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No more color restrictions on crystals ?! Really ?


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Faction. No-one should be wearing the enemy team colours infront of the boss(es). Also good for pvp.


So, you want all Republic players to have Blue and Green, and the Sith to have Red. Sine those are the only colors seen in the OT, that must be what you want. If you count the PT, the Republic would also get purple and yellow. But the Imperials would still have red. And just red.


Oh, no wait, there was a Sith with a blue lightsaber in the movies. What was his name? Dark Vaader? Derp Hater? Oh, yeah, Darth Vader. Almost forgot.


Now, I don't know about you, but I have enemy name plates enabled, so I don't need to rely on weapon color to know who's a Pub, and who isn't.

Edited by Kaskava
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Except in the EU, Red doesn't always mean Bad and Blue/Green doesn't always mean Good :rolleyes:


Yeah, I get that you don't care about the EU, but this Game is IN the EU, so the EU will probably come before the Movies. Heck, even in the Movies, the Colors weren't restricted.


Anakin used a Red Lightsaber to defeat Dooku and used his Blue Lightsaber as Darth Vader to murder Younglings and other Jedi, then went on to use it against Kenobi.

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Except in the EU, Red doesn't always mean Bad and Blue/Green doesn't always mean Good :rolleyes:


Yeah, I get that you don't care about the EU, but this Game is IN the EU, so the EU will probably come before the Movies. Heck, even in the Movies, the Colors weren't restricted.


Anakin used a Red Lightsaber to defeat Dooku and used his Blue Lightsaber as Darth Vader to murder Younglings and other Jedi, then went on to use it against Kenobi.


I'm sure his response is going to be something along the lines of Vader working for what was still the Republic at the time.


Or something about a filter. Because it makes sense for BioWare to remove a feature, then add a possibly more demanding feature.

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I'm sure his response is going to be something along the lines of Vader working for what was still the Republic at the time.


Or something about a filter. Because it makes sense for BioWare to remove a feature, then add a possibly more demanding feature.


Except such a filter would actually be difficult, when you take into account: Non-Force Users and the Alignment System. Not to mention, from a Storyline Point of View, our Character is the only one among the Jedi Order/Dark Council/Etc, so on that merrit those EU Examples would apply.


And if he says that Vader was still working for the Republic, then I will point out that he WAS a Sith at the time and therefore technically a Bad Guy, especially in the soon-to-be-dead eyes of all of the Younglings and Jedi that he slaughtered at the Jedi Temple along with attacking Kenobi (Anakin/Vader's eyes were already corrupt)

Edited by Altyrell
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I don't disagree... The story portion of the game is a homage to the films as well as their own work. But your missing the entire point. With a MMO you want to appeal to as many customers as possible! Especially this one where George Lucas takes 1/3 of all income. This isn't a case of choosing between one set of customers or another, both can co-exist. We just need a filter and if George lucas is getting 1/3rd of my money, I want a Star Wars product that looks like the films.


You're not going to quit because you can't control what color sabers other players use. So what's Bioware's motivation for letting you?


Not true.


GL: blue and green for "good guys" and red for "bad guys."


Darth Vader used a blue saber in Episode III. Game, set, match.

Edited by Caelrie
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So, you want all Republic players to have Blue and Green, and the Sith to have Red. Sine those are the only colors seen in the OT, that must be what you want. If you count the PT, the Republic would also get purple and yellow. But the Imperials would still have red. And just red.


No. Samuel L Jackson -only- gets purple and if you look closely those are green, not yellow, the exact same reason GL was worried about Luke's blue lightsaber; it looks different dependant on the colour of the background.


Oh, no wait, there was a Sith with a blue lightsaber in the movies. What was his name? Dark Vaader? Derp Hater? Oh, yeah, Darth Vader. Almost forgot.


Yep. Darth Vader and when he got the chance, he didn't make a new blue saber. I daren't quantify the percentage of time Darth Vader spent with his old jedi lightsaber, perhaps days... (you can't cross factions in TOR) compared to the decades he wielded a red lightsaber.


Now, I don't know about you, but I have enemy name plates enabled, so I don't need to rely on weapon color to know who's a Pub, and who isn't.


Fair enough. You miss the spirit of my suggestion. We don't need to argue. We have two camps that can play together with the aid of a filter, they do this for chat between factions, why not between Original Star Wars fans and everyone else who doesn't associate those colour with meaning? Everyone can win!

Edited by BrenMcGuire
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You're not going to quit because you can't control what color sabers other players use.


