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More Nerfs and buffs incoming for Bounty hunter and other classes


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Early April release now? Not surprised.




This gem is priceless:

"Soon there will no longer be any daily or weekly quests to visit Ilum, the end-game open PvP area. Ilum will still exist as a destination for those interested in open PvP, but it won't be a place to earn commendations for end game PvP armor. "We're keeping Ilum as-is. But I think almost all of our problems that occur in open world PvP are because of the fact that the rewards there, the behavior was less about having fun in that area and more about exploiting to get the rewards faster."




"We don't know how to fix Ilum so we're abandoning it."


Personally I don't care.


Giving up on Ilum is the best thing (maybe the *only* good thing) they've done to it since the game released.

Edited by Celebrus
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I think they are finally laying off the operatives, thank god.


maybe it said all classes will be getting a change LOL so you could either be getting a nerf or a buff only time will tell

Edited by Crazyfire
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I like this post because its 100% speculation at this point and time.


if you mean the article its not speculation it came from a dev that talk to ign so that stuff is coming we just don't know how bad the nerf is for the bh that is all speculation or for any of the other classes


Creative Director at BioWare James Ohlen provided plenty of detail about what is changing and why.

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Personally I don't care.


Giving up on Ilum is the best thing (maybe the *only* good thing) they've done to it since the game released.


Oh, I don't care either, I just think it's funny that Ilum is so borked that BW has no idea what to do with it lol.

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first off sorcs are weak, second off i dont feel BH's even need a nerf, just maybe a small cd on tracer



the classes that do need nerfs are marauders, pt pyrotechs, tank assasin hybrids, and the amount of control coming from operatives/scoundrals (regardless of what bads say, me going from 90% hp to 8% with no control of my toon, @ 650 expertise is NOT balanced)


LOL figures someone would want to nerf the classes that take some skill to play... Also i see this person is a ranged class asking for melee to be nerfed..go figure.

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Oh, I don't care either, I just think it's funny that Ilum is so borked that BW has no idea what to do with it lol.


this was the only way to fix it fast they said stay tune on how we going to get open pvp for the ones that want it

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As a pyrotech merc, I am more than nervous about a nerf. We are the inferior of the shared tree.


If you use pyro as a merc you are already bad. Pyro is a vang/PT tree, and have no synergy with merc/commando.


If they nerf gunnery merc/commando will have nothing going for it damagewise. I understand they will buff kolto bomb so it will hit 5 targets instead of 3. The healing it does is still ridiculously weak, but it will still be enough to force every merc/commando into being healers.

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this was the only way to fix it fast they said stay tune on how we going to get open pvp for the ones that want it


Think the only way to get OWPVP to work, without faction imbalances is to have 3 factions.. and yeah. We don't have that..


Why won't people learn from DAoC

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BH nerf: So long tracer spam is my call. I left my BH at level 42 b/c it was just too easy. Hopefully the nerf will be intelligently handled and not kill the class.


I want to point out... It mentions Bounty Hunter, not Commandos. Hence, I believe it could have something to do with their heat bar. BH have a very small advantage on commandos on the heat vs ammo. It's about a 12.5 : 12 ratio BH : Commando if heat was converted to ammo.


I do see something being done with grav round and tracer missile, but it wasn't specifically mentioned.

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The funny thing? They have nowhere else to go. They actually think a class being overplayed somehow is going to protect them from the nerfbat? HAHAHAHA. Get ready to be "ret pallied" Sorc/sages. The idiots who think this class isn't OP are the same scrubs that can't break 1500 as a frostmage in WoW. Ranged in WoW aren't this faceroll. When they nerf this class back to reality it will still be the only option for these scrubs.


I mean who else isn't laughing hysterically when a sage/sorc calls a commando/merc faceroll?


They actually believe their class is hard ROFL. I mean how can you be that delusional.


BH nerfs will prob be bug fixes (raiding) because of stacking grav rounds/tracer missiles. Merc/Commandos are a hell of a lot closer to balanced then hybrid sage/sorc.


I am sure they want to add a more complex rotation for both classes (look what happened with hunters in WoW who are now one of the HARDEST classes to play, when they were by far the easiest in early WoW). I highly doubt they can do that by the next patch though.


But yes. The sorc/sage tears will be hysterical. I imagine they will all try to roll marauders/sents then flood the class forums with demands that the class be made easier to play...


Should be epic.



Simply repeating tired phrase like scrub, faceroll and other tired qq phrases doesn't make you a better player. If you can't face a class in a warzone, spend less time on the forums, and more time in-game.


You assume that people with a sorc/sage play only that class, which is laughable. Many don't, and know therefore that the rotation in many classes is no harder. (NOTE- I said MANY- not ALL), in as much as you can compare rotations at end game.


So keep fooling yourself, its easier to complain on the forums than it is to improve in-game.;)

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Class adjustments were always going to happen, it's just the nature of MMO's. I've a lot of toons and not a fan of the easy ones anyway so i say bring it on.


One thing that stood out in the article was Bioware's complete lack of insight as to what we really want from open world PvP. Changing Ilum to simply a PvP enabled zone will do nothing. Players want objectives and reasons to fight, with no objectives that leaves politics and sadly this game is completely lacking of anything even resembling rivalry between sides, guilds, groups or individuals. There is no PvP to speak of before level 50 outside of Warzones meaning that there is no enemies or alliances formed, that won't change by removing the PvP rewards from Ilum.


This. SWTOR is designed by a bunch of bottom of the barrel thinkers. The game is designed for people who can not graduate from high school and get angry when someone tells them "no".


