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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware, what are you thinking?


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what is up with these RP neckbeards?


Look, BW is giving the OPTION to roll new classes as different species, if you don't like it, then don't do it. If it offends your delicate lore sensibilities that other players choose less-than-canon species for their class, TOO BAD. It's a video game, not a movie.


this thread is as obtuse as the guy objecting to the crystal alignment restrictions being lifted. Please go police police your RP server, not the entire game.


You make sweeping generalizations and assumptions about my point of view and then call me the neckbeard, that is laughable.


This is about making STUPID changes that make a mockery of the game and the franchise, it isn't about RP. It is like Blizzard all of a sudden letting Alliance roll Tauren and Horde roll Night Elves...it is just silly when there are SO MANY other things they could of done. It is LAZY and it dilutes the game's image and reputation.


Simple as that.

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No it's not -----> Chiss




"Some reports indicated that there were no Chiss Jedi and it was not known whether there was a Force-tradition within Chiss society.[1] However, this did not appear to be the case as there were at least two[18] known Force users amongst the Chiss.[21]


-- Refferences at the Starwars Wiki link.


As I posted above, it is not a question of a small percentage of any race crossing over...the number we will see WILL BE TOO LARGE TO ACCOUNT FOR using the logic you and others are arguing for.

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To ignore the post and answer the question in the header, here are the top things that Bioware Austin employees are thinking:


10. Should we make an ortolan plushy?

9. Boy am I glad I'm no longer a CSR at Dell.

8. If the Enterprise fought a Star Destroyer, who would win?

7. What if Kirk were in charge of the Enterprise?

6. Are there pink Sith?

5. Do I have time to swing by Ruta Maya on the way home?

4. Salt Lick vs Iron Works, who wins?

3. Rainbow light sabers...

2. Hey, who stole my Yoda doll, err action figure?


1. What's playing at the Alamo Drafthouse Friday night?


Lol I started laughing, then it hit me that you are probably very close to the truth. :(

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Not the point, the point is when it was around there was lore breaking issues(all these jedi running around)...so whats so different here?


Just thinking that I would hate to implement aspects of a game that is dead in to one that wants to grow.


Maybe this didn't kill SWG, but maybe it played a part?

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Let's disregard lore, and talk about cannibalizing internal assets to provide new "content" instead. It's remarkable unhealthy compared to actually create new content to provide true diversity. More of the same to water out that which already exists, it is a fast and easy way to provide "satisfaction" indeed.


It must be allowed to point out the weakness of this approach, which is that of generated short term interest on the expense of class and faction integrity, which should provide a solid reference, instead of making exceptions out of everything, by recycling existing assets until they become interchangeable and less than identifiable!



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Not the point, the point is when it was around there was lore breaking issues(all these jedi running around)...so whats so different here?


So because something stupid was done, it is ok to do more stupid things in the future? That is a strange kind of rationale.

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Let's disregard lore, and talk about cannibalizing internal assets to provide new "content" instead. It's remarkable unhealthy compared to actually create new content to provide true diversity. More of the same to water out that which already exists, it is a fast and easy way to provide "satisfaction" indeed.


It must be allowed to point out the weakness of this approach, which is that of generated short term interest on the expense of class and faction integrity, which should provide a solid reference, instead of making exceptions out of everything, by recycling existing assets until they become interchangeable and less than identifiable!




YES, thank you. That is exactly what I am thinking here! You put it better than I did. THis is just a weak way to provide content when SO many other options are available!


This change will rob the factions of much of their character and individuality.

Edited by Cancrizans
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Lore ****, new content postponed until april and smugglers with force choke. Gave away 2.5mil creds to random ppl and cancelled sub.

Still it took too much b*ll**** before I finally did it. Good luck guys, hope some of you will fight for that game to get any good even after that.

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By your logic there should only be one Jedi Knight, Trooper, Smuggler, Consular, ect. Which leaves for a total of 8 players per server, seeing as how the story only leaves room for one per class. Also those companions that everyone shares? Impossible get rid of them, dying and constantly being able to come back even if I jump in molten lava? Absurd we must have no more of this, being able to make a speeder magically appear? I'm going to unsub right now!!!


Or maybe just maybe I'll loosen up due to the fact that 1. This is a game and 2. This is a MULTIplayer game, and I'll allow others to enjoy the game the way they want to and if I don't like it, seeing as how I'm not providing the only source of income for the company that owns the game I can either unsubscribe (you won't be missed) or enjoy it my own way and let this insignificant details go.

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As I posted above, it is not a question of a small percentage of any race crossing over...the number we will see WILL BE TOO LARGE TO ACCOUNT FOR using the logic you and others are arguing for.


In a galaxy of many TRILLIONS of sentients, if every player on a server rolled a rare combination, it would still be a rare oddity in the galaxy.

