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10 reasons why Marauder is the weakest class in PvP


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Awe/mara equiv is sick! Aside from obviously juggs/guardians no one else can CC 5 people at once.


IAs have a similar ability that works at 30m range. IIRC it lasts 2 seconds longer as well, but I might be wrong on that part.

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Im late in the thread but as the OPs issue with roots. Carnage can hold someone in place for quite a while. Especially post level 40, Ravage can be specced to immobilize, so can deadly throw, and spec for improved immob on charge from lower rage tree, force choke, the AoE mezz we have. I have kept huttball carriers tied up for long enough to get teamates to come from one end of the Pit to the other. Also Crippling Slash is amazing for keeping people tied up while waiting for a cooldown to reset on one of your primary immobilizes.
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You got to be kidding right?....I don't even...*rolls eyes*


Half the points you made apply to classes in general, scoundrel, fragile + no heal ability.


Wait you want to be DPS plus have an actual heal ability for yourself (eliminating the role of healers) with that on top of your (presumably you must have med pacs, otherwise your argument is invalid) med pacs that i'm sure you are well stocked up on...>_> silly troll.


You rolled MDPS, you should realise that they can die pretty fast, be aware of your surroundings and and don't chrge into a group of 6 enemies guarding a turret on civil war and then come on the forum and say "MAURAUDER NEEDS HEALING ABILITYS!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL CAPS RAGE"...no...


MDPS can get ganked fast in every mmo without support, if you got 4 mdps classes and are failing with everyone of them in PVP then YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG. I have seen maurauders quite brutally slaughter my team mates with ease in some scenarios,you have an infiltrate away ability to get out of combat, you have a lot of DPS whether you can see that or not and you have that frustrating shield ability which makes u take like 90% reduced damage, not to mention saber ward.


What exactly are you expecting? if you don't like dying a bit more than the other guy then roll a healer or RDPS or even a tank.

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Undying Rage, while very useful, is also very situational, it takes away 50% of current health, generally speaking its used to mitigate heavy burst hits which would do more damage than that (Im thinking a Rage Jugg or mirror something to that effect) when not at full health. Or in case of huttball to run through fire for a quick score and/or to escape being grappled/pulled/pushed into fire and survive with some health.


Again, very useful ability, but also very situational given the cost involved. That said, in the right hands an amazing ability, and I try to make use of it whenever possible, as the situation requires.



As an aside also, in other MMOs, defenses/defensive stats tend to be scewed toward melee classes vs ranged classes, this game doesn't subscribe to that IE, why we have ranged classes wearing heavy armor, and damage types that are minimally mitigated if at all. I dont have a problem with this but at the same time, MDPS here and MDPS in other MMOs are different beasts entirely.

Edited by RWCFlorida
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Okay as my signature shows ive never played as a Mara or Sentinel (though im interested in sentinel more) BUT ive played against good Maras and bad ones. As a sorc i can completely own a bad mara and stand a fairly good chance against a good mara is i catch him by surprise and not ther other way around ( i know my sorc weaknesses lol).




So im telling the OP this is the nicest way as possible. You are one ofthe bad maras.

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Marauders are far from the worst class in PvP, melee are at a slight disadvantage due to the design of the classes in PvP, but the classes were designed for PvE content, as with most MMOs. They are working to balance things out, but again Marauders are far from the "Worst class in PvP" the statement just doesn't ring true, there are too many Marauders that can wreck people. That said we have a lot of buttons, and a lot of defensive cooldowns to manage in order to do that.


Marauder is fine, as a class, could use some tweaking, CC in general should be something that is toned down in the game if anything, im not a proponent of giving Marauder another form of CC (way too much flying around in PvP as it is we dont need more). We will see what happens in 1.2 patch, changes for all classes are supposedly coming. But as it stands Marauder is quite capable in PvP, Carnage spec needs some work to be sure, it seems aimed toward doing one thing and it does it well as it stands, Burst damage, and Immobilizes.


