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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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Hehe... so in 3 months even those new did not had any clue about endgame? To get LEGACY lvl 32 TAKES ''ALOT'' of effort...


lvling 1 char from 1-50 gives legacy lvl 7-9 MAX... so what did they do to get all those other legacy lvls(the guy who replied to me)


Either he did TONS of HM flashpoints(which means he was geared for endgame 1 month ago ATLEAST) or he did TONS of pvp(which means he was geared for Endgame 1 month ago aswell)


Look i was ready for ENDGAME (normal operation 8 man) 2 weeks after i hit lvl 50) So that was 1 month after game opened up(didnt had early access)


If they are new to the game ask people about it or use your brains seriously

Some people do not play extremely often, so you can't boil "investment" down into legacy levels. I never said "legacy 32", but to people who have work and family and only get to log on for a couple hours at a time, getting to 50 means several months of time, so even legacy 10 would feel like a LOT of time investment in terms of real life, compared to someone who gets to the same level in a week or two (by uh, not sleeping). It will feel even longer for the people who did the bulk of their leveling during break.




Friends cant roll with them? Talk use words, communication is the key :)

I like how you use the smiley to talk down to me without seeming confrontational.

Anyways, friends have different schedules. Even if you have no full time job or school, some of them do. It's selfish to expect everyone to pack up and go wherever you do. Same goes for guilds.


I'm sure in some cases it works out. I personally AM thinking of starting an "alt initiative" to a differnent server, but it will not be our home server.



So now they should pay the price for them being Naive...

But they're still paying a REAL price, and that's 15 bucks a month. EVERYONE is paying to play, and they should get at least a BASE social experience. It's called quality standards. You expect basic guidelines in physical product, why not in this? If you happened to choose a defective one off the shelf, it's the manufacturer's fault, not yours.


If this manufacturer admits that you're not getting what you paid for, they'll usually let you exchange it for a new one. I. E. server transfer.


Just dont tell me that having 50 million credits, legacy lvl 32 without rerolling alt goes LOGICAL with the fact that he/she did not understand that server is dying....


Having 500k credits, legacy lvl 10 and not realising i can buy but this just means being ignorant and now crying for your own fault


So tell me, what happens to the servers that all these rerollers leave? Because 100% of people will NOT reroll. Those left behind would rather unsub than put in the same leveling.

And they KNOW it. So they figure if they just hang in there, Bioware will eventually do something about it. Probably in the form of transfers.




Overall I'm glad you're being proactive, really, I am.

But you have to understand that you're going to rub people the wrong way by saying "come to me" instead of "I'll choose a server that fits me best."

Edited by Stenrik
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meanwhile enjoy a new char and healthy community...


Not everyone wants to do this, I certainly don't. You're proposing that I waste time on a pointless character on a temporary server until they do merges (not only that, but i've noticed in another thread that you're promoting your own server to improve your own experience on your main [edit:not his main] characters)... if this is the best solution I'd rather unsub until they do merges, and I'd wager that a lot of people feel the same way (and from experience, when people unsub for this reason they don't always come back after merges have taken place, I saw the exact same thing happen in WAR). I don't want to kill time for however long it takes, I want to continue progressing my existing characters but until the population on my server increases it's pretty much impossible. Also, while your solution may keep the players who are willing to re-roll, it will just further alienate those who are not and push them even closer towards unsubbing and add to the existing snowball effect that it already happening on some servers, where people are leaving because of population, which in turn makes more people leave, which in turn makes more people leave...


If EA/Bioware had played around with the server numbers more actively it wouldn't look so bad, but they decided to settle on the existing number even after people left at the end of their 30 days and as people continue to leave because they invested so much time in to character(s) and cannot face starting all over again. It's going to look worse and worse the longer they leave it. If they would just come out and say "our subscription numbers have settled now, and we propose merging X amount of servers to make sure all servers keep a healthy population" I certainly wouldn't think "omg doom and gloom!". The only people that would are the players of other games who consider subscription and server numbers to be some sort of genitalia measurement . If EA and Bioware care more about those peoples opinions than keeping their own customers happy then maybe I'm giving the wrong company my money.

Edited by Terilith
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My server is horrid and needs a merge soon! Hex Droid is a wasteland, even on "free" weekends in prime time we have 40 people in fleet on Empire side, Republic side is non existant almost. About 10-20 people per starting planet, assuming those are the "free" players and perhaps some subbed friends.


