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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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I just hope that Bioware/EA realise that a large number of SWTOR-subscribers are ex-WoW players...


You don't have to be a genious to realise if nothing is done about these low-pop.servers, come the new WoW-expansion release, SWTOR will lose a lot of subscribers...



Food for thought Bioware/EA... :jawa_evil:



Those people has moved over to Tera to try that before the expansion of WoW. If you ask in the Tera forums you will see that a lot of people has tried SWTOR and quit.

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Right now I have a bit of time left on my game card, nothing calling me to 'play right now', and a server that has started declining rapidly. So I have reluctantly started leveling a new character (copy of my main) on a new server that has a healthy and growing population.


In doing so, I will have to abandon several 50s and several lower level alts, a legacy approaching 30, millions of credits, and max trade skill with lots of time invested in getting operation schematics, gathering banks full of crafting mats, finding all the orange schematics and re'ing to get artifact versions of vendor schematics.


I am not happy about this in any way. I am only in the 30s and finding it harder and harder to stay motivated to play through the exact same quests and stories just to have the chance to be able to enjoy the group content this game offers.


If the game stagnates and subs drop, the blame will be all Bioware's for doing everything they could to screw it up. I just can't imagine how dead this game would already be if it wasn't for the Star Wars IP.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Those people has moved over to Tera to try that before the expansion of WoW. If you ask in the Tera forums you will see that a lot of people has tried SWTOR and quit.


Ask them before they move to GW2, or Secret World, and if you miss them then. You might catch them on the WoW forums, or waiting hyping the next big MMO

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We DO need mergers ... yes some media will spin it as the game failing, but that's not the case. MMOs nowadays launch with way TOO MANY servers in order to hold the influx of players (a lot of which just want to try it out) at launch. Then after the launch phase those that weren't serious about playing or didn't like the game leave and the real population is left.


Unfortunately that population is spread among all those servers causing major population issues.


They DO need to merge all the people that are dedicated to this game to make a more enjoyable play experience. Transfers are good too, but not as the only option ... if a whole bunch of people just swap servers that's not necessarily going to increase the population of one server or another.


Condense the population into several servers and leave the rest closed until the population grows.

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Ask them before they move to GW2, or Secret World, and if you miss them then. You might catch them on the WoW forums, or waiting hyping the next big MMO

Probably. Also going to play GW2 in hope of the golden MMO. But looking at Age of Conan I think Secret World is sinking as we speak. We just don't know it yet.

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Ask them before they move to GW2, or Secret World, and if you miss them then. You might catch them on the WoW forums, or waiting hyping the next big MMO


Yeah, the Nomad is strong in that segment of the population. Angry nomads at that for the most part. :D

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Yeah, the Nomad is strong in that segment of the population. Angry nomads at that for the most part. :D


Yep, its find new mmo, praise itas a god, worship it hype it, play it, hate it, leave it find something else. heh :)

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While it's true people do complain about anything I think you're wrong in this case. complaining becuase tracer missle is OP or combat logs or whatever is NOT the same as complaining becuase there are no people to play with or WZ Q's take 2 hours. That's like comparing working conditions at paradise as opposed to a sweatshop. The sweatshop guys have a legit beef. No people on a server is a legit complaint without the means to move characters.

I agree but it has been pointed out in other forum posts that the reason Bioware wont make any meaningful mergers is because the coding for the game is soooo 1990s that the game cant handle anymeaningful number of players in the same area at the same time. Hence the two sides are placed on the same planet miles apart. Hence the hundreds of servers. I am playing this game like a single player PVE game. As an open world pvp experience it is


That's too bad. I like it, but they screwed up badly with the engine design. :eek:

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We DO need mergers ... yes some media will spin it as the game failing, but that's not the case. MMOs nowadays launch with way TOO MANY servers in order to hold the influx of players (a lot of which just want to try it out) at launch. Then after the launch phase those that weren't serious about playing or didn't like the game leave and the real population is left.


