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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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To be honest you need to sort your customer service out bioware a massive problem for any one on light populated server is here and you make no effort to give us any clue to what happening about it you just move the thread when it hits 1000 posts .... you did the same for the hundreds of people with the error code 9000 problem .... SORT IT OUT !
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Veela server is rapidly declining in population. I am apart of one of the bigger guilds on the server with many of my guildmates trying to persevere, but I believe many will throw in the towel if 1.2 doesnt draw the masses back.


From listening to my server and other large guilds on it...it seems that many will probably throw another sub for a month to see 1.2, but if it flops, then many will quit forever. People are just fed up, period. I understand that MMO's take time, but we cannot hang on when we have NOBODY to do anything with. Yes, we have guildmates, but even they are starting to dwindle. There are very few servers that are generally "Standard" to sometimes "Heavy". Veela is normally "Light" to sometimes "Standard".


When I log on at peak weekends, the average Rep Fleet is around 50-65 players. :mad:


I really do like this game, but instead, "Alright, lets see what I can get accomplished today!" its more of, "Hopefully there are more than 30 people on the Rep Fleet..."


Its all the same song and dance that many of use have expressed.


I have hope in Bioware that they are working on these issues. I just feel they are relying on 1.2 to spur excitement.



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When I log on at peak weekends, the average Rep Fleet is around 50-65 players. :mad:


I really do like this game, but instead, "Alright, lets see what I can get accomplished today!" its more of, "Hopefully there are more than 30 people on the Rep Fleet..."



Having that few people stinks and I can understand your frustration - but what I don't understand is why people like you are talking about quitting the game completely, instead of creating new characters on a more populated server? Yeah, starting over is a bummer, but if you like the game it's still better than quitting.

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Having that few people stinks and I can understand your frustration - but what I don't understand is why people like you are talking about quitting the game completely, instead of creating new characters on a more populated server? Yeah, starting over is a bummer, but if you like the game it's still better than quitting.


No, actually, it isn't better. When you spend months building characters and a legacy only to be told that if you want to fully enjoy the game you'll have to start over somewhere else, that's disrespectful. The only acceptable answer is server mergers or characters transfers--and only if it's free.

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Having that few people stinks and I can understand your frustration - but what I don't understand is why people like you are talking about quitting the game completely, instead of creating new characters on a more populated server? Yeah, starting over is a bummer, but if you like the game it's still better than quitting.


I've spent the last 3+ months grinding Valor and running Ops for Rakata and doing dailies every day to pay my repair bills. That is a lot of time investment for one character. Not to mention all the friends I've made on my current server. At this point rerolling isn't an option. I enjoy that game, but seriously, I'm not going to spend a month leveling another character just so I can play on a server that actually has players on it.

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This is pretty much the reason why I won't be renewing my sub. Logging on and finding 20-30 people on the fleet during prime time is just terrible. No, I am not going to spend time re rolling after spending so much time on my character. I can't believe Bioware hasn't done something about this yet.
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To all the people saying they need to merge servers:




...anytime soon that is... if ever.


Transfers are coming, not server mergers(WoW still hasn't merged any servers and some of them are absolutely dead and have been for years). So whining, crying, threatening doom, quitting or threatening to quit will have no effect on making them merge your server.


They have the numbers, they know every individual servers population and how may are active on that server. So unless they decide to do it, it's never going to happen.


Needs to be repeated.


They have announced the plans (told you 2 months in advance, btw) and how long its going to take to implement them. So yes it is your fault for staying on your "dead" server, and having a tantrum because they haven't bent to your will.


To those betting on server mergers/transfers to "save" the game for you, do your self a favor and quit now. I'm sure they way they implement them will not be exactly what your expecting.