I'm gone as of the end of this month for this very issue. Yep cancelled. I don't want to controll what others do either, all I'm asking is for an optional filter, the same way you wouldn't want to be trashtalked or perhaps see profanity in chat. It's not a problem in the part of the game BioWare are proud of and do best; they pretty much stuck to the OT canon.... it's what happens afterward that is becoming less and less like Star Wars.

Edited by BrenMcGuire
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We are talking about color people....color...




Is anyone going to slam their hands down and log out of the game because your "immersion " is hurt if you see a Sith with a blue lightsabre or a Jedi with a red one?


Why kind of purpose does this reasoning serve?


I can easily reverse this and say, are you really gonna get bothered that you cannot have red lightsabers as jedi and blue lightsabers as sith? Are you really gonna get hurt simply because you cannot choose one color out of many for your lightsaber?


If you want to paint the picture that complainers are being silly, pretty sure the people complaining about color restrictions are even worse. We are only talking about one LESS color that you can't use.

Edited by ConradLionhart
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Why kind of purpose does this reasoning serve?


I can easily reverse this and say, are you really gonna get bothered that you cannot have red lightsabers as jedi and blue lightsabers as sith? Are you really gonna get hurt simply because you cannot choose one color out of many for your lightsaber?


If you want to paint the picture that complainers are being silly, pretty sure the people complaining about color restrictions are even worse. We are only talking about one LESS color that you can't use.


Do you really not see the difference here?


"I want a feature."


"I don't want you to have a feature."


Do you not see the difference.

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Not true.


GL: blue and green for "good guys" and red for "bad guys."


He has since said saber colors do not matter.


And really this whole topic is pointless since as of patch 1.1.5 color restrictions are gone as this was how it was originally planned by the developers and does fit in with the non restrictions based in kotor.


As of patch 1.2 from what I understand people with artifice will be able to make a much wider range of color crystals.

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The restrictions made no sense in the first place and the people currently arguing to keep them aren't making much sense either. I keep seeing posts about how Jedi should use blue and green and Sith should use red yet as it is with the current system my light sided Sith can't use red but can instead run around with a blue or green saber. How is changing that so I can use red in addition to blue and green bad? Isn't that what you want in the first place, more Sith using red sabers?


That's not to mention all the examples people have bought up again and again about how the colour of your lightsaber is not based on your alignment or faction. You also have to consider non lightsaber uses. Why does a trooper or any of the other gun using classes have to be restricted to what colour their blaster bolts are? In fact I believe in the OT the bad guy's blasters fire green bolts and the good guys shoot red, though I could be wrong about that.

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I'm gone as of the end of this month for this very issue. Yep cancelled. I don't want to controll what others do either, all I'm asking is for an optional filter, the same way you wouldn't want to be trashtalked or perhaps see profanity in chat. It's not a problem in the part of the game BioWare are proud of and do best; they pretty much stuck to the OT canon.... it's what happens afterward that is becoming less and less like Star Wars.


The OT cannon? There is almost no OT cannon in this game. There are more then two Sith, Jedi aren't really allowed to love, the Imperials have a pseudo-UK (because multiple accents make an appearance) accent, there are Jedi with white lightsabers, Sith that use blaster rifles, races that never even made an appearance in any of the six movies. The list just goes on and on.


There are some similarities, specifically the Imperial Ships, Trooper Armor, and the majority of Jedi/Sith using the 'standard' color. Beyond that, the game is entirely founded in the EU.

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The restrictions made no sense in the first place and the people currently arguing to keep them aren't making much sense either. I keep seeing posts about how Jedi should use blue and green and Sith should use red yet as it is with the current system my light sided Sith can't use red but can instead run around with a blue or green saber. How is changing that so I can use red in addition to blue and green bad? Isn't that what you want in the first place, more Sith using red sabers?


That's not to mention all the examples people have bought up again and again about how the colour of your lightsaber is not based on your alignment or faction. You also have to consider non lightsaber uses. Why does a trooper or any of the other gun using classes have to be restricted to what colour their blaster bolts are? In fact I believe in the OT the bad guy's blasters fire green bolts and the good guys shoot red, though I could be wrong about that.


I thought they all shot red? Except the ships. TIE fighters fired green rounds, the X-Wings used red.


I'd also like to mention that the Republic can't even get a purple crystal.

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First of all, the idea of red being the "bad guy color" is nothing short of ridiculous and is due to NEWER star wars videogames / media.


