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People who log out in 1st or 2nd minute of WZ...


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Will not succumb to being honest and write exactly what I think of them cause would been bared from forums and maybe the game.


Ok, you cannot forbid person to log off. This is fundamental right in every game...


But can you at least introduce severe penalty?

First that come in mind:

  • valor - for every log out, cut some obscene amount of valor from him.
  • gear penalty - randomly replace his PVP gear piece with some upper-class piece
  • automatic loss of next 10 matches


Ok, probably would somebody ask "Hey, what happens if I log out incidentally? Or this time I HAVE to log out?" - I am not saying that you have to do it EVERY time you log out.


I am saying that there should be option for people to TICKET that person - like you have now MVPs, you can have "report for log out" - and when a person gets that ticket ENOUGH TIMES, you can do what I wrote.


We have a person who constantly here logs out in 1st or 2nd minute of the game. And in some times, he actually cost us loss.


If not, I will continue every time I pass next to him "... spit on ..." :)

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4 imperial agents + 2 mercenaries + 2 marauders


2 sorcs + 1 juggernauts + 2 assassin + cant remember


Why prolong the inevitable? Huttball is a utility fight and some classes have none. Nothing new but nobody listens at Bioware.


I dont think the 4 imperial agents are a premade so the match making sucks too. I had many matches with BH and IAs on one side and Warriors Inquis on the other. Perhaps BW is under the impression evey class is equally usefull in PvP. They should play their own game.


BW needs 3-4 months to make their first post or announce class dev leaders meanwhile Rift released two more content patches and balance passes and we still wait for 1.2.


I dont blame them but I guess their workflow is too slow and by far not flexible enough. Fixing WZ exploits or even a minor issue like wins dont count comes to mind. Took them ages to fix it and I get the feeling sometimes they have no idea where look code wise and they are scared to break more than they fix.

Edited by tharnvedra
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Go ahead and spit on them in game. They are still going to leave when you are in WZs with them rather than carry you.


It's only one man and it is not about me. If he an I had a problem, we would solve this long ago - when he would see me, he logs out, when I would see him, I would log out.


And I started to spit on him when he was doing this MANY times. When this started to be patern:


he comes in the wz, DIES 2-3 times and then he LEAVES.


And it is not only me that is complaining about him, all reps on server have problem with him. Read numerous complains, spitting and cursing in /1 when people returned to RF.

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I'm pretty sure they're leaving because they know the game is an autoloss to begin with.


That's the point - he doesn't! He is there EXACTLY 1-2 minutes, enough to die 2,3,4 times and then he logs out!


And - he doesn't have much gear! Come on! You don't get any coms or valor if you log out?! Even if you suck at first, you build your gear com by com, piece by piece.

Its heavy at first!


I tried to explain this to him, tried to reason him - no answer.

People curse him - no answer.


What to do?

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The whole system is/was too focused around wins for the dailies anyways.


Why play 15 minutes for 50-80 commendations when you only need one more win for the daily?


Design flaws. The new design will kill Ilum but should help with the leavers problem.

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Btw, I used to think like you - "oh, this class is overpowerfull", "that class is overpowerfull" - but, well, I changed my mind.


There are times when we win like passing through butter.

There are times when we gain our win, but that is VERY earned win.

And there are times when we loose for hairsting, and times when we are so ravaged that I feel like I was just released from Arab prison.


And you can easily be top of your class. But you need time and effort to scan through forums, sites and youtube.


Me, for example, found out that Guardians are one of the most effective weapons against Healer rings with respeced to AoE.


Agents are, at least on my server, brutally good. As well as shadows, scoundrels etc. They come, cc you, slice and dice you, and dissapear. You try AoE to get them out - cannot, they are out of the range. And then again they come, cc or something...


In many games on my server Sith agents are, very often, in 1st 5 places.

But, now - finally, most often am I.


So can be done. Needs effort, but can be done.

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The whole system is/was too focused around wins for the dailies anyways.


Why play 15 minutes for 50-80 commendations when you only need one more win for the daily?


Design flaws. The new design will kill Ilum but should help with the leavers problem.


Don't agree.


You need 3 matches for a bag.

Then you need 200/200 for another bag, and that is AT LEAST 15-20 matches.

And you have weekly. Which you need, if I remember correct, 15.


And each bag give you 15/7. Which is not enough, if you remember that you need 64 champ for a body piece.


So, you need to invest time. But - it gives you a chance to make that in one day and to spread that out in a week. Which is great for people who has job and family. You can separate a day for it, or you can use hours of the day for it.

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This is ridiculous. Why penalise people when you can make them want to stay? The upcoming 1.2 patch introduces 1000/1000 token trading system for BM gear (at the moment there is no reward for losing at all for people trying to accumulate BM gear - that's why they quit). Edited by svartalfimposter
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I am all for some type of penalty after they get most of the FPS and Latency issues fixed. Those are the only 2 things that ever make me leave a WZ. I have even had to leave ones where we were winning by a large margin because of them. It isn't that bad, maybe 1-2 WZ's every couple of days, but that's still more than it needs to be.
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First 45 seconds of huttball, I charge in... get the ball.. force charge to a guy on their ramps then I get stunned.... I break it because theres a team mate thats ran ahead and I want to pass. Before I can pass it I get cc'd again and now I have 4 or 5 on me and I die before the cc is over. Teammate thats ahead of me says 'this is why i hate pugs, the players are horrible' and rage quits. (also we won)


Apparently people leave because I'm horribad.

