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Marking healers with raid icons need to STOP!


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Any decent group will zerg healers 1st regardless.


In other words, even if we can't mark healers they'll still be the first to die. And there will be a new version of this thread, about how healers are still dieing.


If you PvP, you will die. Deal with it.

Edited by deltaminus
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Name 5 that have good PVP that do let you mark all the healers/players



WOW,RIFT.Conan,GW don't let you mark all the enemies players


WoW : Yes you can Mark


RIFT : Yes you can mark


GW : Never played


Conan : Never played


Get your facts straight before coming to this forum with vocal diarrhea :mad:

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WoW : Yes you can Mark


RIFT : Yes you can mark


GW : Never played


Conan : Never played


Get your facts straight before coming to this forum with vocal diarrhea :mad:


GW you didn't mark, but anyone can call a target (forget the keybind) then you can hit T and auto target it, but not multiple targets.

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Marking is fine I would question whether the mark should continue after death though.....once someone re-spawns they should be unmarked. I heal and I mark other healers when I can, more just to laugh at the complete cretins on my side who ignore the toon with the big red fire on their head and go chasing a lone dps half way across the map.
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I find marking healers in huttball and when defending in voidstar quite useless.


WHAT?! but marking will instakill healers didn't you know!


pug groups from all over the world are marking healers in every wz being played or will ever play, and in each and every one of them, the pugs are listening!


healers are having ZERO fun!



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Wow your not to smart even the so called God of MMO WoW seen how dumb and how it hurts pvp more than helps it thats why they banned the mark the healer mod.


Actually, Blizzard may have done away with that but there are still addons that allow people to spot healers (Healers must die is one that comes too mind very quickly).


Marking is good. It allows us to see the enemy healers.

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LOL Really??? Funny how I always marked targets in wow pvp. Even in arenas. I would mark my team so I could tell where they were and I would mark the other team to get a focus order.. Care to share whatever you are smoking if you think you can not mark targets in WoW while pvping?? Must be some potent stuff imo


You can not mark enemy players in BG or rated BG What are you smoking. Here even a thread on wow fourms talking about it How they cant do it.


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You can not mark enemy players in BG or rated BG What are you smoking. Here even a thread on wow fourms talking about it How they cant do it.



WoW does let you assist, it lets you see target of target, it lets you focus. There are other mechanics present in WoW that help you focus fire one target. In WoW you can also use countless Macros to use spells/moves on the person you're focused on instead of your current target, same thing with assist.


Even without an icon on your head, I can still call out in chat "keep killing that annoying healer Molatova till she weeps an the forums".


So what next? You'll start a thread about how people shouldn't be able to use chat to call out targets. Or maybe you'll ask Bioware to ban people for using Ventrilo, because they're calling out targets via voice chat.

Edited by deltaminus
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You don't need to mark when you have an addon that sends a raid warning with the healers name every time they are sighted. You can even have an addon that raid warns which of their spells to interrupt......wow is noobish in the extreme.
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Name 5 that have good PVP that do let you mark all the healers/players



WOW,RIFT.Conan,GW don't let you mark all the enemies players


You can cross Wow off that list.


Wow has addons that allow you to spot enemy healers, in which you can focus target them all match, and others can target of target them by you.


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Marking healers with raid icons just ends any fun trying to play heal's unless you have a extreme amount of pvp gear. There is no L2play when you have 6 ranged stuns when you spawn and jump out of the walls, etc. etc etc. If you don't have a pre-made group to use cool down to protect heal you die as soon as they see the mark.


In any other mmo with 1/2 way good pvp does not allow enemy marks. In fact, in one or more mmo's they will ban you if you use third party add on's to mark healers. The L2play should not be mark the healer it should be recognize the healer for ones self and then kill him.


BW says they care about PVPbut they let something like this slip through. This sould be fixed, Hell PVP need a big work over and everyone knows it.


If you are referring to the healers have to die thing, i'm pretty sure that was marked automatically. Automatic marking of enemy targets isn't fair, because it provides information to one team that would not be available to the other.


Marking healers that are called out only verifies information that the team already has. If you really wanted anonymity in this you couldn't have nameplates, unique looking gear, or unique ability animations. Any of these can be used to identify the player's roll. Additionally , you would have to limit communication between team members to prevent "callouts" against enemy players.


Having to manually mark targets just simplifies the process. Also, just an fyi, when i'm an ops leader i mark heals, significant dps, and generally good players on the enemy team. The reason for this is so my team can focus on shutting them down.


