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More Nerfs and buffs incoming for Bounty hunter and other classes


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Enlighten us, what would you do to solve faction imbalance?


Dead serious, wanna know if anyone has a good idea. Because its not exactly controllable.


1. Buff for underpopulated side. Increased valor or exp gain would be good choices.


2. Prevent characters from being made on overpopulated side once imbalance threshold is reached on that server. Allow creation with an invite from an existing person on the server.


3. Disable same faction warzones.

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Enlighten us, what would you do to solve faction imbalance?


Dead serious, wanna know if anyone has a good idea. Because its not exactly controllable.


Merge under populated servers.

Enable cross server queue.

Go free to play. (because I know a lot of people who aren't willing to pay for this crap)

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Watch, the BH nerf is going to be for Powertechs only.


Because that's just how BW rolls lately.


The only thing that needs to be nerfed for mercs is heatseeker missile benefiting from multiple stacks of heat signature. If you are dieing to tracer missiles, you need to learn how to pvp better.

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Since they only mentioned BH and not Trooper my guess its the mirror balance Bioware promised....meaning DFA and Unload will hit at the bottom of the tick and not the top to put them in balance with Full auto and mortar volley.
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1. Buff for underpopulated side. Increased valor or exp gain would be good choices.


2. Prevent characters from being made on overpopulated side once imbalance threshold is reached on that server. Allow creation with an invite from an existing person on the server.


3. Disable same faction warzones.


1: Meh, if to play one side more a slightly longer grind won't stop me.


2: Forcing people to make tions they don't want = canceled subs.


3: Forcing long Q times = canceled subs.


You can't change faction imbalance it is not a controllable variable.

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The only thing that needs to be nerfed for mercs is heatseeker missile benefiting from multiple stacks of heat signature. If you are dieing to tracer missiles, you need to learn how to pvp better.


This is along the lines of the right way to fix the arsenal tree. If they nerfed some of the benefits received for x3 & x5 tracer missiles, then you'd see less spam.

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Since they only mentioned BH and not Trooper my guess its the mirror balance Bioware promised....meaning DFA and Unload will hit at the bottom of the tick and not the top to put them in balance with Full auto and mortar volley.


Based on how they said it this seems most reasonable. But MMO devs aren't always reasonable. *shrug*

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im actually not concerned about pt nerfs, because there is very little they can do to pts to make them worse than they already are to the point where the nerf will actually matter or change gameplay experience significantly
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The only thing that needs to be nerfed for mercs is heatseeker missile benefiting from multiple stacks of heat signature. If you are dieing to tracer missiles, you need to learn how to pvp better.


I urge you to find the part of the post you quoted that was:


A) complaining about mercs

B) saying that I was dying to tracer missiles

C) mentioning tracer missiles, or any spec of Merc whatsoever

D) mentioning PvP AT ALL.


I can wait.

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Class adjustments were always going to happen, it's just the nature of MMO's. I've a lot of toons and not a fan of the easy ones anyway so i say bring it on.


One thing that stood out in the article was Bioware's complete lack of insight as to what we really want from open world PvP. Changing Ilum to simply a PvP enabled zone will do nothing. Players want objectives and reasons to fight, with no objectives that leaves politics and sadly this game is completely lacking of anything even resembling rivalry between sides, guilds, groups or individuals. There is no PvP to speak of before level 50 outside of Warzones meaning that there is no enemies or alliances formed, that won't change by removing the PvP rewards from Ilum.

I agree with you


It also clearly spot lights the absolutely horrible job that Bio-ware has done with PvP Zone design in TOR. By far TOR has the worst PvP zone design in any MMO ever. The first several worlds are locked to faction only and when the worlds do open up to both factions things like cities are made inaccessible to opposite factions (tatooines main city for each faction). When they do have open planets the Quest zones don't overlap that much and seeing a player from the other faction questing is a rarity.


Some may point out that this is a primarily PvE game....why bother having PvP servers then? if you design the world zones with a PvP eye then nothing changes really when you play on a PvE server. you still can't attack the other faction but if you design with a PvE mindset on a PvP server you get what we have now little cross faction interaction unless it's players who go out of their way to find lower level players.


One of the Unintended side affects of this design has made it so you have more of a rivalry for the same faction than the opposite faction , at least for me. For evey 10 Same faction Vs same faction WZ huttball i play i might get 1 Alderaan or Vulva star. Same with Ilum i spend more time getting frustrated with the 40 other Same faction players chasing the same Armanent boxes in CA than i do for the most part see the other faction.


One suggestion would be for them to make Ilum FFA at least then i could blow the hell out of some jack monkey trying to ninja that armament box from me.


Overall the PvP dev's can be describe as a hive of scum and villainy as they truly failed at their job and made the worst PvP MMO to date. they would have been better off not having any PvP and calling the game a PvE only MMO.

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Here's what stood out to me from the article:




Since every Patch release has essentially been a debacle and required an emergency patch to fix the patch, this is welcome news. I don't mind waiting an extra week or two for more content as long as the new content is more solid on release.




So in other words, BW is going to do absolutely nothing about the faction imbalance in game. In fact, they are going to actively encourage the populations to become even more skewed.


Although with OPvP essentially being abandoned by BW in 1.2, the faction imbalance isn't going to matter near as much as it does now. Guess it's time to roll Sith like everyone else. With no OPvP and same faction WZs across the board, there is no faction Pub v Imp war anymore. Makes the future look pretty bleak for interesting OPvP and even future content. Not thrilled at all by this news.


What are they going to do about imbalance? Make people roll the underpopulated faction? Set restrictions on how many Imp/Rep players can play on a server?


All of those would serve no purpose, except to piss off players. Face it, the imbalance is the fault of the playerbase, not Bioware. Any fix they could implement to would only serve to make people mad.

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Merge under populated servers.

Enable cross server queue.

Go free to play. (because I know a lot of people who aren't willing to pay for this crap)


Mergers are last ditch resorts for dying games. They end up serving no purpose but to give the game company bad press. You won't get any mergers.


And you don't know as many people as you think you do.

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