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The death of pvp, thy name is ranked warzones


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If you can't earn the gear then you do not deserve to wear the same gear as those who can. Having rated WZ gear is perfectly fine, people have enough VERY easy options to get PvP gear in this game as it is.


Instead of complaining about it, stop being antisocial and meet some people to play with. Work on strats and go earn the damn gear for yourself. You kids now days just want everything handed to you with out having to work for anything. MMO's aren't now and never have been about fair when it comes to gear, every bit of gear is accessible to every player. Whether or not you meet the requirements to get it is a different story all together.




In summary , stop complaining because all you're saying is that you're to bad to get it and you're sad that others are able to do something that you aren't. I'll enjoy wearing it if and when they release it.

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If you can't earn the gear then you do not deserve to wear the same gear as those who can. Having rated WZ gear is perfectly fine, people have enough VERY easy options to get PvP gear in this game as it is.


One problem is that gear, and expertise in pvp, means almost everything. Skill is secundary right now. A same guy playing a toon with BM gear and fresh 50 gear is like night and day. ALL we know this.


BM gear and expertise is ruining a lot of warzones these days. Warzones ARE NOT fun when you face a bunch of BM´s crushing you cos the gear. Well, are fun for people who likes to slap weak kiddies at school being a teenager. But overall, is not fun and not good for the game. Pre 50 wz´s are more fun. Bioware should take note of this.


Expertise is pure crap right now. Terribly designed. And if ranked gives even better gear and expertise is not reworked...bad thing.


There are many ways to reward a guy and not only via very powerful gear. Imo, is a mistake.

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One problem is that gear, and expertise in pvp, means almost everything. Skill is secundary right now. A same guy playing a toon with BM gear and fresh 50 gear is like night and day. ALL we know this.


BM gear and expertise is ruining a lot of warzones these days. Warzones ARE NOT fun when you face a bunch of BM´s crushing you cos the gear. Well, are fun for people who likes to slap weak kiddies at school being a teenager. But overall, is not fun and not good for the game. Pre 50 wz´s are more fun. Bioware should take note of this.


Expertise is pure crap right now. Terribly designed. And if ranked gives even better gear and expertise is not reworked...bad thing.


There are many ways to reward a guy and not only via very powerful gear. Imo, is a mistake.


Expertise and stats like it are an unnecessary idea, and stupid if you ask me. However that doesn't change the fact that it is stupidly easy to get pvp gear in this game. In 3 days you can have champ weapon and full cent. Most of the people in full BM are laughable at best, assuming they're good and or they're going to kick your *** simply due to their gear is your first downfall. I regularly crap all over BM geared people, it's not hard to out play someone in better gear.


So again as far as rated WZ are concerned , if you cant earn the gear by winning them you dont deserve to wear it.

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This sounds like a very crybaby topic.


We need gear that seperates bad players from good players. every game should have it.


You think I like seeing backpeddling clickers running around in the best gear? lol? they will serve their purpose as they have always served it.


Casual gamers are there for pro gamers to farm.


Nothing more to it.


Hopefully the best gear is made for rank 1 players so my guild will be the only ones with it.




The sad thing is, I think you really mean this. The good thing is, people like you won't be playing GW2.

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Ok I'll try another angle... people competing at max level in a team game are getting rewarded. How is this bad?


when u que solo u still get team to fight with

u are not playing alone vs whole team in warzones the only difference is that u get random ppl for ur team


hows that angle ?

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Expertise and stats like it are an unnecessary idea, and stupid if you ask me. However that doesn't change the fact that it is stupidly easy to get pvp gear in this game. In 3 days you can have champ weapon and full cent. Most of the people in full BM are laughable at best, assuming they're good and or they're going to kick your *** simply due to their gear is your first downfall. I regularly crap all over BM geared people, it's not hard to out play someone in better gear.


So again as far as rated WZ are concerned , if you cant earn the gear by winning them you dont deserve to wear it.


Yes and not. If you think you are skilled, why worrying about others getting good gear?. You are skilled, you will win anyway, right?. That guy wont care the gear too much cos he is good player. In Swtor it doesnt work that way. Skill not means a win. Gear means a win in most cases. Due expertise and stats. And a bad players hides within his gear to tell the others that he is good but he is not good, is his gear. With pre 50 he would not kill a thing.


