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Powertech nerfed. Merc and Sorc untouched


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Full BM Railshot with everything possible is probably 5k on a fresh 50 with no expertise or damage reduction.


Most I've ever been crit for is 4.2k, though, and for the most part mine don't exceed 3k in full champion gear.

Edited by savionen
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because they are few and far between.


but rest assured is quite easy, hard hitting and un counterable dmg


rail shot is instant, can crit from 4-7k and its cd can be reset off of every flame burst which is also instant and spammable


thermal detonator can easily take out half my health and is what? instant

easy class is easy


Can we get a short time out to get a few facts straight?


un-counterable: I will tell you a little secrat, like every other DPS spec in the game these guys are soft, have no shield and will fold to any amount of focus by another DPS. However unlike every other DPS spec in the game they have no "I am out of here" button, nor do they have "I am not dead yet" buttons, nor a "lol you can't hit me" button, what they get is two buttons that amount to "You will take 3 extra seconds to kill me".


rail shot aka HiB: in full champion with power adrenal and power relic I have seen one HIB hit for 4.5. numbers like "7k" I am fairly certain are reserved for abilities that start with the word "Smash".


Thermal Detonator aka Assault Plastique is Kinetic damage and is mitigated by armor. I have never seen this hit for over 3.5k. Coincidentally I am pretty sure it was the same target that I scored the 4.5k HIB on; a sorc with a cone-head helmet and triangular shoulders.


Please feel free to complain about more classes, make sure you quote their damage at double the actual. It works well when you want to make a point.

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i play a 50 sorc and a 50 jugg


wehn my jugg hit 50 and had no expertise he was dominating sorcs



sorcs are so easily counterable and die so easy i dont see how anyone ever complains about them




saying a sorc is op only points out that you dont have a grasp on high end pvp balance


You're obviously much better on your jugg than you are on your sorc. Juggs are awesome and we do eat sorcs, but to go from that class, be good on it and basically say sorcs are crap is just plain wrong. In a group setting we can be just as effective on a sorc while sitting back watching television as we are on a Jugg while concentrating. I literally detest my sorc for how easy and boring it is.


Don't mistake that for wanting them nerfed btw, i might find them the yellow bus class but i agree that they're not OP.

Edited by Kabaal
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If anyone is surprised by a nerf to PT (or Maras/sent/Tank Sins/Shads while we at it) You're either stupid or playing one of those classes...probably both.


Nerfing PT Damage, while keeping their survivability as low as it is seems silly if that's their intention. Not to mention Advanced Prototype being such a terrible tree we can't even fall back on that. But for now it's all just speculation until we see legitimate documentation on what the changes will be.


But in regards to trees, a lot of classes have that step child tree nobody wants since it isn't useful at all so they'd have to do a pass of a lot of ACs.

Edited by exphryl
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The interview said bounty hunter not PT. They also said that there were many other changes besides the ones listed.


Well technically, the only similar things in the BH trees are


A) Somewhat Cooldowns

B) Heat System

C) Pyro Tree

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If rail shot doesnt crit, powertech dies.


The pure ignorance of how Pyrotech works is laughable.


That's just not what people remember though. That one time, when they just hit 50 and had 11500 hp, and got 4-shotted while not paying attention is what they remember.

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The damage of railshot is fine imo, Just look at sins/sages doing close to 5k with their shock/project same thing only less cd without a refreshable cd. Its a bit to easy to refresh the cd on railshot as a Powertech due to both RP and FB being insta cast and basicly spammable so i guess the problem lies within that but even so they are hardly op in terms of survival etc etc. Tank sin > Tank PT in PvP
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pt pyros are OP my friend, with all instant casts and devasting rail shots the class is faceroll..


mercs i feel are weak, they are too dependant on tracer.


sorc's contrary to popular belief. they simply apply group aoe pressure and utility.


but as geared progresses its found that theyve scaled terribly and are an easy kill to any mara, operative, assasin, pt, or sniper that well.. feels liek killing them


f anyone thinks that sorc's are op need a reality check..


I actually agree with this guy, I play a vangaurd though.

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The interview said bounty hunter not PT. They also said that there were many other changes besides the ones listed.


Well If it's not PT then it's tracer missile. Which, I can't understand because it's the ONLY thing a merc has, unless they go all heals.


Merc has crap mobility, Zero utility... and DPS equal to all the other classes.


Nerfing tracer, without making us 4-5 button pushers instead of the 3 that was use now is just class breaking.

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This guy is a forum troll (a very persistent one).


Me too, and I play vanguard too. I eat sorcerer for breakfast even if he/she has jump on me.


The only hard ones are mara, but you know gerared mara is insane, more oped than vanguard.

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Me too, and I play vanguard too. I eat sorcerer for breakfast even if he/she has jump on me.


The only hard ones are mara, but you know gerared mara is insane, more oped than vanguard.


Merc is so weak if you interrupt his tracer, imo, weakest class. Cannot escape!

