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[Panel Discussion] State of the Game (10:30AM CST)

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Maybe it's just me but im very disappointed in the Abilty Crossing feature being only PvE and with a companion out like "Heroic Moment." To me it seems pointless. I don't even use Heroic Moment like, ever, and if thats the case it makes it even more worthless during PvE raids.


I was really looking forward to a Marauder with Force Pull. I like the other Legacy stuff but the ability thing seems pointless and only PvP hardcores seem to don't care about it.


Im pretty sure something like this could be balanced in PvP especially if everyone has access to the same system. Just my opinion. Sorry but to me it just seems like a bullet point.


Other than that everything else is awsome.


I have to agree with this. It might seem cool at first, but remember that that 'super companion ability' has a 20 minute cooldown. Truth be told, I mostly forgot I had the ability while leveling.

I don't want to run up to a Bounty Hunter soloing some trash, only to see him Force Choke something to death. It's just not very 'Star Wars'-ish.


As you said though, everything else seems great about the patch.

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They have already said they are going to introduce a "very low" setting... Gawd checkout the Q & As before wasting a possibly awesome question here!


Like for instance, WILL I BE ABLE TO MAKE A MIRALUKA SITH INQUISITOR? Or a sith pureblood smuggler, oh gawd please the smuggler!


yep - and the lowest of the low settings is available in the test server patch - its looks aight.

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I know this is a tired subject, but I would really like to get a straight (no pun intended) answer about exactly when the mythical "same-gender romance options" will be implemented. Could somebody attending bring this up?
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I know this is a tired subject, but I would really like to get a straight (no pun intended) answer about exactly when the mythical "same-gender romance options" will be implemented. Could somebody attending bring this up?


No please, there are much better questions to be answered here.

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If you don't want feedback on opinions then don't post on forums, and don't get all defensive and victim like because someone states an opinion different to yours, you are just as welcome to explain why my point may be wrong as i did with yours (altho in hind-sight the "rose tinted goggles" wasn't rly needed).


I don't see how the IGN post had anything to do with anything as it explains how it WILL work and not the reasons why other ways won't work...


No-one is ganging up, seriously, most of your last paragraph is pulling stuff out of thin air to make you seem like even more of a victim :/.


Enjoy your day and I am sorry if I actually made you feel bad in anyway by stating why your opinion may be wrong.


^Agreed. I love how people think that their opinions cannot be wrong. Just because everyone is entitled to his/her opinion does not mean that those opinions are objectively correct or valid. I respect opinions, but I don't have to agree with them. And, not all opinions are equal. If your opinion is that the Martians are invading at this very moment, then you are entitled to that opinion. You're a nut, but you're entitled to that opinion, lol. Also, I feel entitled to be of the opinion that your opinion is nuts.


I think there is more information needed on these updates b4 I form an opinion on the subject of this thread, but I do believe it all looks promising. I just hope this patch does not follow the path of the last one.


My consistent opinion: fix bugs/game first, and and new content second.

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I suppose this is more of a suggestion, but with these new updates, Ilum is going to be pretty much dead. Now I was thinking perhaps the best way to remedy this, would be creating a sort of king of the hill system on Ilum. One of the problems there was lag, simply because the Empire side would pretty much camp in front of the Republic side. The king of the hill idea I was thinking could be on several places on the map, wherein if you were in that area, you could earn bonus valour etc. It'd have to be several areas to avoid the lag, and these areas could also change places, say every 10 minutes so to encourage movement, and even a bit of a challenge.


I'm sure there is criticism in the above, but this is the only way I can see Ilum working, and not being pointless.

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I know this is a tired subject, but I would really like to get a straight (no pun intended) answer about exactly when the mythical "same-gender romance options" will be implemented. Could somebody attending bring this up?


I know you "probably" only care about the female/female relations but they'll be in expansions with new companions. Lucasarts wouldn't let them do it for MMO and Bioware fought with them over it and won, but it was too late to bring into the main game.

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That's good to hear.


The only thing that is bugging me is adding more abilites to knights. I already feel like I have too many abilities.


as with most classes too many abilities and not enough hot bars. Also i say forget this cross ability stuff. if they want to do something cool let me use one of my characters as a companion.