Just look at the tree, thats all its aimed at, it achieves that very well, but survivability compared to Annihilation is much lower, Anni has higher sustained DPS but lower initial burst (after using Annihilate 3 times and keeping bonus up you can do quite well in burst department). Rage is the AoE powerhouse, great for Voidstar keeping pressure on healers, but not so great in 1v1 scenarios (and smash is easily mitigated/avoided by people who see the setup).

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Heck, even I've done more than 500k damage on occasion and I'm not all that great.

There's really nothing majorly wrong with the class, 1on1 we can take on anyone, granted some much more easily than others.

The only time when frustration can set in for me is when the balance between the two teams is way off. Be it in gear, class composition or coordination.

But that has nothing to do with the Marauder as a class, and hopefully will get better after 1.2.

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Heck, even I've done more than 500k damage on occasion and I'm not all that great.

There's really nothing majorly wrong with the class, 1on1 we can take on anyone, granted some much more easily than others.

The only time when frustration can set in for me is when the balance between the two teams is way off. Be it in gear, class composition or coordination.

But that has nothing to do with the Marauder as a class, and hopefully will get better after 1.2.


Agreed, class compositions and team disparity via gear/coordination makes a difference but it's not something unique to our class, any team who runs into that will have issues.

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I noticed how he has not come back to defend his original post on anything. Which essentially tells me 3 things.


1. He sucks at the class and chose a tree that is horrible at PvP(Carnage) Which 99% of marauders know is not viable currently for PvP


3. It would seem that he has not truly played Annihilation enough to understand its full capacity OR has not improved on all that it takes to play. This is not a face-roll keyboard spec or class as many may think and while it the right hands may SEEM very OP does rely heavily on CDs and good usage of the skils.


3. Is Trolling...........

Edited by rkspeck
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I noticed how he has not come back to defend his original post on anything. Which essentially tells me 3 things.


1. He sucks at the class and chose a tree that is horrible at PvP(Carnage) Which 99% of marauders know is not viable currently for PvP


3. It would seem that he has not truly played Annihilation enough to understand its full capacity OR has not improved on all that it takes to play. This is not a face-roll keyboard spec or class as many may think and while it the right hands may SEEM very OP does rely heavily on CDs and good usage of the skils.


3. Is Trolling...........


A little bit of the second I would imagine, coupled with frustration from running against premades possibly, learning curve on Marauders is a bit steep to play effectively. Coupled with getting most of its game-changing abilities late, make people get discouraged to playing Marauders.

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I will agree the class design as a whole in SWTOR really isn't the best and the trees are all ****ed up.


In my own opinion they should have little pop ups for when you pick a class that tell you a little more about *** you're getting yourself into. Marauders are hard, have a lot of situational abilities, latest bloomers in the game, have ONE superior tree, super gear dependant, and is generally a pain in the ***, and frustrating to play.


Didn't take me long to figure things out (quick learner + Kiba's awesome guide), but I can't say I've never felt like pulling my hair out. (I hate DoT specs).


Welcome to what it means to be in an RPG. Role playing game. ROLE ROLE ROLE. You won't ever be the king of everything.


Sad part is... this game is pathetically easy. Lol I wonder what would happen if the OP played an actually hard MMO.

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I have FOUR marauder characters across 3 servers.


the main lv 50 geared, dark side.


an alt lv 40 for light side play


another alt lv 40 with diff gender


yet another alt 20 with different server type to play with friends.





So I believe I've played enough games with marauder. I am usually not a complaining type, but more I play mara more I realize how UP they are in PvP.


Let me jump straight to the topic of why marauder is a joke in PvP. It easily becomes the worst PvP class especially with carnage tree. (it is good with PvE, though.)





1. Worst medal earning in PvP.


75k damage

25 kills

10 kills

solo kills

killing blow


It's pretty much all the basic medals you can get in many games before 50. (well sure you can get 25k damage medal but as annahilator you don't have damage burst, as rage you don't get that much damage until later in tech tree, so doesn't carnage until you get gore. There are exceptions but I often check scoreboard to see most mara don't get medal until they get to high lvl.)