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For those who are interested, here are some statistics:


Server 1 (Standard):

457 Republic/443 Imperial/900 Total/20% level 50


Server 2 (Standard):

341 Republic/460 Imperial/801 Total/20% level 50


Server 3 (Standard):

191 Republic/170 Imperial/361 Total/10% level 50


Server 4 (Standard):

187 Republic/414 Imperial/601 Total/20% level 50


Server 5 (Light):

83 Republic/75 Imperial/158 Total/8% level 50


The data suggests the following:


1. The definition of "standard" is too broad. The people on the 900 pop server are probably much happier than the people on the 360 pop server.


2. People tend to spend more time on their level 50s enjoying end game if the server pop is greater than 500; otherwise they focus on alts.


I suggest that they revise "standard" to include server pop greater than 500 and less than 1000.


All the light servers (<500 pop) need to be merged.


Unless you play on a light pop server, you probably can't appreciate the urgency of the problem. We see people leaving almost every day. Most of us are unwilling to reroll on another server having earned Columni/Rakata gear and upwards of 40 Legacy levels on our current server. We're much more likely to go back to whatever game we were playing in December.


I like this game, and I want it to be successful. I've invested three months and a lot of effort in building a great guild, and I'd be very disappointed if it was all for nothing. This is a Titanic moment. If they don't do something quick, the light pop servers are going to sink.

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Go and play on a light / standard server and come back with your rose tinted spectacles still on.

So 7 on my planets and less than 20 in Fleet is something I just imagine means low population. Trouble is you Star Wars fanboys think some of us other more hardened MMO players are looking for the Holy Grail or something. When you have played a real MMO, where there are these things called... other players, you will realise what you are missing. I have cancelled my account but kinda hope one day I'll hear a mass of voices here saying the game is brilliantly populated. However, I do take the time to log and I do take the time to scan the world, but when it feels empty and devoid of players I just sense its a game thats bombed. Time in an MMO is valuable, and I aint gonna waste time when I can be playing another MMO and be progressing. But the point here is the issue of MMO. But hey... everyone to their own. Or should I say.. On their own.

Both of you did not understand what I was trying to say. You believe I was saying that the server population is an imaginary problem. I said no such thing. I said that the player base drove players away then complain about low populations. If anyone who never heard of the game came and checked out the forums they wouldn't want to join with all the negativity that's flying around. How do you expect the server population to improve?


If they support the game they're a fanboi or a BioDrone. Come the hell on. You're saying that person does not have a right to enjoy the game? That's their choice. People are going out of their way to make the game look as bad as they can make it look and then you expect to attract or keep players? Not everyone is secure enough to make their own decisions and follow the crowd. I'm not saying it is right I'm just pointing out human nature.


So when people talk about the power of word of mouth look at what words are being tossed around on this forums for starters then you can figure out why your server is where it is population wise.



FYI: I play on a light to standard server on my Republic Toon (the one I'm playing the most now) and Republic is outnumbered on the server. I still stand by what I said.

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The titanic already sank and it's on it's way to the bottom of the ocean now unless you can rescue some of the people drowning, they already lost a good number of people due to their lack of respect to their loyal customers and fan base. I have not logged in for a couple of days now and I'm enjoying this extra time I have to spend with my son and now I'm playing Kinect games with him and it seems I don't miss the game. I will come back after 1.2 since I subbed for 6 months... and got the CE....


But my hopes are not high. I have a bad feeling the server transfer option we will get and probably won't be satisfied and leave but hey guess they can try to lure me in again and get my money but this time around I'm not subbing for 6 months that's for damn sure.

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There's a flaw in your logic. Most people who play the game never log onto the forums.


The low population is what drove the players away.


Then by that logic nothing on theses forums should be taken seriously... including this thread.


BW has the numbers and will take action on them, they are the ones who really have a vested interest in keeping the game afloat.


Also it helps to have the server name(from your previous post), so people can tell if your blowing smoke up their posterior.

Edited by BlackZoback
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Yeah something needs to happen sooner rather than later.


IMO Besides a tired theme being tired, Rift was a little late on this and it hurt them badly. I really think the developers need to get out in front of this.


