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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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Female Trooper companion could easily be Elara. She flirts with the female trooper, but you can't reciprocate.


I think this is the source of frustration for many of us. There is various companions and NPCs that will flirt with someone of the same gender, but we can't return it. It gives the impression that they *almost* finished the SGRs, but stopped at the last second.


And yeah, my husband is playing a female Trooper and already the flirting from Elara has begun.

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But that's the thing; what does this mean? How does changing pronouns make it wrong?


I think that they were taking the time to make sure the story flowed. In some areas, this doesn't seem to be a huge deal. However, I don't know yet. What I meant by them getting it right is make sure they integrate the current story with the new romance options with grace. I'm not a writer or programmer, but I do think it's nice that they are taking their time. Plus, its probably not just pronouns; it could be whole story arcs that they are writing just for new SGR and OGR romances.


I promise Sparkle, I meant no offense. Please forgive me if it came out that way :(


Edit: I hope they don't make us wait too much longer...

Edited by natashina
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I think that they were taking the time to make sure the story flowed. In some areas, this doesn't seem to be a huge deal. However, I don't know yet. What I meant by them getting it right is make sure they integrate the current story with the new romance options with grace. I'm not a writer or programmer, but I do think it's nice that they are taking their time. Plus, its probably not just pronouns; it could be whole story arcs that they are writing just for new SGR and OGR romances.


I promise Sparkle, I meant no offense. Please forgive me if it came out that way :(


Edit: I hope they don't make us wait too much longer...


No offense taken! I'm just trying to figure out if there's any way this makes sense to me, something I can see as a reasonable explanation for why they can't just open up all current romances to everyone :)

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No offense taken! I'm just trying to figure out if there's any way this makes sense to me, something I can see as a reasonable explanation for why they can't just open up all current romances to everyone :)



I'm with you on that one. I wish I could give you a direct answer, but instead, here's a HUG! :D


I was...a little miffed(most SFW term that I can have) that all I got was one cut scene with Pierce. I'm not sure what's up with the lack of romances. I'm also kinda irked that lady toons get only one LI per character, and the guys get two. Perhaps when they open up SGRs, we'll get some more options. Having at least two lovely ladies to choose from would be nice. I still don't understand why we can't have SGRs(for now.) I don't understand why the ladies have only one LI to choose from. I.E. I'd rather be with Jaesa on my SW than Quinn, but as it stands, my poor SW is going to be very lonely in space for now.

Edited by natashina
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I think this is the source of frustration for many of us. There is various companions and NPCs that will flirt with someone of the same gender, but we can't return it. It gives the impression that they *almost* finished the SGRs, but stopped at the last second.


And yeah, my husband is playing a female Trooper and already the flirting from Elara has begun.


yeah, risha kinda-sort-of flirted with my female smuggler and then it ended with something along the lines of 'lets keep this professional' (kinda reminded me of LS jeasa when a male warrior tries a flirt line with her... which btw also stinks but unrelated to this topic. lol)

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I'm also kinda irked that lady toons get only one LI per character, and the guys get two. Perhaps when they open up SGRs, we'll get some more options. Having at least two lovely ladies to choose from would be nice. I still don't understand why we can't have SGRs(for now.) I don't understand why the ladies have only one LI to choose from. I.E. I'd rather be with Jaesa on my SW than Quinn, but as it stands, my poor SW is going to be very lonely in space for now.

As far as I know, the only classes that get more than one female companion (and therefore more than one romance option) are the Smuggler, the Sith Warrior, and the Imperial Agent. Every other class just has one romance option per gender. It really will be good to see this opened up more with SGRs.


As for storytelling with the SGRs and doing things right, here's my thoughts on it: it's possible that the companion characters would approach having feelings for someone of the same sex differently than they would someone of the opposite sex. Some of them might come into the game knowing they're bisexual (*cough*Kaliyo*cough) while others might only realize their feelings toward a same-sex PC over the course of the game. It could be something new to them. Lots of people don't see Corso as straight, myself included, but I have no idea if he's acknowledged such feelings before or even had them for anyone but a male Smuggler.


So while I'm hoping that the SGR stories don't all have the moment where the companion realizes that they have feelings for someone of the same gender, I'm also hoping we get to see the companions deal with things in different ways.


