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we NEED cross-server flashpoints!

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Yeah but if a person keeps being a jerk on their own server and everyone puts him on ignore... good luck to him finding more pugs. That was the beauty of ignore... it would prevent you grouping from that person again. Sadly that doesn't seem to work with PvP yet... but hopefully soon.
No... it did not stop those people from getting groups in wow before cross server lfg, it did not stop those people from getting groups in EQ (with no cross server) and it did not stop those people from getting groups in rift before there was cross server.


The idea that shunning people actually has a significant on their play is just delusional. It didn't even work on the dead server I was on in rift ... which was the 2nd or 3rd most dead server in the game, before they did their merge by making 1/3 of the servers into trial servers. For him, it wasn't even a minor inconvenience.

Edited by ferroz
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I completely agree


Solution #1. Don't use it. Continue to find groups locally on your server.

Solution #2. Don't use it. Only run things with your guild and people on your friends list.

Solution #3. Don't use it. Join an RP server and demand other community minded LFD tool haters join same server and spam your chat all day long.

Solution #4. Don't use it.


But no, the best course of action is obviously deny the players something that you KNOW most would use because you feel they have to talk to you to run a group.


Selfish people doing selfish things will surely cause this community to grow and strengthen.

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Solution #1. Don't use it. Continue to find groups locally on your server.

Solution #2. Don't use it. Only run things with your guild and people on your friends list.

Solution #3. Don't use it. Join an RP server and demand other community minded LFD tool haters join same server and spam your chat all day long.

Solution #4. Don't use it.


But no, the best course of action is obviously deny the players something that you KNOW most would use because you feel they have to talk to you to run a group.


Selfish people doing selfish things will surely cause this community to grow and strengthen.


So they dont have to use it?:eek:

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Server merges are harder then A LFG tool read all the dev posts about legacy system an how it will and is effecting the Server transfer an merge issuses


So legacy should be account wide, not per server. problem solved.


Edit* The argument of cross server LFG breeding bad attitudes is ridiculous. Anonymity on the internet is what breeds bad attitudes, there is no way around it. welcome to the human race.

Edited by Kryptoniic
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I would love to see a LFG similar to WoW's. Cross server would be even better. I have been trying to find a group to run Cad with my Vanguard Tank for two weeks now. The only FP's I can get groups for are social/low level alt runs through BT or Ess.
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The OP says its getting increasingly more difficult to find a group and I would agree with him. Why is that? Is it because we don't have cross server LFG? No its not. Its because the dungeons and raids don't take near long enough to get what you want out of them and people stop having a reason to be there very quickly. Cross server LFG will just hurry that along even further.
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No, lots of these people care about those things. People who are in favor of cross server lfg have repeatedly posted about the fact that they care about those things.


No, people always choose the thing that gives them what they want...


You just believe that most people want the path of least resistance, and think that you are justified in insisting that people choose what you want instead of what they want.


No, it's certainly not something that is caused by that at all.


Personally, I use such tools to meet new people; it's one of the reasons that I'm highly in favor of cross server everything.


If you don't like the tool, that's fine, because you have the choice whether or not to use it... and even if you prefer the situation where you get to choose whether everyone else gets to use it or not, that doesn't actually make that situation something you should reasonably expect.


I'm sorry to say it Ferroz, and not to be a jerk - but you live in some fictional world where theory prevails. You don't seem to grasp the concept that every other rational person can grasp.


Indirect effects. They are real. Quit dismissing them. At some point, you have to learn to put 2 and 2 together. You can not live in a theorhetical world and ignore possible consequences or side effects from such tools.


If I don't like the tool, you act as if it has absolutley no bearing on my gameplay, because i can just simply choose not to use it. Sure I can choose not to use it. That remains the same. But half the people will choose to use a cross server LFG tool. My effective playerbase that I can recruit from is now half the size. That seriously hinders my efforts. It makes the process more difficult for me, and easier for you.


