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Everything posted by xswooshiex

  1. It's more realistic I guess for planets without a factional spaceport. I think it would be nice to bypass them once at max level but I would live with being able to mount in them. Hint*hint*
  2. I am, by nature, a really nice person. Therefore, I will be as respectful and polite in my answer to Dekkau here. Being intelligent, and you obviously are, is useful in building chains of logic which can bring to an explanatory reasoning and, sometimes, a rebuttal. However, the premises must be solid and correctly understood otherwise every reasoning based on such a flaw will be flawed too. One can be clever but must also pay attention to meaning in a message. Your argument seems to be made of 2 points : 1. there is no link between curiosity and speculation 2. speculation does not equals to fail (and is not inherently vicious) so, here is the break down : The curiosity is what killed the cat is a saying. It supposes that being curious can, sometimes be dangerous. It is a saying. I used this to make somewhat of a pun, or play with an English expression. The meaning of the whole maneuver being to highlight that I attributed an effect to something DIFFERENT than what comes in the popular saying. Your attempt to render me responsible for a link between speculation and curiosity is flawed as much as if you were to say that I made the same link in the following example : "the fire destroyed the house" "No, it is a flood that destroyed the house" Does fire have anything to do or relates in any way to a flood? No, except for the fact that they both can be a reason for the destruction of the house; they are both contradicting, opposed by the context, objects or causes. "the curiosity killed the cat" "no, it is speculation that killed the cat. As you can see, I make no link between those two things except replacing one by the other. However, just for the sake of argumentation I would posit that your reasoning would be flawed even if I traced a link, however. I would posit that there are at least 2 significant reasons for speculation : 1. Trying to obtain ascertain a situation in order to make a logical decision by using what facts or signs, as incomplete as they are but being all that is readily available. 2. using the same kind of facts or sings as mentioned in 1. when proofs are not available in order to satisfy.... curiosity. As a matter of fact, I will posit here, without much fear of being wrong (pardon my speculation that many a speculating act is based on curiosity. finally, about the second part of your argument I would say that the effect of speculation in easily included as a mathematical function or variation. In fact, in this very case, the subjet of debate is almost dichotomous. As what you have is either a. population increase, b. population decrease c. population is steady (variable that is so highly improbable that it gains much to be discarded). As you said yourself unless it was a win/fail situation... population increase = win population decrease = fail the answer to that question has a finite answer which BW possess. The mere fact that the debate about servers population shows such a cleavage on these forums demonstrates that the so called perceptions based on the players experience are anything but clear as there is no consensus yet. You state that this kind of speculation poses no harm and I say: I have a few friends who refuse to come play with me here because of the negative impression they get about the status of the game judging by some topics in these forums. If the conclusions of speculation can be said to be less than equal to truth then they are.. fail. Also it is important not to mix speculation with inference, as the latter is an generalization of a sample to an entire population provided that some strict statistical rules must be applied to the sample. Also, even then, there is an error margin which can be a huge as 5%, like in many social sciences applications, for example. I hope you see this as a polite and respectful explanation as it is how I intended it. Everyone else, if you read that and thought it was a waste of your time, I am sorry. It wasn't meant for you, then
  3. It is not curiosity that killed the cat, I'm sure. It was speculation. The cat speculated it was safe when it wasn't and a lot of you speculate about numbers for which you have no source. I'm not going either way but I advise you all : speculation = fail
  4. The game is a little generic compared to what is out there nowadays. Now, compared to the hype coming from before launch, yeah, well... looking at it that way would not be realistic. So yes, it is a bit light, it is new. The basis are solid, so is the engine. Now they really can build something great onto that or fail miserably. My bet is that they have a long list of features that are ready or close to be that they decided to implement slowly for 1 : make sure not to get buried under bugs and 2 : make it look better on the update and dynamism front. I'm sticking around a bit, see how they pull it off
  5. Robes for force users are fine! they allow for more freedom of movement, more opportunity to faceplant suddenly in public and allow the force to flow freely around strategic areas which could be needlessly constricted otherwise.
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