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Why are Republic so bad at PvP?


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Maybe Reps are just alts of imps and doing PUGs?


lol no, but seriously. I have been on some BAD imp teams. Team isn't really the word for it. And I have faced some Republics that have been fantastic. It's just luck of the draw I would say.

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On my server (Lord Ieldis), Pubs actually dominated Ilum and the level 50 WZ's for the first 2 months of the game because, for whatever reason, the Imps were just really slow to arrive at 50 in numbers. (Pubs had a couple actual PvP guilds and Imps really had none.) However that has shifted in the last couple weeks as Imps have balanced the gear differential, and it turns out those Pubs we thought were so strong were actually just better-geared.
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My server (ebon hand) republic does very well in PvP.


I get my daily win in really quick. No issues.


Too be honest, I see empire players that quit all the time if they are down 1-0 in huttball or only have 1 objective in civil war.


I play on Wound in the Force as an Imperial and this is a huge issue on my server. As soon as someone scores in Huttball or if we don't get two turrets in Alderaan, at least 2 players will leave. Which completely screws the game over.


Moreover, almost every Republic team that I play against has 1-2 BMs in them making it very difficult to compete if you're trying to gear up from Centurion -> Champion like I currently am doing on my Marauder.


I'm not saying that the Republic on my side are better but since they seem to be fewer of them who consistently end up being in the same WZ, they seem to have better teamwork. Oh and the fact that the majority of all Republic players are Sages/Troopers really doesn't help balance in any way.

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On my server 'pubs outnumber imps, and still lose average of 8 out of 10 games...



post up the name of your server, its easy to find out if reps actually outnumber imps,, just make one of each and check fleet and GTN a few times...


I have 50s on both sides of Darth Xedrix server, Imp pvp is 10 x easier in all aspects..


leveling rep, took 5-10 mins lvls 1-49 to get WZ,, at 50 after they were moved to own que, i spent sometimes 2 hours waiting for a WZ, and Ilum?? oh forget that, you go there on rep side we would have 5 people on planet total, and on ilum pvp side there would be a sea of red speeders chasing us down, its changed a little bit on ilum now but still get outnumbered quickly when they call in more..


leveling imp, almost instant WZ from 1-49 get out of one and entry to next is waiting 90% of the time.. at 50, takes 5-10 mins max most of the time, longer on off times, and Ilum, well easy to guess when you're part of the 16 man group chasing 4 pub guys out of central..


You can see how much longer it is to get the valor and comms to buy the needed expertise gear. It's a breeze even in mostly champ pvp gear to hold off several non pvp geared people.

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I've seen bad on both sides.


The bottom line is for low levels: gear is more or less the same since they boost your stats. There are no players with (much) expertise in this players (i mean the stat).


It comes down to tactics. Judging by your angry post, I bet you berate your noob compatriots a lot.


I do too sometimes... but try being nicer, they will actually listen to your strategy then.

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That is a very interesting theory. How does it work for servers where repubs outnumber imps, but still suck at PvP?


idk really know, thts how my server is... I just kinda aassumed tht it was like this for all servers, mostly bacause everyne was complaing about the imbalance tht was in favor of the imps... I 'd assume tht if reps do outnumber imps and still suck, I'd say then the players just suck either tht or the imps are really good *shrug* who knows.

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On the Corellian run the Republic is god awful. I knew it from playing the Rep. side but recently got to experience it from empire's point of view when I created a marauder alt. In a particular voidstar wz republic lost worse than i have ever seen empire lose that scenario.
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Pubs win probably 80% of the matches on our server. Why? Because they ALWAYS have 2-3 healers. Imps are frakking lucky if they have even 1...


Exactly the same as my server, plus they play smart, I'm capping a node and have a guy CC'd.... what do my team mates do, see read instantly attack... I'm like... are you serious... it happens all the time I've seen few ******* on republic (prob cause there are less of them) at least on my server. Also reps you know, distract people pull them out while the other caps, I've had this maybe one out of 100 games (in pugs) more obviously if playing with friends, just people dunno how to PvP (the majority) in MMO's I think. You get very few good players that know how.

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Well if you feel this way and feel there is no quality PvPers on the republic side; Reroll a Republic Character and compete against Imperials. But I bet you'll find the same problem when you end up playing them.


Agreed. Grass is always greener on the other side.


PVP on my Imp, and the Republic faceroll us.


PVP on my Pub, and the Empire facerolls us.

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Exactly the same as my server, plus they play smart, I'm capping a node and have a guy CC'd.... what do my team mates do, see read instantly attack... I'm like... are you serious... it happens all the time I've seen few ******* on republic (prob cause there are less of them) at least on my server. Also reps you know, distract people pull them out while the other caps, I've had this maybe one out of 100 games (in pugs) more obviously if playing with friends, just people dunno how to PvP (the majority) in MMO's I think. You get very few good players that know how.


