know won't resub their long closed accounts and neither will I.
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Because EA wanted them to launch when they did instead of delaying the game again for like the 5th time. We are talking 3 months here... thats nothing. They let them take more and more time multiple times and EA let them until they felt it was good enough to launch and let patches fill in the rest as they go.


That game didnt even come out yet, can you seriously compare the two yet...?


Explain that.


No, because GW2 won't have all these features, you haven't played the game, therfore you cant say it's better, Plus GW2 probably wont be released this year. It just started beta

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Seriously, they are adding:


1. Ingame events

2. New warzone

3. New flashpoint

4. New Operation

5. Better Crafting

6. Legacy

7. More RP places

8. Chat bubbles

9. Animal Mounts

10. Ranked WZ's


AND much much moree!!1


This is like a wow expansion!!!


STOP complaining, have fun, if you don't have fun dont play, bye :)


I *try* to have fun, but...


2. New Warzone... unless they ditch the randomness and put in tiered warzones soon, I won't go... not to mention class imbalances. Yes they have ranks, which will help but if I get huttball one more time...


3&4. Great... now give us a tool to find people to do them with... because I haven't seen half of them.


The rest of the stuff is great, definite step in the right direction, but if they don't address the fundamental problems of balance and finding people easily, what good is the new stuff?


I'll be dropping my sub soon anyhow, not finding groups is a big reason why. Similar stories on empire and republic sides is another.... I was really expecting some variety there but they are almost mirrors.

Edited by FestivusStarWars
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To start off some of the info is well...wrong. No mounts or chat bubbles and if stuff that should of been in game at launch keeps you happy i guess so be it. If you like being strung along for sub money and adding little stuff, yes little stuff that should of been added to launch thats cool. Most don't like that, its 2012 not 2004 expectations go up not down but it seems for some fanboi's it stays the same which is why we have stuff dangled each month, basically cause nothing NEW or Innovative seems to come from bioware anymore...:(
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People keep saying this, and no matter how many time they do it still don't make it true.


So you would be perfectly fine with going out today and buying a car without air conditioning i guess? Because that's basically what you're saying.


This game released late 2011 and should have released with all the features its main competitor had at that time, or at the very least, the very BASIC mandatory ones, such as cross server, dungeon tool, dual spec etc. How much time a 2004 title needed in order to implement them is I R R E L E V A N T. This game released in few months ago, not in 2004.


If i buy a car now i expect it to have ac out of the box cause it's 2012, not 1900, i'm not fine with the company implementing it half a century later.

Edited by Maltra
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If they don't work then yes they should have been left out.


Broken and implemented < Added later and working


Funny how the game ran just fine with the high res textures and the "extended" graphic options the beta had.


Then December came and it all went down the *******, Horrid FPS thread FTW?

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In 2004 the basic fetaures were not the norm yet. In 2012 swtor is missing alot of basic features. Comparing swtor 2012 to a 2004 game is fine if this was 2004!


BECAUSE it's the same damn basic technology. It takes the same amount of time (give or take based on content) to make these MMOs.


Also, the game LAUNCHED in 2012. They have been working on the game for probably like at least 6 years. WoW was working on the game just the same for years.


Now why in the hell would star wars take HALF the time to create an MMO??? PLEASE see how you can say what you are saying with these facts. These game don't get made overnight.

Edited by Arzhanin
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So you would be perfectly fine with going out today and buying a car without air conditioning i guess? Because that's basically what you're saying.


This game released late 2011 and should have released with all the features its main competitor had at that time, or at the very least, the very BASIC mandatory ones, such as cross server, dungeon tool, dual spec etc. How much time a 2004 title need in order to implement them is I R R E L E V A N T.


I hate air conditioning :)

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It took Rift 4+ months to put in LFG system and guild bank.


Just sayin.

That's true but at least Rift had a working UI, a decent engine with AA(at launch), nice shadows, high resolution textures, dual specs, gear dyes, more than one type of weapon per class, training dolls, world events, incentives for exploration, multiple speccing, interesting talent tree options, well made instances, world PvP, a decent crafting system, swimming, day/night cycles, chat bubbles and... much much more™.


Please do not compare SWTOR with Rift at launch.


Note: Rift budget was like 1/4th of SWTOR one.

