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SWTOR can handle Arena


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There is not one legitimate reason to not add arenas, as long as the best gear is not tied to them. Have arenas reward warzone commendations. This way you can use them to get champ gear but you cant use them to get BM gear or higher.


The rewards can also be visual, titles, speeders, ship augments etc... Nothing stat based that is the highest tier gear. You can also balance the arena rewards to be less than WZ rewards. In a winning warzone match I get around 80 commendations. It last about 10 minutes. So lets take an arena, which can last 5 minutes. A win rewards 20 to 30 commendations. You get two wins in the same amount of time but less commendations.


*The numbers above are MADE UP and are used to show that you can decrease the rewards for arena to be less than the rewards for warzones.

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Arena in TOR will be like a card game because the GCD's are so long. Even more than WoW it will boil down to the unbeatbale combos that have the right cards in their deck rather than any sort of skill.


You do realize that the globals are the same in this game as they were in WoW , except for rogues who had 1.0 opposed to 1.5. Right?


FOTM comps, or counter comping wouldn't be any different in SWTOR than they were WoW arenas. That was the nature of arenas. Some comps lasted through the seasons , but almost every season (or any major patch) brought out completely new comps hence them being called FOTM comps.


(NOTE: None of the following is complaining, just things that I personally think would improve the PvP system and would almost certainly need to be looked at for competitive play)


This game most certainly has the potential for arenas to be a viable option BUT there are some things that would most certainly need to be reworked.


Resolve IMO needs to get thrown out with the trash and replaced by a real DR system which would actually work reliably opposed to resolve that works half the time. I've been CC'ed and seen other CC'ed with full resolve bars plenty of times. DR works better and makes more sense, especially from an arena standpoint where you "should" be using your abilities properly opposed to spamming them all on one guy because you can.


Trauma would need to be removed, it's stupid that it's in the game in the first place You shouldn't automatically take 30% less healing simply because you're in combat with another player, healing reductions should be applied by other PLAYERS, not by default.



I could continue, however in a thread that will never get noticed by DEVs it's pointless. That and I'm not posting to complain about anything. I would love to see a competitive PvP system implemented, I'm not sure if arenas would be the right form of competitive PvP for this game but I certainly wouldn't be upset. They were easy in WoW and would probably be just as easy here.

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There is not one legitimate reason to not add arenas, as long as the best gear is not tied to them. Have arenas reward warzone commendations. This way you can use them to get champ gear but you cant use them to get BM gear or higher.


The rewards can also be visual, titles, speeders, ship augments etc... Nothing stat based that is the highest tier gear. You can also balance the arena rewards to be less than WZ rewards. In a winning warzone match I get around 80 commendations. It last about 10 minutes. So lets take an arena, which can last 5 minutes. A win rewards 20 to 30 commendations. You get two wins in the same amount of time but less commendations.


*The numbers above are MADE UP and are used to show that you can decrease the rewards for arena to be less than the rewards for warzones.


Whats wrong with adding gear only obtainable from arenas? If you cant earn it you don't deserve to wear it. Just the same as PvE gear goes, if you cant show up to raids, learn the fights and earn the gear you do NOT deserve to have it.


Taking a competitive setting like arenas and making the rewards available to casual players who cannot do well in them kind of defeats the purpose of them. If you were in an end game raiding guild would you be happy if random PvPer got all the gear you had by walking in and wiping to trash pulls 400 times? Of course not.



The new breed of MMO players honestly make me sick, You all want instant gratification and none of you feel the need or desire to earn a damn thing. You think that just because you pay 15 bucks a month you deserve to have everything the next guy has, how can you even be happy with that?


I remember waiting MONTHS when I played EQ saving up DKP and passing on tons of gear for one item to drop, when I got that item I was so friggen pumped. This was a game where for a very long time there weren't any sort of instances, if guild A killed a boss before your guild you waited until it respawned which was usually days. Guilds had schedules of whos turn it was to kill which bosses.



Early WoW I busted my *** and played (admittedly WAY TO MUCH) my *** off grinding GM. If you never did it , or did it after they made AV the easy way to get rank 14 you would have absolutely no idea how much actually went into getting rank 14.


Story continued until they started making everything so damn easy to get ,that you basically got level cap and you were in full epics. That crap is so boring.


