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BRAVO Bioware!


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I'm really enjoying the game! I have a character at 50 that's a blast to play, another at a lower level that's also fun. I've hugely enjoyed the storylines, have been delighted I haven't had to kill for toenails, that I can send minions off to craft so I don't have to. I love all the voice acting, the cinematics, the sound effects, the music. The flashpoints are a blast, and while I've only done Eternity Vault once - I loved the interesting environment and boss mechanics. I liked that there was a puzzle to solve instead of yet another high hit point boss you just have to whack on for 20min. I think the graphics are terrific and that you've fixed many of the bugs with graphics and the game in general. I like it that you are paying close attention to how the game is working, that patches and updates have come early and often - game is only 2 months old and new material was added! - and I'm looking forward to further changes and more content that is sure to come.




Note to self: Try to avoid the forums. The negativity is more powerful than the Dark Side and it's ruining my immersion.

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I enjoy the game, I have a 50 sorcerer that pwns in PvP... I just made a Smuggler to play Republic and am already level 21, it is pretty fun to play overall. The story could be a little more exciting.
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yeah, 2 replies were removed... I had really just hoped people would see the good in the game and maybe leave remarks saying so. Guess it didn't help I had to call out all the whiners and complainers :)


Just like if i made a post explaining why i think swtor is a steaming pile of rubbish, it will attract the fanboys who will troll me for bashing their beloved game.


"i like the game" posts and "i hate the game" posts are the two sides of the same coin.

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they've asked repeatedly for people to stop making these threads. no good comes from any of them.


Ahh. I haven't actually seen them - odd I know, since I've seen so many negative posts, but honestly I hadn't seen the mods ask for a stop to it.


Ah well.. those who like the game will stick around, those who don't - won't, and that's ok. It's just so discouraging to see constant negativity - which is why I should stop reading the forums lol.

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Ahh. I haven't actually seen them - odd I know, since I've seen so many negative posts, but honestly I hadn't seen the mods ask for a stop to it.


Ah well.. those who like the game will stick around, those who don't - won't, and that's ok. It's just so discouraging to see constant negativity - which is why I should stop reading the forums lol.


I enjoy reading positive feed back about the game too. I think what the mods are asking is to avoid calling out individuals that do not like the game as it just leads to a flame war. Have a great day. :)

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I agree with OP. Lot's of fun and I will continue to play for a long time. Those are the good. The bad: my ship droid's voice. (Sell a mute mod at vendors and you will re-invigorate the economy.) The ugly: my hat. Oh, to have a fireman's hat, a welder's mask, anything but my Jedi Consular's Chapeau. I look like a deranged crossing guard. Ah well.
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I agree with OP. Lot's of fun and I will continue to play for a long time. Those are the good. The bad: my ship droid's voice. (Sell a mute mod at vendors and you will re-invigorate the economy.) The ugly: my hat. Oh, to have a fireman's hat, a welder's mask, anything but my Jedi Consular's Chapeau. I look like a deranged crossing guard. Ah well.


Not to mention the hat that looks like a gimp mask! Fake eyes, no nose or mouth!? It's freak show scary!

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Why do people feel the need to create threads like this? It's as if the OP believes that if she 'fights hard enough' against those who are genuinely upset with TOR, they'll either change their minds or just vanish.


As someone who cares about the game, shouldn't you want improvement? Shouldn't you want designers to take note of the fact that easily 90% of the game's systems are subpar by 2005 standards, and to improve upon those failings? I guess not. Instead, it's all slash and burn; 'if you are not with me, you are my enemy.'

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Why do people feel the need to create threads like this? It's as if the OP believes that if she 'fights hard enough' against those who are genuinely upset with TOR, they'll either change their minds or just vanish.


Oh, heaven's no. I'm all for healthy discussion of legitimate issues. The game *does* have them. But the endless negativity is exhausting and discourages participation in problem-solving more than encouraging it. Words like 'fail' and 'sucks' and 'die' are hardly enticing to improving the game. They set up the feeling of defeat before you can even get started.


The game is roughly two months old, and so many posts seem to be saying 'it's on life support, just pull the plug." Would they be so fast to pull the plug if they weren't anonymous users with free liberty to throw trash all over?



As someone who cares about the game, shouldn't you want improvement? Shouldn't you want designers to take note of the fact that easily 90% of the game's systems are subpar by 2005 standards, and to improve upon those failings? I guess not. Instead, it's all slash and burn; 'if you are not with me, you are my enemy.'