Sorry if that's less than clear, I'm once again trying to make this a quick post before work. :D


Edit: And yes, I reactivated my subscription just to say that. $15 is a lot less important to me than possibly getting through the dev's thick skulls and getting this content implemented correctly.

You know, you can get your point across without insulting the people you're trying to reach. I can't speak for the devs, but if someone called me thick-skulled while trying to tell me how to do my job, I wouldn't bother listening to a word they said.

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I can understand wanting to wright some new dialog for the companions just to try and make them seem really into the players.


That being said though I cant see it taking a lot of changes to do and still keep it a good story.


I kinda fear that they will be changing some personalties to make them fit which in my opinion would be bad I really like the companions and would like to romance them with the personality quirks they have.

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Huzzah for encouraging news!


Personally, I would've been thrilled if they "flipped the switch" on all the existing LIs, but I also appreciate that they want to put the effort in to do it "right". Obviously whether the upcoming SGRAs will satisfy everyone's definition of "right" remains to be seen, but at the very least I think the developers' hearts are in the right place.


With what we've seen quoted from the summit, I feel a bit more comfortable proceeding with the storylines without feeling like I might lose my chance at something, as it sounds as if SGRAs will be introduced as part of the new story content. Granted, if that's so, it will be extremely frustrating for any characters started from scratch.


Obviously this is all speculation on my part. I do hope we find out at what point in the storylines - during the existing ones or only in yet-to-be-released continuations - we can expect to see SGRAs introduced, just so we'll know whether we have to avoid missing something or not.

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To sum up: My idea of them doing it "right" is them doing it with grace. It would seem awkward to me to have(as an example) Vette coming up to me and saying, "Oh, I've always had these feelings for you!" I'd rather have a series of companion quests made just for new romance options that leads up to a somewhat logical reason for the companions to feel this way.



<looks over what she wrote>


That's another new idea! Rather than the game just shoehorning in a romance option, having a new companion quest that leads up to possible "new feelings." It might make things make more sense(i.e Corso having a series of quests that reveals his feelings for the male Smuggler.)


Edit: If they put in SGR options for current companions, this was a way I thought of for them to do it without it seeming too forced.

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I do have to echo Nozybidaj on that and ask why it would seem forced if they just "flipped the switch", though. If that was good writing when it was about a heterosexual romance and it didn't seem forced then, I'm having trouble figuring why it's now bad writing if the same stuff is applied to a homosexual romance.


...I'll grant it's lazy writing, in the sense that it's much less work. But Bioware voiced concerns about budget problems, so less work should be a good thing.


The best justification I can imagine is that for players who romance the same companion using both a male and a female character, they want the content to be different, and they're trying to actually add to the game here.


The other thing is some of the stuff involving ship-board drama caused by romances with characters disapproving of your romantic choice and/or giving you "No, choose me!" that we've talked about. It potentially gets an order of magnitude more complicated with the number of romances doubled.

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Ah, a transcript, thank goodness.


Q: Any update on same gender romance?


Daniel: It is coming and it is coming with story updates. It is something that depends on the writers and we want to do right, and writers have a long lead time. We did not want to just change all the dialogue for the other gender. That is not writing, that is not story telling. This was cut originally because of budget and time issues. We have designs, we know what romance options we want to put in for this. It is coming when full story comes, and full story is coming this year. We are still on track.


Musing over this, it's still, IMO, a bit inconclusive with regards to existing companions or not. The one thing that points to them most strongly, I think, is "change all dialogue", which sounds like updates to already existing dialogue.


That being said, it *could* still refer to new (or, perhaps more properly stated, as-yet-unimplemented) companions that are going to be introduced with new content. If that were the case, I'd summarize the situation as, "we have SGRAs clearly planned for new companions, and there will be distinct differences between OGRA and SGRA arcs, and we want to get that done right and done well." We've discussed here that new companions would be a lot of work, which is true, but one gets the impression that they plan stuff like story (which companions fall under) pretty far ahead of time, specifically because of this "long lead time". I don't think new companions with new story content are completely out of the question for this year, whether it's via a patch or expansion.


