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Numerical data for US PvP server population/faction balance


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Hey everyone, I went on the 44 US PvP servers to create level 1 characters - one on each faction and recorded the population data at the time (around peak time - 6:30 pm to 10:00 pm EST for east coast servers, 6:30 pm to 10:00 pm PST for west coast servers) for 7 planets + 3 warzones and the respective fleet.


What I ended up with is a excel spreadsheet with population data, which I then graphed and published the results.


:sy_galaxy: You can see the results of this study here:




:sy_galaxy:What this data is

Cross-sectional population data (snapshot in time).



:sy_galaxy:What this data is not

This is just raw data - anyone who could have wanted to put in the work would have obtained. It is by no means entirely accurate and just serves as a representation of the actual server population. You are to draw your own conclusions from it. There are limitations with every data and every methodology - how you interpret the data is up to you.


The perfect/ideal methology is to have 88 people, each with a character on the 44 PVP servers and all log in at the same time and record data on every single planet/instance all at the same time - repeat this at the same time every day of the week for how many days it takes for the data to be consistent. Unfortunately this is impossible unless a) you have an entire research team or b) work for bioware :)


:sy_galaxy:Looking for PVE data?




Previous thread on PVE data: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=325062

Edited by Iwipe
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really good work :)


nothing surprising to me, and like you said its pretty easy to get these numbers. the worst part is that in things like civil war and voidstar there are STILL more imps, which represents all the 6 v 8 games we have as republic.


lets just hope bioware is at least thinking about how to even this up

Edited by bicuspid
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Holy cow, this is really cool stuff. I know it's not perfect data, but it's definitely interesting and gives a jist of how things look. Maybe it will encourage some people to get some really good player-driven study going to find out in detail what the servers look like over a period of time. Thanks!


Though it does kind've hurt seeing my server running away with the #1 for faction imbalance. I knew it was bad, I didn't know it was that bad. :sy_republic:

Edited by Atownarmy
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Hey everyone, I went on the 44 US PvP servers to create level 1 characters - one on each faction and recorded the population data at the time (around peak time - 6:30 pm to 10:00 pm EST for east coast servers, 6:30 pm to 10:00 pm PST for west coast servers) for 7 planets + 3 warzones and the respective fleet.


What I ended up with is a excel spreadsheet with population data, which I then graphed and published the results.


:sy_galaxy: You can see the results of this study here:




:sy_galaxy:What this data is

Cross-sectional population data (snapshot in time).



:sy_galaxy:What this data is not

This is just raw data - anyone who could have wanted to put in the work would have obtained. It is by no means entirely accurate and just serves as a representation of the actual server population. You are to draw your own conclusions from it. There are limitations with every data and every methodology - how you interpret the data is up to you.


The perfect/ideal methology is to have 88 people, each with a character on the 44 PVP servers and all log in at the same time and record data on every single planet/instance all at the same time - repeat this at the same time every day of the week for how many days it takes for the data to be consistent. Unfortunately this is impossible unless a) you have an entire research team or b) work for bioware :)


:sy_galaxy:Looking for PVE data?




Previous thread on PVE data: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=325062



Amanzing work.

That was what I made to find balanced server,to bad I found to late how to do that.


+1 for the creator

And -1 for BW because Imp faction have better animations,storyline,looking,etc

Edited by Bigodes
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The one thing to note is that this is a simple snapshot in time and is not a solid basis of the truth (not that I think the OP is doing that nor did the OP say that). But, I think that it does show what we all know and that is that the poor Repubs are as outnumbered as people say that they are.


Personally, I can't blame people for playing Imp. I tried, on several occassions, to play a Jedi character and I couldn't get past lvl 5. The story text is just so blasted cuddly and full of rainbows and butterflies. I don't want that. And everyone wants to be Darth Vader, Darth Maul, or the Emperor cause its fun to be bad. BUT, the Smuggler is pure awesome... its like playing Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly.

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Only ONE server has more Republic than Imperial. Amazing.


The Ilum ratios are especially amusing.


Bioware has known the entire time too. Have they done a single thing?


What can they do?




Would love to hear some suggestions.

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Pretty interesting, but none of it is surprising I guess.


LOL that only 1 server there's actually higher Republic than Empire, and it's by 1%... Ilum is pretty amazing too, Empire greatly outnumber Republic on.... every server.

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What can they do?




Would love to hear some suggestions.


Buff for underpopulated faction. (Increased valor gain would have been a good one)


Inability to create characters on overpopulated side without invite from existing character on server once ratio has reached certain levels (1.5x?)


Disable same-faction warzones.


Are just three off the top of my head.

Edited by EternalFinality
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