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[Panel Discussion] State of the Game (10:30AM CST)

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I didn't notice the cross-class skills, but if it was in there and I missed it, I just want to say it's a stupid idea and will ruin balance seen as the game wasn't built with it in mind...


There was something that appeared to be cross-class ability usage; as someone said, a Sith using a flamethrower. But it may be purely cosmetic, replacing an ability's animation with one from another class. We won't know until later.

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1.2 looks awesome.


I wonder if any performance issues will get mentioned ?


Well, I for one sincerely hope they have done some major improvements and optimization as far as the performance of the game is concerned.


As much as I appreciate all the content and features they obviously put into this patch, having the game itself run smoothly (FPS etc) is far more crucial than adding new stuff IMO.


Hoping to see some info about this and that a thorough and effective game-engine optimization will be included in 1.2 as well.


Oh, and I hope to god that wasn't a Sith Warrior with a flame thrower, because that would IMO be incredibly silly and out of place. :p



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tbh, i think all the stuff of sith using flamethrower etc. was probably just a Sith race playing a bounty hunter, Legacy system allows new race/class combos.


That's how I saw it too. Makes more sense that way. No problems with a sith using flamethrower but a bit annoying if BH could do force lightning :D

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tbh, i think all the stuff of sith using flamethrower etc. was probably just a Sith race playing a bounty hunter, Legacy system allows new race/class combos.


Quite possible considering the very next picture was of a Chiss Smuggler, which up untill now has been impossible to do, so that is definitely a possibility to explain what we saw. Well I'm off to play the game for a bit, might come back later. See you all.

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The UI customization options is probably what has me most excited at this point, even more so than the legacy system implementations...I dunno, the ability to customize my UI is far more important to me then any other new features for some reason.
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oh please oh please oh please let the new WZ be reincarnated old-school AV.


/sacrifice acolytes in tomb of tulak hord


*crosses fingers*


I think i saw a player piloting an imperial walker so maybe....


I didn't play WOW long but alterac valley was pretty damn fun.

Edited by Iite
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I didn't notice the cross-class skills, but if it was in there and I missed it, I just want to say it's a stupid idea and will ruin balance seen as the game wasn't built with it in mind...


This raises OVER 9000! questions about balancing in my mind. :D

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