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huttball sucks


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Best sig ever:


Originally Posted by Darth Baras

The cake is a lie, there is only pie, through pie I gain calories, through calories I gain fat, through fat my belt is broken, the recliner shal free me...

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I used to not like huttball, now I'm starting to dislike civil war instead.


Civil war is somehow worse than huttball in a bad pug, where people just keep streaming in 2's and 3s against the 5 player defended turret the whole game. Seems like the pugs are getting better at huttball though (on average).

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Huttball isn't bad, but there are just way tioo many knockbacks and stuns in this game, and in huttball a single stun can completely kill you.


And before people chime in with the usual "oh you're just sick of getting your butt kicked" let it be known that I say this as a member of a class that uses knockbacks and stuns on a VERY regular basis. I just have to roll my eyes at how easy it is.

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Huttball is the greatest instanced PVP map ever created. I have more fun in huttball than I have had in any PVP in any mmo of the past and present.


The best way to enjoy huttball is to:


#1 Know how to play it properly


#2 Play with like-minded teammates that also know how to play


#3 Dont be a tunnel visioning, mouth breathing, window licking deathmatcher


#4 Refer to #1 as it's the most important step in enjoying huttball



In all honesty...The possibilities that are opened up with just the mechanics of huttball are absolutely brilliant. They can go so many different places with the huttball mechanics.


I look forward to a soccer type version of huttball lol. Like...there's 2 nets and you need to throw the ball into the net. Sounds silly but it is entirely possible with the huttball mechanics! And it would be super fun!

Edited by xNonphixionx
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Hitting people in acid or fire is one of my favorite things in SWtor. I love hut!!!


Was so hilarious the other day.. My BH knocked back someone into the fire, she kept walking foward for some reason.. Ended up getting burned, then right when she got out I hoer utter her back into the fire them stunned while she got burned and died. Was hilarious. :3


Every time she saw me in that match and other matches, she dropped whatever she was doing to come and knock back me into either the acid or the fire rofl.


EDIT: rofl the reason it says "I hoer utter her" is because I'm using a phone and it autocorrected uppercut that rofl.

Edited by reaperkeepet
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Huttball is the best instanced battlefield i ever played in 11 years of MMO experience. The required teamplay and coordination required beats any other PvP over 9k. AND is the closest to a rugby match you´ll ever see in a MMO.


That being said, i cant wait for rated 8v8 Huttballs, wich will obviously be dominated by 8 inquisitors teams


The only thing i hate is Baron Deathmark´s obnoxious voice

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This. Obviously the OP is wrong. Most of the people I know enjoy Huttball, so this argument is invalid already.


Huttball freaking sucks. I only find it enjoyable when Im playing my sage. Go figure. So yes this argument is valid. And no we shouldnt have to waste our time in a Queue just to quit when huttball pops, then have to sit in a Queue again and hope its not Huttball. 70% of the Huttball matches I've been in end 6 - 0. Even when I'm on the winning team it still wasn't fun. I can't wait til we can choose what warzone we want to play (voidstar all day, everyday)

Edited by Ssfbistimg
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I can't believe nobody's mentioned this.


As someone who loves PVP, I hate Huttball with a passion. And here's why...



I join a warzone to fight for the Empire. Not to play soccer. If I wanted to play soccer, I wouldn't have signed up for service in the Imperial Army.



I like the other two a lot better because they match the theme of the game the way I like to play it, and not being able to opt out of Huttball frankly cheapens the pvp experience for me. Especially when 5 out of 7 games I get into happen to be Huttball.

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Huttball is the greatest instanced PVP map ever created. I have more fun in huttball than I have had in any PVP in any mmo of the past and present.


*You obviously never played Dark Age of Camelot then.

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  • 1 year later...
2013 and guess what? Huttball still sucks. Get rid of it please.


Huttball was great in 2012, and it still is in 2013 :)


My favorite warzone. If teams are balanced, it's fantastic. And if they are unbalanced, the losing side does not have to suffer for long :p

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2013 and guess what? Huttball still sucks. Get rid of it please.




Huttball was great in 2012, and it still is in 2013 :)


My favorite warzone. If teams are balanced, it's fantastic. And if they are unbalanced, the losing side does not have to suffer for long :p




Huttball is the only warzone where the ability to kill someone DOES NOT MATTER - or at least, doesn't matter as much as the other warzones. Since a good offense is a good defense, the best DPS can defend against anyone if they just obliterate them (The current state of pugs - this is easy).


In huttball, the role of defense vs offense isn't as static, and the objective is nowhere near as obvious as cap a node, and damage/hide/vanish/rinse caps and repeat.


And yes, if you disagree with me, then you are wrong



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