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1.2 TRAILER! For those that missed it!


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Some people never have a good word, they spout the game is rubbish, then when a patch comes along they shout its too little too late. These people will go through life looking on the pessemistic side of life and they cannot be changed, just ignored.
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Some people never have a good word, they spout the game is rubbish, then when a patch comes along they shout its too little too late. These people will go through life looking on the pessemistic side of life and they cannot be changed, just ignored.


They are the cyber-Eeyores!

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But it wasn't, okay? Let it go, for cryin' out loud. What do you want them to do about it?


He wants a back rub I think.


"It should have been in at release"


"Well, they're putting it in, so it'll be there now and you can stop missing those things"


"Yeah, but I'm emo, I must cling desperately to my disappointment and complaints"


"Ok, well you go ahead enjoy that and your black fingernail polish"

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Hmm... legacy stuff... im seeing cross class abilities (non-bountyhunters using flamethrower and non sith using the force)... not too keen on that idea :/


nor do i cherish the thought of tons of sith jedi and chiss smugglers :/

Doesnt fit with the story at all :(

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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Hmm... legacy stuff... im seeing cross class abilities (non-bountyhunters using flamethrower and non sith using the force)... not too keen on that idea :/


PvE only and can only be used when you activate your Heroic ability (with a 20 minute cooldown).

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PvE only and can only be used when you activate your Heroic ability (with a 20 minute cooldown).


oh i dont mind it from a gameplay point of view... more a story point of view...


suddenly we'll have force using smugglers and bounty hunters... doesnt sit right with me somehow... (and troopers and imperial agents too of course)

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But it wasn't, okay? Let it go, for cryin' out loud. What do you want them to do about it?


Obviously they must release content faster than the speed of light, which, according to Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity means that the content will move backwards in time. With sufficient velocity above c, they will in fact have the expansion ready before the game is designed!:p

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Oh yeah? I couldn't care less!

How about fixing the stuff that I have been begging to get fixed, by sending tickets, posting and providing data for the past 3 months?

Stuff that I need to do every day and bugs the heck out of me?


-Why can I not add my own alts to friends list. (Bug: "Character does not exist" if person is offline. Off course it's offline, it's my alt)


-Fix the massive Galactic Trade Network bugs. Worst interface ever.


-Crafting. Every time a companion returns from a mission, their answer is not tied to the success/failure of the mission.


-Can't do Ilum. My almost-top-of-the-line PC can not handle 30vs30 combat with all graphics set to low without crashing.


-How about every single raid boss having bugs and issues?


-Fix the sage and commando annimations for Full Auto, Mortar Volley, etc to be in line with Imp counterparts (really? you left this in the game for months and instead are working on new content? your game is broken!)


-LET US DROP QUESTS. quest logs are full with useless stuff.

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Just what PvP needs, the higher your legacy level the more cross class CC and attack skills you get. Sounds like a recipe for disaster. Now not only do you have to catchup in Valor to get gear to remain competitive you must now grind out legacy experience which you will never catchup on. It is impossible.
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Oh yeah? I couldn't care less!

How about fixing the stuff that I have been begging to get fixed, by sending tickets, posting and providing data for the past 3 months?

Stuff that I need to do every day and bugs the heck out of me?


-Why can I not add my own alts to friends list. (Bug: "Character does not exist" if person is offline. Off course it's offline, it's my alt)


-Fix the massive Galactic Trade Network bugs. Worst interface ever.


-Crafting. Every time a companion returns from a mission, their answer is not tied to the success/failure of the mission.


-Can't do Ilum. My almost-top-of-the-line PC can not handle 30vs30 combat with all graphics set to low without crashing.


-How about every single raid boss having bugs and issues?


-Fix the sage and commando annimations for Full Auto, Mortar Volley, etc to be in line with Imp counterparts (really? you left this in the game for months and instead are working on new content? your game is broken!)


-LET US DROP QUESTS. quest logs are full with useless stuff.


That isnt going to be advertised for a CONTENT patch now is it?

But they ARE working on bugs and such in-between the content patches...

Hence the patch naming of 1.1 and then 1.1.1 through 1.1.9 (possibly) before patch 1.2

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Obviously they must release content faster than the speed of light, which, according to Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity means that the content will move backwards in time. With sufficient velocity above c, they will in fact have the expansion ready before the game is designed!:p


And before you know it, going into a WZ will actually just start up a game of Pong.

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Just what PvP needs, the higher your legacy level the more cross class CC and attack skills you get. Sounds like a recipe for disaster. Now not only do you have to catchup in Valor to get gear to remain competitive you must now grind out legacy experience which you will never catchup on. It is impossible.


well, except for the part where its not useable in PvP at all... but other than that, yeah its completely overpowered for PvP...

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