A jugg can best marauder in the medal number in 3 min. 3 medals defending, 10 kills and killing blow.


The very first time I played scoundrel I had 52 kills 3 deaths on voidstar as lvl 10 and I've never had that many kills as marauder before. When I first played Juggernaut I had 8 medals which I seldom achieved as mara.




2. Low DPS...


When I was playing marauder I thought mara had the highest dps compared to other classes, but apparently that's not even true.


Your lack of CC breaking skills constantly disrupts your moves, kites you, ending in even lesser dps than most ranged classes, hence low kill/death ratio. Maybe mara has the highest damage potential if you are hitting a rag doll standing still, but we all know that's not the case.


The pure dps used to have damage bonus over hybrids, but now that's been removed and hybrids sometimes do even more damage, while healing themselves, CCing, and using push/ pull abilities.


In Alderaan PvP stealthed scoundrels sometimes do 4k+ dmg, which will never happen with mara. Your best dmg output before 50 will be barely past 2.5k.




3. NO CC


what more do I need to say?






4. No push/ pull abilities


This makes marauder a joke in huttball. A ranged hits you from above. If they are in cover, you have to just run away. If not, you charge up there to be pushed back immediately, slowed down effect as a bonus. If you persist, you MIGHT hit the attacker one or two times before they take 10k+ of your health.





5. Not enough CC breaking ability


unleash = once in every 2 min


carnage has one free movement ability(camouflage) but it's late skill and takes 2 points to just acquire that skill, which makes it obsolete.


This is the ridiculous number of free movement skills for a class that has neither CC or force push/pull.


You will be constantly kited, CCed, pushed, pulled, slowed, and you can't even break free.


This makes makes marauder extremely weak in any circumstances other than 1 on 1. Even on 1 on 1, you will still get kited.





6. Not enough ability to hold/root the enemy


carnage can hold enemy for 3 sec at best.


for rage/annihilator? sigh.





7. Squish.


melee class with no tanking ability. enough said.


only safe for 5 sec with undying rage...






8. No versatility


a pure melee DPS class that can't deal enough damage...





9. Good at 1v1, otherwise always BAD.


2v2, 2v1, 3v3, 4v4, you name it.


And even if you best your opponent in 1v1, your opponent can just root you/ CC you/push you/ slow you/ cloak himself and runaway. You can do non of those if you are trying to get away. (*4 sec* camouflage?)





10. Worst combination..



Kited + fragile


fragile + melee dps


fragile + no healing ability


fragile + no cc


fragile + no push/pull


fragile + no hiding/cover ability


fragile + no tricks, pure damage abilities only


not enough medals + late to gear up


pure dps + only slightly higher overall dps compared to other classes.










Try to check scoreboard after each PvP. You will notice juggs often top the board while it's marauders placed at the bottom. What's funny is their overal damage aren't that different either. Marauder will often claim the top damage amount, but it's not even much while mara is inferior in every other score criteria.


I wasn't going to write this post until 10 mit ago when a guy complained how weak scoundrel is in PvP on gen chat of the fleet, yelling Marauder IMBA! I laughed hard, and wrote this off right away.


I urge you to play marauder as your next alt. This class is overwhelmingly... weak in PvP. For ex, as scoundrel, you can hide in cover and spam blast ability ONLY and do nothing else to best marauder in kill/death ratio. On Illum you are often the first target even before healers because you are so fragile, and die in 3,4 sec with focus fire.






I hold much affection to anything first, hence I love marauder since I chose it as my first character. But more alt I make more I see how bad marauders are at PvP.


We are PROUD kill count donators and a class cannon that is hyped-up to have a high dps but often we just end up shattering even before loading cannon balls. YAY us.


I'm not even going to ask BW to fix this. I just want people to realize it's juggs that occupies top scoreboard in PvP and maras are often at the rock bottom. I hope people stop yelling mara IMBA simply because they see sith warriors scoring high in PvP and think all sith warriors are IMBA. Juggs maybe good, but mara is definitely the weakest class in PvP.











ps. marauder + carnage is a even bigger joke. Anna + mara is already bad, and carnage is much, much worse.





