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Server Population is GROWING!


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i'm sry OP but you have no idea what's going on. The increase of players in your server is not because more people buy the game. I play in europe and only 2 servers have heavy activity, the reason is simple:

all people rerolled from the rest "dead" servers, created a new character on those 2 servers and they are waiting till the merging will take action.

I've been in 2 strong guilds which atm are dead. On my 2nd Guild most members state they are not giving up their main characters but since there's nothing to do on a dead server they decided to reroll on the busy servers.


the game shrinks, not the opposite


They weren't strong Guilds if they are dead. My guild started off with four people we now have close to one hundred and about 20% of those are new players within the last month and a half and they are all enjoying the game I speak to other guild leaders and the tell me the exact same story.


Not every guild will be successful Not every Guild leader should be in that position; it has nothing to do with a dead game. So many people look at the broken Zone number indicator and say "OMG dead game!!" They don't even try to attract new members.


Oh and my server is nothing special usually reads light to standard yet there are plenty of people playing.

Edited by faymar
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My guild on Ven Zallow has had over 300 members for a long time, and that number has if anything increased slightly in recent weeks. I do not see a drop in population on Ven Zallow server. Edited by Ashraman
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I´m in Europe.


People should understand that most of the people complaining about the low populations is actually here posting because they are frustrated about not being able to play the game properly. That is my guess at least. I´m 35 years old and played with plastic Star Wars stuff as a kid based on the first three movies. I have been a Star Wars fan since that age. I would nothing else than to see this game succeed and continue for many years. However, right now there are from 10 to 50 people in the fleet at normal playing hours. There is hardly any guild on the server that manages to raid, planets are dead, and I mean dead... I want to play, but there isn´t anything to do since there is no one online... patch 1.2 will solve the problem for a couple of weeks, but what happens after that? And what happens when Diablo 3 comes out and GW2?


We need proper endgame content that takes weeks to break through, where progress is painstaking and rewarding, where Soa doesn't bug every time. And we need server migration and server merges...


I can add I´m on Kai kan server. I know some server are healthy, but mine isn´t

Edited by Noxulifer
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Fleet used to only have about 50-60 republic players, but now during prime time has over 100!


As BW releases more copies of the game, more players log in.


Tis a good day.




I added these screenshots from the thread: NA Server Status 9:48 EST: Population Thriving!


That thread was created on February 18, 2012.













HAHAHA dead is dead...... 80 pct of servers pop sucks

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No I have a new policy I'm tired of bickering with haters and those who do little more than trash BioWare and cry doom. For whatever reason BioWare is very tolerant of them.....but that doesn't mean I want to listen to it. It's sad because the GW2 beta forum is such a friendly place simply because there are consequences and not just short time outs after a few dozen infractions.


I’d just rather have debates with more positive people. /shrug


I don't blame you. Gortzu has been on my ignore list for nearly a month now. I suspect he's on many people's ignore list.

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My guild on Ven Zallow has had over 300 members for a long time, and that number has if anything increased slightly in recent weeks. I do not see a drop in population on Ven Zallow server.


My guild is on one of the standard population servers and is full (we have two in game guilds for mains, and two for alts). We are not accepting new members.

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My guild is on one of the standard population servers and is full (we have two in game guilds for mains, and two for alts). We are not accepting new members.


The amalgamation of smaller guilds into larger guilds is something that happens when populations are constrained. Smaller guilds fail to recruit, so they merge or move into larger guilds to bring up numbers for raiding.


On our server there was a halethy population of both small and large guilds. Now there are 2-3 small guilds and 6-7 larger guilds that make up the bulk of the end game player base. The noteworthy smaller guilds have merged into the larger guilds (we've absorbed 2 and we only formed a few weeks ago from the ashes of two other larger guilds that disbanded). Smaller guilds do appear from time to time, but they often find recruitment difficult and go to larger guilds either looking to fill up their raid numbers or to move into the larger guilds.


My advice to you would be to look at the number of guilds on your server, and the size of those guilds. Just because you've recruited loads of people doesn't mean everyone else has; the opposite is probably true, in fact.

Edited by indelible
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Fleet used to only have about 50-60 republic players, but now during prime time has over 100!


As BW releases more copies of the game, more players log in.


Tis a good day.




I added these screenshots from the thread: NA Server Status 9:48 EST: Population Thriving!


That thread was created on February 18, 2012.














LoLz and for realz? bwahahahaha.... log on to the razor.. right now in imp fleet we have 20 people on... pvp hasnt popped for at least 6 hours (since i logged in) and there is NO groups forming... and you say the game population is growing?? BWahahahahahha

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Why discuss, when a decrease is obvious. I was active in two guilds, on two different servers. Both servers seem dead, from about 200 players at "prime-time" to about 50. Both guilds are dead, not because members left, they just don't log onto the game. Every once in a while I check, every time I am the only one online.


This does not mean the game will die, they will merge servers and keep a low base of subscribers. Perhaps 500k at the end of the year.

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It is not curiosity that killed the cat, I'm sure. It was speculation. The cat speculated it was safe when it wasn't and a lot of you speculate about numbers for which you have no source.


