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No more color restrictions on crystals ?! Really ?


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Maybe I haven't studied my SW Bible enough (too busy getting laid) but I don't recall anywhere in any of the movies anyone ever mentioning light saber color having anything whatsoever to do with alignment. You've simple made your own conclusions on the matter. Grats


I concur.

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Maybe I haven't studied my SW Bible enough (too busy getting laid) but I don't recall anywhere in any of the movies anyone ever mentioning light saber color having anything whatsoever to do with alignment. You've simple made your own conclusions on the matter. Grats




Who cares about the freaking color.......

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Furthermore, if we are to stick to the "lore"... don't all Jedi fabricate their own light sabers? I would infer from that that the color is purely the preference of it's creator. Yes?


But in the real world, here's a for instance: Mace Windu had a freaking purple one simply because Samuel L. Jackson gets what Samuel L. Jackson wants. You dig?

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In the real Star Wars, was it alignment that restrict the color? Guess not.

Maybe it is sort of convention so you can identify your comrades more easily. Imps color is Red and Reps color is Blue.


But if you have darkside Jedi who still works for Reps and lightside Sith who still works for Imps, the color restriction from alignment does not make any sense. If any, it should be faction limited, such as Jedi are prohibited from using red as it is their enemies' color, vice versa.


Regarding the crystal, they might have sort of messed up alignment with faction from the very beginning, I guess.

Edited by Hologramx
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I don't like the change either. In Star Wars there were always restrictions and i think Bioware should re-implement them ASAP.


Red/Orange = Sith

Blue/Green = Jedi



All other colours can be used by either sides of the conflict, but these colours should be locked.


Seeing a Jedi with a red saber is just ludicrous.


Lore is important so stick to it.



so you just randomly assign orange to sith and we should listen to you? when in the MOVIES Vader murdered a bunch of children with a blue saber?


just stop.

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Bring back crystal alignment! This is Star Wars, Bioware! Everyone in my guild has been complaining about this all day. Why don't you just go around and kick everyone that cares about lore and roleplay in the nuts while you're at it?
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Bring back crystal alignment! This is Star Wars, Bioware! Everyone in my guild has been complaining about this all day. Why don't you just go around and kick everyone that cares about lore and roleplay in the nuts while you're at it?


Show me one instance in all of Star Wars where a Sith was physically incapable of using a Red Lightsaber because it was red, and I'll concede the lore argument. You can use the movie canon, EU canon, and even fan fiction that was written prior to this game.


That restriction made it impossible for hundreds of Sith to use a red saber. That violates all Star Wars lore, EU and movies alike.

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Bring back crystal alignment! This is Star Wars, Bioware! Everyone in my guild has been complaining about this all day. Why don't you just go around and kick everyone that cares about lore and roleplay in the nuts while you're at it?


As it has been said, this is argument is completely invalid. Anakin used a blue lightsaber to slaughter Jedi, Exar Kun used a blue lightsaber while being a Dark Lord of the Sith, Sariss a Dark Jedi used a Blue lightsaber, Adi Galla who was on the Jedi Council had a Red Lightsaber, and I'm sure in EU there have been other instances of Jedi using Red Lightsabers. The Lore supports the removal of alignment restrictions. Why don't you all find a real problem to complain about. This was a stupid feature, glad its gone.

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Bring back crystal alignment! This is Star Wars, Bioware! Everyone in my guild has been complaining about this all day. Why don't you just go around and kick everyone that cares about lore and roleplay in the nuts while you're at it?


Your guild is full of non star wars lore fans apparently because color crystals was NEVER faction or Alignment based in any star wars lore ANYWHERE it was simply put in by the devs thinking it would some how be good for the economy of the game.


Anyone thats seen all the star wars movies, read multiple books, played multiple games knows you can use whatever color crystal you want regardless because crystals are just that..Crystals otherwise the Sith would go to war over controlling them if they had any sort of light or dark influence at all.


People crying Lore lore lore..obviously dont know any of the lore past what they may of picked up when they logged in game the first time.


People defect all the time so race restrictions being permante is stupid (someone is bound to decide their family is wrong rebel and change sides), this isn't wow where all humans are raised to hate anything not human and orcs are pissed at the humans constant persecution.


Crystal color has never mattered to any jedi or sith ever and it was certaintly never EVER a way to tell an enemy from a friend. Anyone thats Force Trained can SENSE that through the force if they can't then they are just average joe slinging around a lightsaber and likely to kill themselves by accident. If a force user only gets second to spot a red lightsaber to figure out if they're enemy or friend they're already dead.