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Ok, I'll bite. But I know I should not.


I have FOUR marauder characters across 3 servers.


the main lv 50 geared, dark side.


an alt lv 40 for light side play


another alt lv 40 with diff gender


yet another alt 20 with different server type to play with friends.





So I believe I've played enough games with marauder. I am usually not a complaining type, but more I play mara more I realize how UP they are in PvP.


Let me jump straight to the topic of why marauder is a joke in PvP. It easily becomes the worst PvP class especially with carnage tree. (it is good with PvE, though.)


Why on earth would you make so many of the same class? You're about to tell us how they suck, but have not learned the lesson yourself? Why not play another class and see what the other side is like getting attacked by one. You'd probably die fast then come and complain how they're OP.





1. Worst medal earning in PvP.


75k damage

25 kills

10 kills

solo kills

killing blow


It's pretty much all the basic medals you can get in many games before 50. (well sure you can get 25k damage medal but as annahilator you don't have damage burst, as rage you don't get that much damage until later in tech tree, so doesn't carnage until you get gore. There are exceptions but I often check scoreboard to see most mara don't get medal until they get to high lvl.)


A jugg can best marauder in the medal number in 3 min. 3 medals defending, 10 kills and killing blow.


The very first time I played scoundrel I had 52 kills 3 deaths on voidstar as lvl 10 and I've never had that many kills as marauder before. When I first played Juggernaut I had 8 medals which I seldom achieved as mara.


I range from 6-9 metals 95% of the games I play. Give or take how fast they are. That 5% chance I get an all sorc/sage premade who finishes the game in 2 minutes will cause me to get less. Even then I get at least 4, which with the current system is all that I really need. Honestly if that tank wants to roll that spec and get more metals than myself, I welcome him to do it. Because PvP tanks are rare(from what I've seen) and they can turn a fight just as much as healer can.


Anni is the spec to go till 40. The rest are too heavy on their end talent. (Swap obliterate and force crush for example). If you took 5 minutes to read the forums you'd know that. Instead of failing to figure it out 4 times.


Grats go play a Jugg


Smugg/Op's are no where near as bad as they cry themselves to be. They excel in close quarters as a melee would. Nothing new. Voidstar is CQ heavy. If you can do a lot a dps and aoe decently you will get a lot of kills and damage done. Also your 52 kills I'm willing to bet was not yours personally. Meaning nothing as far as what you're putting it as. There is no KB count other than metals. Along with 3 deaths. That tells me you had a good team to carry you. Not that you played better.


2. Low DPS...


When I was playing marauder I thought mara had the highest dps compared to other classes, but apparently that's not even true.


Your lack of CC breaking skills constantly disrupts your moves, kites you, ending in even lesser dps than most ranged classes, hence low kill/death ratio. Maybe mara has the highest damage potential if you are hitting a rag doll standing still, but we all know that's not the case.


The pure dps used to have damage bonus over hybrids, but now that's been removed and hybrids sometimes do even more damage, while healing themselves, CCing, and using push/ pull abilities.


In Alderaan PvP stealthed scoundrels sometimes do 4k+ dmg, which will never happen with mara. Your best dmg output before 50 will be barely past 2.5k.


I have no problem with DPS. Usually top 3 on damage in warzones. Which as Anni means I get high on the healing list too. Which I often top as well(300k damage and 75k healing usually come together with all that fury we generate + no healers on our team = me topping it).


Why do I need to break every CC they put on me? Roll carnage if you have that problem. All but one of our defensive cooldowns are 1.5min or less. One is 3 minutes. Only real problem I see is the crazy amount of knock backs in the game. And why some honestly need more than one is beyond me. A player who can out CC me and plays it right should have every chance to kill me as I do them. And this isn't a 1vs1 game. I have a group. If I'm getting CC'ed, chances are someone in my group is CCing some people on their team too.


