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Mercs need more interrupts


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I have a 50 commando and I don't think we need an interrupt as badly as we need a snare/root. I'd be ok with making our aoe knockback be an aoe root on a 15 sec CD (a la mage styles from WoW), but give our stockstrike a baseline knockback.


As for the grav round spam. It's true we can't really use more than 3 w/o going into the lower lvl of ammo regen, but at the same time we have a talent that gives us 1 ammo when we crit on grav round. So it's a bit luck dependent. But yea, only idiots will spam more than 3 grav rounds in a row.

Edited by Smashbrother
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I would like to see more abilities used in rotation for the merc class, Though honestly, the bare bones is 4 button rotation, not including cooldowns, and that pretty much sums up the basic rotations for all classes. tanks have a few more as do the stealthers, but for the most part, most classes that are ranged have a 4-6 button rotation for pvp not including relics, defense, and buffs.


Anyway, from my view point, mercs are fine the way they are. would like to see more variety in skills, but balance wise the class is fine. And also, As a Vanguard, i don't have a 1 min cc for pve! which is freaking huge in my book, so I wouldn't complain too much about interrupts.


P.s. Sori about the spelling. Lol.


-Edited for accuracy

Edited by Karbonkopi
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merc/commando simply need a massive review.

They are lame boring classes and only good when they are 2 or 3 of them. Because once focused, the merc/commando is useless. Very useless.




With some classes, being "underpowered" is actually debatable.


But I'm sorry, if you are a member of the Bi-fecta known as Sorcs/Mercs, well, you aren't underpowered. When well over Half the player-base flocks to these 2 advanced classes, it's hard to even conceive any significant disadvantages these classes have.

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Interrupt is exchange for a 1.5 second cooldown on Grav Round/Tracer missile.


And before you ask, yes, my main is a Commando. Spamming Grav Round and Tracer is just stupid.


Sure, interrupting it is fine, and often rewarding, but they shouldn't have that option in the first place.


I like it... put a CD on an ability that's the same length as the GCD. Brilliant!

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mercs need some kind of interrupt, but i admit other than that i feel pretty invincible as a bodyguard. i suggest a channeled stun like the healing companions have so it cant just be thrown into the middle of a rotation without slowing us down.
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Would make Healer Commandos/Mercs even more ridiculous....(Although if they lowered their own interrupt immunity in favor of them having their own interupt to use on other players it would balance out a bit)


Interrupt immunity?


For a Merc Healer our only interrupt immunity comes in the form of a skill option in our bodyguard tree. We get 12 seconds of interrupt immunity when we pop our bubble. The problem is the bubble is on a 2 min cooldown. So in a 15 min match, we get about 1.25 mins of interrupt immunity. Yet we also face the potential of over 13.75 mins of pure interrupt hell in that same match.


And as for the bubble, it does not give us immunity to damage or any other CC. all the buble does is reduce the damge we receive by 25%. In fact, unless you pop your bubble only after getting full resolve, you can all but guarantee that some of that 12 seconds of immunity to interrupts will be spent cced - wasting the immunity.


It also isn't uncommon to be on the receiving end of lightening or other spammable force attacks. Even with the bubble up, damage is received which in turn slows our heal casting.


It is almost silly.


We have more armor and defense options to take more damage, yet we still take damage (even with our bubble) so our casting is slowed. Slower heals means less healing received either too ourselves or to a friendly target. So we get no real benefit to popping a bubble other than a helaign boost if we are attempting to heal ourselves while the bubble is up.


Then of course we have no escapes. We can't burst run, leap away, or go invisible. All we can do is push you back, shoot a stun, and run like hell. Unfortunately, though we are still considered in combat, so our "run" is more like a snail crawl until we get 30 paces away and can break away from combat. But to even pull off this weakest of escapes, we have to use two CCs - both of which have cooldowns.

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I gotta agree, having no interrupt is horrible. I was fighting a class quest boss and she kept healing back. No way for me to stop those little 1.5 sec casts :/


Trying playing a healer spec and face those same PVE bosses. Talk about a long damn fight. Your dps damage is gimped and it builds up more heat. You end up spamming mroe weak auto attacks than not and you use every CC you have and then some. Pick the wrong companion or your companion is under geared and killing one boss can almost turn into a career.

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Don't get that arguing around the whole interrupt thing... Its a baseline ability that everyone has except 1 out of 8 specs + mirror classes. So there is just nothing to discuss, give it to everybody or take it away from half the other specs. There is absolutely nothing at a merc/commando that excludes him from an interrupt. Not the damage, tracer missiles, cc, or what so ever.


Everybody else who comes here and give some weird explanation and some confusing ways to work around that issue with some dumb rocket punch/los whatever crap is just a normal mmo troll. They are as old as mmos themselves and don't want other specs getting there deserved balance boosts because its making his own class less unique or/and he maybe has to take some effort to kill that boosted class.

Edited by Devoter
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Mercenerys/Commandos are a certain flavor of class, no need for an interrupt.


They don't have an interrupt because they have knockbacks.



Vanguard/Powertech don't have knockbacks, but they have interrupts.