Furthermore, you are looking at this the wrong way. If you are being focused down, you know what the other team is doing, prioritizing killing you to the game objective. As all of the wz's are objective based, this gives you an advantage. You are bait, bait the other team away from the turret on alderaan, the doors on voidstar, and the ball in huttball.


Though i do agree, there is no l2p when its 6 v 1, but if that is the case just wait for the wz shutdown timer. Otherwise call for help from teammates, fill them in on your plan to bait the other team.


What you seem to be running into, more specifically, is the case of premade v. pug. This causes other problems also, but it significantly magnifies the groups focus-fire capability. Personally, i healed in wz's but hated it when i wasn't q-ing with a premade group. You were focus fired and it was much more difficult to make any significant contribution to the team. But these problems became apparent when running in pugs and against premades.

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Marking healers is a good tactic. Makes for good team play and helps with dps nubs who keep hitting tanks all warzones, but one little change please


The marks on non-group members should reset and drop on the death of that target..


Being marked for the whole warzone is a major pain. If people want to keep marking me after each death then fair play to them for being that organised and on the ball, but having a perma mark over me from the start of the warzone that says kill this player first for guaranteed win is not fun.


What about your nameplate, should your name change every time you die too?

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Your totally misunderstanding what i'm saying.

8 players in total on a WZ team.

4 players maximum limit in a premade group.

1 premade only four players out of 8 in a WZ are on the same vent.



Compare that with a healer marked with an icon all 8 players can see and focus down the healer at all times.


you have never been in a wz where one of them told the others to get on vent? Hasn't happened many times to me, but it has happened more than once. Also, the whole team can see their ops chat.

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I guess you are not that smart player.


Mark should be taken off upon death. That is the only fair thing to do.


I guess you are the scrub player that needs the easy mode to have a healer marked AT ALL TIMES.


Use brain and situational awareness, and you might be good enough to identify that heal cast bar of the sorc near the pillar....


Jesus... some players just want easy mode and that sucks.


So what keeps them from recognizing your player name/nameplate. Unless you are on a team with Jim, Jimmy, Jimbo, Jïm, Jïmmy, Jïmbo, Jîm, and Jìm, you opponents will know who you are.


The only real advantage it will pose over this is for people just joining the wz. But seriously, if the opposing team is leaving, its not because they are doing awesome.

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Gotta agree on this one, a lot of winning a pug comes down to whether or not your leader is good enough to mark the healers.


Almost, but the following is more the case:


A lot of winning a pug comes down to whether someone good is leading it, and the team is generally following.


Not talking specifics here, just the basics, like everyone go to the left door and having >5 actually go there.

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No but we should not know where they are in the WF at all times that what raid Icons do even in a premade without the icon when you kill the guy or guys they all jump out at once you dont know exactly where he is every sec of the WF. Raid icons takes The HUNTING out of WF i hunt down other dps that kill me. of course i do when we are winning but i have to HUNT them down because I cant put a raid marker on them if i am not a ops leader. There fore it takes time toHUNT them down to kill them, I'm still focused on them but i got to HUNT them. Key Word here is HUNT not I know where you are giant raid icon.


Hunting metaphor only applies in the case of 1 hunter v many prey (or few hunters v. more prey). i.e. you hunting through enemy ranks to find the one that killed you


You don't know where the healer is at all times, the icon is blocked by terrain, kinda like nameplates are. If you want a re-sizing of the mark (to be more along the lines of nameplate size), i guess that would be doable, but not the problem you are running into.

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Hunting metaphor only applies in the case of 1 hunter v many prey (or few hunters v. more prey). i.e. you hunting through enemy ranks to find the one that killed you


You don't know where the healer is at all times, the icon is blocked by terrain, kinda like nameplates are. If you want a re-sizing of the mark (to be more along the lines of nameplate size), i guess that would be doable, but not the problem you are running into.



The raid Icon is not blocked by terrain you can see it threw walls and on the other side of a WF. The icon get bigger the further you are from the target. I know where the healer is at all times go play some WF you can see it from anywhere.


And you all can not get over your rage and see it is not about being focused its about i know where you are at all times you are not going to come anywhere near my wall or my turret with out me knowing i see you coming 300 meters away. And the fact that even with the Assist someone had to FIND me not have a big icon pointing out the healer you dont have to look at all for him.



