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Stop Making Me Queue with Terrible Players


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Let us queue 8 people. I would much rather spend 2 hours getting my face smashed by 8 opposing players that are simply better than my team. I am really tired of being forced to queue with 4 incompetent players and having to carry them.
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From his post I think his meaning is that he (and his 7 friends) are willing to wait in queues for another fine fellow and his 7 friends to show up to play a game ...


Never did I get the impression from his post that he wanted to queue against pugs with his 7 friends.


You sir need to learn to read better.


OP I agree with you .. would love some 8v8 action !

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From his post I think his meaning is that he (and his 7 friends) are willing to wait in queues for another fine fellow and his 7 friends to show up to play a game ...


Never did I get the impression from his post that he wanted to queue against pugs with his 7 friends.


You sir need to learn to read better.

OP I agree with you .. would love some 8v8 action !


You are getting rated WZ in 1.2

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From his post I think his meaning is that he (and his 7 friends) are willing to wait in queues for another fine fellow and his 7 friends to show up to play a game ...


Never did I get the impression from his post that he wanted to queue against pugs with his 7 friends.


You sir need to learn to read better.


OP I agree with you .. would love some 8v8 action !


I'm sure that is what he meant. :rolleyes:


Sure, premade v premade is fun. But the fact of the matter is, if you don't queue against pugs most of the time, then you have to wait in a queue for a very long time as most people PvP solo.


If you are curious how all this plays out, just jaunt on over the the WoW forums and read up. The same stuff will happen here.


Edit: Ah, I see what you meant about reading comprehension. OK, so he is willing to wait. But for every one of him, there are 20 who do not want to wait, and will be more than happy to steamroll uncoordinated teams all day long.

Edited by Jederix
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Well they cant add a rated system until they work out cross server queues, the wait times would simply be TOO long.


I would imagine that certain days / times will eventually become the most popular for rated games. You may have long queues on avr .. but it'll pan out that, for example, sundays between 4 and 9 are the most popular times for rated games and thats when it'll really kick off. (day/time for example only)


I look foward to it !


I just got from the OP, that he was infuring pre-made Vs pre-made. I guess I dont read posts like this an *assume* that the OP is terrible and wants to roll pugs all day. If that is indeed his idear of fun, he'll be sorely mistaken.

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Well they cant add a rated system until they work out cross server queues, the wait times would simply be TOO long.


They are adding rated system in 1.2 most likely this month and it will be without cross server queues

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Edit: Ah, I see what you meant about reading comprehension. OK, so he is willing to wait. But for every one of him, there are 20 who do not want to wait, and will be more than happy to steamroll uncoordinated teams all day long.


Indeed. There are many who seem to think that being on vent and working together as a team makes them awesome players. Rateds should wake them up pretty quickly when they face other teams doing the exact same thing.


Honestly some of the best games i've played have been 4 of us vs a 4 man team on the other side ... fun games. It'll just be SOOO much better when its 8v8. Reminds me of the old DAoC days with 8 man roaming RvR .. such fun times !! Sure it'll be in a little WZ .. but you take what you can get :)

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Switch to Republic. ;)


I'm not saying I'm not facepalming at least once a day at silly teammate tricks. But from what I hear, good Empire players are suffering this at a horrifying rate.


Seems to me the core of good players on both sides is similar, but Empire draws a lot more of the tactics-free carried-by-zerg type.

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Switch to Republic. ;)


I'm not saying I'm not facepalming at least once a day at silly teammate tricks. But from what I hear, good Empire players are suffering this at a horrifying rate.


Seems to me the core of good players on both sides is similar, but Empire draws a lot more of the tactics-free carried-by-zerg type.


I am republic.


Believe me its no better over here. I cuss when I see someone capping a door / point right behind a player who's busy beating on that tank. I cuss when we take two points, call inc and one and EVERYONE comes leaving the other point undefended. I cuss alot in PvP actually heh. Thankfully I try not to pure-pug too much (Ie solo queue) and try to queue with guild as much as poss.


Are we super awesome? Nope. We still lose games. We win alot more than we lose though :)

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Too many fresh 50s..


The least the fresh 50s can do is buy gear from the AH or farm gear before they start pvping in the 50s.


I seen players with 10k hp and wearing all green gear that below level 45.


Or they could save up their commendations for when they turn level 50? get at least 5 bags right away.


But then again how would these players have commendations before level 50 when their valor level below 10.


It really is getting ugly.


Only answer is to team in a premade. 4 is fine. anymore and there wouldn't be any challenge left.

