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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Grind Valor 55-60


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Reaching Valor 60 does not get you all the gear either. You still have to grind the dailies and weeklies to get the bags and hope you get some tokens. At least you will be able to buy them but at a very high cost.


I hate grinding for gear but I don't think it is all that bad.


I would prefer that pvp would be based on personal skill and not as much on who has the best gear set.

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The difference between Champion and Battlemaster gear is quite trivial. Not to mention the ridiculously low drop rates of BM commendations from bags.


Playing for a few hours a day can easily get you from Valor rank 50 to 60 in 2 weeks or less. If someone enjoys PVPing whether it be WZs or the daily zergfest on Ilum, and simply plays the game rather than staring at his Valor meter all the time, he won't even notice how fast valor ranks come and go.

Edited by KaL_InvictuS
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yup. Because I haven't played every warzone 100's of times, have all my alts in centurion gear. I am 2 pieces from full champion gear, but am valor rank 56 and I don't play enough and want it free.


Cause I just hit 50.


Valor rank 56 newb. As for the valor/comm increases coming that will probably help.


Its stupid. It should match gear progression. It shouldn't be some stupid leveling game. So yea. Give me full bm gear.


Cause I've played enough hours in wzs. Fact is I probably wouldn't even play the damn toon except to get the stupid dailies done.


Its funny. Those people in this thread. don't you have work to do?



They sure don't, but their parents do. ;)

Edited by MrXen
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I hit BM 4-5 weeks ago, roughly. I have 1 BM commendation left for my full set. I am rank 71 on republic, I spend 30 minutes a day in Ilum. I work 40-50 hours a week and play a few hours each evening. It's very easy, just don't stare at your valor bar and play, if you enjoy it, it's not that much of a grind...
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Your right, the one day when many Imps got 60-80 valor ranks in 8hrs wasn't exploiting.....:rolleyes:


Whatever you want to call it, the ONLY thing the turrets had to do with it - is that they didn't insta-kill the opposite faction as intended.

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Your right, the one day when many Imps got 60-80 valor ranks in 8hrs wasn't exploiting.....:rolleyes:




They got rolled back bro, or were supposed to.


Also stop complaining about how long it takes it's the same for everyone. Deal with it. You should get better the more you pvp so all that grinding is more like practice when you stare down that war hero solo on illum or when rated somethings come out.

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i hit bm 4-5 weeks ago, roughly. I have 1 bm commendation left for my full set. I am rank 71 on republic, i spend 30 minutes a day in ilum. I work 40-50 hours a week and play a few hours each evening. It's very easy, just don't stare at your valor bar and play, if you enjoy it, it's not that much of a grind...



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If you dont enjoy PvP'ing in this game, don't want to do Warzones, don't participate in Ilum, then why do you want BM title and BM gear?


This is why people see your post as nothing except "WAAAH I WANT FREEBIES". Rank 60 is not a feat or an accomplishment. To imply that people with higher ranking don't have jobs speaks volumes about you.


Gear access is all I want. Access to the gear.


The point is the grind to gain access to the gear is insanely high imo. To the point of requiring a full time job playing the game to get at it.


So yea. I don't want to have my job be SWTOR. So change the game.


War hero's don't have jobs. They are probably koreans.

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Gear access is all I want. Access to the gear.


The point is the grind to gain access to the gear is insanely high imo. To the point of requiring a full time job playing the game to get at it.


So yea. I don't want to have my job be SWTOR. So change the game.


War hero's don't have jobs. They are probably koreans.


Clearly a troll. Nothing to see here.

Edited by Polebreaker
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The difference between Champion and Battlemaster gear is quite trivial. Not to mention the ridiculously low drop rates of BM commendations from bags.


Playing for a few hours a day can easily get you from Valor rank 50 to 60 in 2 weeks or less. If someone enjoys PVPing whether it be WZs or the daily zergfest on Ilum, and simply plays the game rather than staring at his Valor meter all the time, he won't even notice how fast valor ranks come and go.


Doing that and its freaking bull. All of it. A lot more than I intended to play on a daily bases to get a slow progression. It started to get stupidly slow at 55 which is the whole point of the thread.

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I've been rank 65 for a while, leveling an alt and taking a break from playing.


I don't know how you can say a war hero doesn't have a life or job. Perhaps when they play, they spend all of their time in warzones? Maybe they make premades and win all their games? Perhaps they properly play Ilum? My server does absolutely no win trading on Ilum, but there are battles you can easily get 200 per Republic kill. Doing so, it's easy to get legitimate valor ranks by spending time out there.

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Clearly a troll. Nothing to see here.


trolling a troll. troll-la-la-la la la!


I think I have a valid point. But if you want to come in to my thread please do so. Just know when you insult me I bite back.


Rank from 55-60 is to slow. Its the point of the thread. Don't think so? give a reason. Otherwise your trolling

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It's not really that slow, took me about a day for each level in that range, perhaps a day and a bit for 59-60. That was way before the Ilum changes and only through Warzones.


Wouldn't like to do it on an underpopulated server with slow queues though.

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Whatever you want to call it, the ONLY thing the turrets had to do with it - is that they didn't insta-kill the opposite faction as intended.


The turrets were worth more valor than the players.


They got rolled back bro, or were supposed to.


Also stop complaining about how long it takes it's the same for everyone. Deal with it. You should get better the more you pvp so all that grinding is more like practice when you stare down that war hero solo on illum or when rated somethings come out.


No they did not get rolled back and I am not complaining about how long it takes, I was rank 56 on my jugg and rerolled to republic and am now 52 on my shadow. I don't care how long it takes.

Edited by Cromica
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you cannot have a higher valor rank than your current level.

This. And from around lvl 30'ish you level faster in valor than in player level from warzones.

I'm almost exclusively doing WZ's and class quests to level on my 3d character and often have to go do some PvE in order to be able to ding valor rank again (eg. that char is currently lvl 36 with rank 36 valor allready maxed it but it can't change to rank 37 until I ding 37).

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This. And from around lvl 30'ish you level faster in valor than in player level from warzones.

I'm almost exclusively doing WZ's and class quests to level on my 3d character and often have to go do some PvE in order to be able to ding valor rank again (eg. that char is currently lvl 36 with rank 36 valor allready maxed it but it can't change to rank 37 until I ding 37).


Happens each level with my alts too, i don't know what they were thinking with keeping the amount needed per valor level so low until after 50. Bit late now but the requirement could have been double and we'd still be capping out easily.

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The amount of valor inbetween these levels is a bit excessive. Call it whining if you want but in all honesty it serves no purpose but deter me from paying you.


Isn't champion freebie enough?

Seriously, you instant gratification people are sad excuses of pvpers to say the least.

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I don't understand why the 50-60 valor per level starts becoming exponential. After all, only valor level 60 means anything, so why isn't the climb more linear? After 60, whatever.


They're definitely bait and switching people to make it seem like it isn't as hard to get Battlemaster as it really is. Anything to keep people playing.

Edited by EternalFinality
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