Are you really that stupid?


Case in point, this guy ^


Are you, sir, really that stupid? Pyro may be a shared tree but the PT trees have synergy with it. Do you ever hear about merc pyro's being OP? No, why? because they're *********** terrible. It's derp face casuals that are destroying this genera.

Edited by getdownsb
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Simply repeating tired phrase like scrub, faceroll and other tired qq phrases doesn't make you a better player. If you can't face a class in a warzone, spend less time on the forums, and more time in-game.


You assume that people with a sorc/sage play only that class, which is laughable. Many don't, and know therefore that the rotation in many classes is no harder. (NOTE- I said MANY- not ALL), in as much as you can compare rotations at end game.


So keep fooling yourself, its easier to complain on the forums than it is to improve in-game.;)


I've played every class in this game, except gunslinger, and all those classes i got up to 25+ in levels. Sorc which is a 50, is BY FAR the easiest one I've played, easiest to kite with, easiest to CC with, and just plain easier due to the fact that range is far more superior in this game, due to many reasons..


I quit my sorc to that reason, and the fact that everyone and their mom plays that class, and shear boringness spamming lightning. I hope they get a nerf, I really do, along with other classes. I really don't know why people defend them saying they don't need one.


Defending a class usually like you said, that person needs to be a better player. I've played it, I beat them, therefore cause I know the mechanics of one, and I still say they need the nerf.

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Early April release now? Not surprised.




This gem is priceless:

"Soon there will no longer be any daily or weekly quests to visit Ilum, the end-game open PvP area. Ilum will still exist as a destination for those interested in open PvP, but it won't be a place to earn commendations for end game PvP armor. "We're keeping Ilum as-is. But I think almost all of our problems that occur in open world PvP are because of the fact that the rewards there, the behavior was less about having fun in that area and more about exploiting to get the rewards faster."




"We don't know how to fix Ilum so we're abandoning it."


My translation was exploiters ruined the zone for everyone else so they could get their phat lewtz. There will always be people ruining something for others, it's the way of the world.

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I've played every class in this game, except gunslinger, and all those classes i got up to 25+ in levels. Sorc which is a 50, is BY FAR the easiest one I've played, easiest to kite with, easiest to CC with, and just plain easier due to the fact that range is far more superior in this game, due to many reasons..


I quit my sorc to that reason, and the fact that everyone and their mom plays that class, and shear boringness spamming lightning. I hope they get a nerf, I really do, along with other classes. I really don't know why people defend them saying they don't need one.


Defending a class usually like you said, that person needs to be a better player. I've played it, I beat them, therefore cause I know the mechanics of one, and I still say they need the nerf.


Level 25 is actually not helpful for forming a useful opinion, on most classes, in my opinion, since you don't get enough skills to form a good opinion- you just get enough to get a taste of whther you might like it. And if you are calling for a nerf in multiple classes then that's also problematic because there really isn't a reason to call for one.


If you survive solely by spamming lightning, then you are being carried, either by your team or your faction.

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I've played every class in this game, except gunslinger, and all those classes i got up to 25+ in levels. Sorc which is a 50, is BY FAR the easiest one I've played, easiest to kite with, easiest to CC with, and just plain easier due to the fact that range is far more superior in this game, due to many reasons..


I quit my sorc to that reason, and the fact that everyone and their mom plays that class, and shear boringness spamming lightning. I hope they get a nerf, I really do, along with other classes. I really don't know why people defend them saying they don't need one.


Defending a class usually like you said, that person needs to be a better player. I've played it, I beat them, therefore cause I know the mechanics of one, and I still say they need the nerf.


Level 25 is actually not helpful for forming a useful opinion, on most classes, in my opinion, since you don't get enough skills to form a good opinion- you just get enough to get a taste of wther you might like it. And if you are calling for a nerf in multiple classes then that's also problematic because there really isn't a reason to call for one.


If you survive by spamming lightning, then you are being carried, either by your team or your faction.

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Case in point, this guy ^


Are you, sir, really that stupid? Pyro may be a shared tree but the PT trees have synergy with it. Do you ever hear about merc pyro's being OP? No, why? because they're *********** terrible. It's derp face casuals that are destroying this genera.


They may not have a "synergy", and they may take skill to use, but my pyro merc eats arsenal mercs for breakfast and can single handed change the course of a warzone. Why? Mobility, brains, timing, skill and iterrupts don't turn me into a wet noodle.


And, you are right there is no synergy with rail shot at all it is just totally useless armor pen. Just because it isn't a one button wonder doesn't mean it is weak. Much like a fire mage in wow in the right hands it is amazing, but hey arcane mages take skill too right?

Edited by solnar_xan
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Level 25 is actually not helpful for forming a useful opinion, on most classes, in my opinion, since you don't get enough skills to form a good opinion- you just get enough to get a taste of wther you might like it. And if you are calling for a nerf in multiple classes then that's also problematic because there really isn't a reason to call for one.


If you survive by spamming lightning, then you are being carried, either by your team or your faction.


Oh ok, sorry to add in a few dots, here and there and a death field, i'm just saying the jist of it, not gonna tell out my whole sequence of things that I do. Sorry but you pretty much do just spam lightning to get the proc for darkness/chain lightning..


It just cause I say other nerfs should be implemented as well, does not mean for all classes. I agree to an extent of the BH/Commando nerf, for I have a 26 Commando, and I'm sorry spamming one button pretty much a whole WZ match, is 1. Not fun and 2. Not skilled. Therefore they either need to debuff the damage of Grav/Tracer or figure something out.

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