I have never seen proof that there is a 5% hybrid tax. I have seen that all dps spec's should be within a 5% gap. But I bring utility to the group. While they bring healing. Which you have people for. If you need more healing then that means you're not geared enough for the fight(as a group) or someone is slacking. Needing a dps to heal is a crutch, not a bonus. Yes some fights will benefit from it. But a rage marauder spamming predation to the tank giving him 10% more avoidance on a high uptime will probably be more effective as the marauder is dpsing at the same time.


Rage can get 4k damage on smash

Anni can get 4k damage with anni.

Carnage can get 4k damage with gore+scream(proc'ed)/ravage.

Sure we can't do it as often, but we can. And we don't require stealth.


3. NO CC


what more do I need to say?


Force Choke. Sure it's channeled, but it has many uses. Rage spec'd or not.

AOE STUN(that breaks on damage) This can turn the tide of a battle. It lasts 8 seconds. Do not underestimate it.


We put out so much damage in PvP, we don't need more CC. Players need a chance to get away if they're not melee. And there is enough CC in the game. Not every class needs a 1min cooldown 4 second stun.


You should of said more.


4. No push/ pull abilities


This makes marauder a joke in huttball. A ranged hits you from above. If they are in cover, you have to just run away. If not, you charge up there to be pushed back immediately, slowed down effect as a bonus. If you persist, you MIGHT hit the attacker one or two times before they take 10k+ of your health.


I've said it before. And I will say it again. There are enough push/pull abilities in this game. Huttball sucks because of it. Do you really think add more helps?

Run up to the target, don't open with charge. Unless you know it's on cooldown or they have none.

LoS ranged targets. Move under the railing in huttball if you get knocked off. Run back out and charge up when it's cooldown is up. If they're stupid they'll jump down after you.


Only thing we need is a way to ignore knockback/pulls. On a 1.5min cooldown or higher. No less. Other classes need them and are balanced around them. Example being Saber Ward. But honestly making us burn a 3min important defensive cooldown is a bit much.


5. Not enough CC breaking ability


unleash = once in every 2 min


carnage has one free movement ability(camouflage) but it's late skill and takes 2 points to just acquire that skill, which makes it obsolete.


This is the ridiculous number of free movement skills for a class that has neither CC or force push/pull.


You will be constantly kited, CCed, pushed, pulled, slowed, and you can't even break free.


This makes makes marauder extremely weak in any circumstances other than 1 on 1. Even on 1 on 1, you will still get kited.


Most classes have to spend those talent points to get their free movement too.

When resolve works properly, you shouldn't have to worry about being CC'ed a lot in a group situation.

Part of the class. I have a 15(12 in my spec) second charge to make up for it. Not enough? Carnage with it's free movement talent has two immobilizing abilities(which generate no resolve). Not enough? Rage has a second charge(limited range), talent to increase the immobilize on charge and force rush(which has some range and a powerful-to-start snare).

In group my resolve bar is often filled up fast. If I'm zerged and live though it(yey healers) then I will wreck someone. And there is little they can do about it.


6. Not enough ability to hold/root the enemy


carnage can hold enemy for 3 sec at best.


for rage/annihilator? sigh.


Same thing as "not enough CC". We don't need it. Players NEED to be able to get away from us if they want any chance to beat us(unless melee).


Far as carnage goes:

2 seconds from charge(+1 second if speced for it)

3 seconds from ravage

3 seconds from deadly throw


8-9 seconds of immobilizing a target as carnage. Which is not effected by resolve.


7. Squish.


melee class with no tanking ability. enough said.


only safe for 5 sec with undying rage...


20% damage reduction for up to 30 seconds on a 1 minute cooldown.

50% avoidance + 25% damage reduction on abilities you cannot dodge/parry on a 3minute cooldown

99% damage reduction at 50% Hp(if used at low Hp this part is not important, which is the point) 45sec-1.5min cooldown depending on PvP set/rage spec.

4 second stealth(damage immune with anni spec)+30%second speed burst on a 45 second cooldown

10% avoidance/50% movement speed useable anytime at 30 fury

90% accuracy reduction on a 1min cooldown(a lot of people forget about this one)

AoE stun to get people off you on a 1min cooldown

Force choke to interrupt un-interuptable attacks.