Something else that occurred to me yesterday: if the story updates are rolled out incrementally, including new companions, it might mean that not everyone would get access to new SGRA-able companions at the same time. :o For example (all patches and content are theoretical!): perhaps patch 1.4 introduces a new set of planetary quests and a new unique companion for each class. That new companion might be OGRA, SGRA, or non-romancable, depending on your class. Patch 1.7 might introduce another new companion in the same way; the point being, each new companion affects each class in a slightly different way. The romance options might balance out *eventually*, just not immediately. However, I imagine this would raise so many objections from the player base that they're unlikely to try something like that. I suppose we'll see, though :x




TBH, I'd be extremely happy to get some of the existing companions as SGRAs, and the fact that "changes" and "originally cut" are mentioned gives me hope on that front. I'm just trying to guess at as many likely or unlikely things as I can, in case things go in a way other than expected. :p

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Ah, a transcript, thank goodness.




Musing over this, it's still, IMO, a bit inconclusive with regards to existing companions or not. The one thing that points to them most strongly, I think, is "change all dialogue", which sounds like updates to already existing dialogue.


That being said, it *could* still refer to new (or, perhaps more properly stated, as-yet-unimplemented) companions that are going to be introduced with new content. If that were the case, I'd summarize the situation as, "we have SGRAs clearly planned for new companions, and there will be distinct differences between OGRA and SGRA arcs, and we want to get that done right and done well." We've discussed here that new companions would be a lot of work, which is true, but one gets the impression that they plan stuff like story (which companions fall under) pretty far ahead of time, specifically because of this "long lead time". I don't think new companions with new story content are completely out of the question for this year, whether it's via a patch or expansion.


Something else that occurred to me yesterday: if the story updates are rolled out incrementally, including new companions, it might mean that not everyone would get access to new SGRA-able companions at the same time. :o For example (all patches and content are theoretical!): perhaps patch 1.4 introduces a new set of planetary quests and a new unique companion for each class. That new companion might be OGRA, SGRA, or non-romancable, depending on your class. Patch 1.7 might introduce another new companion in the same way; the point being, each new companion affects each class in a slightly different way. The romance options might balance out *eventually*, just not immediately. However, I imagine this would raise so many objections from the player base that they're unlikely to try something like that. I suppose we'll see, though :x




TBH, I'd be extremely happy to get some of the existing companions as SGRAs, and the fact that "changes" and "originally cut" are mentioned gives me hope on that front. I'm just trying to guess at as many likely or unlikely things as I can, in case things go in a way other than expected. :p


Just...wow! Jenovan, you have a wonderful knack for articulating ideas/thoughts from these threads. :D

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The other thing is some of the stuff involving ship-board drama caused by romances with characters disapproving of your romantic choice and/or giving you "No, choose me!" that we've talked about. It potentially gets an order of magnitude more complicated with the number of romances doubled.


Ha. Can you imagine the Sith Warrior's ship at that point? :mon_eek:

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Ha. Can you imagine the Sith Warrior's ship at that point? :mon_eek:


I could and it would be AWESOME! On a side note, I noticed that the BH minions interact with each other more than my SW's minions do. I'd welcome the drama, because so far the only minions that have interacted w/ each other on my main are Pierce and Quinn. Perhaps that's just me; personally any sort of jealousy/drama/ect would help flesh out my companions.


I never understood why Vette never took me off to the side and asked, "Um, boss? What's up with the psycho chick and the harry guy?" Maybe, if they added more relationship content in general, I'll get to see more of this.


Plus, a part of me is amused at the idea of Vette going, "She's mine," with Jaesa going, "No, she's MINE!" :p

Edited by natashina
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Well... if we have new companions with new content, I suppose that means they'll only be avaliable after level 50, right? Don't get me wrong, new companions are great (pleaseletthembecorsosclone), but I'll have a lot of leveling to do, since I'm holding many of my alts in place for S/S content. Sad emoticon -> :(
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Well... if we have new companions with new content, I suppose that means they'll only be avaliable after level 50, right? Don't get me wrong, new companions are great (pleaseletthembecorsosclone), but I'll have a lot of leveling to do, since I'm holding many of my alts in place for S/S content. Sad emoticon -> :(


We actually don't know that. We just know that SGRAs are coming with story content. Whether that means expanding current companions, adding new ones, or both we just don't really know. Nor do we know if the content will be post-50 only or not. I would think, if it's expanding current ones AND given they said they already know which will be available, that it will not all be post-50 only.

