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Marking healers with raid icons need to STOP!


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with your logic, if i get marked, i should automatically qq cuz it's unfair... i don't agree... regardless if you are 1st, and we're 2nd...


You're not getting focused.


You're just getitng attacked and have bad defenses as a sniper. Focused is what happens when someone throws you the ball in huttball = instantly dead.

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Funny. Now everyone is rolling Sentinel alts. Probably the same people crying about Sorcs being OP.


People will start dropping from Sentinels as soon as they will realize how skill dependent this AC is. For every 1 great mara I see it is 4 good, 20 average, and 50 bad.


I am somewhere between average and good sentinel at the moment, so I know what I am talking about.

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AGAIN who said there is a tank in this WARFRONT not the OP and a 1/2 way good player will get the healer more then 15M away and then guard DROPS. you should know this if you do any real pvp in swtor


I have run VERY few warzones w/out at least 1 assassin, powertech, or juggernaut.


The OP did not say anything at all about being 1v8 in a Warzone, so I'm going to go ahead and assume that they have teammates.


You can keep assuming that it is a warzone w/ 1 healer vs 8 other people if you like, though.


And while a good player will try to separate the healer and tank, it is much easier for 2 people to run back toward eachother than it is for 1 person to keep pulling them apart. Also, Resolve.

Edited by Varicite
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This game will never be an E-sport. Sorry bro.


They also talked about killing companions and calling the Sage class Wizard, as well as not letting people respec at all during Beta.


It's funny how much that gets talked about in Beta doesn't make it into the game.

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I have run VERY few warzones w/out at least 1 assassin, powertech, or juggernaut.


The OP did not say anything at all about being 1v8 in a Warzone, so I'm going to go ahead and assume that they have teammates.


You can keep assuming that it is a warzone w/ 1 healer vs 8 other people if you like, though.


And while a good player will try to separate the healer and tank, it is much easier for 2 people to run back toward eachother than it is for 1 person to keep pulling them apart. Also, Resolve.


That is the point with a mark on you its makes it 8v1 YOU got it :)


I pug a lot A LOT and i seen tanks and i seen no tanks but here the is deal after you die the mark keeps you from ever getting BACK to a tank to get a guard I hope and that is What the OP has talked about in later post!


Guard is not a fix all



With a OPS mark you MIz well let poeple Q in a OPS

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People will start dropping from Sentinels as soon as they will realize how skill dependent this AC is. For every 1 great mara I see it is 4 good, 20 average, and 50 bad.


I am somewhere between average and good sentinel at the moment, so I know what I am talking about.


It's the same way with Guardians, for every great Guardian, there are a few decent, some average, and lots of really really bad ones...


back on track though, healers will (have to) be priority one for both sides as long as:


1) A single healer can bring an ally up to full health in 1 or 2 heals.

2) A single healer can negate the damage of 2 or 3 enemies and escape with bubble and/or any form of CC, only to bring themselves back up to full health. They can also negate that damage for other team members.

3) Healing skills being cast are hardly decipherable in the jumble of other things going on, including the mass AoE stupidity. For the most part, without uber graphics settings and a very keen eye, they are unnoticed.

4) The interrupt system only stops a cast and doesn't lock out the "school."c


They will also be marked as long as it is hard to identify whether they are dps or heals. In WoW, that was easy:


Priest not in shadowform? Healer.

Druid hanging out in caster form? Not in cat or moonkin form? Uses travel form a lot? They’re a healer.

Shaman not running after people to smash their faces in, and not casting big bolts of lighting? They’re a healer, too.

Paladin not running after people to smash their faces in? Maybe wearing a dress? Healer.

Something casting spells that glow yellow/gold? Healer.


Not so here... Sorcs/Marauders wear the same armor. Sages/Shadows too. Troopers all wear armor (the green beam gives them away easier though...).

Edited by JefferyClark
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Are you seriously suggesting that you are incapable of finding a healer with out marks? Fantastic apparently Bioware needs to balance pvp around players like yourself that cant even figure out how to target a healer. Makes me wonder how they got marked in the first place, since you know finding them is impossible according to you.