Also - you and your breed of gamer somehow believes this fallacy that the more choices you have, the better a game is. This could not be further from the real truth. Limited choices, structured within a ruleset that encourages and enhances cooperation and local server socialization, is what is better for an MMO - which has multiple server based objectives, server based PvP, server based raiding.


If you have server based PvP, server based raiding, server based heroic 4 content - why would it be smart to put in a cross server tool, that limits your opportunities to interact with players on your own server? It just does not make sense. It hinders your progress for finding like-minded raiding/pvp partners.


WoW did not have multiple heroic quests in every leveling zone that required local cooperation for progression. There were a couple, sure - but it was hardly 5 of them in every zone.


Just like McDonalds is not good for your long term health, neither is Fast Food style gaming good for your long term mmo success. People generally play games for multiple years, because they form relationships and enjoy the overall experience of being in a MMO.

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The OP says its getting increasingly more difficult to find a group and I would agree with him. Why is that? Is it because we don't have cross server LFG? No its not. Its because the dungeons and raids don't take near long enough to get what you want out of them and people stop having a reason to be there very quickly. Cross server LFG will just hurry that along even further.


Your opionon is flawed, I LOVE FLASHPOINT love them to death more then questing crafting an pvping combined. I run them when asked or in Fleet, They are exciting an riviting to say the least!

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What you don't seem to understand is that you don't have to use the tool cross server. Get your 3 buddies, queue up, and get in instantly. Or you can bring a single friend with you and comprise half of the group's members giving you immunity to getting kicked. They could even add in an option to find people only from your server.


If you don't like to play with people from other servers fine, don't.


My favorite feature in the entire game of WoW was cross server LFG. I just like getting on, running a dungeon or two, and calling it a day. I had tons of fun leveling alts up that way, gearing fresh endgame characters, or just trying out new specs in a group setting.


To all the people who say "Oh everyone in LFG is an A-Hole" I have 2 things to say to you.


1. Maybe it's you, because out of the hundreds upon hundreds of LFG runs I did in WoW, less than 1% of those runs had a trouble maker. Usually if someone was rude or arrogant, we'd kick him out.


2. Not everyone in life is "nice". This is doubly true over the internet because of anonymity, it has NOTHING to do with the LFG tool itself. If you can't deal with someone being a jerk now and again, get off the internet. The world isn't some perfect place where everyone gets along and farts confetti.


QFT. Folks who don't like LFG need NOT use it. And I also agree - less than 1% of the groups I ran with had a trouble maker in WoW. And generally the group kicked him out. And we got a replacement in a pretty short time.


For those who don't like the tool - DONT USE IT. Simple! Keep running with your guild mates and friends the old way. The rest of us who are sane and who believe that spamming general != community will enjoy this tool very, very much.

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No, what they need to do is server merger. I don't have too much trouble finding people on my server, but I imagine on less populated ones it could be hard.


wrong, BW need to do x-server LFG,

or provide a free server transfer system,

no need merge.

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players need x-server LFG ASAP,

join a gmt+8 guild is useless.


Wrong. I am a player and do not need it, therefore your statement is incorrect.


If you instead mean that YOU think you need it, then that would be correct.

Edited by juanni
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yeah is damn stupid to actually keep spamming for lfg and still no grp is form... i am in a guild but i cannot keep pestering them to go to a fp if they got their dailies to do and other stuff. So quickly get a lfg tool up anyway i just stop my subscription until they get the tool up or else i will be only spending my money standing in the fleet and spamming for lfg and i don't enjoy that.
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Wrong. I am a player and do not need it, therefore your statement is incorrect.


If you instead mean that YOU think you need it, then that would be correct.


You must be imperial, just give it to the republic....I don't need it because I have full colomni or better and most players wont run flashpoints because they got whatever drops in the flash point or get equal or better in raids.