I do care, and I do want improvement - I'm just not inclined to throw the baby out with the bath water. It's as though - since you spilled your glass of milk, you've decided the cure is to throw out the carton. There's still good milk in there. You can still drink it. Add some chocolate syrup and it goes down even better. You don't just pour it down the drain whining and complaining.


And in your own words - what "fact" are you talking about? Where is your proof, where is the professional analysis? It's opinion only - no more factual than my opinion of liking the game. You are not, however, my enemy. If you have constructive thoughts, by all means share them. But when I see post after post of "this game sucks", "this game is broken", "this game is fail"... how can I sit there and allow that to be unchallenged? I said I liked the game. I said why. That it has issues needing attention is accepted - but if you love the game can't you just state so? Do you have to point out every flaw it has, demand that it be fixed *your* way, dismiss anyone not agreeing with you as a "fanboy" or some ignorant noob?


Lighten up.

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Why do people feel the need to create threads like this? It's as if the OP believes that if she 'fights hard enough' against those who are genuinely upset with TOR, they'll either change their minds or just vanish.


As someone who cares about the game, shouldn't you want improvement? Shouldn't you want designers to take note of the fact that easily 90% of the game's systems are subpar by 2005 standards, and to improve upon those failings? I guess not. Instead, it's all slash and burn; 'if you are not with me, you are my enemy.'


Or you could just leave that to YOUR thread or other negative threads and let the OP express their love of the game.


I have played since early release and have NO issues at all, I understand a lot of you do. I don't go around posting in every single negative thread about how "I have no issues, so it must be you or you PC". Please respect the same for the OP.

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Oh, heaven's no. I'm all for healthy discussion of legitimate issues. The game *does* have them. But the endless negativity is exhausting and discourages participation in problem-solving more than encouraging it. Words like 'fail' and 'sucks' and 'die' are hardly enticing to improving the game. They set up the feeling of defeat before you can even get started.


The game is roughly two months old, and so many posts seem to be saying 'it's on life support, just pull the plug." Would they be so fast to pull the plug if they weren't anonymous users with free liberty to throw trash all over?





I do care, and I do want improvement - I'm just not inclined to throw the baby out with the bath water. It's as though - since you spilled your glass of milk, you've decided the cure is to throw out the carton. There's still good milk in there. You can still drink it. Add some chocolate syrup and it goes down even better. You don't just pour it down the drain whining and complaining.


And in your own words - what "fact" are you talking about? Where is your proof, where is the professional analysis? It's opinion only - no more factual than my opinion of liking the game. You are not, however, my enemy. If you have constructive thoughts, by all means share them. But when I see post after post of "this game sucks", "this game is broken", "this game is fail"... how can I sit there and allow that to be unchallenged? I said I liked the game. I said why. That it has issues needing attention is accepted - but if you love the game can't you just state so? Do you have to point out every flaw it has, demand that it be fixed *your* way, dismiss anyone not agreeing with you as a "fanboy" or some ignorant noob?


Lighten up.


Words like "love," "awesome" and "best" forestall critical discourse just as much as negative words. *Shrug*

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Actually, I don't agree. Being positive is what allows someone to interject a "yes, but..." without the heat of being enflamed by "this sucks!" It does not immediately set someone on the defensive. Apply this to any other aspect of life. Are you more inclined to voice concerns when the atmosphere is positive or when it's tense? I'm not saying people do not have legitimate issues. I'm saying we don't have to hear about them in flatly doomsaying, end-of-world statements.


I go into a Dodge factory: I hate the number of colors available! I want a butt warmer, I think the plastic molding is the wrong color, I want bigger windows, I don't like the lift gate it should open out not up, I want a rear-view camera, I want big tires, I don't want those stupid cupholders in the cargo section, I don't want an antenna, it should be in the windshield, oh and about that windshield.. I don't like the way it's angled.


At this point, everyone in the room is bristling and thinking "Well if you don't like the blasted car don't buy one and get the heck out!"


But you start with - hey, I really like this car. I've driven it for a while and I'd buy another one tomorrow, but... if you could look at <list> I think you could improve.


How do you think the ppl in the room are likely to respond? Are they going to yell at me to ST.FU or are they going to lean back and start talking... hey, she could have something... let's look at <list>.


Positive interaction will result in more fruitful discussion than bitter complaints.

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