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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

More Nerfs and buffs incoming for Bounty hunter and other classes


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according to ign game update 1.2 will have nerfs and buffs



Class changes in 1.2 include new abilities for the Warrior and the Knight, a nerf for the Bounty Hunter, and more. Every class will receive changes, and all skill tree points refunded so you can look over the trees again before deciding how to rebuild your class. "Some players will be excited, some might not. That's always the case when there's tweaks to classes."




Edited by Crazyfire
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Early April release now? Not surprised.




This gem is priceless:

"Soon there will no longer be any daily or weekly quests to visit Ilum, the end-game open PvP area. Ilum will still exist as a destination for those interested in open PvP, but it won't be a place to earn commendations for end game PvP armor. "We're keeping Ilum as-is. But I think almost all of our problems that occur in open world PvP are because of the fact that the rewards there, the behavior was less about having fun in that area and more about exploiting to get the rewards faster."




"We don't know how to fix Ilum so we're abandoning it."

Edited by Rockstar
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according to ign game update 1.2 will have nerfs and buffs



Class changes in 1.2 include new abilities for the Warrior and the Knight, a nerf for the Bounty Hunter, and more. Every class will receive changes, and all skill tree points refunded so you can look over the trees again before deciding how to rebuild your class. "Some players will be excited, some might not. That's always the case when there's tweaks to classes."






Everything in there confirms our suspicions on why they are so vague answering the QA sessions.

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Class adjustments were always going to happen, it's just the nature of MMO's. I've a lot of toons and not a fan of the easy ones anyway so i say bring it on.


One thing that stood out in the article was Bioware's complete lack of insight as to what we really want from open world PvP. Changing Ilum to simply a PvP enabled zone will do nothing. Players want objectives and reasons to fight, with no objectives that leaves politics and sadly this game is completely lacking of anything even resembling rivalry between sides, guilds, groups or individuals. There is no PvP to speak of before level 50 outside of Warzones meaning that there is no enemies or alliances formed, that won't change by removing the PvP rewards from Ilum.


Over the next months it seems as though the focus of player versus player combat is going to be adjusted quite a bit, as BioWare is on the verge of changing the reward structure. Soon there will no longer be any daily or weekly quests to visit Ilum, the end-game open PvP area. Ilum will still exist as a destination for those interested in open PvP, but it won't be a place to earn commendations for end game PvP armor. "We're keeping Ilum as-is. But I think almost all of our problems that occur in open world PvP are because of the fact that the rewards there, the behavior was less about having fun in that area and more about exploiting to get the rewards faster. We know there is a big contingent of players who are fans of open world PvP and we have a lot of experience, especially on the Mythic team, of working on it. We're going to have more announcements on what we're following up with to give those fans what they're looking for." After 1.2, all end game rewards will be handed out through Warzone participation, which includes Huttball, Void Star, Alderaan Civil War and, after update 1.2, Novare Coast.
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yea that scared me a little to instead of fixing it they just destroying it but i guess they found no way of fixing it the way the wanted it so they thought it was a better option to let it die Edited by Crazyfire
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according to ign game update 1.2 will have nerfs and buffs



Class changes in 1.2 include new abilities for the Warrior and the Knight, a nerf for the Bounty Hunter, and more. Every class will receive changes, and all skill tree points refunded so you can look over the trees again before deciding how to rebuild your class. "Some players will be excited, some might not. That's always the case when there's tweaks to classes."





heatseeker nerf inc? i'm guessing they never intended for 16 man raids to be made up of only merc DPS (20k heatseekers lol)

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Doesn't sound to good to me. New head tier, sounds like a stats tier.


One new QS and its a copy of alderann, turrets and all. Which means another slide show WZ for me sine I can't change particle effects in the graphics and all that crap kills my framerate.


Probably too many class changes at once for what is a reasonably balanced game to be honest.


Oh well, just have to see how bad it is... Well if I even re-up my sub since it was pushed back.

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That they mentioned a nerf to bounty hunters but didn't mention sorcerers makes me think that some of that stuff isn't true.


they most likely didn't say the soc because they are the most played class don't piss people off until you need to or they not getting a nerf

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That they mentioned a nerf to bounty hunters but didn't mention sorcerers makes me think that some of that stuff isn't true.


They said all the classes are being tweaked and that some will like them and others won't.

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So does BH nerf mean Mercs, PTs or both? That's what I want to know. If they nerf Pyrotech, then at least make AP viable since PTs really only have one good DPS tree.


i'm thinking the biggest "nerf" will actually be a bugfix to heatseeker missiles. right now they stack, so people who are bringing 8 mercs to a raid are seeing retarded numbers.

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That they mentioned a nerf to bounty hunters but didn't mention sorcerers makes me think that some of that stuff isn't true.


first off sorcs are weak, second off i dont feel BH's even need a nerf, just maybe a small cd on tracer



the classes that do need nerfs are marauders, pt pyrotechs, tank assasin hybrids, and the amount of control coming from operatives/scoundrals (regardless of what bads say, me going from 90% hp to 8% with no control of my toon, @ 650 expertise is NOT balanced)

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I will assume PT gets nerfed as they seem OP'd. And maybe Tracer Missles debuff goes away or less % applied.



P.S - Nerf Smugglers. No one should come out of stealth and rock you for 50-70% of your health while you lye on the ground spread eagle.

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Mara's need more abilities?




Maybe. I just watched your pyro movie, and lol.


Your poor s key must be almost completly faded. I guess the fact you can backpedal like that and still be a wrecking force in wz shows how op and stupid easy they are lol

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