Please BW address this problem, waiting in queue for warzones for over 30 minutes is not cool, not to mention a good number of them ending prematurely because not enough people entered. We don't need the same server numbers as in launch, especially the Europe+PvP servers as most people have left due to obvious reasons.



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I don't understand why EA/Bioware is being so quiet about this -- this is pathetic. If short term plans prevent merging servers, give us some method to transfer our characters and legacy to another server. I don't care if PR or technical constraints are stopping the team from providing this option, would a rep please give us some sort of update regarding this issue since it's quite obvious that many players WANT this to happen in order to keep subscribing. Your customers need populated/active servers to access the YOUR content on a more regular basis. And playing with/against the same group of people all the time stinks.



Edited by Akabeth
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I don't understand why EA/Bioware is being so quiet about this -- this is pathetic. If short term plans prevent merging servers, give us some method to transfer our characters and legacy to another server. I don't care if PR or technical constraints are stopping the team from providing this option, would a rep please give us some sort of update regarding this issue since it's quite obvious that many players WANT this to happen in order to keep subscribing. Your customers need populated/active servers to access the YOUR content on a more regular basis. And playing with/against the same group of people all the time stinks.



Taken from another post


ello everyone. I can absolutely understand the frustrations expressed here, and I appreciate that for the most part, you're being constructive in your comments. Here's a little more insight into the situation.


The character transfer system is being actively worked on by the development team. It's a large, complex project, made more complicated by the Legacy System - and it has to work perfectly. As always, it is not the only task the team as a whole is undertaking, but it's a priority. It has not been deliberately delayed, nor is it being 'held back' for any reason. As you know, the first stage of the system will be a one-off, optional transfer for those who are based in the regions defined in our FAQ. At some point after that, we'll bring a more fully-featured character transfer system online for all to use.


I can understand the frustration of those of you who have been playing on the US servers and waiting for transfers. We know your enthusiasm and excitement for the game - you wouldn't have taken the steps you did to get the game earlier than the official launch if you weren't enthusiastic. We're working as hard as we can to get the system in place. If we could have brought it online earlier, we would have. However, priorities post-launch had to be directed towards the game itself. The team's been working flat-out to improve the game, including bug fixes and additional content.


When we announced our launch territories last year we knew many more fans were excited to play The Old Republic. That's why we moved quickly to launch in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore, with more territories being lined up for future launches. Our primary focus when launching in any new territory has to be to reach more players. Ultimately, that's best for the continuing success of the game. We want everyone who wishes to play on the new servers to be able to do so, hence character transfer being offered. With that said, in this case we felt it was important to get the game into the hands of new players as soon as possible. That, combined with our post-launch development priorities, meant that character transfer did not make our launch date for these territories.


The development team remains committed to delivering a robust character transfer system for all, with our first priority being for Asia-Pacific players. If we can bring the system to you earlier than expected, we will, but for now we’re aiming towards late April.

Stephen Reid | Senior Online Community Manager

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Source post for those doubters




If you love the game and don't mind rolling an alt somewhere else for now use the information floating around and do it, this could take a bit longer then anoher month.


If you don't really enjoy the game and don't with to reroll or wait then you know what you have to do......

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Oh Bioware... Warhammer Online was that long ago that you forgot how things went after launch with the servers?


As TOR, they created a bunch of servers at launch just to see them empty after a couple of months. I can't really remember if there was char transfers (I think so) but they did merge servers quite frequently, until they had a very low number of servers to play.


Right now I have lvl 50 chars in 3 servers. One due to the guild early-access thing, other because I hated the server given and moved, other because friends have joined on a different one.


I hope for server merge before anything, but I'd love some transfers to get my chars into a single server. It's a pain to have them there on hold.

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If I wanted a single player game, I'd buy one of those.

I bought an MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER game because I wanted to play with other ppl.


I dont have time to level another character. It took me 2 months to get to 50. Laugh all you want but I dont have time to level a second character. The agony of doing all the quests again just to find people to play with is too much.


My playing experience is completely ruined.


Market is EMPTY

Warzones never pop if you dont Q at peak.

If I get into wz I see the same people.


WHY are you doing this to me?


I think its greedy and bad. People are not idiots. Moving a character in this digital age is a matter of moving data. Its not difficult and it shouldn't cost much or anything. (But sure, limit it. People wouldn't move often anyway). Tell me, how come you can have a character with stats and "Gear" in BF3 that can play on any server it wants? The items you have dont take THAT much database space just because its an MMO


Getting you to pay 20euro for a character transfer is just markup. They sell the game to you several times this way.


