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What is the purpose of creating BOUND items?


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So I picked a receipe from EV. I make it (I was lucky enough to crit it) and then I read: "BOUND" (I'm a PT and I crafted earpiece for Assasin....


Why can't I sell mounts, earpieces, basically everything... c'mon this is what crafting is for... selling stuff.... not making for yourself (crappy T1 equips....).


On the same note... I have 10 Biometric alloys than are completely useless... as I already have ALL the rakata re-usable grenades.... why not let these things go around? They rock for pvp and pve. It is just stupid imo...


Oh and don't anyone post: "Its coming in 1.2" well... I scream "WAKE UP" at the architect of crafting system...


"... Now I have peace ..."

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The idea behind a bound crafted item is to give the craft some actual purpose beyond simply making money. It looks like they're moving away from that design though in 1.2, making crew skills pointless for the min/max crowd.
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Yes but a bound receipe for NOT ME? It has no purpose...


You rolled on it...thats like taking cybertech...getting all the mats for the purple BOUND speeder for lvl 40 you can make then saying you didn't realize it was BOP. It tells you on the schematic if it will be bound or BOE. Next time I would suggest reading before you roll! Pretty simple.

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Is that really the point? Since if a non-cybertech took it the recipe too was bound... and it sells in a vendor for 1k. You are telling me that this is not stupid? Having the recipes themselves BOP?


They should loosen up their BOP policies imo, let the game flow and advance. Providing only gaps and making simple things very difficult only diminishes the game and makes the life of players hard, which is stupid because we play for fun (at least me).


I have sold over 5 biochem recipes from BT HM that I could have given to my biochem crafting friend... that is simply a BUG and a GAP in logic. If they did that on purpose they must know nothing or very little of gameplay and player psychology...

Edited by iSkynet
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you shouldnt be rolling on things you cant use. the gap in the knowledge is yours, and calling it a bug means you are truly ignorant of what a bug is.


bop gear in general is a perk for having that particular crew skill. its meant to give you access to something that others either dont, or an easier way of acquiring it. personally i see the move away from it as devaluing my crew skill.

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Are you even serious on this? Having a schematic for only Assasins WITH cybertech you really think it is correct? Well obviously you haven't played any other mmo OR you're such a fan boy that you cannot distinguish right from plain wrong...


And for the record I'm rolling greed on schematics and get them because all others pass because it make no sense to have something that you

CANNOT: Sell, give, trade, learn, use, sell for credit in a vendor.


I guess I'm being trolled here because I cannot accept that someone in this earth (galaxy) can seriously believe that reaching 400,400,400 in professions was all worth it just to make some grenades (that share cd, and the cd is 4m, c'mon bioware... it is NOT that STRONG!).


Fine go play with your lvl 49 earpieces, let me want more... so I can play more, so I can pay them money, so I'm interested, so they are making money, so they make more patches for YOU too...


PS. You wouldn't find a flaw in architecture and a bug even if it hit you in the head.

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They are just trolling you, don't worry. Yes bop is strange and cybertech is not worth having just have an alt make you the lvl 20 seismic grenades, just as good and cost almost nothing to make and then reroll biochem. Are you assassin? then you get to use 5 of your BCA and you are set until next nerf. Getting biochem to 400 will take around 3 hours and cost you around 5-700k to buy all mats, so it is nothing.
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I think its a bit strange to craft BoP stuff, but the class its for doesn't make a difference since any class can use any crew skill.


I just feel that with stuff being BoP the second you craft it end game crafting is currently just for each individual char.


To get the best stuff on my jugg for instance I first went biochem to get the stims, adrenals, medpack, implants * all rakata *. Then I have to switch to another craft and max it to get the rakata armour thats craftable, and keep doing this until I have everything and then max Bio again to make the stims,adrenals and medpack I first crafted usable again.


To me this removes the point of gathering schematics and trying for any high end crafting for anybody outside of my own char, as the best stuff is bound and I have to do it all over again with every alt anyway.

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I'm not really seeing the problem, at least to the proportions you're making it out to be. Ever been in a group and a piece of gear came up for a class or spec that wasn't present? Pretty much the same thing here.


Personally, I don't think schematics should be in raids at all, but if they're going to be there then having the item be BoP is the only way it should be allowed. Raid gear should come only from raids, period, even if it's a schematic, or else people begin to skip pre-raid crafted gear and buy full raid gear from the GTN, or you have people gearing out their alts in raid gear even before those characters have done any raiding at all.

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at the root of alot of pve problems lies pvp balance like your grenades. it is pvp in mind of thier cool down and almost useless damage/abilities. in pve the said grenades dont matter much in post 50 content. it is in pvp that they can. pvp has ruined alot of nice pve abilites, dropped and or crafted items..


three other mmos i have played had and still have bop drop only recipes from raid/group content. however what they made are not always bop. if you cant use it we just "passed" on it like your groupies did. i get a feeling you are upset thinking you could sell these recipes for a tidy sum until you tried it and then noticed it was bop. if people want these recipes then they need to bring thier toon into the content that drops them. otherwise everyone will need on them for thier alts, guildies or themselves to sell. this would greatly piss off those in the group that can actually use the recipe in question. we all know this will happen too.


as to bop items used for that tradeskill only as one person already posted it is a perk for having that skill.


personally i dont mind the system as is. making them boe is just wrong on several levels. HOWEVER, what i would like is making them boa ( bound on account) and the items made from them boa as well. this way i can mail them to my alts. another idea is to have a consignment system in crafting like eq2 has where you can make a bop item for someone else. in that system you however had to have the mats for the item again making you do the content to get them if it required such.


hopefully this answers some of your questions and gave bioware options for a solution ( if they incline to do anything at all) other than making everything boe.

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You rolled on it...thats like taking cybertech...getting all the mats for the purple BOUND speeder for lvl 40 you can make then saying you didn't realize it was BOP. It tells you on the schematic if it will be bound or BOE. Next time I would suggest reading before you roll! Pretty simple.


he's probably referring to all of the exotech schematics that drop in raids and the like. for example, in my guild there are literally only one synthweaver and one armourmech. so naturally when synthweaving/armourmech schematics drop, they go to those two people.


for the synthweaver this is a bit of a farce, as very rarely does anything drop that's even usefull to his advanced class. and when it is useful, there's no point making it because he's already got that piece in rakata...

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for the synthweaver this is a bit of a farce, as very rarely does anything drop that's even usefull to his advanced class. and when it is useful, there's no point making it because he's already got that piece in rakata...


Pretty much the case for anyone, really. Doing HMs, you get energized stuff, which tionese grade gear, which, well, isn't really worth bothering between orange gear dailied up and columi stuff. Or, for that matter, actual tionese gear, which at least gets you set bonuses.

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if people want these recipes then they need to bring their toon into the content that drops them. otherwise everyone will need on them for their alts, guildies or themselves to sell.


Ok I can understand this, and it does make sense. But at least the item that is crafted should be allowed to be sold.


Even the speeder... why have the "mounts" tab on GTM and not any one can put in mounts... because someone might get a mount for free at 25 or 50? It can be solved with a minimum price.


I just want to see a more "really economy" setup in this game, with all the customizations and RP and everything crafting should be one of the top non-battle activities.

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