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No more color restrictions on crystals ?! Really ?


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- Sith in the movies all had red lightsabers.

- Jedi in the movies all had blue, green or purple lightsabers.


It doesn't get any more canon does it? Also:


- Lightsabers can be used by anyone, yet Force sensitives are more effective.

- Lightsaber colours are not based on Force alignment, but on faction.


Whether the colours of lightsabers started as a visual handycap when George Lucas made his movies is really not relevant. He did it like this and that's all that matters. Of course many geeks tried to put it into perspective and have come up with explanations, but since the movie it was widely accepted that Sith used red and Jedi blue and green lightsabers. If comics, books or games did something else then they are not canon when it comes to the movie lore. If the villains are not Sith, i.e. not part of the Sith hierarchy they are not restricted by the red colour.


I am no longer going to discuss whether my opinion ABOUT THE GAME, is true or false or right or wrong. If you can't accept that tough luck for you. My proposition for Bioware is to limit the colours for saber users only, not for other classes. Red/orange for Sith only and blue/green for Jedi only. I honestly don't want to see a Jedi with a red lightsaber. If Bioware does care about making this an authentic Star Wars game they should definately do this.


If this game was taking place during the time of the movies, then yes, your statement would be correct. However, if you take into account the thousands of years of time difference between the game and the movies, then this game is actually factually accurate. Thousands of years ago, it was widely accepted that the earth was flat. Things change.

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Apparently, you're not much of a Star Wars fan.


Oh dear, what a terrible way to begin a post, considering most of it is completely wrong. Seems you aint much of a fan either.


Not that i'm going to spend my time pointing out your mistakes (Which are alot)

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The simple fact of this change is that the former restrictions were flawed as it forced Empire characters to use Republic colors if they didn't choose exclusively Dark Side choices and vice versa for the Reps.


Now my Sith Marauder, who chooses a lot of the Light Side options to appease Vette can continue to use a crystal of a color befitting my faction, not my alignment.



Edited by Blackavaar
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I barely post but since most people who post are here to complain about things, I'll do the same.


My current state right now


I am playing a Star Wars game and one thing that was iconic to the franchise is definitely the color of crystals tied to the alignment of its user.

Whether it is actually a restriction in the lore of Star Wars or not, doesn't matter.

What matters is that it is how it is, and all haters have now managed to make Bioware change it.


Couldn't you just go along with it ? It's been like this for YEARS in Star Wars and just because some kids don't like it "oh noes y me no haz red lightsaber???", Bioware is changing something iconic to the serie.


Now, what is done is done and I am not going to go on a crusade like some of you did to change it back.


Bioware, you were doing a great job and are still doing the great job. I will likely continue to play this game. However, please don't cave in to whatever stupid requests your community has. You are the developer, with experience in studying, designing and developing games. I trust your judgment and the community should as well.


Except it hasn't been like that in Star Wars.


Leia Organa, Jedi, used Red Lightsaber


Adi Galia, Jedi, Made a Red Synth Crystal for Lightsaber.


Palaptines Clone used a Blue one.


Exar Kun used a blue one.

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Except it hasn't been like that in Star Wars.


Leia Organa, Jedi, used Red Lightsaber


Adi Galia, Jedi, Made a Red Synth Crystal for Lightsaber.


Palaptines Clone used a Blue one.


Exar Kun used a blue one.


Psst... Most complainers here have no idea what the extended universe is, and believes all Star Wars lore should fit inside the sub 70 years that the movies took place in.

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Couldn't you just go along with it ? It's been like this for YEARS in Star Wars and just because some kids don't like it "oh noes y me no haz red lightsaber???", Bioware is changing something iconic to the series.


Right, we should listen to you when you say "oh noes y me get all lightsaberz???". You're doing the same thing, kiddo.

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In the update does it mean for people with the crew skill, artifice, that it is possible to obtain a purple color crystal mid game? Send me an email with the answer-

Pharos Sith Assassin - Drooga's Pleasure Barge

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I barely post but since most people who post are here to complain about things, I'll do the same.


My current state right now


I am playing a Star Wars game and one thing that was iconic to the franchise is definitely the color of crystals tied to the alignment of its user.

Whether it is actually a restriction in the lore of Star Wars or not, doesn't matter.

What matters is that it is how it is, and all haters have now managed to make Bioware change it.


Couldn't you just go along with it ? It's been like this for YEARS in Star Wars and just because some kids don't like it "oh noes y me no haz red lightsaber???", Bioware is changing something iconic to the serie.


Now, what is done is done and I am not going to go on a crusade like some of you did to change it back.


Bioware, you were doing a great job and are still doing the great job. I will likely continue to play this game. However, please don't cave in to whatever stupid requests your community has. You are the developer, with experience in studying, designing and developing games. I trust your judgment and the community should as well.