Talent to make Unleash heal us for 10%


That's a good sized list btw.


8. No versatility


a pure melee DPS class that can't deal enough damage...


We're known for our damage. And we bring utility. Went over this one earlier.


9. Good at 1v1, otherwise always BAD.


2v2, 2v1, 3v3, 4v4, you name it.


And even if you best your opponent in 1v1, your opponent can just root you/ CC you/push you/ slow you/ cloak himself and runaway. You can do non of those if you are trying to get away. (*4 sec* camouflage?)


I can:

AoE stun

Then, Force Charge a nearby target

Then, Force camo away around a corner

99% of the time they wont chase me.


If I can guess which way they vanished to, I can run another direction and ignore them. Which is better than risking a second opener. Rather laugh as they wasted their vanish for nothing.


If it was a knockback and they want to run away that's fine. Means I win and can go find my next victim to chase away. Rather they be off scared somewhere than where say, the ball carrier is.


10. Worst combination..



Kited + fragile


fragile + melee dps


fragile + no healing ability


fragile + no cc


fragile + no push/pull


fragile + no hiding/cover ability


fragile + no tricks, pure damage abilities only


not enough medals + late to gear up


pure dps + only slightly higher overall dps compared to other classes.


Four Marauders and you still don't know how to play. I learned most of how to play Anni before I was 50.


If you want to be a swiss army knife then go play an assassin/shadow. They have their drawbacks too.


Try to check scoreboard after each PvP. You will notice juggs often top the board while it's marauders placed at the bottom. What's funny is their overal damage aren't that different either. Marauder will often claim the top damage amount, but it's not even much while mara is inferior in every other score criteria.


Juggs are an easy(er) to play class. Rage is very easy to get numbers with. (If you didn't know the rage spec is shared between them, each class has a shared tree. Thought I'd point this out as everything seems to go over your head). Rage Marauders can do the same thing. Find group, charge, force crush, smash. Doesn't mean they were useful. As stated before. I usually get top 3 damage and if there is a lack of real healers, top healing. Damage meters are not everything. You're probably part of the problem why so many people are against them.


I wasn't going to write this post until 10 mit ago when a guy complained how weak scoundrel is in PvP on gen chat of the fleet, yelling Marauder IMBA! I laughed hard, and wrote this off right away.


Then he was bad as you. They still can do a lot of damage, and should never been ignored in group PvP. I honestly believe it to be a broken spec because so much of it is balanced around their biggest hitter stunning. Which there is no balance around. There's a reason WoW had Ambush and Cheep Shot as different abilities. A very good reason.


I urge you to play marauder as your next alt. This class is overwhelmingly... weak in PvP. For ex, as scoundrel, you can hide in cover and spam blast ability ONLY and do nothing else to best marauder in kill/death ratio. On Illum you are often the first target even before healers because you are so fragile, and die in 3,4 sec with focus fire.


Loving mine thanks


Weak if you're a fresh 50 hitting up those warzones expecting to make a dent on those blue/black glowstick guys. Don't let that make you think you're useless. I listed many utilities you provide above. Huge one is a low cooldown interrupt for healers. A level 50 marauder left on a healer, even if he has 10k hp can turn the fight by keeping that healer locked down.


Ilum is broken. It is stupid of you to compare classes in it. You're utility in Ilum is charge->aoe stun->force camo away. And to kill anything that gets into the group. That's it. Everything about ilum is broken. Don't charge into 15 guys and expect to live.


I hold much affection to anything first, hence I love marauder since I chose it as my first character. But more alt I make more I see how bad I AM AT marauders IN PvP.


Fixed that one for you.


I AM A PROUD kill count donators and a class cannon that is hyped-up to have a high dps but often we just end up shattering even before loading cannon balls. YAY us.


Fixed that one for you too


I'm not even going to ask BW to fix this. I just want people to realize it's juggs that occupies top scoreboard in PvP and maras are often at the rock bottom. I hope people stop yelling mara IMBA simply because they see sith warriors scoring high in PvP and think all sith warriors are IMBA. Juggs maybe good, but mara is definitely the weakest class in PvP.