Marauder/Sent don't have Stuns, but they have knockbacks and interrupts.



Its called balance.

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Mercenerys/Commandos are a certain flavor of class, no need for an interrupt.


They don't have an interrupt because they have knockbacks.



Vanguard/Powertech don't have knockbacks, but they have interrupts.


Its called balance.


Oh balance... right... and a powertech, a melee spec, needs a knockback for what? He wants to be close to his opponent, so he has a grappling hook.... and a grappling hook also interrupts casting, but its not an interrupt. And a knockback is also not an interrupt, even if interrupts it.


so next please.

Edited by Devoter
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Mercenerys/Commandos are a certain flavor of class, no need for an interrupt.


They don't have an interrupt because they have knockbacks.



Vanguard/Powertech don't have knockbacks, but they have interrupts.



Marauder/Sent don't have Stuns, but they have knockbacks and interrupts.



Its called balance.


Sorcs do have a knockback, stuns and interrupts.


You're trying to prove what exactly?

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Lets try to fire off a few more neurons in that brain of yours. If players have more damage mitigation cooldowns and heals it will take you more tracers and heat per target. Yes? And there's no way in hell you can non stop tracer and not overheat. I'm sure anyone who's actually played the class in a competitive atmosphere knows what I'm talking about


You need to fire at yourself and write maybe next time more precisley what are you talking about, what class type, what pvp situation, what kind of support. Spamming with TM has a lot less overheat issues in comparison to other classes, when they are starting to spam. You are right that you will get overheat issues if your target use mitigation cd´s or heals, but other classes will overheat a lot faster when it comes to spamming. And here lies the advantage of DD classes who actually dont overheat but build up their energey i.e. warrior/knight.

Edited by BobaFurz
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I see zero need for an interrupt. Yes we "lack" an actual move that's only purpose is an interrupt, but we have plenty of things that do interrupt.


I'm able to use rocket punch, jet boost, electro dart, and concussion missile to my advantage and I often do decent in pvp. Obviously without the perk for rocket punch you're limited to just jet boost, electro dart and concussion missile. Just speaking from my experience and in my opinion an interrupt is not "needed".

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I see zero need for an interrupt. Yes we "lack" an actual move that's only purpose is an interrupt, but we have plenty of things that do interrupt.


I'm able to use rocket punch, jet boost, electro dart, and concussion missile to my advantage and I often do decent in pvp. Obviously without the perk for rocket punch you're limited to just jet boost, electro dart and concussion missile. Just speaking from my experience and in my opinion an interrupt is not "needed".


If you are not using terrain to your advantage and run into a melee pile to use rocket punch as an interrupt (disregarding travel time from point a to b before use) you are playing your class wrong. If you are not using terrain, and run into the melee pile to use jet boost, you are playing your class wrong. If you can interrupt heals with concussion missile, you must be Ms. Cleo, because your cast time is as long if not longer than the heals themselves!


In pve, this is seriously noticeable on Battle of Illum and False Emperor. Oh no, quick somebody interrupt quickly before that group killing ae gets cast. Derp. Good to know that you put in mobs that will literally wipe a group even if at full health if not interrupted and then make a class who has no way to mitigate this.


I liked the idea of giving railshot an interrupt effect, like that person I can't be troubled to quote suggested. It would have the combined effect of reducing dps, and limiting the arsenel specs already pathetic run and gun ability. Arsenals would sit on it instead of just spamming it, hell, you could even increase the recast.

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That's cool you want more interrupts, but then you'll get your DPS reduced. You can't have all the cake, you need to share it kid.


I don't see myself outdamaging any other dd spec in the game who has an interrupt at the same or more tools then i have... so whats your point?

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If you are not using terrain to your advantage and run into a melee pile to use rocket punch as an interrupt (disregarding travel time from point a to b before use) you are playing your class wrong. If you are not using terrain, and run into the melee pile to use jet boost, you are playing your class wrong. If you can interrupt heals with concussion missile, you must be Ms. Cleo, because your cast time is as long if not longer than the heals themselves!


In pve, this is seriously noticeable on Battle of Illum and False Emperor. Oh no, quick somebody interrupt quickly before that group killing ae gets cast. Derp. Good to know that you put in mobs that will literally wipe a group even if at full health if not interrupted and then make a class who has no way to mitigate this.


I liked the idea of giving railshot an interrupt effect, like that person I can't be troubled to quote suggested. It would have the combined effect of reducing dps, and limiting the arsenel specs already pathetic run and gun ability. Arsenals would sit on it instead of just spamming it, hell, you could even increase the recast.


Not sure if the first paragraph was just a general statement or directed at me. ^^; I definitely don't just go running into fights. I also usually try to use whatever terrain I can that's available. I was purely speaking from a PVP perspective however, I wasn't including pve. I often do pve with my roomate and rarely solo. But I see your point and I suppose an interrupt couldn't hurt. Hell, with the upcoming changes in 1.2 an interrupt might be one of the things we're getting. (along with whatever they're supposedly gonna nerf)


Tho you made me remember that I hate some fights in this game as it's "omg interrupt or die" and not enough strategy involved.

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