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The UI customization is going to be fantastic.

much needed.


it didn't look like they're adding in any new quickslots though, and I'm very very short on quickslots.


I'm also hoping that they'd let me hide a quickslot panel, but still have it functional.. or an autohide or something. I hate all the clutter.

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much needed.


it didn't look like they're adding in any new quickslots though, and I'm very very short on quickslots.


I'm also hoping that they'd let me hide a quickslot panel, but still have it functional.. or an autohide or something. I hate all the clutter.


If they allow me to move at least one of the side hotbars to the bottom, I'll be a lot happier.


Edit: And reorient it to horizontal.

Edited by Leovinus
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And actually to add to my Ilum post, I just thought that the exact same thing would happen regardless even if there were king of the hill points. Perhaps the best way to fix that would be that there would no longer be an Ilum bonus of per kills but rather that once you achieve say 2k valour, you get the bonus. And perhaps not while not within the king of the hill zones, you only get 20 valour as a base, but within the zones you get 10X as much. Perhaps while these zones are controlled, the person within them gets 10 valour a minute too. We could still keep the turrets and giant droid things to further control Ilum as well.
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Hopefully, leveling to 50 will give you legacy currency, especially in the case of humans and zabraks (who are already available to all classes). Maybe it'll be a reward selection, like with mission rewards. Maybe it'll be a "legacy race token" or something to that effect.


Any news or speculation on what the legacy levels will give you? Also, has anyone analyzed that "Legacy Family Tree"? I only saw the picture posted at the-force.eu, and it's quite blurry.


I think 2V-R8 will explode if you give him a gift. :jawa_tongue:


My personal hope is that every legacy level you gain will give you some currency, which you can spend however you like. Interested in unlocking Chiss for everyone, spend your legacy points to do that. Interested in a mailbox on your ship, get that instead.


It would open up a nice level of customization to legacy, and allow for people to set their own priorities.

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Maybe they should first fix things before implementing something new and useless like legacy and fixing bad things like skill trees.


I mean do we really need that many useless talents? Do we need that many useless ability's? Couldn't you just give us 10 ability per class and 10 skills points with more meaningful choices and make them useful, good, unique and balanced?


How many resources did they spend on legacy system to give us one cross class ability and unlock one race. All races are the same humanoids with no race bonuses and classes should be unique. Why will anyone wan to play same race over and over again and use same ability on their other class who have long c/d and is useful only in levelling?



Gg for good things like UI customisation, GTN search, guild bank and some new content but please first fix dead servers, dead and static worlds, dead and grind based quests. Unresponsive controls, lags etc. Give us more planets to chose for levelling. Give our god/bad choices some meaning trough god/bad factions. etc.

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I like the fact that they've been promising 1.2 in March for a little while now, and they aren't going to deliver. How many subs are they going to lose do you think? Definitely canceling mine.


While I agree that it sucks about it moving from March to April or possibly May, is that honestly a reason to cancel? I can maybe see if it was April of next year but a month or two is ridiculous.

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Maybe they should first fix things before implementing something new and useless like legacy and fixing bad things like skill trees.


I mean do we really need that many useless talents? Do we need that many useless ability's? Couldn't you just give us 10 ability per class and 10 skills points with more meaningful choices and make them useful, good, unique and balanced?


How many resources did they spend on legacy system to give us one cross class ability and unlock one race. All races are the same humanoids with no race bonuses and classes should be unique. Why will anyone wan to play same race over and over again and use same ability on their other class who have long c/d and is useful only in levelling?



Gg for good things like UI customisation, GTN search, guild bank and some new content but please first fix dead servers, dead and static worlds, dead and grind based quests. Unresponsive controls, lags etc. Give us more planets to chose for levelling. Give our god/bad choices some meaning trough god/bad factions. etc.



All classes are getting serious updates in 1.2. To the point that all talents will be refunded so people can redo their spec.


There are only maybe 1-2 useless abilities per class they become useless as you specialize and end up getting something that 'replaces' it. Take it off your bar, this is normal in all MMOs.


The Legacy system is a lot more than 1 new race and 1 unlocked ability.


A lot of what you're upset about will be addressed in 1.2 or is a "bigger issue" that is being worked for a future update.


Have some faith and get all the info before you get all upset and post here, it's going to be ok, I promise ;)

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