You dps aren't fooling anyone, you want the marks to stay so you can simply tunnel vision down a healer. God forbid you get any kind of situational awareness or coordinate with the rest of your team. Just mark it and zerg it when it respawns.


FYI, the sole purpose of marking is to coordinate the rest of your team... in pugs...


premades it doesn't matter cuz everyone uses vent/ts

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Of topic here but HI Wessik! Long time no see. Kauri Imperial SWG RULESZ, I wasnt famous but iw as the stromtrooper(jasten merl) always runnign around with rancors and I fought on my back alot lmao..ne wayz I agree with the OP to a degree but also as it was stated thers no differnce between being marked and an ops group being informed thru chat to target you by name.




hey jasten, ya i remember ya! alot of kauri is on helm of graush!

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If you heal worth a damn then any competent player already knows who you are regardless of whether you're marked or not. If you're getting killed by incompetent players, that's another story.
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If you heal worth a damn then any competent player already knows who you are regardless of whether you're marked or not. If you're getting killed by incompetent players, that's another story.


NO 1 can stand up to 4,5 and 6 peeps on you with ranged stuns you can say you can but we know its BS for you to do it solo. OP says there is no time when you Spawn its i see you bang they blow you up before you can get out the doors. All warfronts are not HB


IT makes People that should L2P on there own in gods with no work NO skill

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Are you saying we should simply let you heal without damaging you? .. Well I guess this would be fine if you guys let me kept dpsing without damaging me.. You know what, lets just get rid of pvp! ........ Logic. It's a team game, get someone to guard you and if they are ranged use LoS to your advantage




We are saying that it's not the healers who need to L2P; it's the baddie dps players that need someone to tell them who the healer is because they have no vision or sense of what's going on around them to notice.


I say this as a dps class.


Take it away, OP is right...there is nothing L2P when 6 n00bs are told to focus you at once with the pretty color icon.

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That is the point with a mark on you its makes it 8v1 YOU got it :)


I pug a lot A LOT and i seen tanks and i seen no tanks but here the is deal after you die the mark keeps you from ever getting BACK to a tank to get a guard I hope and that is What the OP has talked about in later post!


Guard is not a fix all



With a OPS mark you MIz well let poeple Q in a OPS


It really doesn't at all, though. It makes it 8v8, w/ heals on both sides marked.

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It really doesn't at all, though. It makes it 8v8, w/ heals on both sides marked.


what we are talking about is the amount of time it takes for a unmarked heals VS a marked heals the time you take trying to find a heal. is 6 to 10s for good's and the bad well they need to L2P not L2kill mark in that 6 to 10s the heals and GET a GUARD . (its NOT hard to get guard off them) OR maybe make a inpact on the game By Healing said tank( if there is one) maybe saving a team mate FTW with the mark thats all gone they see you from 300m away behind walls and in the spawn room. HOW can you not see a problem with a 15 min mark/debuff. its just sad that it end's the fun for the 90% none super geard/comp/vent/premaed players

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what we are talking about is the amount of time it takes for a unmarked heals VS a marked heals the time you take trying to find a heal. is 6 to 10s for good's and the bad well they need to L2P not L2kill mark in that 6 to 10s the heals and GET a GUARD it its hard to get guard off them OR maybe make a inpact on the game By Healing said tank( if there is one) maybe saving a team mat FTW with the mark thats all gone they see you from 300m away behind walls and in the spawn room. HOW can you not see a problem with a 15 min mark/debuff. its just sad that it end the fun for the 90% none super geard/comp/vent/premaed players


I don't see a problem w/ it because it doesn't make the slightest bit of difference against a competent team.


All it does is give pugs a TINY chance of standing up to a premade, but even then it's more likely that the pug will still lose to any group coordinating in vent.


Marked or not, your healers should be prepared to be focused down all game, every game. And they should have a contingency plan for it.

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I have to Question just how old you are to even take the time to post something as lame as that.


She is Trying to make the game better. You are?


