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OMDG Snper is Useless!


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The problem, however, is that all our DOTs can be cleansed (just because players are too stupid to cleanse them doesn't make it not a drawback), not to mention that it essentially neuters half our CC (flash bang/grenade breaks on damage, cover pulse root breaks early on damage).


And let's not forget the infamous 1.1.5 patch that's going to screw the spec even further by making DOTs no longer interrupt capping.


Don't get me wrong, I agree that Eng/Leth is better than MM for pvp... but that's not really saying much, ya know.


Then we agree, this tree needs to be fixed. I am using the marksmanship tree.

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Wouldn't be surprised if this was the Sniper I owned a few days back... Bubble, force speed, knock him out of cover then pelt him with dots and stuns, heal myself then leave him to die after 10%. I'm also pure healer and in PvE gear. :p


Sounds about right. Unless someone is completely clueless that a sniper is targeting them, or is involved with another class, marksman sniper is pretty tough to pull off. It's the getting into cover piece that really does us in.

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If I could lol leg shot, sprint away and use an ability like ambush with no channel time, I would at least have a chance. Yes, there's flashbang and debilitate that I can use, but I just don't have the ability to really crit someone's face when I do.


The marksman sniper I feel is PVE only. I'm looking for another build at the moment.

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it's pretty obvious you don't know anything about how tanks work. our shields ONLY activate against weapon damage, and then when they do activate they're affected by our shield and other mitigation stats. so in reality, there's no way you could possibly attack a tank and not hit him once.


It's pretty obvious you don't know anything about how snipers work. Almost all of our attacks ARE weapon damage, and therefore mitigated by everything.



Edited by Twenynge
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Know you role too.


Too bad that snipers are the only rdps class which damage (marksman spec) has to pass through ALL available defenses in the game.


Also too bad that mercs and sorcs do not have that restriction and can nuke everything..while their attacks hit all the time.


Oh yeah, you can spec lethality - play like a skirmisher and not a sniper - plus 1 dispel destroys your whole spec haha


Great game design.

Edited by Desgarden
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LOL your full of ****

People who are supporting cover and saying gunslinger isnt underpowered are full of **** or barely pvp with their class or still under 50.


I'm valor 65+, close to full BM


My aimed shot does LESS dmg to a tracer missle with a 1 second higher cast time and a cooldown, and less dmg than a force lightning.


Take a merc: he gets a free 35% armour reduction buff plus the debuff from grav rounds for a total of 55% armor penetration.


A sniper has shatter shot: 20% debuff and...for 2 talent pointsa further 20% armour piercing FOR ONE ABILITY ONLY which has a long cast time and a cd of 15 seconds.


Anyone claiming to get 5k crits consistently is straight lying off their ***. I will get a 5k crit on only like a 12k hp sorc with no bubble and all my adrenal/relic popped.


Hunkerdown is a terribly circumstantial move since u get LOSed all day on high-cast time "burst" moves.


Any mobility with sabo/DF hybrids take 50+ energy to get off a single combo.


Our "great" cc has some of the highest resolve gains in the game. Dirty Kick gives 80% resolve as well as flashbang.


Anyone claiming gunslingers do great burst on tank classes is lying off their *** or not even lvl 50. The armor reduction and automatic 10% deflection chance with lightsabers make any ranged attacks inferior to other dps trees not just the whole class.


There is absolutly no reason to play a GS over any other class.


Dear very angry, bad MMO gamer,


I'm currently working on a PVP video, when it is done I will post it here. Remember this is only a game and acting like a 12 year old on the forums or anywhere in life is just pathetic. Grow up, play your class better, and give your mom a hug. Who said Sniper does great burst on tanks? You trying to put words in my mouth I didn't say. I don't know why I am even addressing someone who has such serious anger issues. Check your head kid, it's a video game...

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That hurt my eyes too much to read in it's entirety, but the first sentence was rubbish enough to prove that I wasn't missing out on much.


You literally said that your record is 5402 WITH A 15% INCREASE, preceded by the claim that *EVERY* ambush is above 5k.


You are full of ****.


So many children, such little time.... Amazingly enough I don't have to impress or prove anything to you. Believe what you want, really don't care. Every ambush crit on CD's is 5k. Every ambush crit with zero cd's and zero debuff on said palyer is well over 4k. RNG, how does it work? Try checking out wikipedia if you are still confused.....

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Sounds about right. Unless someone is completely clueless that a sniper is targeting them, or is involved with another class, marksman sniper is pretty tough to pull off. It's the getting into cover piece that really does us in.