Edited by Deewe
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So you would be perfectly fine with going out today and buying a car without air conditioning i guess? Because that's basically what you're saying.


MMO's are not cars, and even if they can be compared do you know how long it took for AC to become standard in them?

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BECAUSE it's the same damn basic technology. It takes the same amount of time (give or take based on content) to make these MMOs.


Also, the game LAUNCHED in 2012. They have been working on the game for probably like at least 6 years. WoW was working on the game just the same for years.


Now why in the hell would star wars take HALF the time to create an MMO??? PLEASE see how you can say what you are saying with these facts. These game don't get made overnight.


Its not about time invested its about lessons learned. Bioware didn't learn anything from Blizzards domination over the MMO market for years. but don't worry maybe when WoW2 comes out this game will be on par with WoW the first~

Edited by Arzhanin
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So you would be perfectly fine with going out today and buying a car without air conditioning i guess? Because that's basically what you're saying.


No, that's no where near what he is saying. Car technology improves dramatically every year. Cars today are immensely different from technology used to make cars 10 years ago. The amount of time to make an MMO today, and 10 years ago STILL requires the same amount of time and effort.


You can't make a MMO in HALF the time just because its 8 years after WoW. It just doesn't make sense.

Edited by Arzhanin
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Nope. Explain why GW2 will have all these features in launch then? It must be the time and resources!!! :rolleyes:


Actually, they probably won't.


They'll have you buy the first dvd set. Then 3 months later release another set of DVD's with those options and you'll need to buy that.

Edited by RycheMykola
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It's really the same crap with the people in this community. They refuse to understand things and it's honestly like beating a dead horse. You can't compare a game at launch to a game that has been out for years. You can only compare the same 2 games at the time they did launch. To explain why yet again is pointless. People don't care to open their minds. Also, building an MMO takes countless time and resources. It's also the same technology used for all the other MMO's.


I'm leaving it at this. :-/


Oh, and don't forget all the customization and other item changes to that list. Actually, plenty is missing from that list but theres too much to even remember. :p


EDIT: THANK you to the smart people in this thread who are also stating what I just did before I did. I missed your replies originally, otherwise I would have quoted quite a few of you.

The same could be said of trying to compare games released in 2004 and 2011. There is no comparison. What you don't seem to comprehend is TOR is not competing with EQ 2002 or EQ2 2004 or WoW 2004. It is competing with WoW 2011, Rift 2011, LotRO 2011, etc. Comparing features of current games is entirely appropriate. Comparing strengths and weaknesses is entirely appropriate. Whether the particular strengths or weaknesses of TOR keep you playing or cause you to unsub is up to you.

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Seriously, they are adding:


1. Ingame events

2. New warzone

3. New flashpoint

4. New Operation

5. Better Crafting

6. Legacy

7. More RP places

8. Chat bubbles

9. Animal Mounts

10. Ranked WZ's


AND much much moree!!1


This is like a wow expansion!!!


STOP complaining, have fun, if you don't have fun dont play, bye :)


what BW truly need to do is:

1.solve low population issue in vale time

2.fix all BUGs right now


all not found in 1.2,

and when exactly is 1.2 coming????

before that u pay ppl to play ????


so stop QQ, if u don't like read those posts ,just quit, bye ^_^

Edited by oakamp
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That's true but at least Rift had a working UI, a decent engine with AA(at launch), nice shadows, high resolution textures, dual specs, gear dyes, more than one type of weapon per class, training dolls, world events, incentives for exploration, multiple speccing, interesting talent tree options, well made instances, world PvP, a decent crafting system, swimming, day/night cycles, chat bubbles and... much much more™.


Please do not compare SWTOR with Rift at launch.


Note: Rift budget was like 1/4th of SWTOR one.


Then why did so many people leave Rift?

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MMO's are not cars, and even if they can be compared do you know how long it took for AC to become standard in them?


Lol this just shows how hopeless you are in your argument, i mean, really? Trying to argue how long it took for ac to become standard in cars? It's beside the point. It's standard and they all have it. cross server and such are just as standard when it comes to GOOD and FUNCTIONAL mmos and they should all have it out of the box, especially when they spend 98437598437543985743985 MILLIONS in development.

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