This seems to be a part of their strategy.It's not only crystals.Via the legacy system it is also fraction specific races.

I don't like it at all and I think that removing the fraction/alignment requirements and limitations in any way damages the lore and story of the SW universe.

What are they thinking??

You can't just destroy the lore of SW like that and get away with it.

In the long run this will turn back on them.

They are disturbing the force.

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The simple fact of this change is that the former restrictions were flawed as it forced Empire characters to use Republic colors if they didn't choose exclusively Dark Side choices and vice versa for the Reps.


Now my Sith Marauder, who chooses a lot of the Light Side options to appease Vette can continue to use a crystal of a color befitting my faction, not my alignment.




So instead of correcting the mistake they make a bigger one.

And a Sith that chooses to be good.......hilarious.

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Might as well copy and paste what I said here, but it will be long lost in this thread sooner or later than if I had my own thread.


Yeah, I too dont like that the crystals have no side alignment. I think only true dark side players should have red crystals.




Darth vader had a red lightsaber before the lore was even thought up. When you see a red lightsaber you automatically think sith oh hes evil. Honestly I think its ridiculous that people go " well I wanna be who I want to be and as a light sided jedi I want to have a red lightsaber"


Note I only care about the red crystal. But blue crystal could only be used for light V players. I think this will definitely make identifying players better, like as soon as a republic player sees a red lightsaber, hes an evil sith, and will show no mercy in battle

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I have never once cared zip about what color my weapons have.


IT is about the stats..


I can't grasp how anyone would care if they got a pink, purple etc weapon. I kill you just fine with whatever one I got slotted..

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Might as well copy and paste what I said here, but it will be long lost in this thread sooner or later than if I had my own thread.


Yeah, I too dont like that the crystals have no side alignment. I think only true dark side players should have red crystals.




Darth vader had a red lightsaber before the lore was even thought up. When you see a red lightsaber you automatically think sith oh hes evil. Honestly I think its ridiculous that people go " well I wanna be who I want to be and as a light sided jedi I want to have a red lightsaber"


Note I only care about the red crystal. But blue crystal could only be used for light V players. I think this will definitely make identifying players better, like as soon as a republic player sees a red lightsaber, hes an evil sith, and will show no mercy in battle


Oh HELL NO! My main is a full light v sage with a red saber and loving it! Its my character therefore *MY* story not yours. If I wanna make my own lore that says "My Jedi Hero uses a red saber for whatever reason" Then that's my right. Can't deal with it? Look the other way. But there's no way I'm about to give up my red saber just because someone like you thinks its inappropriate.


Hell no just HELL NO!..

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Might as well copy and paste what I said here, but it will be long lost in this thread sooner or later than if I had my own thread.


Yeah, I too dont like that the crystals have no side alignment. I think only true dark side players should have red crystals.




Darth vader had a red lightsaber before the lore was even thought up. When you see a red lightsaber you automatically think sith oh hes evil. Honestly I think its ridiculous that people go " well I wanna be who I want to be and as a light sided jedi I want to have a red lightsaber"


Note I only care about the red crystal. But blue crystal could only be used for light V players. I think this will definitely make identifying players better, like as soon as a republic player sees a red lightsaber, hes an evil sith, and will show no mercy in battle



You should read the thread. Your argument has been thoroughly owned several times.

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You should read the thread. Your argument has been thoroughly owned several times.


any argument in favor of arbitrary restrictions on gameplay in an mmo is going to get owned, now if only BW realized this a bit better

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I started reading this thread as of page 53 and I did want to add my thoughts:


1) I was never thrilled at the idea that DS toons got only one specific color crystal(red) while LS toons had 2(blue/green.) This would balance out that issue, and open up more of a market for artificers on both factions. Plus, I'm tired of lack of variety in general; I really get sick of seeing yellow and orange crystals on my toons. I'd like the choice outside of red, orange and yellow for my DS SW.


2) Some say that its game breaking. I say that is a relative and untrue statement. I think removing alignment restrictions from crystals gives me more freedom as a roleplayer. I can tailor the color of my crystal to my personality, not my alignment. I personally don't care if the Jedi next to me has a red crystal or my husband's Dark V BH has a green one. Besides, from a purely RP'ing perspective, my Sith and my Jedi don't care one way or the other. Jedi/Sith have the ultimate form of Detect Alignment and wouldn't use color as a way to determine if someone was LS/DS or not.


3) Seemed silly in the first place. Between the EU examples and the ones from the movies, I think that color had nothing to do with alignment, but rather preference. There is zero good reason why my SW should be forbidden to green/blue and why my Jedi would be adverse to red. If I want my SW to wield my favorite color(blue), then I feel she should be allowed as such.