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As I posted before what I take away from the quote is that there is going to be an act added between now and the next expansion. Or at worst the next expansion is this year. I don't see them adding a ton of new companions when they do just one at most per class.


What my gut feeling is that they will add something big story wise in 1.4 or 1.5. I do not see it happening in 1.3 I think that is when we will see the new round of new companions. BUUUUTTTT I think that bioware is going to kinda blend it to be natural. Not every companion we gain will be GLB as that will make it really feel forced. I think that some of our companions are going to get either made gay romance able or bi.


What makes it hard for Bioware is that anything female as of now is romance able for men minus the fembot.


Now I do not think that anyone that is OGRA is going to be made exclusive other way only possibly bi. I would NEVER want to see a character that is straight now made exclusive for SGRA. I am going to break it down in a bit more detail


Sith Warrior I posted that Lt.Pierce makes sense to make a M/M romance option. He is not a romance option as of now.


SW as of F/F is a lil murky as DS Jaessa makes a point in the romance lines she would be open to that kind of relationship (( I am not going to put spoilers in )) But that limits only DS Sith females to having a relationship so another either added or make Vette bi.


SI as of males they have one in Tallos that would really work for M/M. would make total sense to me


SI for F/F Ashara is sooo confusing to me in the first place. Albeit i have only talked to her from a DS sith point of view and all my sith wants to do is learn to force choke her. I do not think it would feel out of place for her to be bi but i am torn here 50 50 on her or a new companion.


BH is once again could be sooo much fun if Gault is an option for M/M I would roll a male just to have a chance to flirt with him he is one of my favorites in the game. But reality says this is one that Torian is either turned bi or new companion. Same with Mako I really do not know how they will do this one but this is going to be one class I feel that they will have to add at least one G/L companion and one of the 2 will be made bi.


Agent vector makes sense to be ok with being bi but with the other 2 options for the F/F it leaves room for the new Agent companion to be male and a SGRA option. Now the 2 girls everyone assumes Kaylio is bi as is and the other wouldn't surprise me either.


Now i am not forgetting you republic ones either ^^


JW I feel is gonna be pretty much a new male companion for SGRA. Doc to me is just as straight as they come and I just cannot see it and would be really cheap to the character even though he is a bit creepy lol. I think that would leave Kira for a bi option and it would make sense wouldn't be a stretch.


JC is a bit of an enigma. Now there is something that they could do but would really be maybe a bit to close to home for some but the Tharan would be good as a trying to cover up his true feelings with the whole holiday bit. But I think that Zenith would make so much sense and would be a good story.


Nadia she I really am not sure on. I am 50 50 as of them making her bi or a new female companion.


Smuggler, Corso Corso Corso our favorite gentleman farm boy. This is one that could go either way. I adore him I think he is cute but I am just not sure if a bi relationship works. I think its a 50 50 on that one and a new companion being the M/M option.


And like the agent I can see either or both of the smuggler girls getting to be bi. I lean more towards Risha but both make sense.


Trooper I feel Aric stays straight I am not sure why just feels that way to me. I think a male romance option would have to be added. Dorne make much more sense to be bi then Aric and I would think it would be that way if only one is added.


This is a total shot in the dark and I may be totally wrong but Just kinda how i feel on the subject. And this isnt to generalize but I think alot of the F/F options would be made bi because of all the relationships would be more then the M/M. I could see every female that is added is made bi and all that exist now are made bi.

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Hi all;


So if I am reading this right, same gender characters will have the ability to romance. Seems like a simple flip of the switch. What was the driver for this? My concern is that though I love the game, many will not be neutral on the topic and find it to extreme a position to continue to subscribe. This is an alert to me as some servers are light and there is a host of other potential fixes that should supersede same gender romance that wouldn't potentially offend a large portion of the subscriber base. This is mainly parents not wanting their under 18 kids playing as this will inevitably break on the news.


I personally think a better group finder is more important than something like a social issue that should not even be considered due to it's political ramifications. Though I personally dont feel offended by it, but as a subscriber I think I can at least share the concern without being censored.


I really hope every angle is being looked at from a back lash perspective. SWTOR needs to grow, not shrink.