Unfortunately that population is spread among all those servers causing major population issues.


They DO need to merge all the people that are dedicated to this game to make a more enjoyable play experience. Transfers are good too, but not as the only option ... if a whole bunch of people just swap servers that's not necessarily going to increase the population of one server or another.


Condense the population into several servers and leave the rest closed until the population grows.


I'm just afraid it will be too little, too late.


And that makes me sad. Because I enjoy this game for what it is right now (and yes I too have my pet peeves with things that I feel are missing or not up to par), and believe it has a chance to continue to improve and become much better.


But I won't continue to wait forever. Nor will I continue to play if I cannot find people to group with, either because they all quit or because they are all strung out on too many servers with no tools to allow us to connect.

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People are going to quit instead of re-rolling, if someone wanted to re-roll they would of already.


That's exactly what I said earlier and what I'll do if nothing is done in the near future. Playing against the same people over and over sucks.


I planned on playing GW2 and this, but that might change.....

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Yesterday was the day it really 'hit'.


I have been unsubbed for awhile now for a plethora of reasons, many well documented on this forum.


But I still logged in to get my moneys worth, and play with Guild-Mates.


I can't even stomach logging in anymore. My options are:


Login, do PvE dailies / Grind Warzones. That's it.


Flashpoints are out, server is basically empty (probably 40 on Fleet I'd imagine right now).


I thought I hit a wall a month ago. Boy oh boy was I wrong.


This game is stale, shallow, super repetitive and highly, highly unfun. Stricken with moronic design flaws, lazy design flaws, and overall it's just a poorly constructed video-game.


Tera may suck. Guild Wars 2 may suck. Secret World may suck. We don't know.


But we do know that Star Wars: The Old Republic DOES suck.

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I'm on Master Zhar Lestin, a PVE server that when I first joined was "Standard". I havent checked in a while but it does have a Standard-Light server status.


Primetime Weekend- Republic

85 people in the fleet

20 people on planets (Nar Shaddaa and Tatooine)


Just a merge with a light server would give us the perfect amount of people where we wouldnt be fighting over quests but could still find people to do FPs and Heroics while lvling.


I refuse to reroll my main because I really do not want to redo datacrons or any of the longer bonus quests.

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It is now 20:00 CET and Trayus Academy has 34 players on fleet. People are constantly saying in /1 that the server is dead etc etc.. If BIOWARE doesn't give us a merge soon.. The server will truly die, as in, 0 people in fleet prime time.


I like this game.. I want to keep playing but it simply is not possible playing a MMO without the MASSIVLY multiplayers beeing online.

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While it's true people do complain about anything I think you're wrong in this case. complaining becuase tracer missle is OP or combat logs or whatever is NOT the same as complaining becuase there are no people to play with or WZ Q's take 2 hours. That's like comparing working conditions at paradise as opposed to a sweatshop. The sweatshop guys have a legit beef. No people on a server is a legit complaint without the means to move characters.

So the long queue time wasn't legit? Ok this guy leaving the lower population faction to join the other faction helps the situation?


Everyone is quick to toss blame elsewhere. We as players need to take some of the responsibility for our actions. Because it sure is BioWare fault people chose to play Empire causing Republic to have a lower population.