Yeah. I started my Pub character a few days ago, hopefully I'll get him to 50 before patch 1.2 hits.


Imps are simply mouthbreathers on my server. Take Alderaan for example: We have 1 point, Pubs 2. I singlehandedly cap another point with CC and stuff, and while I do that we lose a point where 5 gorram Imps were standing. How is that even possible?


Same on Voidstar: Pubs plant a bomb on a door where 4-5 Imps are standing. Are they gorram blind?


And no, the grass is not always greener on the other side: When I play 30 gorram matches and only win 1, then the grass is a LOT greener on the other side.

Edited by AetherMcLoud
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Not sure about any other Server but on the Harbinger The republics players 90% of the time put up a dam good fight even in a match they loose, which is more then i can say for the Empire on my server, soo many rage quitters.
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I have played both sides and the sith toons are much easier to play not to mention the amount of stuns we have. I win on sith pugs I lose on republic pugs. Same person different results= not balanced counterparts. Edited by eldisper
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  • 4 weeks later...

I found out why after getting a Republic character to 50.


Here is the history of my PvPing. In the 49 bracket of PvP I found the games were often 50/50 for win/losses as a whole.


At the 50 PvP bracket the game completely changed to Empire winning most of the game, I would say about 70-80% of the games.


Why is this? Because on my server the Republic has what seems to be half the Imperial population.


Because of this PvP does not happen as often for the Republic as it does the Empire. I can sit on my Republic toon and get a game every 30 minutes or so, maybe back to back with a 5 minute wait in prime time if lucky.


My Empire characters can get game after game for most of the day any day. It only slows down late at night and only dies completely very late around 2am. Yes, most of the games are Huttball, but I still get my daily done much faster and I get to easily play 3-4 times the amount of games my Republic character gets to.


So, it is not that the Republic are bad players, they are just undergeared due to the lack of being able to PvP. Where as it is not uncommon for half of my Empire team to be in BattleMaster gear now, I look around at my Republic team and I'm lucky if half of them are even in full PvP Centurion.

Edited by illgot
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It is like that on Frostclaw, its just horrible. All the competent PvPrs have left, and those that were considered to be crap, are now the best the republic side have.

I stoped playing for a month becouse it was so bad, and came back the other day, just to find out it was even worse.


People leaving objectives to take 3rd one in Alderaan, 4 people beating on 1 person without beeing able to take him down, people not having their passbutton on hotbar going towards their own goalline etc.


I havent won a single warzone the last 2 days, and i always end up doing 2-3 times as much damage as anyone in my team and getting twice as many kills. Then you inspect them and 5-6 players have green quest armor or mix of blue quest and centurion parts.


Whats even worse is that if you actually manage to get 2 objectives in alderaan, someone says lets take the 3rd! in chat, and half the team follows...and when you check his rank hes BattleMaster or higher, every idiot can get higher ranks now.


Dont go to Frostclaw on rep side if you plan on playing on a PvE server.

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Well the server does matter....a lot of servers have an imp majority, others with pub majority, few with a balance. in the case of majority, the side with the majority tends to win b/c of usually more high levels/competent people who know what they're doing. not always the case, as I can tell you about my 4 straight losses yesterday on my imp majority server, which i was apart of, but we lost because no one was smart enough to send 2 or 3 to one side and rest to middle. in the case of a balance, its usually just whoever has more control over their characters and knows what they're doing.
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It depends on the time of day on my server. At 50 The Republic pretty much rule the daylight, winning 80-90% of the warzones I enter. After 6pm it evens out, dropping to more around the 50/50 mark as more premades show up on both sides.


Wasn't always this way though. Imperials heavily outnumber the Republic on my server and geared up way, way faster. Early on the Imperials were just flat-out tough to kill due to the gear disparity and that made Republic wins very rare.. Maybe that made some of the Republic guys better players while the Imperials on our server got used to having better gear and now that we've caught up are finding it hard to adjust without that kind of advantage. Who knows why it is how it is, but it is how it is.

Edited by goatfoam
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I am not trying to troll, but on my server I have 2 level 50s on the Empire side.


I had a few republics I used for buying things on their broker, but I never played PvP as a Republic.


Then I tried queued up... WOW, they are just bad. I thought that the Empire players were good, but that is not the case. The Republic kept repeating the same mistakes every game. It was the same people over and over losing the game for the whole team.


Things I kept seeing most of the players doing:


- charge in solo at a location against 2-3 opponents.


- split the forces trying to take 2 turrets at once even if you already have one


- leaving no guards at a node


- leaving just one guard to get zerged so fast they can't call for help


- not using simple tactics to confuse your enemies


Is it like this on most servers? There has to be one server with a smart group of Republic players.


My gods, you are a stupid human being.

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