Edited by Kindara
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I think they should incentivise the use of "lore friendly" colours instead of having restrictions or just completely free use.


Put some sort of dark side point bonus on red chrystals and light side bonus on blue and green ones or something like that.

Doesnt have to be much, people clamor for just one more point in stats.


That way more sith will use red colours and more jedi will use the traditional jedi colours.

Right now, imperial fleet is crawling with blue and green lightsabers, and no matter how much you look in the lore, there is no support for such a dramatic increase in the use of those colours.

Yes, some sith and dark jedi used blue sabers and some light side jedi used red ones. But those were exceptions that stood out. Not the norm.

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Of course Lucas didn't do that, because it's been established that making your own saber takes a considerable amount of time...there's also quite a bit of ritual behind it. It's not like building a snap together model, lol.


I'm sorry but I just had to respond to this. Have you played the Inquisitor story line? The characters master just gets her old lightsaber from a draw and throws it to the inquisitor there's no ritual behind it and the inquisitor didn't make it.

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I'm sorry but I just had to respond to this. Have you played the Inquisitor story line? The characters master just gets her old lightsaber from a draw and throws it to the inquisitor there's no ritual behind it and the inquisitor didn't make it.


Jedi make theirs because it's an extension of the Jedi like being one with their lightsaber. Sith simply consider lightsabers a tool.

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I think they should incentivise the use of "lore friendly" colours instead of having restrictions or just completely free use.


Put some sort of dark side point bonus on red chrystals and light side bonus on blue and green ones or something like that.

Doesnt have to be much, people clamor for just one more point in stats.


That way more sith will use red colours and more jedi will use the traditional jedi colours.

Right now, imperial fleet is crawling with blue and green lightsabers, and no matter how much you look in the lore, there is no support for such a dramatic increase in the use of those colours.

Yes, some sith and dark jedi used blue sabers and some light side jedi used red ones. But those were exceptions that stood out. Not the norm.


I think the problem you're seeing isn't because the players want those colors. It's because the game mechanic currently won't allow them to use red, even though they're Sith.


I suspect after this restriction is removed, you'll see an improvement. I planned on playing a good sith, but as soon as I saw that he wouldn't be able to use a Sith saber, I gave up on the character altogether. I'll likely continue with him now that this is removed.


There will still be folks playing with blue sabers, I'm sure, but I strongly suspect many are like me, and would prefer a red saber but the game prohibits it.

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Your guild is full of non star wars lore fans apparently because color crystals was NEVER faction or Alignment based in any star wars lore ANYWHERE it was simply put in by the devs thinking it would some how be good for the economy of the game.


Anyone thats seen all the star wars movies, read multiple books, played multiple games knows you can use whatever color crystal you want regardless because crystals are just that..Crystals otherwise the Sith would go to war over controlling them if they had any sort of light or dark influence at all.


People crying Lore lore lore..obviously dont know any of the lore past what they may of picked up when they logged in game the first time.


People defect all the time so race restrictions being permante is stupid (someone is bound to decide their family is wrong rebel and change sides), this isn't wow where all humans are raised to hate anything not human and orcs are pissed at the humans constant persecution.


Crystal color has never mattered to any jedi or sith ever and it was certaintly never EVER a way to tell an enemy from a friend. Anyone thats Force Trained can SENSE that through the force if they can't then they are just average joe slinging around a lightsaber and likely to kill themselves by accident. If a force user only gets second to spot a red lightsaber to figure out if they're enemy or friend they're already dead.


Sith used red because they are synthesized crystals. Jedi retrieved their own and didn't synth them and different jedi classes (Sentinel, Guardian etc..) used different colors so yeah they matter to an extent as to why one side used a particular color.

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Maybe I haven't studied my SW Bible enough (too busy getting laid) but I don't recall anywhere in any of the movies anyone ever mentioning light saber color having anything whatsoever to do with alignment. You've simple made your own conclusions on the matter. Grats


you're getting laid by the wrong people if reading the SW bible prevents you from getting laid.

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Sith used red because they are synthesized crystals. Jedi retrieved their own and didn't synth them and different jedi classes (Sentinel, Guardian etc..) used different colors so yeah they matter to an extent as to why one side used a particular color.


Except for we're in a time before the sith had to use synthesized crystals.

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I think they should incentivise the use of "lore friendly" colours instead of having restrictions or just completely free use.


Put some sort of dark side point bonus on red chrystals and light side bonus on blue and green ones or something like that.

Doesnt have to be much, people clamor for just one more point in stats.