I don't see warriors topping damage that often. Maybe it's because I'm probably the highest populated server so most matches are 80% PvP geared players. Those Juggs you see are Rage spec'ed destroying non-pvp geared players. Marauders did/do this too. I can do it as anni. Nothing new here.


ps. marauder + carnage is a even bigger joke. Anna + mara is already bad, and carnage is much, much worse.


Charge has known bugs a very bad rotation. This is nothing new.

Anni went from being rare in PvP to almost all you see. Once people learned it it proved to be a great spec. Sorry you can't handle it.

Didn't even add Rage in your finisher. Do you think it's fine? Or is that the spec you played? Did you get mad when players started getting PvP gear and you couldn't kill them in 5 seconds with big crits anymore?



What I gathered from this post:

1) You suck at this class.

2) You're on server that does not have good PvP geared Marauders.

3) You are not a good and probably not a PvP geared Marauder.

4) You compared level 50 PvP to pre-50 PvP. A class that doesn't truly start shining till 40 vs a class that starts fine.

5)You wasted too much of my time.

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I really like my Mara he is fun to play, looks pretty cool and has 2 lightsabers. That being said Maras are the weakest PvP class in the game before 41ish and strugles alot before 50.


At 50 there are times when I feel like a killing machine and times I feel like free medals for the opisition. I often think that many on this form that constantly state how awesome Maras are tend to be sitting in full battlemasters gear rolling fresh 50s in premade groups.


I have not played all the classes yet but frm my understanding pretty much all classes do the same damage over time. This means that a Jug will do the same damage as a Mara which will do the same damage a Sorc over a timeperiod to a single target. IT seems that BW made the classes different in how the damage is delivered and utility. I also find it intersting that BW made 2 roles that are DPS only, Maras and snipers, where all others can fill different functions such as Jugg can be a tank or DPS depending on how the class is spec'd. This makes it seem like other classes can do so much more such as the Jug, you cant tell if you are geting to be going all out DPS to try chip at the tanks HPs or about to eat a 5k AE. You never have this issue with Maras, you know they will do damage at melee and take tons of damage, so very predictable.


All the people that keep saying l2p, well its a steep curve and a hard road. You have to be Johnny on the spot with your skills or your dead. Its not a forgivnig class on any level and I do think just about any other class is much easer and more forgiving.


I think the OP has valid points and I can see how it is fustrating. Will it change? Well Ill bet there are changes to every class in the first year of the game, sooner or latter some of our issues will be addressed. It may be better, it might not ever get better. In the end if you like the class play it and have fun, if you dont like to PvP with the class play something else.


To the peeps that enjoy repeating l2p all day long, go equip some cent pvp armor, pug a WZ, fight people that have 2-5k more HPs and take a vid of that. If its a skill issue none of yall would have issues owning peeps in less gear. After all Im sure most of yall have your compainions are geared out in Cent/Champ anyhow. Im sure yall have the spare com's sitting around.


Of course ungeared people are going to lose to geared people, but it takes like....two weeks to get full champ gear if that, and I started doing absolutely 100% fine after i had like 3 pieces of champ and a cent piece (I hit 50 before they changed bags so you'd only get a cent piece once every couple of days due to getting 3 tokens per champ bag)


Why should anyone have to make a pvp video to show 300-500k+ damage Marauder games? It's not hard to do at all, it is. one. of. the. strongest. classes.

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How to negate a Marauder in every group pvp battle in 3 easy steps -


1) Wait for Mara to use Force charge, put a 12 sec snare on him


2) kill every other enemy while the Mara crawls about the battlefield giving out no dps and building no rage.


3) Return before 12 secs up and re-apply snare or kill him.



Yeah Marauders are fine.

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How to negate a Marauder in every group pvp battle in 3 easy steps -


1) Wait for Mara to use Force charge, put a 12 sec snare on him


2) kill every other enemy while the Mara crawls about the battlefield giving out no dps and building no rage.