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I am republic.

So am I. I've found that more detailed instructions (3 and 5, you and you stay, etc.) work decently. There aren't that many people on Republic who'll ignore specifics from someone who seems to know what he's doing.


That said, yes, one can't remember to type "WATCH THE DOOR" and "FIGHT NEAR THE TURRET" *every* time...

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So am I. I've found that more detailed instructions (3 and 5, you and you stay, etc.) work decently. There aren't that many people on Republic who'll ignore specifics from someone who seems to know what he's doing.


That said, yes, one can't remember to type "WATCH THE DOOR" and "FIGHT NEAR THE TURRET" *every* time...


Honestly no. At least not on my server. Like i've said I usually queue with guildeys and we'll start the game, Civil War for example, with


*XXXX is going east, rest go west, call incs*




*top group west, bottom group east*


And yet STILL 1-2 will go center .. and 1 will follow us ... maby 1 will go west. If we're REALLY lucky 2 go west and thats a joy for us. Thats not every game of course. We have some games where people follow *the plan * perfectly and its awesome when it happens.


Someone said about gear too, I never quite understood that. My Alt trooper hit 50, quick trip to the GTN for mods etc and I was sitting pretty at a little over 20K HP (with a stim and self buff) .. How people can walk into a 50 WZ with 11-12K health blows me away.


Usually I send them a /w asking if they need tips on gearing up .. some are actually quite offended and inform me that they are *pvpin TO gear up* /boggle

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And yet STILL 1-2 will go center .. and 1 will follow us ...
Oh geez. Are you on a PvP server?


As for gear, yeah, it's amazing how people can take extreme offense at a polite suggestion that they should do some dailies...

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Usually the people that whine about terrible players are actually they terrible player.


Once players like the OP quit the WZ, seems like the team improves dramatically.


I remember one void star game way down, like 500 to 300 when I entered the WZ que thanks to the lamers who quit, and me and another vet qued in and ended up 3 capping late for the win.


That type of stuff, and comebacks can only happen when the losers quit since they just want to be carried.

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What PvP forum isn't complete with an "Me and my friends are awesome and everyone one else sucks" post?


So you want to roll pugs all day? Sounds...extremely boring to me.


No. And currently I PUG most of the time which only amplifies the amount of "fail" that I experience.


My group of four can beat the other team about 95% of the time.... L2P?


1. You're still carrying 4 players that are a waste of space.


2. You're server must have a ton of really bad players.


From his post I think his meaning is that he (and his 7 friends) are willing to wait in queues for another fine fellow and his 7 friends to show up to play a game ...


Never did I get the impression from his post that he wanted to queue against pugs with his 7 friends.


You sir need to learn to read better.


OP I agree with you .. would love some 8v8 action !


Yes. Only problem is that I need to find 2-3 more good players because 95% of my guild has stopped playing the game.


Switch to Republic. ;)


I'm not saying I'm not facepalming at least once a day at silly teammate tricks. But from what I hear, good Empire players are suffering this at a horrifying rate.


Seems to me the core of good players on both sides is similar, but Empire draws a lot more of the tactics-free carried-by-zerg type.


My experience on HoG is that the ratio of competent:horrible players on Empire is around 20:1. I can't speak for the Republic.


Usually the people that whine about terrible players are actually they terrible player.


Once players like the OP quit the WZ, seems like the team improves dramatically.


I remember one void star game way down, like 500 to 300 when I entered the WZ que thanks to the lamers who quit, and me and another vet qued in and ended up 3 capping late for the win.


That type of stuff, and comebacks can only happen when the losers quit since they just want to be carried.


Yeah, I'm horrible. You got me.

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Usually the people that whine about terrible players are actually they terrible player.


Once players like the OP quit the WZ, seems like the team improves dramatically.


I remember one void star game way down, like 500 to 300 when I entered the WZ que thanks to the lamers who quit, and me and another vet qued in and ended up 3 capping late for the win.


That type of stuff, and comebacks can only happen when the losers quit since they just want to be carried.


Speaking of terrible players....voidstar.....down 500-300? I think you may be confused.

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You are getting rated WZ in 1.2


They're not going to be silly enough to start rated WZs before we have cross server though, are they? Because pug players aren't going to queue for that, and good premade players shouldn't want us to. Which would create some really horrible wait times.

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They're not going to be silly enough to start rated WZs before we have cross server though, are they? Because pug players aren't going to queue for that, and good premade players shouldn't want us to. Which would create some really horrible wait times.


Yes sadly they are.

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