Wait, wait, wait. You actually lose to sorcs as a sniper? My sharpshooter gunslinger always ips them apart.

You...do know you have something called hunker down, right?

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So far there were only nerfs:


1) SF water fix --> Sn/GS is the ONLY class strict to dmg medals.

2) Surge nerf --> Sn/GS nerfed more due to having highest crit chance.

3) DoT nerf --> bb to leth/DF utility. I'm not shure if other classes will suffer less though.


There was no response from BW on multiple Sn/GS qq threads and I don't think they'll have a closer look at the class any time soon since now they have to stop that overall population decrease. So for now reroll is a smart choice. Leveling is fast, valor and BM token grind will be much easier after the next patch.

Yes, few people (very few) are doing good as a Sn/GS especially when healed and guarded. But that's despite the class quality, not thanks to. Most likely they'll do better with other AC.

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Snipers should get a stationary cloak while they are not attacking and allow them to cast their first attack from stealth. Would definitely make them more sniperish when you suddenly from no where take 3-5k damage from a ranged target.
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That hurt my eyes too much to read in it's entirety, but the first sentence was rubbish enough to prove that I wasn't missing out on much.


You literally said that your record is 5402 WITH A 15% INCREASE, preceded by the claim that *EVERY* ambush is above 5k.


You are full of ****.


15% Buff on the 200 expertise I have? My gear is based on power mods and enhancements, 4/5 columi 1/5 rakata tier. I do not have a lot of expertise therefore the warzone buff does nearly nothing for me. Next time you should read a post in its entirety before responding...


Screenshot from goofin' around last night. Video in a few days, will post it here.



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lol dude, ur a sniper u dont get interupted unless stuned or pushed back. i play an opertive healer and all i get is stealth after that its me being able too rotate defence CDs. i agree with the 1st two posts, learn ur enemy and learn ur class. u cant have everythign handed to u...
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Snipers are not going to win you a match no matter how well played. They won't pull off any goal line saves, they have no defensive cooldowns that mitigate damage and are too easily LOSed. I would be interested to know who would include a sniper in their 8 man team given the choice I certainly wouldnt.
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Wouldn't be surprised if this was the Sniper I owned a few days back... Bubble, force speed, knock him out of cover then pelt him with dots and stuns, heal myself then leave him to die after 10%. I'm also pure healer and in PvE gear. :p


I don't think this person realizes what they are saying is, Sage is immensely easy to be successful with in comparison to other classes. It is amazing how huge the class divide is in this game compared to any other. This is the reason PVP has not diverse class wise, anyone who disagrees is completely ignoring the fact that warzones are generally comprised of either more than 50% sages on one side or more than 50% sorcs on one side or both.

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Wait, wait, wait. You actually lose to sorcs as a sniper? My sharpshooter gunslinger always ips them apart.

You...do know you have something called hunker down, right?


You kill Sorcs who are fighting other people, The fact that you think Hunker down is going to let you win vs a sorc 1v1 is kind of cute and adorable.


however in actual 1v1's, when you're fighting a sorc, He's going to see you pop it, then speed off and heal up, and come back for the 20 or so seconds hunkerdown isn't up for you, and **** your face.

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Sniper is basically: "Help your team mate win his duel". You see someone dueling, you just join the fight and burst down your teammate's enemy. That's all.


What I really want from sniper: to be a specialized anti-defense class. Sniper should have a special perk being able to bypass sorc bubbles and tank guard ability. Nobody should be perfectly safe behind a crapload of defense buffs.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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I'm not going to call gunslingers/snipers under powered yet, I'm not far enough in along to make that call in my baby slinger, but they certainly have issues.


A bit of group buffs added like sentinels/marauders would be nice, something to allow them more easily bypass the very strong defenses they have to deal with (and something in the dot tree that punishes the target when the dots are cleansed).


Other alternatives could include allowing them to use all their abilities (or at least more of them) outside of cover however let them get a bonus of some sort when they do duck into cover (more damage/armor penetration/ accuracy etc.

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I'm going to go out on a limb and guess the particular situation you are talking about was something along the lines of trooper with a bubble from a sage. You couldn't get through absorbs from bubbles before you were killed. The problem, in my opinion (only level 47 on my sniper but full champion gear on my warrior and have seen the potential damage from geared gs/snipers), isn't your damage but the sage/sorcs being over powered. This is just my opinion and may have nothing to do with the situation you were talking about, but I don't agree with snipers being useless.
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