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YES, thank you. That is exactly what I am thinking here! You put it better than I did. THis is just a weak way to provide content when SO many other options are available!


But who's to say there won't be more coming along? They have opportunities to add even more races, and further expand the legacy system. True, I would have liked exclusive races, but like I said, there's much more tweaking to be done to this system, and I hope it'll be what sets this game out from other MMOs.


What they are introducing is just the skeleton for what hopefully is going to come later. Hopefully Bioware doesn't just plop down this system and just leave it as is. I see a lot of potential for it in the future.

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Yes, because it is completely against lore and canon.


No, it's not.


You seem to forget the timeline that this game takes place in.


Do you think every German during WWii instantly became a nazi?


Some defected, worked against the regime, helped people escaped Germany.


Expecting a race/nation to be purely evil or good is just silly.

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You make sweeping generalizations and assumptions about my point of view and then call me the neckbeard, that is laughable.


This is about making STUPID changes that make a mockery of the game and the franchise, it isn't about RP. It is like Blizzard all of a sudden letting Alliance roll Tauren and Horde roll Night Elves...it is just silly when there are SO MANY other things they could of done. It is LAZY and it dilutes the game's image and reputation.


Simple as that.


Your logic is the one that's wrong. Nothing in Star Wars lore says every member of a species has to belong to the same faction. There's plenty in the EU to contradict you.

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how can people actually be complaining about the class choices when it goes on to say 'Do you wish your Bounty Hunter could shoot Force lightning? After 1.2, if you relate the Bounty Hunter to a level 50 Inquisitor, it'll be possible, though with some significant limitations' Why, why and WHY???
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Your logic is the one that's wrong. Nothing in Star Wars lore says every member of a species has to belong to the same faction. There's plenty in the EU to contradict you.


Watch out for the EU doesn't count "argument". :rolleyes:

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Let's disregard lore, and talk about cannibalizing internal assets to provide new "content" instead. It's remarkable unhealthy compared to actually create new content to provide true diversity. More of the same to water out that which already exists, it is a fast and easy way to provide "satisfaction" indeed.


It must be allowed to point out the weakness of this approach, which is that of generated short term interest on the expense of class and faction integrity, which should provide a solid reference, instead of making exceptions out of everything, by recycling existing assets until they become interchangeable and less than identifiable!




You do know that they're adding in a new flashpoint and operation right? Along with new dailies for Corellia, new tier gear for PvP and PvE, pets, mounts, over-hauling crafting and a plethora of other features. I really just wanna respond to you in the way I want but I'd get myself banned. So I'm just gonna say no mmo has released new races in a content patch, they've always done it in expansions and TOR will be the same. I like it, I would like to be a Chiss Jedi Knight and if YOU have some problem with that then you need to go to therapy



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Sometimes less is more, and I ~REALLY~ hope Bioware reconsiders keeping some races stuck to one side of the fence. Including Sith Purebloods, almost all Purebloods enjoy an elite societal status within the Empire, are the ones who are responsible for the damn Sith order, and didn't even ever see anything the Republic has to offer, especially since their first encounter wasn't until about thirty years before the start of the game. So it's highly improbable that you'd ever see an adult Sith Pureblood Jedi, if not downright impossible.


It's a bad idea all around. Doubly so for RP servers where you'll now see a sharp increase of stupid little Mary Sues who will do everything they can to be the most special little unique snowflake the galaxy has to offer.


And why would a Mirialan defect to the Empire? Mirial has been one of the Republic's longest running and most loyal allies. It'd make little sense for an ALIEN race to join up with the XENOPHOBIC Empire.


So again I implore you Bioware to reconsider this frankly idiotic move.

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In a galaxy of many TRILLIONS of sentients, if every player on a server rolled a rare combination, it would still be a rare oddity in the galaxy.


Yes, you posted the same thing in another thread, and apparently didn't read my response. You are simply ignoring an important aspect of the same reality you are using to advance your argument for the sake of convenience.


You are talking about a galaxy with trillions of sentients...where does that exist in SWTOR? It doesn't. You are using a yardstick that doesn't even exist in the reality in question.


And even if we use it as an IMAGINATIVE yardstick...the fact is that in such a situation the rarity of cross overs would be REPRESENTED in the world. In other words you would see few of them on a fleet, because they would have a minor statistical representation compared to the more "normal" races for a given faction.


But instead, we will see LARGE and DISPROPORTIONATE numbers of these cross over races in the world, which WOULD NEVER happen if they were actually "rare oddities".



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So when they say that leveling up with a race will allow you to play that race with any class combination - does this mean factions still apply?


For example... I am a Mirialan Sage, level 50. Would I be able to make a Mirialan Inquisitor (republic)? Or would he have to be an Imperial?


What determines the faction? The race or the class?

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