Ex: Jedi Power Battles (1999 PlayStation/Dreamcast) Adi Galia (clearly a lightside jedi) uses a red saber, Plo Kun uses an orange lightsaber


Obi-Wan (2002 Xbox) Adi Galia uses a blue lightsaber, Plo Kun uses a blue lightsaber


Second of all, diversity is the spice of life, and if you're trying to have appearance choices restricted because they "break immersion", then, well, I'd suggest and say something that would very likely get me a warning on these forums.


Both have blue lightsabers in attack of the clones and Clone wars respectively, power battles was wrong and using speculation(as their sabers had never been seem.).



Aside from A'sharad Hett who used a magenta-ish lightsaber(and later became a Darth anyway) I've never seem a Jedi with a red lightsaber it's not personal preference, red lightsabers are obviously seem as a Sith trademark. When you make synthetic crystals you have to tune them with the force and red is what comes out when the Dark side is used, blue and green are far more likely to come out(Luke's did anyway) and Jedi are not and have never been known to use synthetic crystals in their sabers except in times of great necessity(Like the aforementioned Skywalker.) so red isn't a colour that would show up regardless of preference.

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^^^^Luke created a Red Lightsaber and gave it to Leia who would use it on occasion, and 99% of Lightsabers created after Episode 6 have all used Synthetic Crystals


Luke used a blaster, so how come jedis can't use guns?


Just because you can find a few examples from a movie to support your case, doesn't mean the devs need to change their rules.


Ok, there is a HUGE difference between the Color of the Blade and a WEAPON :rolleyes:

Edited by Altyrell
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Hey jacko, if you knew anything about star wars you would know that color crystals are not faction specific and are more of a tradition and nothing else. go play kotor 2 jeez.............


I love how in this franchise video games are treated as "canon". What a completely backwards endeavor this is overall. I guess in the long run I'll stick with my movies and play the game as I want to, and the rest of you can go around with your marrying Jedi/soap opera/rainbow brite lightsaber version of Star Wars. :cool:

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I love how in this franchise video games are treated as "canon". What a completely backwards endeavor this is overall. I guess in the long run I'll stick with my movies and play the game as I want to, and the rest of you can go around with your marrying Jedi/soap opera/rainbow brite lightsaber version of Star Wars. :cool:


And I thought WoW/GW2/Insert other MMO here fanbois were bad.


Don't like the fact that video games are considered cannon? Tough. That's the way it is. George Lucas made a deliberate choice in allowing for continuous expansion of the Universe he created through multiple different forms of media. As long as it doesn't directly contradict what he's laid out as cannon in the movies, then it's all gravy.


Furthermore, such arbitrary restrictions in a game are ludicrous. The character story is cannon, but no one says that a particular weapon color has to be. Especially not in a game where, currently, your weapon changes color constantly at end game. Even more so in a game that's founded pretty much entirely in the EU.


That said, I would like to refer to people who support the restriction to a quote I saw on these forums before launch:


Complaints of 'it ruined my immersion', are just excuses for a poor imagination. -Anon

Edited by Kaskava
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Probably to get all the whinybaby EU reading convention going costume wearing nutjobs off his back.


Really does not matter. The movies have instances where a one side or the other use blades of each other.


This game takes place in EU not OT.


The original plan was to never to limit the colors based on faction or alignment and was only added to appease whiners. What is worse is they added based on alignment and not faction which makes no damn sense and makes this addition a mistake!


I could have lived with this error as I think there are way more areas of concern that need to be fixed. I am not sad to see it go.


I could have lived with them changing it Jedi blue/green and Sith red simply to change the look. I would have allowed blaster classes to use whatever crystals they wanted.


I am very happy that they chose to remove all the restrictions period. The whole game was supposed to be predicated on choice much like KOTOR was. KOTOR had no color restrictions!


You get to choose your Story Sith Inquisitor, With Warrior, Imperial Agent or Bounty Hunter. I know people call this the class but I think it is better to consider it the story.


You get to choose your AC which I prefer to think of as the class.


You get to choose which path you want to follow be it Dark, Light or Neutral.


Why should you not get to choose what color your iconic weapon is going to be?

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I love how in this franchise video games are treated as "canon". What a completely backwards endeavor this is overall. I guess in the long run I'll stick with my movies and play the game as I want to, and the rest of you can go around with your marrying Jedi/soap opera/rainbow brite lightsaber version of Star Wars. :cool:


Yet you like the alignment restrictions yet the movies so called "canon" is faction based not alignment based!

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