"Oh, low pop? Well, you can level 3 months more then for another 50 with gear. Or you can pay us a fee. We dont care that there is low population. Not our problem as long as you keep giving us money"

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If I wanted a single player game, I'd buy one of those.

I bought an MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER game because I wanted to play with other ppl.


I dont have time to level another character. It took me 2 months to get to 50. Laugh all you want but I dont have time to level a second character. The agony of doing all the quests again just to find people to play with is too much.


My playing experience is completely ruined.


Market is EMPTY

Warzones never pop if you dont Q at peak.

If I get into wz I see the same people.


WHY are you doing this to me?


I think its greedy and bad. People are not idiots. Moving a character in this digital age is a matter of moving data. Its not difficult and it shouldn't cost much or anything. (But sure, limit it. People wouldn't move often anyway). Tell me, how come you can have a character with stats and "Gear" in BF3 that can play on any server it wants? The items you have dont take THAT much database space just because its an MMO


Getting you to pay 20euro for a character transfer is just markup. They sell the game to you several times this way.


"Oh, low pop? Well, you can level 3 months more then for another 50 with gear. Or you can pay us a fee. We dont care that there is low population. Not our problem as long as you keep giving us money"


Too many servers is Biowares fault for listening to us and adding more servers .... being miserable on a low pop server when it has been said by devs that there are problems because of the legacy system and will take some time is your fault.



The information is that merges and transfers will take more time is there for people to see

staying unhappy where you are from this point on is your fault...

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I play on Soresu (Republic) its dead...

Girrad the Hutt (Empire) lots of people, but no interaction...


Server merges will be nice when they come.


Meanwhile I dont mind re-rolling on different servers to try out the community. Doesn't take long to lvl to 10 and get to fleet.

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Not everyone wants to do this, I certainly don't. You're proposing that I waste time on a pointless character on a temporary server until they do merges (not only that, but i've noticed in another thread that you're promoting your own server to improve your own experience on your main characters)... if this is the best solution I'd rather unsub until they do merges, and I'd wager that a lot of people feel the same way (and from experience, when people unsub for this reason they don't always come back after merges have taken place, I saw the exact same thing happen in WAR). I don't want to kill time for however long it takes, I want to continue progressing my existing characters but until the population on my server increases it's pretty much impossible. Also, while your solution may keep the players who are willing to re-roll, it will just further alienate those who are not and push them even closer towards unsubbing and add to the existing snowball effect that it already happening on some servers, where people are leaving because of population, which in turn makes more people leave, which in turn makes more people leave...


If EA/Bioware had played around with the server numbers more actively it wouldn't look so bad, but they decided to settle on the existing number even after people left at the end of their 30 days and as people continue to leave because they invested so much time in to character(s) and cannot face starting all over again. It's going to look worse and worse the longer they leave it. If they would just come out and say "our subscription numbers have settled now, and we propose merging X amount of servers to make sure all servers keep a healthy population" I certainly wouldn't think "omg doom and gloom!". The only people that would are the players of other games who consider subscription and server numbers to be some sort of genitalia measurement . If EA and Bioware care more about those peoples opinions than keeping their own customers happy then maybe I'm giving the wrong company my money.


The red line is a perfect lie... if you click on my signature link you will see that i STARTED A NEW CHAR ON A NEW SERVER... My original server is Legion of Lettow...


But after that it took me a few days of looking over servers to find a new one...


Atleast read before posting dumb statements.

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Too many servers is Biowares fault for listening to us and adding more servers .... being miserable on a low pop server when it has been said by devs that there are problems because of the legacy system and will take some time is your fault.



The information is that merges and transfers will take more time is there for people to see

staying unhappy where you are from this point on is your fault...


Ohh, the publicity spin got you too eh? Merging a server wouldn't give any legacy problem at all. But they want to get the character move instead and offer you to BUY it.


You are right about one thing tho. Being unhappy would be my fault for playing. Which is why I dont renew subscription that runs out in a few days. I'll just see what happens later. Maybe I come back in the fall, maybe never. We'll see. I just feel cheated from my expected gaming experience. And cheated from the gaming experience I had when I first started playing. It was fun and with a living community.


I can forgive some quirks/bugs and some balance issues etc. What I cant continue to do is to have so few to play with.

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The red line is a perfect lie...


Ok, so not your main, but remove that one word (the only thing you needed to highlight) and it's correct. I'll go ahead and edit it for you.


Atleast read before posting dumb statements.


