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No more color restrictions on crystals ?! Really ?


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"The color of light-saber blades has no particular meaning. The problem we faced when working on the old films was the lack of special-effects proficiency. We didn't have the technical means to create light-saber blades of infinite color varieties. Also we only see three Force users with light sabers in the old films so there was no reason to have more than the green, blue and red light-saber blades. " -- George Lucas


Interview can be found here:




I have been informed that this site is a fake not sure if it is true or not.


If anyone has a link to an actual interview with George Lucas I would appreciate the link...

Edited by Lord_Scythe
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Now - in reference to Anakin in the Temple, slaughtering children. I don't care who you are, slaughter innocent children should be an automatic Dark IV, if not Dark V. It is almost universally (in nearly every intellectual property ever devised) a war crime to do so. That alone should have prevented Anakin from wielding that blue saber if any such restrictions were in place.


I think we all know that there is no actual restriction within the crystal that keeps a Jedi/Sith of any alignment from utilizing the weapon though. It is purely a social convention and should be roleplayed as such. If you are a Jedi and believe red crystals belong to the Sith, then ostracize your fellow Jedi roleplayers that go dark and use red crystals.


It is beyond ridiculous though to have crystal alignments apply to non-force users. Most ignorant concept ever to have guns that have a light or dark requirement to use. I might could buy it if it was firing projectiles like cop killers but I have seen no lore to represent that point.


I agree with everything.

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I will probably get tazed for mentioning this, but as far as the 'lore' of light saber crystals there aren't restrictions as much as traditional use.


The synthetic crystals, which are preferred by the Sith for their tendency to be more powerful when wielded by a dark force user, have the red blade; the rest depends mostly on the type of crystal. The Jedi, who tend to use a variety of natural crystals tend to have a wider variety of color. The choice is - in the end - simple aesthetics and preference.


For those referencing the movies: Anakin had an Adegan crystal (which has a dark blue color) when he was Darth Vader when fighting Ben Kenobi on Mustafar, apparently capable of wielding it.


So to me it the choice of color of blade is a moot point to discuss. Live and let live, I say. (unless you're a Jedi ;))

Edited by greftek
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I will probably get tazed for mentioning this, but as far as the 'lore' of light saber crystals there aren't restrictions as much as traditional use.


The synthetic crystals, which are preferred by the Sith for their tendency to be more powerful when wielded by a dark force user, have the red blade, the rest depends mostly on the type of crystal. The Jedi, who tend to use a variety of natural crystals tend to have a wider variety of color. The choice is - in the end - simple aesthetics and preference.


For those referencing the movies: Anakin had a Adegan crystal when he was Darth Vader when fighting Ben Kenobi on Mustafar, apparently capable of wielding it.


So to me it the choice of color of blade is a moot point to discuss. Live and let live, I say. (unless you're a Jedi ;))


Highlighted what I think's dumb... This game is based off the EU of Star Wars... So for the people who don't like it... Well tough really.

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Highlighted what I think's dumb... This game is based off the EU of Star Wars... So for the people who don't like it... Well tough really.

Not quite sure what you are trying to say here. You don't agree people referencing the movies, or you don't agree with my assessment.

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They are mere colors, purely cosmetic, so we can use what we want. I know real life analogies are stupid, but since the subject at hand is not that intellectual either...


It's like saying that if I want to drive a red car, I have to break all the traffic laws. If I'm a law abiding citizen, I can only drive a green or red car... Bummer...


Silly analogy, for a silly discussion. I think it fits perfectly.

Edited by Raximillian
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I barely post but since most people who post are here to complain about things, I'll do the same.


My current state right now


I am playing a Star Wars game and one thing that was iconic to the franchise is definitely the color of crystals tied to the alignment of its user.

Whether it is actually a restriction in the lore of Star Wars or not, doesn't matter.

What matters is that it is how it is, and all haters have now managed to make Bioware change it.


Couldn't you just go along with it ? It's been like this for YEARS in Star Wars and just because some kids don't like it "oh noes y me no haz red lightsaber???", Bioware is changing something iconic to the serie.