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So, is this game even.worth playing? I got.this game a couple days.ago to.play.with.a.friend but the.pop on my server is about 30 on the Fleet during peak time. It took me over an hour.to.find someone to do Black Talon Heroic with me. I really.enjoy.the.group heroics and cut scenes in this game but the.population is scaring me. We had this same problem on Age of Conan MMO with.low.pop...They took way.too long to merge and then.it was too late. Can someone recommend the highest pop US server? I hate to leave some guild mates behind, ones I've known for a couple years since Conan days but I can't stand waiting forever to content done. Conan has 4 US server this game has like 50+...cut it in half and people can play with other people for a change!
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Bioware please, server merge i'm sure its difficult due to Legacy and all that stuff but any official word would be wonderful please. The community playing now is the most important community/opinion you have by far. The people playing now are the ones who like/love the game enough that even though certain servers are dead theyre still playing. Honestly I just want to know if i should even continue playing my main. I wanna continue my legacy and create and alt but I wont do it just incase they're server merges or possible character transfers soon I won't dish out $50 bucks just to transfer two chars. I say fifty because the last time I checked WoW costs $25 for one. I honestly will never unsub. I love this game way to much. I hope it fails in the trolls eyes so there isnt so much media coverage and you guys can start caring more for the community you have. I would love server merges over cross server ques any freakin day. I hope the game never goes free to play never I'm happy with paying a sub fee aslong as you guys talk to us and respond to what we need. Not want all the time. We do need server merges. Screw the media happier customers will create a better word of mouth.


How can i sell it to my roomates to play if and when they join they themselves increase the server pop by 5%

I am on The Crucible Pits if anyone wants to know and my level 49 is a gunslinger Lun'pel


I did the math just a minute ago 146 for the entire Republic side. I searched classes in the who to see how many people theyre are.

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Man.. could you imagine.. if only they didn't open so many servers and the ques actually stayed for a while the media would have been buzzing and now we'd have higher pop servers. I mean really I'm day dreaming about that. This game is the Beez Knees if only I could play it with some people.

40 people on the fleet cool. 40 people on the fleet that are you level? Not happening aside form the pop the level of each player has to be taken into consideration too.


Bioware EA whoever is deciding the server count and what's going to happen please I beg of you say something.

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They don't have any idea atm to fix this. Bioware does not want to publish those questions about low pop servers in twitter or in any qa sessions. They allways skip those questions when you try to ask em and start to talk some idiot color of an armor..."guys how cool is that". 17days...then this is over (sadly :( ). As it is for many of my friends in Niman EU server....too bad..was fun while it lasted!
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My guild has already lost dozens of people who decided to re-roll on higher pop servers.


The biggest complaint is PVP. At level 50 you can't even get a warzone queue to pop. You sit in the queue all day, and it never, ever pops. I organized a PVP event over the weekend and invited every guild on both factions to queue at the same time, and the best we could do was 6 people each faction. That's it. I logged over to the Imp side to ask a few more people to come, and there were only 11 level 50s online in the middle of a Sunday afternoon. That seems absurdly low to me.


The next-biggest complaint is the GTN. There's rarely anything to buy, and if you do happen to be interested in crafting you'll have to give away all your epics (or hoard them for better days) because there's very little demand. It's a stagnant economy.


The light pop servers seem to be trapped in a downward spiral because people are leaving and new people aren't joining.


And if I may make a suggestion, they need to calculate server stats chiefly for levels 20 and up because a large percentage of players never make it off Taris. When I look at the dozens of inactive players in my guild log, most of them stopped playing on Taris.


If they would simply merge 2-3 light pop servers into one, they could solve all these problems overnight.

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They were saying in late april, but then some guy in an interview said they were postponing mergers and transfers due to complications arising from the legacy system implementation. I'd consider creating a character in a populated server if I were you and wanted to keep playing...
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Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly is so complicated about the Legacy system when it comes to merges/transfers? What is there that takes months of work?


Server transfers seem to me to be copy paste... copy all the data of these characters from an account, paste all that data into the new server. Maybe leave behind stuff in the mailbox and make any pending sales on the GTN disappear. Wipe friends list and guild. If there's a name conflict, prompt a change upon server select. Wipe your name off of others' friends lists. Can't think of anything else.


Is that really as complicated as everyone's saying? What am I missing here?


I mean, is there some kind of hidden hierarchy or something? Is it like playing Jenga where if you remove one player/legacy, it collapses everything around it? (But people can delete characters and it doesn't affect the rest, so it doesn't seem like it would be a problem.)

Edited by Stenrik
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