Point to all of that is there is NOTHING wrong with being forced to EARN something. Giving every casual access to arena gear makes it pointless to have area gear in the first place. Hell it's a flippin joke to get PvP gear in this game as it is. Give those of us who like to be competitive and earn things something to earn.

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Nice vid. I support Arena and i would love SW to implement it.

Heres another compilation of some Arena and world PvP in Outlaws Den on our server.


Others and I need some competition and Arena would give us this nice competition. Right now fail illum and regular warzones aren't even close to cutting it.


Good video, enjoyed it much.

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Only people that don't want Arena in this game are bads from WoW. Add arena but only for titles/rank and not arena specific gear.


The only people who don't want arena gear are the bads from WoW that couldn't get it. Arena gear is fine, doing them for ONLY titles and mounts would be boring.

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The only people who don't want arena gear are the bads from WoW that couldn't get it. Arena gear is fine, doing them for ONLY titles and mounts would be boring.


Make Arena gear the same as the gear from rated Warzones and I think most people would be happy with this. Not everyone wants arena and you'll just get more people crying on the forums it if a middle ground can't be met between those for arena and those against it.

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I dont want to pve, therefor raid content should not exist at all in this game. BW shouldnt even waste there time on it.


DUH, you are comparing something that currently ISN'T in the game (arena) to something that is currently in the game (PvE raid content). Way to not make a point

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Lets apply that logic to class balance.


Great, you like playing a sniper, but only like 5% of the playerbase is even going to get a sniper to level 50, so why should the majority of the people who play this game have to deal with bioware balancing the class instead of spending their time making sorcerers more fun.


Lets assume you even know what logic means. Oh wait... nvm


Arena... doesn't exist in game at all unless player made and run.


Sniper... exists


Sorcs.... exist


I don't want BW spending time on Arenas when so much more needs to be fixed with WZs and other competitive play. You actually gave a perfect example in my favor, balancing snipers vs. sorcs. That should come ahead of arenas, as should more warzones, ranked warzones, cross server ques, etc.


Why don't you guys run your own Arenas.... or do you need BW to provide you the artificial notoriety that comes with Arena ranks?

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Make Arena gear the same as the gear from rated Warzones and I think most people would be happy with this. Not everyone wants arena and you'll just get more people crying on the forums it if a middle ground can't be met between those for arena and those against it.


That I can agree with, but having no gear option for rated WZ or arena would be pointless.

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That I can agree with, but having no gear option for rated WZ or arena would be pointless.


How is it pointless? Why does gear matter at all? Why isn't rating and being able to say you're at a certain level of play good enough?

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No it cannot cause WoW arenas are the biggest and stupidest mistake in design ever implemented in a MMO.


Hell i hope they never make the same mistake here , they should listen to the WoW devs that alrdy said it was a mistake before it is to late for them also.

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Because without gear progression people won't resub

Character progression is a central pillar of subscription based MMO's


We talking about raids here cause gear in Arena is not why people play, people play Arena to try to get rank 1, gear is icing on the cake.


Lets be honest true PvPer's play to win, everything else is a bonus.


To actually say that gear progression is why people sub is false, progression comes in many ways in a mmo.


It just don't have to be about gear, lots of things can come from PvP.


1. Titles


2. E-peen


3. Being Noticed


4. Victory


5. Pride


Them are all feelings and things people can get from playing in a Arena, gear like I said does not have to be about PvP at all.


A mix between PVP, PVE, and Crafting should be the main ingredient for PVP and gear progression.


Not just straight PVP and nothing else. Them are the downfalls why Warcraft did it wrong. You make it where PVP becomes gear depended, then a unbalance will happen between 2 different play styles.


PVP and PVE.

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To actually say that gear progression is why people sub is false, progression comes in many ways in a mmo.


Hardcore PvP'ers are a very very very small subset of the MMO crowd, and they're all in full PvP gear so they don't make a lick of difference in the first place

Consistent character progression is the one of the fundamental reasons why RPG's exist and we aren't all playing league of legends right now

The skinner box is a reality, it's why the casino and video game industries both make billions of dollars a year

Edited by CupieFoxtail
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Well, Gabe under interview said SWTOR is aimed for e-sports.