If you think this game doesn't need help are wrong or the bugs would be fixed server trans would here and the Forums would not be need at all.


I'm 20, and to try and insult my age based on a post is ridiculous. She didn't do anything to "fix" the game. She made a post on the forum knowing it would get attention like this. She could have made a ticket, she could have done something more constructive to "fix" the game then state that other MMO's are better while she plays this one. Her opinion on other games does NOTHING to fix this one.


I can't help but just shake my head at you,

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I don't see a problem w/ it because it doesn't make the slightest bit of difference against a competent team.


All it does is give pugs a TINY chance of standing up to a premade, but even then it's more likely that the pug will still lose to any group coordinating in vent.


Marked or not, your healers should be prepared to be focused down all game, every game. And they should have a contingency plan for it.


IF it doesn't make the slightest bit of difference then why do you care. If it gives a pug a chance VS vent/premade/comp then it damn sure does make a difference. your point is vold



focused yes dha but its more then a focus THAT"s its make it where you can NOT not be seen. ITS makes it instead of 3 or 4 good that know you but all 8 can see you LOS/ spawning and runing back before they sould

Edited by Misspriss
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You're not getting focused.


You're just getitng attacked and have bad defenses as a sniper. Focused is what happens when someone throws you the ball in huttball = instantly dead.


agree, we have terrible defense compared to other classes... but believe me, i've been focused plenty of times.... ;)

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what we are talking about is the amount of time it takes for a unmarked heals VS a marked heals the time you take trying to find a heal. is 6 to 10s for good's and the bad well they need to L2P not L2kill mark in that 6 to 10s the heals and GET a GUARD . (its NOT hard to get guard off them) OR maybe make a inpact on the game By Healing said tank( if there is one) maybe saving a team mate FTW with the mark thats all gone they see you from 300m away behind walls and in the spawn room. HOW can you not see a problem with a 15 min mark/debuff. its just sad that it end the fun for the 90% none super geard/comp/vent/premaed players


But mmo's are build around teamplay, realy the best suggestion if you want to win is to find some people and form some kind of premade and talk with them on vent especialy when you play as a healer, i think the majority of warfronts you enter is vs some kind of premade group, and as a 100% pug that can be extremely hard to win due to many people in pugs tend to "solo play" and lack of communication, i dont realy know any other solutions than to try my suggestion.

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If someone marks you and their whole team focuses you - you win the warzone.


That's what happens when you mark their healer because your team is noobs.


If your team isn't noobs, marking the healer shouldn't have any effect at all.


So stop whining about being marked.


When I'm marked, I can pull 4 or 5 idiots away from wherever I don't want them. Even if it happens just once, that can be enough to win the warzone.


Point is, use it to your advantage. Think about football. You can triple team a receiver, but that's going to leave a big hole in your defense. Don't stand there getting focused down then whine about it. Lead them away from the door and laugh while they burn you down and lose the warzone.

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I'm 20, and to try and insult my age based on a post is ridiculous. She didn't do anything to "fix" the game. She made a post on the forum knowing it would get attention like this. She could have made a ticket, she could have done something more constructive to "fix" the game then state that other MMO's are better while she plays this one. Her opinion on other games does NOTHING to fix this one.


I can't help but just shake my head at you,


getting people to look at your point and asking for it to stop and be fix'd is TRYING to fix the game. YOUr post was just to be rude. when you make a ticket they say post on forum FYI

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getting people to look at your point and asking for it to stop and be fix'd is TRYING to fix the game. YOUr post was just to be rude. when you make a ticket they say post on forum FYI


And your post trying to insult my age wasn't rude? really?


Listen she said other MMO's were better, so I said go play one. you on the other hand tried to insult me as a premise to get YOUR point across.


What don't you understand? Personally I think targeting is fine. You wanna know how many matches I've been in though where the leader actually targeted the healers? 1, One measly WZ out of the hundreds I've played. Most of the time its all, "TARGET THE HEALERS?!"


I'll admit my post was rude, if you admit that trying to insult me was just as rude if not more than uncalled for.

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