Now, what is done is done and I am not going to go on a crusade like some of you did to change it back.


Bioware, you were doing a great job and are still doing the great job. I will likely continue to play this game. However, please don't cave in to whatever stupid requests your community has. You are the developer, with experience in studying, designing and developing games. I trust your judgment and the community should as well.




Your talking about the movies lore. Causethe Stawars lore has a ton of times were Sith use other colors and Jedi use red. So here is the deal.


Color crystals are used by Jedi and Sith. However the Jedi use naturaly created crystals and red does not grow dispite what the game says in nature. They are created. So because a Sith just cant walk in and get color crystals they use red and it became a staple of them being Sith.


Exp. Venrtess When she first meets Dukoo she has a blue and a green saber she took from jedi she killed and dukoo gives her 2 red ones after breaking hers and taking her as his apprentice.



lastly its a game based on a time 3000 years before a movie. We are making the rules the movies will follow. On top of that if you force people to play the way they dont want too you lose them and money.

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explain to me how the heck the game will know that I just turn to the darkside and I didnt have time to craft my new red lightsaber so because that I can still use my blue one...


Imagine that I have +50 points with lightside and Im using a blue crystal. Exactly like Anakin. Now I just answer something really really bad and gain -100 with darkside and my fight will start right after that.


Now, I will be able to use my old blue lightsaber because I didnt have time to craft a new one or I will just sit there waiting my enemy kill me because my lightsaber just dont magically turnon anymore?


You don't get it. It is not Force aligned it's faction based. So whether you go light or dark side in this game as a Jedi you should not be allowed to use a red blade. Same can be said about a Sith, whether you are leaning more between light or dark you should not be able to use blue/green bladed sabers.


Before someone else mentions Anakin from ROTS; he changed sides in the movies which isn't possible in the game so this argument is really not relevant.



Exar Kun...Evil dude with a blue saber




So i dont let the saber color hold much weight IMO.


It's funny how you missed the following part:


"The lightsaber of Jedi Knight Exar Kun was a device that was initially created to produce a single beam of blue-white energy. However, upon his ascension to Dark Lord of the Sith, Kun redesigned his lightsaber based on instructions hidden within an antiquated Sith holocron. The finished product was a double-bladed weapon imbued with dark side energy, from which sapphire blades materialized up to 1.5 meters from either end of the hilt."



Edited by DMSL
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It's funny how you missed the following part:


"The lightsaber of Jedi Knight Exar Kun was a device that was initially created to produce a single beam of blue-white energy. However, upon his ascension to Dark Lord of the Sith, Kun redesigned his lightsaber based on instructions hidden within an antiquated Sith holocron. The finished product was a double-bladed weapon imbued with dark side energy, from which sapphire blades materialized up to 1.5 meters from either end of the hilt."




In my universe "sapphire" is blue, not red.


"Sapphire (Greek: σάπφειρος; sappheiros, "blue stone"[1]) is a gemstone variety of the mineral corundum, an aluminium oxide (α-Al2O3). Trace amounts of other elements such as iron, titanium, or chromium can give corundum blue, yellow, pink, purple, orange, or greenish color."

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sapphire

Edited by greftek
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I for one hate when people STOP LIMITING MY OPTION. I'm just a normal Joe. Too many choices! What will I do? We should go back to the days of restricting everything from gear to color crystals so I don't make any mistakes.
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It's funny how you missed the following part:


What's really funny is how the source you quoted, disproves your whole theory... Because as was pointed out, Sapphire is a shade of blue.


I'm looking forward to hearing how you answer to that one...

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What's really funny is how the source you quoted, disproves your whole theory... Because as was pointed out, Sapphire is a shade of blue.


I'm looking forward to hearing how you answer to that one...


yeah, i'm sure he/she/they will just ignore it, just like every other post explaining how wrong they are.

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I barely post but since most people who post are here to complain about things, I'll do the same.