I'm going to repeat what I've said in other threads: This is going to be in the game, like it or not. If that makes you unsub, then sorry to see you go. This isn't the game for you. The rest of us are going to enjoy the ride and see what kinds of updates are to come. :cool:


Edit: I used the colors red for my SW and blue for my JK on my sig as a reflection of faction, not alignment. I thought it looked nice. :p

Edited by natashina
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Them removing those stupid restrictions was the best thing anyone could do.


My choice of color doesn't affect YOUR GAMEPLAY AT ALL


Whereas you forcing me to choose a DIFFERENT ALIGNMENT so i can USE THE COLOR I WANT affects MY GAMEPLAY which you have NO RIGHT to do.


That is all.

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people seem to forget most comic and book sith with blue/green, etc sabers are established jedi. not just straight out sith.



I'll admit, I missed out on the majority of the EU. Never played ANY of the SW games outside of the old school arcade one, never watched Clone Wars, nor read the comics/novels. I'm going by some of the amazing SW fans that have some how kept track of it all. I've read and learned a lot because of that. Heck, I've even started reading some of the EU via wookiepedia and other sites. :D


That being said, using only my knowledge of the movies, I never saw anything that said, "You are a Jedi, you must use these crystals and these alone." It struck me as faction based and on personal preference. Plus, if the alignment restriction truly was cannon, the lightsaber would either corrupt the user(i.e turning a DS Sith light side, and some would see as a form of corruption) or just flat out killed them. I haven't seen an example of that anywhere, ergo the crystal alignment restriction seemed like a failed segregation of story and gameplay. Thanks to Bioware for giving players more freedom!

Edited by natashina
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I totally agree about the restrictions staying in place. I thought that was a silly move by the devs ..meh. Might as well let every class use a lightsaber... stop messing with how it should be. Most likely a bunch of kids whining about their Jedi not having a red colour crystal. Pfft.
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I totally agree about the restrictions staying in place. I thought that was a silly move by the devs ..meh. Might as well let every class use a lightsaber... stop messing with how it should be. Most likely a bunch of kids whining about their Jedi not having a red colour crystal. Pfft.

"How it should be" made no sense. Your precious 'restrictions' didn't even work properly: Light-side Sith couldn't use red. Dark-side Jedi couldn't use blue or green. That flies in the face of the "how it should be" movie-only 'lore' your side is largely championing.


The movies have no bearing on what goes on in this game. It's not a slippery slope, it's going by what's already been established in the Expanded Universe for this ancient era--the game is set in the Expanded Universe, not in the timeframe of the films.


More colors for everyone to choose from means more fun for the players... only people who truly don't understand the Star Wars universe get upset that Sith can use blue and Jedi can use red.

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I don't get it. This is like saying, "Only Crips can wear blue clothes and Bloods can only wear red."

So, if a Crip runs out of clothes and has to put on Red Underwear he should suddenly combust by the logic of "Sith can only use Red" fan base.

I do not understand how this mechanic would work. In a fight you loose your Red Lightsaber and there appears within grasp a Blue Lightsaber but you can't use it because it's.... Blue.

So, does this mechanic apply to all things in the Star Wars Universe? What if I catch a Sith wearing a blue baseball cap? OMG! IT's BLUE! SITH CAN'T WEAR BLUE DUDE!

So, why does the color of the crystal limit the character from using it? Is there like some secret Star Wars code that states that colors are given supernatural powers in the Star Wars Universe?

I get why some items are Dark Power only... I get that the item may have taken on characteristics of it's maker but colors... Come on man.

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I agree with you....



Unfortunately the HUGE amount of whining from players about getting opposite Faction crystals is... well it's just a ton of whining which usually gets dealt with by going through the path of least resistance.



I think Purple should be both Factions.


Orange should be Empire

Yellow should be Republic.

Red Empire.

Blue Republic

Green Republic

Magenta Empire

Cyan Republic

White.... that's odd for a saber color but white should be both Factions.


Those are just my feelings, as well as the black core crystals should go to their respective factions based on border color, obviously pre-order and razer being exceptions as they are "Special" bonus items.



But yeah, I mean.... it's what ruins games, usually actual game mechanics get destroyed by PvP whiners and everything "interesting" or "unique" about gameplay or a Faction/Race gets ruined by PvE players who think they should have access to everything in the game regardless of what choices they made.


Yes yes, i must agree with you my friend.

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Lucas himself blah blah blah


I just had to point something out here...


Disregard whatever Lucas says. The left hand of Star Wars doesn't seem to know what the right hand is doing half the time... and TOR is the right hand in this case.


On the topic at hand: Let's lift restrictions on armor type and weapon type as well. Imperial Agents with pistols in one hand and lightsabers in the other wearing heavy armor! Yeah, screw being iconic!

Edited by Adriun
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