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Rated Huttball? RUSRS?


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LOL no. Spoken like a true Sorc/Sage.... only a Sorc/Sage would think Huttball was anything less than complete trash.


Huttball is the closest warzone to an actual team sport, and I think lends itself the best to ranked warzones.


It's also the only warzone where simply outgearing the other team doesn't mean an automatic win.


I play a Pyro Powertech, and I condone this warzone.


You wouldn't happen to be an Operative/Scoundrel, by chance, would you?

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You couldn't be even more wrong.


I'm doing a survey of players with personalities similar to yours. Could you please state your Level, Advanced Class, Valor Rank, and Age? Thanks.

Edited by Rogmar
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How can Op be bad at huttball when you can stealth your arse over to the other teams side and wait for your team to bring the ball and pop out and catch it and score?


Because Assassins can do the same thing, only better because of the utility they provide (Force Speed, AoE Knocback anyone who camps near the goal line). Plus, the role you describe isn't exactly compelling gameplay that people want to sign up for. Sure everyone loves to exclude themselves from the game being played so they can wait in a corner in stealth for a ball pass. Not to mention your team will be down 1 man the entire time. I doubt teams will be able to afford that when up against competent opponents.

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I'm sorry you don't know how to win but really, Huttball is fine. It's about the only good thing about PvP in this game.


Look I know your casual and think your good for beating people even more casual than you are..... but you won't come within a country mile of any top ranking. Anyways I'm done with you.

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No. It can't. Unless the other team fails.


Hey, maybe you just aren't good. It happens. Working as a team, any comp can win. I told you, I run with another Sent, a Scoundrel Healer and a Gunslinger and we haven't lost a Huttball as far as I can remember...and it's 90% of the WZs we pull anymore.

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Hey, maybe you just aren't good. It happens. Working as a team, any comp can win. I told you, I run with another Sent, a Scoundrel Healer and a Gunslinger and we haven't lost a Huttball as far as I can remember...and it's 90% of the WZs we pull anymore.


I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt you are playing against bad/unorganized competition. That combination simply doesn't have the tools to stop ballcaps or score efficiently against the huttball oriented classes. Two Smugglers alone sinks an entire team against people who have the correct class comp and know what they're doing.

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Huttball is my favorite of the 3 warzones. I have won it and lost it more times than i can count over 4 toons now. I get an UGH moment when voidstar loads, and am indifferent to civil war. I have played imp on imp heavy server(Saber of Exar Kun) as a sorc. Leveld a marauder to 50 solely in pvp. Rolled a sage, got bored with faceroll and went to another Sentinel. Competetive team based huttball? YES PLEASE
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I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt you are playing against bad/unorganized competition. That combination simply doesn't have the tools to stop ballcaps or score efficiently against the huttball oriented classes. Two Smugglers alone sinks an entire team against people who have the correct class comp and know what they're doing.


It really doesn't. Like I said, there's this thing called team work. Set the GS up above, have him demolish the other team in mid. Scoundrel either heals or stealths ahead of the ball for an easy pass. Sentinels carry the ball and on D spam their Snare and other CCs (along with amazing DPS...) It's not hard. We do it against other premades all the time.


There is no such thing as a Huttball oriented class. People need to stop acting like there is.

Edited by nschlan
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Look I know your casual and think your good for beating people even more casual than you are..... but you won't come within a country mile of any top ranking. Anyways I'm done with you.


While your argument of "No." w/out anything else to back it up is extremely compelling, I'm inclined to agree that there are a variety of comps that can be successful at Huttball.


It does indeed take teamwork and awareness, but you can shut down other teams handily. Oh no, that Sorc is in position to pull the ball carrier to the endzone? Grapple him into the pit, make him run back around.


Oh crap, that Jug is running the ball again? Don't stand where he can easily leap to you, and pull any of his allies down away from where he can jump to them.


Stealthers ruining your day? Send out your PT/Vanguards to do a sweep, or make sure to keep the enemy ball carrier away from the place you saw them setting up.


But I'm sure your method of trolling forums about Sorcs/Sages also works in competitive Huttball matches.

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I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt you are playing against bad/unorganized competition. That combination simply doesn't have the tools to stop ballcaps or score efficiently against the huttball oriented classes. Two Smugglers alone sinks an entire team against people who have the correct class comp and know what they're doing.


Your telling me that a 2 Sent group with a total of 4 stuns AND 4 roots doesnt have the tools to stop ball carriers

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its like a sport and requires teamwork and tactics.


Sometimes, except there is one Sith Warrior build (not sure which) that is able to take the ball and jump from the edge of the ball spawn area to the edge of the goal area then score. That seems a smidge broken: One person being able able to cover half the game field in 1 sec. Have two of those trading off scoring = insta-win.

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I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt you are playing against bad/unorganized competition. That combination simply doesn't have the tools to stop ballcaps or score efficiently against the huttball oriented classes. Two Smugglers alone sinks an entire team against people who have the correct class comp and know what they're doing.


Or you're just bad.


In order to prevent getting facerolled, you have to kill potential receivers on your side of the map in order to prevent passes and so forth. Sentinels are some of the best 1v1. Gunslingers have a short cd root which is the only CC that works against full resolve players, not to mention they're the only class capable of sitting on a ramp safely under cover and not be a bad (cover prevents being leapt to).