My current state right now


I am playing a Star Wars game and one thing that was iconic to the franchise is definitely the color of crystals tied to the alignment of its user.

Whether it is actually a restriction in the lore of Star Wars or not, doesn't matter.

What matters is that it is how it is, and all haters have now managed to make Bioware change it.


Couldn't you just go along with it ? It's been like this for YEARS in Star Wars and just because some kids don't like it "oh noes y me no haz red lightsaber???", Bioware is changing something iconic to the serie.


Now, what is done is done and I am not going to go on a crusade like some of you did to change it back.


Bioware, you were doing a great job and are still doing the great job. I will likely continue to play this game. However, please don't cave in to whatever stupid requests your community has. You are the developer, with experience in studying, designing and developing games. I trust your judgment and the community should as well.


Before I got into beta, I was int he free-choice color crystal camp. Then I saw 1000 sith running around with green sabers and it was kind of silly.


I do not necessarily appreciate that individuals no longer have free choice in the matter, but it does look more appropriate.


The biggest issue I take is that it applies not only to Force Users but to everyone. What difference does it make if my BH wants to use green color crystals but be dark side?

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That's freakin' rich. So restricting colors based on someone's ability to pay is fine, but restricting colors on an aesthetic established in films is not. lol.


That's just hypocritical, that is.


Let's not forget your supposed Dark Jedi character could have a blue crystal still had you not changed it out before you went Dark. Or, as I found out today, you can also buy such a saber on Voss, though again you'll not be able to replace the crystal.


Carrot meet stick...lol




It's quite clear where you stand now.


Just to let you know, you get no bonuses from restricted items. If you fall to the darkside while wielding a lightside blaster for instance, you can keep it equipped, and even fire it, but it will do no damage. If you have a darkside restricted crystal and you are light side, you will not get the stat benefit from that crystal. no +X End/Expert/Crit etc.

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Personal opinion (obviously)


There should be no restriction on color use.


However all quest reward lightsabers (and crystals) for empire should be red, orange, or purple. All quest reward lightsabers for republic should be blue, green, or yellow.


(occasional exceptions on a per quest basis... like if a quest is a result of darkside choices perhaps gives red crystal/saber or involves killing a particular sith, even if a republic quest)



There should be no red crystal nodes in republic only territory. There should be no blue/green ones in imperial only territory.


Republic missions should only return blue/green crystals, imp missions should only return red ones.


Sith enemies should be "harvestable" for red crystals, (and the rest of the archeology stuff) Jedi enemies should be "harvestable" for blue/green (and the rest of the archeology stuff)



The idea to make it so you *can* get and use crystals of the other factions colors, but it isn't nearly as easy/straightforward as crystals of your factions.


Edit: And as far as I'm aware, *that* my friends, actually fits the lore.

Edited by GnatB
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I tend to agree with most of what you say, expect for this one part.


There should be no red crystal nodes in republic only territory. There should be no blue/green ones in imperial only territory.


Most of the nodes in game are not in either sides territory. The only two systems that are really Republic or Imperial are Courscant and Dromund Kaas. The starter worlds don't have any crafting nodes on them.


So there would be no real way of doing this.

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Color restrictions don't bother me on their own. However the following combined do annoy me:


1. No color restriction ( i know, there is EU lore telling me it doesn't matter, still annoying)

2. All Wz's will be same faction capable in 1.2

3 Sith pure bloods playable as Repub( 1 or 2 as jedi is understandable, but legions...I could see a smuggler for those that were weak in the force)


Just doesn't feel very immersive.


Not sure any of this bothers me enough to stop playing, but it does hamper my enjoyment.

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What's really funny is how the source you quoted, disproves your whole theory... Because as was pointed out, Sapphire is a shade of blue.


I'm looking forward to hearing how you answer to that one...


It's not my theory and it does not disprove anything. As i said there are exceptions and people make mistakes. So for that i do apologize.


I do however stick to what i said that red blades for Jedi make no sense. Neither does blue or green for Sith.

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