However, I know tons of republic healers or tanks that can never get into flashpoints because there are to many servers, over 100. And most of the players are imps. And there is no motivation to do the flashpoints after getting whatever piece of loot drops there.

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No, we do not NEED cross-server flashpoints. I manage to get all the flashpoints done that I want to do.


Try joining a guild.


Which is fine for you, and the subset of the playerbase with a large guild with lots of players online at the same level of gear. This situation is not true of everyone. Some people aren't in a guild. Or they are in a guild with friends who don't log in very often. Or they are casual in a guild with more hardcore people who are farming NM Ops. Or their guild is just fine, but on this specific day or this specific time when they are free and willing to run a HM FP, their guild members are off doing something else.


It's incredible short-sighted to think that just because YOU personally aren't affected by an issue, then it doesn't exist.


Personally, I think rolling out single server LFG might work at first. It would depend on what the true server populations are, and how many people are running HM FPs at a given time. Because ultimately, if there are enough people on a single server to keep queue times under 15 minutes or so, that's good enough.

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QFT. Folks who don't like LFG need NOT use it. And I also agree - less than 1% of the groups I ran with had a trouble maker in WoW. And generally the group kicked him out. And we got a replacement in a pretty short time.


For those who don't like the tool - DONT USE IT. Simple! Keep running with your guild mates and friends the old way. The rest of us who are sane and who believe that spamming general != community will enjoy this tool very, very much.





If this fanboys continue with this behaviour pretty soon they will be playing swtor alone in one maybe 2 servers.

Besides swtor community is the worst community I have ever seen in any mmo.

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If this fanboys continue with this behaviour pretty soon they will be playing swtor alone in one maybe 2 servers.

Besides swtor community is the worst community I have ever seen in any mmo.


But that is what they want.:D

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I would never use an LFG tool. I'm a respectable, honest player who tries hard for the group and I deserve the same. A mmo player should develop contacts/friends if he wants to establish himself, better his gameplay and try to make the gaming experience as good as possible for those involved. It is "just a game", but there are real people there whose time you can waste being a screw up or a thief. Community is about accountability. Cross server LFG list only gives those who have "no interest in any of this" a chance to grief each other.


That said, I vote give people a cross server LFG tool, but you can bet a halfway "good" player wouldn't wager his time in it. It would just be a complete waste of time to work to gear people who have no time for the community.


Look, anti-social types. It's really easy to make friends. Show up geared and try hard in warzones. Compliment people on their successes. Offer an hour once in awhile to group someone to complete 39 or 45 fp's. Be cool, not an ***. People will remember and when you ask for help, they'll be more inclined to provide it.

Edited by Kaelano
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I would never use an LFG tool. I'm a respectable, honest player who tries hard for the group and I deserve the same. A mmo player should develop contacts/friends if he wants to establish himself, better his gameplay and try to make the gaming experience as good as possible for those involved. It is "just a game", but there are real people there whose time you can waste being a screw up or a thief. Community is about accountability. Cross server LFG list only gives those who have "no interest in any of this" a chance to grief each other.


That said, I vote give people a cross server LFG tool, but you can bet a halfway "good" player wouldn't wager his time in it. It would just be a complete waste of time to work to gear people who have no time for the community.


Look, anti-social types. It's really easy to make friends. Show up geared and try hard in warzones. Compliment people on their successes. Offer an hour once in awhile to group someone to complete 39 or 45 fp's. Be cool, not an ***. People will remember and when you ask for help, they'll be more inclined to provide it.


The lfg tool was confirmed by the devs in the guild summit and it will be same server only.

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  • 1 month later...
I don't care if they do cross-server LFG, server merges, transfers, whatever. I just am sick of trying to find a group for literally 8 hours on Anturi Reach, getting maybe one or two people interested, then having them leave before we even start because two hours has passed while trying to fill in the rest of the group. If cross-server FPs solve this at the expense of "community," then so be it. I want to play a *game*, not play a chat room.
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