Edited by Smashbrother
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Your telling me that a 2 Sent group with a total of 4 stuns AND 4 roots doesnt have the tools to stop ball carriers


Nope. Not against Team Sorc that can sprint right past them and pull the carrier to victory. They don't even have a push/AoE knockback/pull of their own.. there's no way they can stop a ball carrier properly supported. Any Sorc team that doesn't completely wreck him completely fails.


My points all still stand.

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Sometimes, except there is one Sith Warrior build (not sure which) that is able to take the ball and jump from the edge of the ball spawn area to the edge of the goal area then score. That seems a smidge broken: One person being able able to cover half the game field in 1 sec. Have two of those trading off scoring = insta-win.


Um. I don't think this is possible.


My fiancee plays an Immortal Jug, and that definitely is not possible.


I'm going to call BS on you right here, unless you can provide some sort of proof.

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Nope. Not against Team Sorc that can sprint right past them and pull the carrier to victory. They don't even have a push/AoE knockback/pull of their own.. there's no way they can stop a ball carrier properly supported. Any Sorc team that doesn't completely wreck him completely fails.


My points all still stand.


1. That "speed" is easily prevented. Leap (which roots btw) and kill. Not hard. Or, we pop transcendence for a LONGER speed boost (stealth works here too).


2. We don't need an AoE knockback, we get a spammable snare and a CC that stuns EVERYONE in range.


3. We have amazing single target DPS.


4. We make sure the other team never even gets the ball


Your "points" are pathetic.

Edited by nschlan
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1. That "speed" is easily prevented. Leap (which roots btw) and kill. Not hard. Or, we pop transcendence for a LONGER speed boost (stealth works here too).


2. We don't need an AoE knockback, we get a spammable snare and a CC that stuns EVERYONE in range.


3. We have amazing single target DPS.


4. We make sure the other team never even gets the ball


Your "points" are pathetic.


You know how resolve works right? There is absolutely no way your sentinels are not sitting at the bottom of either pit and watching the other team score against any Sorc based team with even the smallest amount of skill.


Anyways I've seen enough of you. To say you consistently win vs BM premades with absolutely no pulls, pushes, sprints..... is so funny I'm rolling around laughing on my chair. I've wasted enough of my time on Mr. Casual.

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Honestly I find huttball to be one of the more fun warzones available. When two premades fight each other in huttball it can be really competitive and fun.


As far as the whole sage/sorcerer pull ruining huttball I personally disagree, however if it is overpowered for ranked huttball then why not make it so the sage/sorcerer's can't cast pull on the huttball carrier?


It seems like an easy fix to me.

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You know how resolve works right? There is absolutely no way your sentinels are not sitting at the bottom of either pit and watching the other team score against any Sorc based team with even the smallest amount of skill.


Anyways I've seen enough of you. To say you consistently win vs BM premades with absolutely no pulls, pushes, sprints..... is so funny I'm rolling around laughing on my chair. I've wasted enough of my time on Mr. Casual.


You're the one who doesn't get Resolve obviously. I said spammable SNARES and ROOTS which are not affected by Resolve.


Your lack of knowledge of basic mechanics and your belief that because you get rolled by Sorcs that they must be god mode is so funny :)

Edited by nschlan
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You know how resolve works right? There is absolutely no way your sentinels are not sitting at the bottom of either pit and watching the other team score against any Sorc based team with even the smallest amount of skill.


Anyways I've seen enough of you. To say you consistently win vs BM premades with absolutely no pulls, pushes, sprints..... is so funny I'm rolling around laughing on my chair. I've wasted enough of my time on Mr. Casual.


Apparently you don't know how resolve works because resolve doesn't work against snares or roots. Roots are so damn useful in stopping ball carriers. For example, root one over a fire pit or acid pool. Roots also prevent leaps, so a rooted ball carrier CANNOT leap to an enemy or friend.

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You're the one who doesn't get Resolve obviously. I said spammable SNARES and ROOTS which are not affected by Resolve.


Your lack of knowledge of basic mechanics and your belief that because you get rolled by Sorcs that they must be god mode is so funny :)


He's new to PVP. LOL Snares and roots (at least our's) don't touch Resolve.

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He's new to PVP. LOL Snares and roots (at least our's) don't touch Resolve.


Apparently he is. He seems like he's practiced zeroing in on 1 line and ignoring the rest of someones's points though :p

Edited by nschlan
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Apparently you don't know how resolve works because resolve doesn't work against snares or roots. Roots are so damn useful in stopping ball carriers. For example, root one over a fire pit or acid pool. Roots also prevent leaps, so a rooted ball carrier CANNOT leap to an enemy or friend.


Oh I do.. he doesn't... and apparently neither do you. Because if you think 2-3 snares is going to stop a group of Sorcs from sprinting past you... through firetraps and pulling the ball carrier away from you... all the while still attacking/slowing down that carrier.... with absolutely no pulls or pushes of your own.... well let's just say I would LOVE to play you over and over again for free wins.


I don't believe he stops any ball carriers at all with his combination. Not one. It is so easy to knock sentinels off the top ramps/platforms if your a hybrid Sorc/Sage. Any group of 2-3 Sorc's protecting ANY carrier... doesn't even have to be a Jugg... will be completely unstoppable to his combination considering the lack of pulls and pushes unless they completely utterly fail.


Whatever though. I see this thread is full of bad people.

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