Other than that nothing about my statements were "dumb", or do you have something to say about the other 99% of my post, it's point, and the topic being discussed?

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hmm i play world of warcraft and star wars because i can afford to as i work for a living unlike most peeps. But anyways i was on wow yesterday afternoon and ogrimmar, which would be the equivalent of the fleet, only had 49 people.. Last night i kept comparing wow to my servers fleet and wow had less people on at its peak in ogrimmar i saw 115 people on and on the fleet there was almost 300. So really i dont understand where you get the idea that server merge is a must.. I have no issues finding groups in star wars but im also not scared to say LFG unlike most of you shy cry babies.
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Ok, so not your main, but remove that one word (the only thing you needed to highlight) and it's correct. I'll go ahead and edit it for you.




Other than that nothing about my statements were "dumb", or do you have something to say about the other 99% of my post, it's point, and the topic being discussed?


I started this initiative(I made the character the same day) to see if people only wnt to cry and ''force'' others to make something for them or are the pro-active enough to fix something for themselves..... luckily i see alot of people liking the idea so ill just say its a success so far...


The thing i see is flat simple... If something bothers me enough i will see it fixed if it does not bother me enough yet i will cry/complain about it... Obviously those who complain/cry about merge/transfer are not bothered with it enough to go lvl another toon on high pop server... this is the simple logic if you can grasp it, all other things are sidelined...

Edited by Alcarinn
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hmm i play world of warcraft and star wars because i can afford to as i work for a living unlike most peeps. But anyways i was on wow yesterday afternoon and ogrimmar, which would be the equivalent of the fleet, only had 49 people.. Last night i kept comparing wow to my servers fleet and wow had less people on at its peak in ogrimmar i saw 115 people on and on the fleet there was almost 300. So really i dont understand where you get the idea that server merge is a must.. I have no issues finding groups in star wars but im also not scared to say LFG unlike most of you shy cry babies.


Pretty much everything in WoW can be done across servers, WoW provides you with a means of getting around population issues. Also, the people complaining on here have way less than 300 people on their fleets, this thread obviously does not apply to your server, which either has a (very) heavy population or a massive imbalance.


Grats on having a job by the way, not sure what that has to do with anything but well done anyway.


I started this initiative(I made the character the same day) to see if people only wnt to cry and ''force'' others to make something for them or are the pro-active enough to fix something for themselves..... luckily i see alot of people liking the idea so ill just say its a success so far...


The thing i see is flat simple... If something bothers me enough i will see it fixed if it does not bother me enough yet i will cry/complain about it... Obviously those who complain/cry about merge/transfer are not bothered with it enough to go lvl another toon on high pop server... this is the simple logic if you can grasp it, all other things are sidelined...


Flawless logic. So someone who is not willing to give up on their main characters after spending 3 months leveling and gearing them isn't bothered about this problem? If they aren't willing to go and play on another server, even if it just a temporary thing, they obviously don't care. So why is it that they are on this forum asking that something be done? Like I said, all you are doing is futher alienating anyone unwilling to move until they reach the point where they will just leave, and then Bioware might need to bundle 3 servers together rather than 2 and the game loses customers. I'm not really seeing many people "cry", more like make valid points and complaints that they would like to see addressed. A lot of us have been through this before with games like WAR and don't want to see the same thing happen again.

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Flawless logic. So someone who is not willing to give up on their main characters after spending 3 months leveling and gearing them isn't bothered about this problem?


The thing is that those who have spent 3 months have likely spent the last 2 months knowingly developing their character on a server they knew to be underpopulated with no forseeable solution on the horizon outside of re-rolling. There still is no announced date for transfers or mergers, if they need a fix, they should use the one available instead of crying about how they have more and more time invested. Any wasted time beyond the first few weeks, players need to take their own responsibility for.

Edited by Matte_Black
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The thing is that those who have spent 3 months have likely spent the last 2 months knowingly developing their character on a server they knew to be underpopulated with no forseeable solution on the horizon outside of re-rolling. There still is no announced date for transfers or mergers, if they need a fix, they should use the one available instead of crying about how they have more and more time invested. Any wasted time beyond the first few weeks, players need to take their own responsibility for.


This just isn't true, some servers have only recently dropped to the point were it is frustrating. And even then, while one month of progress might be less of an issue for some people, it can still be to much for someone who spent that entire month hitting level 50 (and if they have friends or a guild or whatever, those others will probably hang around to keep playing with them). I honestly don't see how you can blame the players for this one. Server merges and character transfer are a part of the MMO beast, Bioware should have prepared for low population servers, it should not be on the player to be reactive about this.