Like if 1.2 wasnt already on the PTR I'd say totaly shelf it to fix this server population issue. What good is server specific legacy stuff we earned if we need to reroll to a different server if we want to see the flashpoints before level cap?


And this is all from a SWTOR "Kool-Aid drinker" or "Care Bear" or whatevs so I'm def not just hating.


Hell. I'm inviting people to try the game and telling them to not roll on my server which is kind of ridiculous. Maybe instead of replacing players with potential subscribers from free trials we should be retaining current subscribers.


As far as how to merge or funnel people is beyond me. But if the servers can physically handle it, IMO with all the instancing in this game any potental negative impact from an "over-population" problem due to merging would be minimal at best. And the "Benefits" may significantly outweigh the potential "Costs".


At this point I'll volunteer to be moved anywhere if it helps...

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What good is server specific legacy stuff we earned if we need to reroll to a different server if we want to see the flashpoints before level cap?




P.S. If you're not seeing the flashpoints under level cap, you're probably not going to see them at 50 either. My faction has a grand total of 12 level 50s on right now (7pm EST), and none of them are in a flashpoint.

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I hope BioWare wakes up soon and open transfare or merge betwen servers. There is no fun playin a dead server, and me and my guild don't want to change server and start grinding al over again.


This thread should say enough. Hope they do something soon because this is by far the best MMORPG and i don't want to stop playing just because they went Odysseus and geting hybris opening 10 new servers to quick.


Gör om gör rätt. as we swedes would call it.

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This might help in the mean time ...



1) Legacy is now cross server


2) Bolster experience on another server if you've maxed out a character on one server. Something along the 10% buff to help players level


3) Proper definitions of what constitutes a "Low" and standard pop and a warning for new players joining those servers. That way you can feel your benefiting from your alts in some capacity and will join them again


4) Open up server slots to 10 (the amount of goodwill this would garner would be astronomical)



Once transfers open ...


1) For every 3 months of paid game time, you'll be allowed 1 free transfer to any destination realm


2) Keep it at 10 dollars or 15 max but include faction changes.


3) Consolidate realms that are severely handicapped




3) Free transfers to factions and/or severs that are underwhelmed

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Btw, it's been said that Bioware opened up more servers because people complained about queues and it's not BW's fault for doing so. Is there any source that says that's the reason why they did or we just going on what sounds reasonable but with no evidence?
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Our server still occasionally has Queues to log in. Next time you start an MMO, dont choose a low population server.


Were you around in early access?


If you were you would have known just about every server had 30 min queues, that bioware PURPOSELY lowered server caps to create queues to spread out people, that bioware EVEN said to join servers that didnt have queues.


Only Bioware is to blame for this mess.


Oh, FYI, some servers that had those big queues are empty now too, my server had queues at first not is low pop most of the day.

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Our server still occasionally has Queues to log in. Next time you start an MMO, dont choose a low population server.


I didn't choose a low pop server, my guild was placed there by BioWare. When the lack of population is the only reason we're considering leaving (at least until transfers are available), that's horrible for BW, since that means they're doing everything right except putting enough players together on the same server, and despite having a good game they could still lose subs.

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Iron Citadel was one of the massive queue servers in early access, longer then The Fatman, yet now is standard with a republic fleet around 75 on average. The second server I chose was a bust after a few days when I discovered it might as well be the unofficial Brazilian server (Kinrath Spider). So one more, after launch, Infinity Gate seemed like a good start with a lot of other people also sick of the long queues. IG has dwindled to 60 on either fleets, but on the bright side, the factions are somewhat balanced. My guild split and the people that left were never to be seen again.


Personally I think Bioware should rely more on sharding and use one server to rule them all. If people complain about names use something similar to what Champions uses, handle@accountname.

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Our server still occasionally has Queues to log in. Next time you start an MMO, dont choose a low population server.


I picked the highest population EU, English, PVP server when I made my character at release, and now at peak times it is dead, so S T F U.

Edited by SunwindIon
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