3) Return before 12 secs up and re-apply snare or kill him.



Yeah Marauders are fine.


If you think it takes 12 seconds for a Mara to break a snare or have charge come up again you don't know much about Mara's--- or how to stack one for PVP

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If you think it takes 12 seconds for a Mara to break a snare or have charge come up again you don't know much about Mara's--- or how to stack one for PVP


Force charge 15 sec cd- can be talented to 12 secs in annihilation.

Obliterate in rage tree requires rage to use and is on a 15 sec cd.


Unleash on a 2 min cd, force camouflage when talented in carnage on a 45 sec cd.


Most ac have snares on no CDs that can be spammed repeatedly.


What is your point again?

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1. I happen to agree on the medals part but only because its just not easy mode to earn medals. you can certainly earn more than that but need to work four times as hard to do it over other easy mode classes.


2. I agree it is low dps but your playing anna mara if i read correct. as a carn mara I dont see low dps I see functionality issues that limit dps. a huge issue is skill delay which is still not completely gone and does significantly mess up your dps. i also think dps is a tad lower than the rest of the bunch but you can easily take on three guys at once and kill two before your dead.


3. you have CC as a carn but it is significantly weaker than any other class. Now its a double edge sword. most of your CC actually CC's you or is so short its not even worth thinking of it as CC. I think though our area CC is perfect and should be changed but ever other class should be brought to your level. All classes should only have one AoE CC All classes should have it VERY SHORT. All claasses should have one single target CC but it should also like choke CC them in place for the duration building action or reducing heat or what ever you want to call it. On top of that All classes should have a 60 second immunity to AoE and single target such that you try to use it the skill is darkened out.


4. Absolutely disagree and I will go further, I think its a neat idea in well just that an idea and SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM PVP COMPLETELY.


5. sorta relates to my number 3 answer. if they dont change a think it should be a 20 second refresh simple as that. you are really complaining about kiting and its shouldnt be a fix to mara but to every other class. when a ranged is moving they should suffer a 50% accuracy debuff period end of story. I dont care who you are but if your running and shooting trust me you are not accurate at all even when your the best shot. walking ok 25% accuracy debuff. standing still you should as intended.


6. look to CC response.


7. you can easily survive but need to use your skills smartly as a carn but once its used your on a LONG refresh timer. The simple issue for the devs is if they are pushing us into medium as a mara and dont want to change that then they need to increase our def stats from medium armor by a good margine.


8. you are DPS what more are you looking for. thing is other classes that have multiple tasks should be knocked back a bit dps wise cause they arent pure dps.


9. very situation. you are only as good as you knowing what skills to clicky and what players your with killing things with you. if they suck you will suck it if they are on or if they can heal you are a killing machine.


10. what? LOL


I will add an 11th


with patch 1.2 all bets are off as if they are doing such changes that it warrants a start reset well you can bet all classes are seeing a MASSIVE change to their skill trees with some skills getting buffed and some getting smacked around. Good thing for Mara is they already sucked so with any luck and the dark side with us we will be just perfect post 1.2.

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Force charge 15 sec cd- can be talented to 12 secs in annihilation.

Obliterate in rage tree requires rage to use and is on a 15 sec cd.


Unleash on a 2 min cd, force camouflage when talented in carnage on a 45 sec cd.


Most ac have snares on no CDs that can be spammed repeatedly.


What is your point again?


Crippling slash. They're now just as slow as you are. Pop frenzy and predation to run to them if you really want instead of opening with charge, charge after their kbs, keep crippling slash or the rupture slow up at the very least. Carnage tree has immobilize on deadly throw, rage tree has a massive slow to put on targets, anni tree has bleeds that once stacked up keep damage going even when kb'd or slowed. Most spammable slows actually do have a cd, roots always have pretty substantial cds, kb's have fairly substantial cds as well.


Marauders are in fact, fine. Just because you can't do what a large number of people posting screenshots of them doing doesn't mean you should complain about them =\.

Edited by Tempsticks
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