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Hi all;


So if I am reading this right, same gender characters will have the ability to romance. Seems like a simple flip of the switch. What was the driver for this? My concern is that though I love the game, many will not be neutral on the topic and find it to extreme a position to continue to subscribe. This is an alert to me as some servers are light and there is a host of other potential fixes that should supersede same gender romance that wouldn't potentially offend a large portion of the subscriber base. This is mainly parents not wanting their under 18 kids playing as this will inevitably break on the news.


I personally think a better group finder is more important than something like a social issue that should not even be considered due to it's political ramifications. Though I personally dont feel offended by it, but as a subscriber I think I can at least share the concern without being censored.


I really hope every angle is being looked at from a back lash perspective. SWTOR needs to grow, not shrink.


I can honestly say that your opinion does make sense, however parents having a problem with their teenager exposed to Same Sex romance and overreact to that need to get their priorities straight. Torture, murder and mayhem are all prevalent within this game. SGR are minor things, the torture and murder being the most seen throughout the game, regardless of side. If they throw a fit due to the SGRs then they seriously need to have their brains checked.

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Hi all;


So if I am reading this right, same gender characters will have the ability to romance. Seems like a simple flip of the switch. What was the driver for this? My concern is that though I love the game, many will not be neutral on the topic and find it to extreme a position to continue to subscribe. This is an alert to me as some servers are light and there is a host of other potential fixes that should supersede same gender romance that wouldn't potentially offend a large portion of the subscriber base. This is mainly parents not wanting their under 18 kids playing as this will inevitably break on the news.


I personally think a better group finder is more important than something like a social issue that should not even be considered due to it's political ramifications. Though I personally dont feel offended by it, but as a subscriber I think I can at least share the concern without being censored.


I really hope every angle is being looked at from a back lash perspective. SWTOR needs to grow, not shrink.


Hi metapree. For an eloquent explanation of why Bioware games continue to offer same-gender romance content, please see this Kotaku interview with Dr. Muzyka and Dr. Zeschuk, the founders of Bioware. The interview highlights ME3 in particular, but their comments encompass all BW games.


This game has a large development team, and many, many fixes demanded by subscribers are being worked on at this time. The recent guild summit laid out a lot of them (and also shot down a few...). Bioware will prioritize these fixes and content at their own discretion, and the fact that SGRAs were already relegated to the backseat at launch should indicate that it isn't as high a priority to them as other things such as combat mechanics. For that matter, the quote from the summit regarding SGRAs indicated that this material is still in the writing stage, which should mean that the work being done on them at the moment takes nothing away from bug fixes. These elements are not worked on by the same people, or even the same teams.


As for whether or not this is a social or political issue, discussing that here will get your posts deleted by the moderators more often than not. It's irrelevant to the topic of the thread, which is how SGRAs will be implemented, not why (or why not). (And discussing real-world stuff like that is against forum rules to begin with.) Just an FYI.

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Okay, lets get the obvious stuff out of the way first. Same gender romance options are not inherently bad story telling. That's just a cop out for the delay and shows ones own ignorance and prejudices in regards to the content.


I'm only going to respond to this. I got up after a rather nice length of sleep to find about four pages of people posting back and forth, and I think this is one of the core reasons why, because posts have been running like wildfire since Nozy posted.


Nozy, you're a good guy but I think you've misunderstood the developer's intent with this. I think your ongoing frustration and disgust has then been ignited into sheer rage where it just doesn't need to be.


The developer, whose name I can't recall, said very firmly that they weren't simply going to 'flip the switch' to make existing companion SGRA-compatible because they feel it's 'not good storytelling'. Let me tell you, I was really disappointed by this but I believe I understand where they're coming from.


I don't think that they're saying that what's good for the goose isn't good for the gander and I think you're so way off that they're implying anything like 'same gender romance options are not good storytelling'. Way, way off. They aren't saying anything of the sort; they're saying that the treatment of SGRAs, if they merely flipped the switch, would be bad storytelling.


Time to calm down and consider this: the treatment of something is not the same as that something itself. You can love cakes but make one badly, and that's what I think is happening here. SGRA is a cake. They don't want to make it badly.


From what I got from that developer's words, they have separate SGRA-only stories and characters in mind. Rather than having everybody share the same cake, they want to make three cakes - straight, bi and gay. I don't believe they believe SGRA is bad storytelling, and I think that assuming that's what they meant is looking for insult where none is intended. They want to give SGRAs the same amount of treatment as OGRAs, and rather than taking the hero-sexual route they've got specific sexualities in mind.