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Will not succumb to being honest and write exactly what I think of them cause would been bared from forums and maybe the game.


Ok, you cannot forbid person to log off. This is fundamental right in every game...


But can you at least introduce severe penalty?

First that come in mind:

  • valor - for every log out, cut some obscene amount of valor from him.
  • gear penalty - randomly replace his PVP gear piece with some upper-class piece
  • automatic loss of next 10 matches


Ok, probably would somebody ask "Hey, what happens if I log out incidentally? Or this time I HAVE to log out?" - I am not saying that you have to do it EVERY time you log out.


I am saying that there should be option for people to TICKET that person - like you have now MVPs, you can have "report for log out" - and when a person gets that ticket ENOUGH TIMES, you can do what I wrote.


We have a person who constantly here logs out in 1st or 2nd minute of the game. And in some times, he actually cost us loss.


If not, I will continue every time I pass next to him "... spit on ..." :)




I am a full Battlemaster player. I do not need valor. I do not need warzone commendations. The only thing I am interested in is getting 3 wins every day. If I join a WZ I don't like, or doesn't look like it will win, I will leave, because there is currently no penalty for it. I also do not feel like carrying a bunch of 13k HP scrubs that can't even help themselves by doing Belsavis/Ilum dailies first.


I have some PvP pieces on. I could use the valor, I COULD use the warzone commendations, but its not that big of a deal. I've PvP'd enough where I don't really feel like playing long drawn out matches anymore. Just win or lose quickly.


I've queued with the Ilum buff on. I have 15 minutes on my buff but it doesn't look like this game will finish early. I will leave.


I am a fresh 50. I need valor, I need commendations. I want to attack everything on sight to get as many medals as possible. I don't really care about winning because I'm going to be grinding WZs all day anyway, and will get my 3 wins eventually.


Also, I think you'll enjoy a random disconnect and then "losing 10 games in a row" because of the system? lol. A better option (other than copying WoW's deserter debuff) is adding a Power Play option, or using GY's to throttle ressurections when one side has less people. They can also temporarily adjust bolster if a side is down in numbers.

Or, they can just add in deserter debuff and votekick option.

Or, they can allow us to choose which WZs we want to queue for.

Or, they can add in a lobby system so we can approve the people we are about to group with.

They have options, they're just choosing NONE OF THEM.

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I am a Battlemaster and there is totally 0 reason for me to stay in a fail game, which is:


1. PuG vs Premade situation - autoloss

2. People who have no clue WTeF are they doing and thus no hope of recovering


In these both cases I automatically quit and queue again, I really have no time for this ****.



Since the OP is clearly not a BM and is living in his fairy world of Commendations being useful, I am sure he won't understand the issue for the BM's here, which is as simple as:


As a Battlemaster LOSS gives you NOTHING at all.

Edited by Gaidax
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Eventually I'm sure that they will gain a debuff that prohibits them from requeueing WZ's for X period of time, until then:


A: Fight it out, get your Valor/Comms and in the event that you win that match it's all the sweeter.


B: Turtle up and let the opposing team farm you.


It's Server-based PvP currently, players and guilds aren't immune to the effects of a negative reputation. I have personally refused more than a few players PUG invites to FP's/Dailies/OP's on the basis of the attitudes that they demonstrate in WZ's, and it's quite funny to let them know why they aren't being invited lol.

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I am a fresh 50. I need valor, I need commendations. I want to attack everything on sight to get as many medals as possible. I don't really care about winning because I'm going to be grinding WZs all day anyway, and will get my 3 wins eventually.


And there you have it. A prime example of what many are complaining about and you fit the mold exactly. Selfishness rules.

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Wait like 3 minutes, then wisper them and tell them smth like this: "Thank you for leaving, someone better as you came in, and now we are winning."


And if ppl dont get this, they are totally dumb.

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But can you at least introduce severe penalty?

First that come in mind:

  • valor - for every log out, cut some obscene amount of valor from him.
  • gear penalty - randomly replace his PVP gear piece with some upper-class piece
  • automatic loss of next 10 matches




1) Bad idea but not horrible

2) Horrible idea, replace gear really?

3) LOL most horrible idea. What does this serve?


*4) Good idea:

30 min deserter debuff where you can not queue for another WZ.



If not, I will continue every time I pass next to him "... spit on ..." :)


wow... just wow. Let them feel your rage! :cool:

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Battlemaster here, there is no need to stay in a losing game. Im not here to play the way you want. im not here to make your game more enjoyable. i could careless if you think i am horrible at pvp. I dont have time to be wasting on fail groups who leave one turret empty just to take mid when we were already up 2. I dont have time for people who dont know how to pass the ball up. I dont have time for people who dont know how to watch the doors as they try and get their medal counts. Fail is fail, while you ***** about someone else, he is worried about himself and is going further in game than you are while you waste you time "spitting" on him...
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And there you have it. A prime example of what many are complaining about and you fit the mold exactly. Selfishness rules.


If you actually read my entire post and took it in context, you would realize that I am describing all the people who are NOT YET Battlemaster. The fresh 50s who have no clue what they are doing in WZs. Maybe you fit this description as well?

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