The quiz is that skill is not the "primary stat" in this game. In PvP is expertise. And right now is too powerful.


Bioware should handle with care that stats cos might ruin the pvp gameplay. Expertise should give a slight advantaje, not a huge advatage like right now. When expertise and stats will be giving a slight advantage then we will see who is skilled and not. Til then, gear rules pvp.

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First: english is not my native speaking, so bear with me :rolleyes:


I was a hardcore raider (server first Onyxia for example on one of the starting servers) as well as as hardcore pvp player (horde first warlord on my server as well as part of the best horde 5-men Arenateam in season one). Just to make clear where I am coming from.


You know when I did have the most fun in pvp? When WoW did not have anything made out of it. best moments where (really) when we were fighting in Tarrens Mill (I admit, it was a big zergfest, but as a stealther you you could pick your weakened targets behind it and try to get back without dying) and during leveling.


Why? Because it was purely for fun. I won´t speak of the old pvp-system (because no sane man will call that good) but of the arenas instead: I played with "friends" (at least what some of you would call friends in such a gaming environment). It was not good at all. There were different point of views the way we should target for the pvp-part. We got much drama out of it just because now there were rating and those ratings meant progression. It was not fun anymore.


And once WoW started to also introduce rating requirements on parts of the gear the whole thing became worth - Most of the others simply stopped because of that.


I did it anyway, but it was not about friends, and not about fun, but about who would be as good as me and that´s all.


I did not play with a friend, or with my girl-friend for example (which is simply not as good as me), because I knew of the drama when we started in Arena with my group of people i was already playing with and had fun before.


IMHO there were 2 MMOs which got the pvp right in its own way:


DAOC because of the massive 3 vs. 3 where you could still fell as you contribute even you could not (the CC in that game and the buff-bots are a whole different story).


GW because competitive PvP was not made of gear but who was better (even I do not enjoy that as much I see the demand of it, but even playing field is a must).


I know if SWTOR will bring rated WZs and they will be the only way to get the best gear to PvP I will cancel and take a look at secret world and GW2.


Of course some of you do have a different opinion - that´s ok. But remember all of you: Different opinion does not mean it is not true.

There are more way to play (and enjoy) an MMORPG than yours or mine.


Anyway: BW should remember it´s own design decisions from years ago when creating SWTOR: People are not as hardcore as they think!

Edited by Cospinol
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Yes, the NEW ranked warzones that are coming for pvp WILL BE THE DEATH OF PVP!


Why?? BECAUSE BIOWARE decided to give special gear to premades that play in warzones that will give them huge advantages against NORMAL SOLO PLAYERS that has solo warzone gear....






-Gonna rock my "leet" gear and roll you in pug bg's

-That is all

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If you dont like the game dont play it, also there is no solo pvp even if you queue solo you still have to play as a team to win ... 1v1 only happens in pugs because people are not focuesd on objectives, if you want solo pvp go duel someone. You shouldnt be granted any pvp gear in first place becouse if you focus on soloing in warzones it means you dont do anything to win which means you dont deserve it.
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If you dont like the game dont play it, also there is no solo pvp even if you queue solo you still have to play as a team to win ... 1v1 only happens in pugs because people are not focuesd on objectives, if you want solo pvp go duel someone. You shouldnt be granted any pvp gear in first place becouse if you focus on soloing in warzones it means you dont do anything to win which means you dont deserve it.


If they didn't want people to solo queue, they shouldn't have put a solo option in the queue window.


And once I'm in a team, they're my team, just because we're randoms and not in vent doesn't mean I'm not a team player when there's a snowball's chance in hell we might win.

Edited by maradigamer
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If they didn't want people to solo queue, they shouldn't have put a solo option in the queue window.


And once I'm in a team, they're my team, just because we're randoms and not in vent doesn't mean I'm not a team player when there's a snowball's chance in hell we might win.


Way to miss the point huh?

They WANT you to que solo, they also WANT you to be a team player, even if the team is random, now the thing we(players) do not want/dislike to see is players who ignore the team play, ignore objectives, ignore help calls, never assist(I don't mean focus firing here) and act like they are on PVE quest to kill X mobs, regardless if its 1v1 or 8v1, they still go, die and are generally useless.

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Way to miss the point huh?