Now, we have all been debating hero-sexuality vs set sexuality. One of the main features in favour of hero-sexuality is that the content is already there; tweaking a bit means they could put it in very soon. One of the main points to set sexuality is that it'll take longer (much longer), will require the implementation of extra companions, and (importantly) will be more realistic.


They appear to have taken the second option. They said as much, that they have specific characters and stories in mind regarding this. While that doesn't explain the extended silence regarding this it does explain the length of time it's taking; I suspect they have half-finished characters that were originally intended for launch, but not have to spread resources (money being the most relevant) on finishing SGRAs, fixing major bugs and making new content, for example Patch 1.2.


I do not believe that they think SGRAs are bad storytelling. Not for one second. I do think they're being overly cautious about how they implement them but I suspect that a lot of the development team don't like how Dragon Age 2 turned out, and much of their philosophy is built directly around that. Many players hated hero-sexuality as it was presented in DA2; maybe they're just listening to what the fans have been saying. Whether they personally worked on DA2 is irrelevant, as all of those developers are also gamers and will have their own opinions on that basis, too.


Liara, Zevran, Leliana and Isabela are not a good example to argue against the developers' points of view because Liara doesn't view sexuality like humans do and the rest are specifically written to be bisexual.


Arguing that the player character is the same person is also, I think erroneous IF - and this is a very specific IF - you look at it from the NPC's point of view. Jim the Jedi might be the same person as Joan the Jedi but if Doc doesn't like schlong - or hasn't really considered schlong before - then Jim being the same person doesn't matter.


If you stop looking at it as a mechanical matter and start looking at it from the perspective of developers trying to put a bit of sexual realism and life into those NPCs, then people with set sexualities responding to people whose genders don't match their preferences is going to require more reworking.


Perhaps they consider switch-flipping to be 'bad storytelling' because they want to give us something worthwhile and special rather than just repeated lines.

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To be completely honest, this is a game. This isnt real life nor does it entail that anything in the game is real. That being said, does it really matter what any given persons sexuality is? Would you really go walk around, lets say New York City, and ask every single person you walk by what their sexual preference is? And to push it a little further, would you honestly admit (if you do have a problem with it) to whoever you meet that you "dont like" or "disagree" with their preference if it wasnt the same as yours? Of course not cause you would probably end up in the hospital several times over. Just stating the truth of the fact. So why such a big deal in an online game?


Seems like one of those instances "Your tall. dark, handsome, and funny....ONLINE!!!" instances. This is a futuristic fantasy game. The idea of having the option to choose, at character creation, your sexual preference seems to be the best bet that I have seen. From that point its up to each individual and you dont step on someone else' "virtual" toes since you cant tell who is romancing who or married to who in the first place. This isn't a church, nor is it a school. This is a virtual game that is based on fantasy. If you are really getting worked up over something that truthfully doesnt even exist, then why dont you go burn every book you have ever read, tear up every sheet of music you have ever heard and lock yourself in a box for the rest of your life. We each "choose" for ourselves the kind of person we are. We are taught many things from our family, friends, and acquaintances as we grow but in the end when we are old enough to understand these things on our own, it is our choice whether we want to continue with what we have learned or go a different route. I personally am not bothered by anyone's sexuality. They are who they are.


As far as this game goes though, I have characters that are already created that due to the current settings I can't see or experience the different stories that go along with the romancing ability that I would enjoy seeing simply because it is part of the game. I dont skip cut-scenes at all. I like watching them and seeing the different stories unfold and see how they connect and relate to each other as well as other classes and even the opposite faction side. (Example: Flashpoint Esseles and Black Talon) I found it a nice surprise to see that they were not just the first flashpoints on both sides but that the designers had incorporated a way to see this event from both sides instead of you just running one flashpoint or the other and there was no relation.


I vote to allow this not because of my own preference or any sort of support for any side for or against this issue, but because this is a VIRTUAL GAME and it would allow anyone that CHOSE the access to the stories that have been developed for the game. I paid for this game, I pay for the subscription for it. I would like to enjoy every aspect no matter how big or small that is in this game. If I didn't want this I wouldn't have bought it in the first place. No matter my sexual preference I pay for this and everything in it. No one can or will tell me I am wrong or right since they do not pay for my game or subscription end of story.

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