If you dont have the giant icon above your head vs someone who does and you come from underneath the Alderaan turret the person without the icon above them Has 30-45 sec head start over someone with a Icon over their head before it is called out. It gives time to the attacking team to take a turret vs a Hey Look ICON coming this way Get East or West turret because the team has to walk all the way to you and that takes time. The icons do more than you think than just kill the healer.

Edited by Molatova
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If you are getting 100% of the focus (which implies every team member). Then there is a door to cap a hut ball to score or a turret to take!


That's exactly what I like telling myself as I'm being nuked, that even while I'm not being able to perform my direct purpose and heal my team, hopefully they are doing something useful while I distract the enemies.

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And you all can not get over your rage and see it is not about being focused...


Yes it is. Last time I checked, the thread was called "Marking healers with raid icons need to STOP!"


Of the three WZs, Alderan is the only one where having a giant symbol stapled to your character seems to even remotely be a problem. The ironic thing about this thread is this is something I'm going to start doing, I like many others never even thought of doing this up until they saw this thread.

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With raid markers on enemy players, the derpies don't even have to find a good target or even think about what a good target might be.


The derpies, as you call them, aren't gonna bother focus firing anything most of the time.


Some thoughts...


When a target gets marked, I don't go out of my way to kill them, but if they're in range it will factor into my target choices. I play entire matches with a marked target not being focused by anyone but me it would seem.


I've been off levelling an alt past few weeks but yesterday I played WZ's all day. To say I saw target marking in 1/3rd of the games would be generous.


That said, I do think removal on death is fair - IF there can be assists designated by the ops leader than can also mark.


My 2 cents..I'll let the 'we don't care about it' vs. 'if you don't care about it then lets get rid of it" debate continue. Don't think those two points have been made quite enough yet..



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I did want to go heals. Then I got to see how much I got crushed even trying to help heal. Suddenly felt like I was marked for death because I was. I had a big mark screeming I was a healer over my head. I will not heal now. I live longer!


Oh and wanted to add that I see no reason why marking icons should be allowed in PVP. Should be turned off as there are no NPCs to mark.

Edited by Gryphandor
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SWTOR, unfortunately for the pvp crowd, has brought about a lot of console players to thier first MMO. For the genre as a whole this is good news. For hardcore experienced pvp players not so much.


New MMO players who jump into WZs dont know what they are doing. Most have a Call of Duty attitude. Kill kill kill...etc. Ive been in countless WZs where I watch people run right past a healer and jump into the fray totally ignoring the reason why they make several trips to the grave.


Its unfortunate but everytime I am the leader in a WZ i have to mark healers so the inexperienced players who are new to MMOs know where they should direct thier attention.


Republic is full of healers where as Imps are mostly dps. Repubs constantly win because they always bring more healers into a WZ. To counteract this I have to mark healers if we want to have any chance to win.


When I go into a WZ with my guild we dont have to do it (we call out the names in vent) but in pugs it is almost a necessity. The average SWTOR pvper is BAD. And if I want to have any chance at winning I have to mark healers as well as some of the better players from the opposing teams (which is why cross server WZs is bad for the community)


The community grows stronger when everyone knows each other from both sides. A mutual respect is created amongst the combatants and the community when you only fight the players on your own server.


So im sorry if bad players force me to mark you. I understand that you want to continue to enjoy the no attention you get when healing in most WZs, but as long as im in a WZ with BADs im gonna continue to do it.


You want a free ride and im not inclined to give it to you. Until the new playerbase gets the hang of prioritizing healers over all others on the battlefield it has to be this way.


So stop crying about it and just get used to it.

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I did want to go heals. Then I got to see how much I got crushed even trying to help heal. Suddenly felt like I was marked for death because I was. I had a big mark screeming I was a healer over my head. I will not heal now. I live longer!


Oh and wanted to add that I see no reason why marking icons should be allowed in PVP. Should be turned off as there are no NPCs to mark.


Good healers are laughing at you. Marked or not you can heal just fine. People that don't want to focus healers would rather spend all day wailing on a tank, crying hacks and scratching their heads wondering why this guy can't be killed.


I can stand in the middle of the Huttball mid zone and heal away for quite some time when a brawl is going on. When I start to take damage I scram or my team eliminates the damage dealers.


Healing is not for everyone. You have be able to understand that you are going to die.


Usually healers take a lot of abuse in other games when teammates die. So far I have seen very little griping about heals and lots of thanks.


If you want to stand back and not take damage, pick a ranged class and hide around boxes etc.


I never understood why in a game with NO, yes NO penalty for death the people get butt hurt about dieing.

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