They WANT you to que solo, they also WANT you to be a team player, even if the team is random, now the thing we(players) do not want/dislike to see is players who ignore the team play, ignore objectives, ignore help calls, never assist(I don't mean focus firing here) and act like they are on PVE quest to kill X mobs, regardless if its 1v1 or 8v1, they still go, die and are generally useless.


I dunnot dislike to see other pvpers in my warzone ignore team play, i actually encourage people to do whatever they want and find fun... Obviously team play isnt fun for many

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Way to miss the point huh?

They WANT you to que solo, they also WANT you to be a team player, even if the team is random, now the thing we(players) do not want/dislike to see is players who ignore the team play, ignore objectives, ignore help calls, never assist(I don't mean focus firing here) and act like they are on PVE quest to kill X mobs, regardless if its 1v1 or 8v1, they still go, die and are generally useless.


That's not me. But I do get teams full of people like that. And then I leave the match and hope for better luck next time.

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You're assuming the ranked gear will be better than non-ranked gear. Last I checked, all BW confirmed is that ranked gear will have unique colors.


lol..and you thought for one minute that OP would use facts, reason or actual truth in one of his QQ posts rather than assumption, hyperbole and blatant lies?



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lol..and you thought for one minute that OP would use facts, reason or actual truth in one of his QQ posts rather than assumption, hyperbole and blatant lies?




Careful. OP is a beloved member of our community and you wouldn't want to upset anyone reading your post, would you?

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lol..and you thought for one minute that OP would use facts, reason or actual truth in one of his QQ posts rather than assumption, hyperbole and blatant lies?




i used reason, the problem is some people simply want to wiin arguments and try to find small holes ti win instead of face reality which is BIOWARE INTENTIONALLY AVOIDS SAYING IT SO THE QQ WONT BEGIN FROM NOW!! they do that since the beggining, they disapoint us but try to keep it quite for as long as possible...


But not everyone is able to understand this sorry

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of course... bioware copies wow blindly without even reading the opinion of blizzard in what they did right/wrong


Errr actually the opinion of Blizzard is that ranked WZ were the single biggest mistake they ever made.


NOT that they could have done it better.....just saying.


So why would BW even want to copy something that even Blizz admit was the worst mistake they ever made?



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Ranked warzones will expose the baddies, they will quit, or re-roll, but they won't be able to hide due to the legacy system.


Teams will constantly change looking for the best class make-up, some classes will be considered gimp, eventually resulting in them never getting on teams due to their AC, resulting in more tears.


Ranked warzones are going to be a joke in this game and it will be a game killer.


Way to early in the game to introduce something like this imo.

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Errr actually the opinion of Blizzard is that ranked WZ were the single biggest mistake they ever made.


NOT that they could have done it better.....just saying.


So why would BW even want to copy something that even Blizz admit was the worst mistake they ever made?




I thought they said arenas were the biggest mistake?


As for WoW warzones, they suck because Blizzard won't crack down on preform enabler.

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i used reason, the problem is some people simply want to wiin arguments and try to find small holes ti win instead of face reality which is BIOWARE INTENTIONALLY AVOIDS SAYING IT SO THE QQ WONT BEGIN FROM NOW!! they do that since the beggining, they disapoint us but try to keep it quite for as long as possible...


But not everyone is able to understand this sorry


And you have proof of your claims do you?


Didnt think so.


Just because you make things up and try to report them as fact does not make them so. You have no information that premades have access to killer new gear that solos do not. You are just butt hurt full stop and want to spread a few lies to stir up some **** on the forums.


Just like you do almost every day when someone beats you in PvP...how many classes have you claimed now are broken and OP? All of them except your own.



Edited by Sejia
edited for rude
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Ranked warzones will expose the baddies, they will quit, or re-roll, but they won't be able to hide due to the legacy system.


Teams will constantly change looking for the best class make-up, some classes will be considered gimp, eventually resulting in them never getting on teams due to their AC, resulting in more tears.


Ranked warzones are going to be a joke in this game and it will be a game killer.


Way to early in the game to introduce something like this imo.


You can disable the legacy name. So the trolls will stay. Most of the others will go play something fun.

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Errr actually the opinion of Blizzard is that ranked WZ were the single biggest mistake they ever made.


NOT that they could have done it better.....just saying.


So why would BW even want to copy something that even Blizz admit was the worst mistake they ever made?




Umm, that said that about ARENA.

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