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pt pyros are OP my friend, with all instant casts and devasting rail shots the class is faceroll..





mercs i feel are weak, they are too dependant on tracer.



sorc's contrary to popular belief. they simply apply group aoe pressure and utility.


but as geared progresses its found that theyve scaled terribly and are an easy kill to any mara, operative, assasin, pt, or sniper that well.. feels liek killing them




if anyone thinks that sorc's are op need a reality check..


PT's are not face roll. Face roll implies an easy class to play (few buttons to push). PT's have quite a few buttons to push, plus the most complicated resource system to manage.


They do a ton of burst though.


Edit: Sorcs are OP'd. Slightly in actual combat. Massively op'd in their ability to help teams score in Huttball.

Edited by Humankeg
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because they are few and far between.


but rest assured is quite easy, hard hitting and un counterable dmg


rail shot is instant, can crit from 4-7k and its cd can be reset off of every flame burst which is also instant and spammable


thermal detonator can easily take out half my health and is what? instant



easy class is easy


Rail shot does not crit for 7k. I am 2 pc rakata, 4 pc BM, and rest Champ. I've hit over 5k once.


TD also doesn't hit for nearly that much. WIth all cool downs and a crit, it hit for 4k.


Please have an idea of what you are talking about before posting.


PT's are a bit OP'd. But also rely very heavily on RS procs to be good. Survivability is only good when having all 3 defensive cd's available, otherwise very squishy. Hardly any mobility and zero escape methods.


Burst is probably highest in game though.


Yes I play a PT.

Edited by Humankeg
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Stack more pt's in a warzone and then you'll see 6-8k crits. Several pt's on our server do it and it's due to buff stacking of multiple pt's that brings about the #'s. Pt's/maur's/mercs for the most part are fine, maybe a bit of tweaking here and there. It's the debuff stacking from multiple players that needs to get fixed. The stacking of the debuffs leads to even higher burst dmg then the stacking of all the adrenals/stims did before they were nerfed.
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PT's are not face roll. Face roll implies an easy class to play (few buttons to push). PT's have quite a few buttons to push, plus the most complicated resource system to manage.


They do a ton of burst though.


Edit: Sorcs are OP'd. Slightly in actual combat. Massively op'd in their ability to help teams score in Huttball.


PTs are fairly easy to play. Having many buttons to push does not make a class difficult. PT have a very basic priority based on spec and you just follow that priority. PT are not the only class that use a variable rate resource system, so that does not make them unique.


PTs have no real deficiencies as a class. They have a short build-up time for their burst, survivability, mobility, strong ranged and melee capabilities, utility in the form of pulls and taunts (with a ranged aoe taunt). Not going to say that they are necessarily OP, but they are definitely a strong class.

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i play a 50 sorc and a 50 jugg


wehn my jugg hit 50 and had no expertise he was dominating sorcs



sorcs are so easily counterable and die so easy i dont see how anyone ever complains about them




saying a sorc is op only points out that you dont have a grasp on high end pvp balance


Its obvious you are playing a sorc however as you keep defending them.


Sorcs is not a good 1vs1 class, none have ever said this, but they bring too much utility to a team and they have insane synergy between themself.


A team of 8 sorcs would win vs any other combination of classes, no matter what, as long as they are semi competent players.


I find damage and healing made by sorcs fine, its the cc, force speed, knockback, snares, range interupt, bubbles etc that makes the class just faceroll.


1vs1 a dps sorc is definately not an easy cookie to beat.

With your jug you probably faced one of the 99% bad sorc players out there.


There are just a few good sages and sorcs per server at 50, compared to dozens of other classes.

The problem with the sorc and sage is in the hands of an excellent player.

Then it is far better then any other class in the hands of an excellent player.

Thats it.


Again, the damage is a tad high but who cares, its the utility and future rated warzones that is at stake here, and the current version of sages and sorcs should not stay if they want a true and competative rated warzone ranking. Simple as that.

If you dispute this you are trolling, have little experience, is naive or simply protect the class even if it means it will break game balance, cause it makes you feel good.

For the sake of the future of swtor pvp the class mechanics needs to change. And there this is not even up for debate if you have atleast a small % of pvp experience.

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Stack more pt's in a warzone and then you'll see 6-8k crits. Several pt's on our server do it and it's due to buff stacking of multiple pt's that brings about the #'s. Pt's/maur's/mercs for the most part are fine, maybe a bit of tweaking here and there. It's the debuff stacking from multiple players that needs to get fixed. The stacking of the debuffs leads to even higher burst dmg then the stacking of all the adrenals/stims did before they were nerfed.


there are no buffs a PT can stack on an opponent that can increase Railshot Damage....

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A team of 8 sorcs would win vs any other combination of classes, no matter what, as long as they are semi competent players.


This is wrong, any balanced team would wreck an 8 sorc team. Those Sorcs would have no guard/taunt which means they would be easily blown up. Sorcs have some pretty harsh diminishing returns with bubble and resolve.

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This is wrong, any balanced team would wreck an 8 sorc team. Those Sorcs would have no guard/taunt which means they would be easily blown up. Sorcs have some pretty harsh diminishing returns with bubble and resolve.


8 Healing Sorcs grab ball at the start. Stand in Center and just turtle AOE healing everybody.


That'd be pretty funny to watch actually..

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