This is why I don't want Arena. Do you really think the masses want to watch a death match with well timed cooldowns, CC, etc? It can be ok to watch but the differences are pretty technical and hard to make into an exhilarating experience.


The most popular esports have a bit of a chess game to them. Both LoL and SC2 have their deathmatchy elements, but are so much more in terms of tactics than an arena/deathmatch. Those are the kinds of things MMOs have lacked in the past and why they aren't legit esports. Honestly, Huttball is a huge step in the right direction.


Kinda odd, but some times players like to play something that isn't all that fun to watch, the reverse may also be true, but personally I love Huttball.

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id be totally ok with rated arenas, as long as no pve nerfs ever come from people whining about arena balance, and there are no rewards from said arenas aside from the normal pvp gear rewards.


ranking and bragging rights should be sufficient.

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This is why I don't want Arena. Do you really think the masses want to watch a death match with well timed cooldowns, CC, etc? It can be ok to watch but the differences are pretty technical and hard to make into an exhilarating experience.


The most popular esports have a bit of a chess game to them. Both LoL and SC2 have their deathmatchy elements, but are so much more in terms of tactics than an arena/deathmatch. Those are the kinds of things MMOs have lacked in the past and why they aren't legit esports. Honestly, Huttball is a huge step in the right direction.


Kinda odd, but some times players like to play something that isn't all that fun to watch, the reverse may also be true, but personally I love Huttball.


WZs are a perfect start to be honest. I just hope, hate to say it, that we get to play with only guildies, having to split the wz with another guild or pugs, simply wont be as fun

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WZs are a perfect start to be honest. I just hope, hate to say it, that we get to play with only guildies, having to split the wz with another guild or pugs, simply wont be as fun


It will also lead to a lot of forum drama, with groups complaining about other random premades throwing matches, not caring, bringing their rating down etc. If Rated isn't 8 man premade it's going to suffer a lot of problems.

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Personally I don't want arena in this game, however I can understand that others do.


I wouldn't mind BW adding arenas as long as it was for e-peen only. Cosmetical rewards only (like social gear) No special stats or so, just moddable gear without mods so the arena junkies can stroke their e-peen with having something extra.


I enjoyed arenas in WoW originally, but when they started to force people into arenas to gain access to the best gear, that's where in my opinion they failed.


Arena should be an e-peen game, e-sport or whatever with some rewards but not end game rewards.


PvPers comes in different flavors, some like world pvp, some like warzones and some like arenas.. Those that like all the above are rare.


I enjoy world pvp and warzones, and it would be a total bummer if I get forced into something I don't enjoy to be able to compete in my areas...

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No it cannot cause WoW arenas are the biggest and stupidest mistake in design ever implemented in a MMO.


Hell i hope they never make the same mistake here , they should listen to the WoW devs that alrdy said it was a mistake before it is to late for them also.


They didn't say Arenas were a mistake.


They said it was a mistake to implement them the way that they did, w/out balancing the classes competitively beforehand, which had a huge impact on the PvE side of things.


SWTOR balance is far better than WoW balance was at the start of BC.


You should really learn a thing or two about "context" if you're going to look at quotes at all. Especially if you're going to make yourself sound stupid by being absolutely wrong about the quote.

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They didn't say Arenas were a mistake.


They said it was a mistake to implement them the way that they did, w/out balancing the classes competitively beforehand, which had a huge impact on the PvE side of things.


SWTOR balance is far better than WoW balance was at the start of BC.


You should really learn a thing or two about "context" if you're going to look at quotes at all. Especially if you're going to make yourself sound stupid by being absolutely wrong about the quote.


"We didn't engineer the game and classes and balance around it, we just added it on, so it continues to be very difficult to balance. Is WoW a PvE cooperative game, or a competitive PvP game? There's constant pressure on the class balance team, there's pressure on the game itself, and a lot of times players who don't PvP don't understand why their classes are changing. I don't think we ever foresaw how much tuning and tweaking we'd have to do to balance it in that direction."


I guess this here STATES there it is a EVER going problem cause it can never truly be BALANCED? No i must be going mad.


A team with 8 players with objectives that are not simple killing the other team can be MUCH easier balanced, cause it is never about simple killing in a 1x1, than a 4x4 with 1 simple objective kill the other team.


I guess is you who should learn and go home do some research before ya type.

Edited by rzrknight
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