That way more sith will use red colours and more jedi will use the traditional jedi colours.

Right now, imperial fleet is crawling with blue and green lightsabers, and no matter how much you look in the lore, there is no support for such a dramatic increase in the use of those colours.

Yes, some sith and dark jedi used blue sabers and some light side jedi used red ones. But those were exceptions that stood out. Not the norm.


Except that breaks lore..there is NO lore anywhere in the star wars universe that restricts in anyway or causes a change in a force users nature by color. The color issues were created by Bioware putting restrictions on them that don't exist in lore.


Please define norm...where have you ever seen or witnessed mass fights between the two sides that limited this or said there was a limitation or a rule they must abide by? There isn't it was merely artists personal choice when theyw ere rendering the scenes.

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Sith used red because they are synthesized crystals. Jedi retrieved their own and didn't synth them and different jedi classes (Sentinel, Guardian etc..) used different colors so yeah they matter to an extent as to why one side used a particular color.


The class system was started by bioware. You were either a padawan, an apprentice, or a Knight. They tagged on class names for video game purposes.


There's still no where in lore that says a Sith could not use crystals of any one color. Korriban did not have a natural source so those building their lightsabers on Korriban would synth crystals of course yes but leave planet you could effectively make whatever you want.


There was never some Rule Sith HAD to only use red.

Edited by Kindara
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Keep in mind that these silly color restrictions affect non-force users too.


Why as a bounty hunter should I be forced to fire red bolts?


Oh, and the lore supports sith with green/blue sabers and jedi with red ones.


Agreed, especially that last line. Darth Vader had no trouble using Anakin's lightsaber at the end of Revenge of the Sith, and it was blue.

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As it has been said, this is argument is completely invalid. Anakin used a blue lightsaber to slaughter Jedi, Exar Kun used a blue lightsaber while being a Dark Lord of the Sith, Sariss a Dark Jedi used a Blue lightsaber, Adi Galla who was on the Jedi Council had a Red Lightsaber, and I'm sure in EU there have been other instances of Jedi using Red Lightsabers. The Lore supports the removal of alignment restrictions. Why don't you all find a real problem to complain about. This was a stupid feature, glad its gone.


Those were all ex-Jedi. Sith lightsabers are red in every single installment from the movies to the comics and books. Exar Kun kept his Jedi lightsaber as a mockery of his previous allegiance, Vader didn't have time to build a new one during the ending of Revenge Sarris wasn't Sith not even Jerec was. Adi Gallia's saber is blue, it's seem on Clone Wars. It's pinkish red in a certain game but that was a mistake. Closest I've seem is Sharad Hett with a pink Lightsaber, so yeah the wrong thing was not restricting it by factions and only to force users.

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Those were all ex-Jedi. Sith lightsabers are red in every single installment from the movies to the comics and books. Exar Kun kept his Jedi lightsaber as a mockery of his previous allegiance, Vader didn't have time to build a new one during the ending of Revenge Sarris wasn't Sith not even Jerec was. Adi Gallia's saber is blue, it's seem on Clone Wars. It's pinkish red in a certain game but that was a mistake. Closest I've seem is Sharad Hett with a pink Lightsaber, so yeah the wrong thing was not restricting it by factions and only to force users.


Good points.


Honestly, I'm not sure why people keep debating the lore over this. No matter what your stance is on the gameplay value of the mechanic, the restriction undeniably violates the lore. Nowhere in the movies or the EU is there a situation where a Sith is physically incapable of using a red saber because of its color.

Edited by Vecke
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Sorry about my bad English.


Jesus guys. First is just a game. Players want options. Plus, theres few good arguments here like Anakin using a blue LS to kill young/kids padawans in Episo III. Few Sith Lords using blue Lightsabers, etc.


Lightsaber is a weapon, just that. Does not say who you are. I mean, if a USA soldier use a AK47 he will become a USS soldier just because that? A European Knight could not use a Katana or he will die? Of course will be weird but theres no physical/mental restriction on that.


Like some said before:


"Instead of restrictions, i think they should have incentives of sorts to motivate dark side players to use traditionally dark side colours (red and purple?) and light side use light side colours (blue and green?)."


If you are Dark and equip a Red Crystal you gain a extra stats on your crystal, like +15 crit. same with Light side.



PS: bioware, dont make crystals with specific colors better then others. thats pretty much makes everyone in pvp servers use the same crystal. If you design a special crystal with crazy stats, please make sure to provide others crystals with the same stats in ALL colors.

Edited by Eommer
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