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When will SWTOR Fall?


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I got directed here by a guild mate because apparently one of my articles has been pressed as a forum topic.


I should note that the discussion taking place on the forum has nothing to do with my article. The discussion is something along the lines of whether the game is failing now and uses unreliable ad hoc evidence. I in no way make the claim that SWTOR is not losing subscribers and is not having a shrinking population. I have no opinion on this matter because there is no reliable data on this.


I am merely saying in my OPENING to my argument that the population of SWTOR isn't nose diving.


The article I published discusses what will cause that nose dive. I illustrate four total causes in the context of SWTOR:

  1. Late first update
  2. Newer better game
  3. Change in Dev Staff
  4. Guild Summit


I'm not saying the game is crashing and burning nor am I saying the game is doing amazingly, I am merely listing out what will cause a crash and burn based on a long history of past MMO releases.


On newer and better games I suggest that neither Guild Wars 2 nor TERA are really a threat to SWTOR and that the only games that can hurt SWTOR badly are Pandaria and The Secret World.


I lay all of this out on the article. I think a forum crowd are too easily responding to titles or opening paragraphs instead of reading the whole thing. If you read and interpret the opening paragraph I am merely saying that former WoW players spread misinformation and hate at every turn because they are searching for a perfect nonexistent game in the same way former Halo 3 players will hate on every single shooter that comes out.


I've sent a request to the moderators to take this post down because it is flaming and flame bait. If it was discussing the contents of my article that'd be fine but it is not.

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People who quit Halo 3 are worse. People who quit Halo 3 end up looking for a game that simply does not exist.
Made me laugh, as I'll admit it may describe me in regards to vanilla WoW.


Fortunately, just because that game doesn't exist now, does not mean it won't be developed some day.


Just because developers insist on taking three steps backwards for every one to two steps forward, does not mean they won't stumble upon it eventually.

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I got directed here by a guild mate because apparently one of my articles has been pressed as a forum topic.



I've sent a request to the moderators to take this post down because it is flaming and flame bait. If it was discussing the contents of my article that'd be fine but it is not.


Most forums are derailed sooner or later, this one is derailed!


I think your last statement is against the TOS.

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I got directed here by a guild mate because apparently one of my articles has been pressed as a forum topic.


I should note that the discussion taking place on the forum has nothing to do with my article. The discussion is something along the lines of whether the game is failing now and uses unreliable ad hoc evidence. I in no way make the claim that SWTOR is not losing subscribers and is not having a shrinking population. I have no opinion on this matter because there is no reliable data on this.


I am merely saying in my OPENING to my argument that the population of SWTOR isn't nose diving.


The article I published discusses what will cause that nose dive. I illustrate four total causes in the context of SWTOR:

  1. Late first update
  2. Newer better game
  3. Change in Dev Staff
  4. Guild Summit


I'm not saying the game is crashing and burning nor am I saying the game is doing amazingly, I am merely listing out what will cause a crash and burn based on a long history of past MMO releases.


On newer and better games I suggest that neither Guild Wars 2 nor TERA are really a threat to SWTOR and that the only games that can hurt SWTOR badly are Pandaria and The Secret World.


I lay all of this out on the article. I think a forum crowd are too easily responding to titles or opening paragraphs instead of reading the whole thing. If you read and interpret the opening paragraph I am merely saying that former WoW players spread misinformation and hate at every turn because they are searching for a perfect nonexistent game in the same way former Halo 3 players will hate on every single shooter that comes out.


I've sent a request to the moderators to take this post down because it is flaming and flame bait. If it was discussing the contents of my article that'd be fine but it is not.


If that is your article... your research is JUNK!. While I agree swtor will fail for the reason your listed....and it will.


Quoted from article:

"Rift launched with no raids. Warhammer Online had one raid dungeon. Age of Conan had one raid dungeon. Everquest had one world boss"


Rift has raids at lauch and raid level rifts.


EQ2 had 2 full raids. Vox and Nagafen and those zone were(perma and sol) considered raid content by todays standards. Not to mention the planes were available before the majority hit 50. Everyone and thier grandma already hit 50 in swtor and even some alts too.


You need to research stuff before publishing it, you will never make it as an actual writer without doing so. especially online.

Edited by WutsInAName
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To anyone saying that people who leave WoW are looking for a game that doesn't exist, I'd like to clarify something. It would be more accurate to say that, for most who leave WoW, they're looking for a game that *no longer* exists: specifically, vanilla/BC era WoW. It isn't that such a game couldn't be made again; rather, it's simply highly unlikely that another game with that mindset will be released and succeed.


I say this because I left WoW and I'm looking for a game that no longer exists. :(

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I'm so tired of the naysayers.






This game is fun, and it won't be "falling" any time soon, so shut it.


Whats the point of constructive criticism? Its not like BW listens to the community...


Oh, and unless 1.2 is absolutely amazing, a LOT of people will be leaving. And when GW2 and Tera come out, a LOT more will leave. BW hasn't given most regular MMO players a reason to stay(there are so many reasons that affect numerous players), so while this game may not fail, it will fall to the wayside.

Edited by Daluu
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To anyone saying that people who leave WoW are looking for a game that doesn't exist, I'd like to clarify something. It would be more accurate to say that, for most who leave WoW, they're looking for a game that *no longer* exists: specifically, vanilla/BC era WoW. It isn't that such a game couldn't be made again; rather, it's simply highly unlikely that another game with that mindset will be released and succeed.