I'm not going either way but I advise you all : speculation = fail

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LoLz and for realz? bwahahahaha.... log on to the razor.. right now in imp fleet we have 20 people on... pvp hasnt popped for at least 6 hours (since i logged in) and there is NO groups forming... and you say the game population is growing?? BWahahahahahha





Just wondering if you noticed his post was in february . Necro bashing FTW

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Except I'm not on one of those fabled servers.


I'm on an average standard server.


Nothing special about it at all.


also do not forget that asian/pacific area players have been moved so the quantity is less now.

i just hope they will merge servers sooner than we expect

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It is not curiosity that killed the cat, I'm sure. It was speculation. The cat speculated it was safe when it wasn't and a lot of you speculate about numbers for which you have no source.


I'm not going either way but I advise you all : speculation = fail


Curiosity has nothing to do with speculation. They are two ends of a stick.. Speculation presumes a process of thought in making a calculated decision with the possibility of benefiting from that calculated thought process. Curiosity is simply a question and answer process that forms the basis of all human progression ie I wonder where this road goes. Follow road, discover it goes to the railway station. Result is the building of a cognitive map and a natural process in the development of memory and map building. Speculation is a further process related to using what you know to make judgements about that which you are inquisitive about. The cat was curious because it was simply using its inquisitive mind and no doubt ventured too far into the dark which when building maps can result in chaos and confusion. In such events you are less likely to make reasoned decisions as there is a predominance of unknowns clouding your judgement. And so the cat most likely fell victim to an event that it could not control. Too curious.


And so in speculating numbers you are simply taking what you know and making a calculated judgement. If you are curious about numbers then you are processing the information with a view to better understanding what is presented to you. The consequence of both are quite different. The first infers that you are trying to evaluate a likely outcome based on data that you utilise in making the judgement. The second requires an outcome a simple question and answer. Is the population rising... answer from the question is yes then from that point the person views the numbers as rising. When speculating, the person speculating looks at evidence before them and then makes a valued decision and normally then uses that information for purpose.


Speculation cannot equal fail as there is no mathematical equation that would satisfy that presumption, unless the speculation was structured to give a simple win or fail result. In this instance I would suggest that speculating about the numbers currently subscribing to this game would involve quite a detailed analysis of figures set against a time frame relative to known subscription dates. You could also add the trend data and activity records from population counts to better aid the process. No doubt the creators do this as part of their marketing research. We can only speculate. Being curious however is just human nature and most will be curious when it directly impinges on their life in some way.


PS I would suggest that most can speculate about numbers because they can make a reasoned assessment from the evidence of their own experiences.


PPS. What has that got to do with curiosity. Cus I specualte that numbers are dropping from the evidence of what I see in game. And, I am curious as to why the creators show the servers on Standard when in reality they cannot represent Standard unless the normal server status is a Low population. Just speculation mind you... and I don't think that kind of speculation ever did anyone any harm.

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My advice to you would be to look at the number of guilds on your server, and the size of those guilds. Just because you've recruited loads of people doesn't mean everyone else has; the opposite is probably true, in fact.


We haven't recruited loads of people. We were full at launch, but had a top-off recruiting the end of February to replace players who did not convert to subscriptions, and have been full after that. It's possible other guilds are folding: I haven't been tracking other guilds, so I have no idea. Population levels seem normal, with Fleet at 110-120 during peak.

Edited by Kthx
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Population on my server (Mind Trick) has stayed reasonably high. Our guild has lost a ton of users, but I suspect that's just part of the initial population cull lots of MMOs go through as people try a game, decide it isn't for them, and let their subscription lapse (or don't subscribe after the first free month).


In prime times we have around 150-200 people at the Imperial Fleet, a bunch more in WZs, and who knows how many on all of the levelling planets.


I think it's pretty clear from anecdotal evidence that this game hasn't been the same kind of hit that an MMO like WoW was at launch, and I think it's clear that there needs to be some server merges to balance out Imp/Pub populations, or give other servers a numers boost. But that's not the same as saying the game is dying, or a failure. WoW is in another stratosphere from every other MMO on the planet.

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MoN is a ghost town. Rep @ high point is <50. Imp @ high point is <125. Cant recruit, cant get ppl to join FP. PvP is a joke. PvP is basically 8 BattleMaster Imps against 6 greased up monkies and a football. Wait now its 5, no now its 4. OK WZ timed out, gonna requeue just to get pwnd again.



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Yes; a few of us were talking about that last night. They seem to give free reign to serial Trolls especially the ones that spend 8-16 hours a day bashing the game.


Like I said just because someone doesn't agree with you, it doesn't give you the right to destroy their opinion.


Given how many times you've directly insulted me in this thread it's not only people that want to improve the game that get "free reign" either.


The poster he is ignoring has been on my, as well as many others ignore list for months. Read his post history and you will see why.



Yes if I remember rightly I told you Bioware had been running Warhammer online for 20 months before SWTOR went Live, after you claimed Bioware had never had anything to do with Warhammer Online.


You then accused me of lying and threw an absolute fit for some reason. :D

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