And heres another scenario that would play through my mind, even if it had been just a month after launch... "if this server is empty now, who's to say the next server won't be empty in another month, or 2 months, and I have to move again?". This is precisely why developers do merges and transfers, it is their responsibility to manage populations and keep the players happy.

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hmm i play world of warcraft and star wars because i can afford to as i work for a living unlike most peeps. But anyways i was on wow yesterday afternoon and ogrimmar, which would be the equivalent of the fleet, only had 49 people.. Last night i kept comparing wow to my servers fleet and wow had less people on at its peak in ogrimmar i saw 115 people on and on the fleet there was almost 300. So really i dont understand where you get the idea that server merge is a must.. I have no issues finding groups in star wars but im also not scared to say LFG unlike most of you shy cry babies.


wow, are freaking serious? i didnt realize your server was the only god damn server in this game. i guess you just ignore and refuse to acknowledge all the other dead servers that you cant even get a group for anything on. congratulations you play on a good populated server i guess that means all is well all servers are just flourishing because you say your server is.

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wow, are freaking serious? i didnt realize your server was the only gosh darn server in this game. i guess you just ignore and refuse to acknowledge all the other dead servers that you cant even get a group for anything on. congratulations you play on a good populated server i guess that means all is well all servers are just flourishing because you say your server is.


I agree with you. I have a job , and I have a wife and a real life, so the idea of starting from scratch on a new server that atm happens to be full is not something I want to do. I play when I can, and this is about my 20th [M]MO, starting with UO in the 90s.

I want open world pve. I have played enough BGs that I want something other than my 200th game of hutball. I like open world pvp, like there was in SVT in WoW. I dont believe that the engine of this game will support it. It seems much worse than Rift's or WoW's so I dont see BW permitting non instanced regular pvp.


I would like to hear from someone at BW that they are working on a fix so that having 20 people in the same open world area engaging in pvp is possible. If so, then merge the servers and move the two sides questing areas closer together.


And fanboys and pve heroes, spare me your insipid off-topic comments. I can and probably will go to another game, but it would be nice if this problem, which is a real problem, were fixed.


Does anyone see any hope for "massive" multiplayer play in this game?

Edited by Drunkenpig
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well i am playing on Exile's crystal and populaton is very low, averaged 20 people are on. Peak time 30 or 40. So i did cansel my subscription like my friends becouse there is no point of plaing MMO if you do not have people to play with.They can release 1.2 and they can make best game but there is no point if servers are empty.
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I agree with you. I have a job , and I have a wife and a real life, so the idea of starting from scratch on a new server that atm happens to be full is not something I want to do. I play when I can, and this is about my 20th [M]MO, starting with UO in the 90s.

I want open world pve. I have played enough BGs that I want something other than my 200th game of hutball. I like open world pvp, like there was in SVT in WoW. I dont believe that the engine of this game will support it. It seems much worse than Rift's or WoW's so I dont see BW permitting non instanced regular pvp.


I would like to hear from someone at BW that they are working on a fix so that having 20 people in the same open world area engaging in pvp is possible. If so, then merge the servers and move the two sides questing areas closer together.


And fanboys and pve heroes, spare me your insipid off-topic comments. I can and probably will go to another game, but it would be nice if this problem, which is a real problem, were fixed.


Does anyone see any hope for "massive" multiplayer play in this game?


What are you are asking for are very reasonable requests of an MMO in general. I seriously question whether SWTOR is pushing hard in the directions you want though and at the very least, I suspect the solutions you want are far off if coming at all. I like where SWTOR seems to be heading but, have heavy doubts if open-world PvP is high up the list of the BioWare's priorities.

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I don't think there are population issues for Europe. When I checked 13 hours ago, almost all of them have Standard population. One at heavy. Very few at Light.


It's just the US players who cannot get their act together. It's unfortunate that your server is having population problems, but for the rest of us it seems fine. And hopefully Dalborra stays that way.


Sorry, but I play on an EU server whose status is consistently "standard" (Dxun Battle Circle, PvE,) and while I don't know what "standard" actually translates to number-wise, I do know that there are, (on average at any given time,) about 30 players on Fleet and 10-15 on most planets.


I'd regard a "healthy" number per-server for this MMO would be about 100 on Fleet and 30-40 on the planets...


If that's too much to expect then my monthly subscription cost is too much for Bioware to expect.

Edited by DaemonDCLXVI
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