I say this because I left WoW and I'm looking for a game that no longer exists. :(


umm, some of us are just looking for a game that isn't WoW. I mean really, why grind DS for a year waiting on pandas.

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umm, some of us are just looking for a game that isn't WoW. I mean really, why grind DS for a year waiting on pandas.


Don't. Play Rift, its PvE is way better than WoWs or ToRs. Though it takes a little more effort, not for the casual gamer

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Personally, I'm TRULY convinced that 'The Old Republic' will continue to have a thriving Community for years to come. Like many individuals, I've been an avid fan of both KOTOR and KOTOR2 since their inception, and have been ANXIOUSLY awaiting for this recent installment (TOR) since it was first announced years ago.


Needless to say, everything about this title has ultimately exceeded my expectations to the fullest - and while not perfect (after all, what game is?), the entire experience has been an extremely WORTHY follow-up in the series and has provided me with COUNTLESS hours of RPG / MMO enjoyment thus far.


As a 33 years old gamer who's been gaming for decades, it's strange to think that 'The Old Republic' has been my "relatively" first MMO ever. Don't get me wrong, I've been a HUGE fan of RPG's since the first KOTOR back in 2003, and have slightly dabbled in 'World of Warcraft'. Unfortunately, there hasn't been any MMO's that have essentially made me a follower... that is, until now.


One thing that works to my advantage with 'SWTOR', is that I'm MAINLY playing this game as a single-player RPG first-and-foremost - while considering all the various MMO / multiplayer aspects a mere bonus of sorts. Many folks have obviously criticized this title because it's more reminiscent of a solo experience at its core, with an MMO shell... and it's those gamers whom are less likely to actually stick around in the coming months / years.


Thankfully however, the TRUE Star Wars / KOTOR fans that have been around since the beginning, will UNQUESTIONABLY have their hands full. After all, the overall scope of this title is HUGE (nearly 8 times the size of KOTOR), and most fans will be interested in experiencing what each Class story-line has to offer. Not to mention, most folks (with real-life responsibilities) only get to play in moderation - and therefore, won't be tapping through this game's content any time soon.


All in all, 'TOR' is going to attract a plethora of diverse gamers (already has). With that being said, anything Star Wars related is likely to garner a HUGE following, and Bioware has a solid track record with releasing exceptional interactive experiences. While it's doubtful this game will ever overtake 'WOW' (for example), it still offers a unique world to explore - and the single-player affair alone (being top-notch) is still enough to make the monthly fee worth-while.

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Whats the point of constructive criticism? Its not like BW listens to the community...




Which "community" should they listen to?


The community that wants LFG or the community that doesn't?


The community that wants addons or the community that doesn't?


The community that wants .... you get the idea...

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If they were steadily losing customers, would they really be releasing content of this scale so early? When on the fleet, I constantly see new people getting their AC figured out or looking for someone to run Black Talon with them. And by constantly, I mean that literally. People are investing the time to gear themselves up for operations. In the game, I haven't heard the "this game is gonna fail bad i'm a going back to wow this sucks". Popluation on the fleet averages at 180 and warzone queues are usually short. It's quick and easy to find groups for flashpoints and heroics. Shortly after early access, it was very hard to find groups for simple heroics. Now you get a group within minutes. I formed an ops group of 16 players on Coruscant to attempt the world boss in about 5 minutes.


That's on one server.


People often compare this game's numbers to WoW very often, which is very unfair. SWTOR is two months old! WoW has been around for nearly ten years.


Two months in, did WoW have a huge population on all servers with end gamers running around all over the place? I doubt that.

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Two months in, did WoW have a huge population on all servers with end gamers running around all over the place? I doubt that.


No, bc Vanilla WoW wasn't a care bear casual game.


And I am tired of people comparing this game to Vanilla WoW. The genre was very young then, and a lot of the mistakes blizzard made were new to the genre. The problems most people have with this game are things that have already been addressed in other MMOs and its very reasonable to expect BW to have learned from the history of the genre instead of making the same mistakes.....and taking longer to fix them. (Longer as in, most of the problems we see on live realms were reported time and again in Beta without ever being addressed.)

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No, bc Vanilla WoW wasn't a care bear casual game.


And I am tired of people comparing this game to Vanilla WoW. The genre was very young then, and a lot of the mistakes blizzard made were new to the genre. The problems most people have with this game are things that have already been addressed in other MMOs and its very reasonable to expect BW to have learned from the history of the genre instead of making the same mistakes.....and taking longer to fix them. (Longer as in, most of the problems we see on live realms were reported time and again in Beta without ever being addressed.)


I disagree


as an MMO fan preWOW i thought blizzard considered mistakes of earlier games and launched a game that considered those mistakes and acted to address them and still does.


Also, WoW then and now does seem very easy in the basic player vs environment sense.


Can argue all you want about how difficult hard mode raids are or even vanilla era raids but that is and remains a very small portion of the game.


The player in WoW has always had an advantage over the environment , meaning that any class could solo to max level because the average mob and quest did not require a group . This if anything was WoW early , primary innovation.


This was not the case pre wow


and WoW did not launch during an era when the Genre was young, WoW was the next step in MMO yes, but hardly the first.




do agree though that BW seems to have not considered certain MMO standards in the markeplace now.


Dual spec, combat log, custom ui, LFG tool be they crosserver or not . on and on.


having fun either way

Edited by Blavatsky
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