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To all the helpers in game; Thank You


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Yes, seriously, thank you. It is people being helpful, and pleasant, in game that make the game fun.


Thanks to the "Drive-by Buffers". Last night I had 4 buffs from different folks and had no idea who did it. But it was nice and helped me.


Thanks to the Flash point helpers who are just there to help that get us lowly folks through and teach us how it is done.


Thanks to those willing to wait their turn to take down the boss on a side quest, when the server was at max.


And a special thanks to those who chose to keep helping me even though it was painfully obvious that I had no clue how to play in the early days.


It's people like you that make this game an enjoyable place to spend a few hours.

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No problem bro. I like to help out in anyway possible (except going to lower level plantes to help lowbies because they need experience lol). If you play Rep on Canderous Ordo feel free to add Landert (dats me). That goes for everyone else too. Keep in mind im only level 28.
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Yes, seriously, thank you. It is people being helpful, and pleasant, in game that make the game fun.


Thanks to the "Drive-by Buffers". Last night I had 4 buffs from different folks and had no idea who did it. But it was nice and helped me.


Thanks to the Flash point helpers who are just there to help that get us lowly folks through and teach us how it is done.


Thanks to those willing to wait their turn to take down the boss on a side quest, when the server was at max.


And a special thanks to those who chose to keep helping me even though it was painfully obvious that I had no clue how to play in the early days.


It's people like you that make this game an enjoyable place to spend a few hours.


All of those things happen naturally and regularly with a guild. Just sayin' :)

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I'm posting because this is about to fall off the first page because it's not about QQ doom footstomping, etc


We need better karma in General. And the OP is right, even if you are feeling antisocial and jerky this evening, throw some random buff, bubbles or heals to someone you see in trouble. Gives warm fuzzes and all that.

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All of those things happen naturally and regularly with a guild. Just sayin' :)


I like my guild. They're people I've been friends with for years through various games. That being said - I've had more help from random strangers than my guildmates.


That's not to say that they wouldn't help if asked, but I don't need them to follow around my lowbie and throw buffs at me because I choose to level an alt at that time and they don't. ;)


Back to topic... Just pay it forward, sir. If you like the feeling of being helped when you may need it, so will someone else.

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There's no harm in throwing a buff on someone as you wander by them. Since I farm mats or items for various uses, or even clear a gray quest, I end up on a lot of random planets when the urge strikes. I'll even go out of my way to help someone that is struggling against something. I just wish the population for my side (Republic) was better so I could run into more folks leveling and doing stuff. It's depressing as a 50 to be on a lowbie planet and see 20 people on the /who.


But hey.. keep leveling and having as much fun as you can. Just watch out 'cause one day Bioware will have to figure out how to provide enough content for Imperial only servers. :D

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Yes, seriously, thank you. It is people being helpful, and pleasant, in game that make the game fun.


Thanks to the "Drive-by Buffers". Last night I had 4 buffs from different folks and had no idea who did it. But it was nice and helped me.


Thanks to the Flash point helpers who are just there to help that get us lowly folks through and teach us how it is done.


Thanks to those willing to wait their turn to take down the boss on a side quest, when the server was at max.


And a special thanks to those who chose to keep helping me even though it was painfully obvious that I had no clue how to play in the early days.


It's people like you that make this game an enjoyable place to spend a few hours.


You're welcome, I've been doing just about every one of those things in every MMO I've played so far (including SWTOR) and I will keep doing it, that's how you build communities, not by calling newbie players n00bs but by helping them grow and learn.

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Often times at the end of the night when I'm too lazy to treck to a planet from the Fleet, I'll try to find a hidding spot and give 20k to the first player below level 15 that dances infront of me. Or I'll inspect players untill I find someone who could use a crafting mission / schematic, and just give them the item.


But frankly the most fun I have is going to lower level planets with my sith healer and just following players and healing / bubbling them when they need it.

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I will always be helpful if someone asks a question. When they are e-Raging, I will troll them.


The other day a guy got an orange pair of bracers on a random drop on taris (imp) he tried to sell in gen chat and he almost sold them to a guy for 5k. They are worth 250,000 on my server so, I told him and he thanked me like 10 times and sent me 1000 credits when they sold. Cool dude.


Drive by buffing is something I do A LOT. so you're welcome for that.

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Running people through low level flashpoinst is a blast, I usually just gather up 3 or 4 rooms and then kill them all with an AOE and then have the low level dude loot while i move on to the next group of room. I pass on boss loot but on normal greens and BOE stuff i roll greed. It's actually profitable especially once you get to like raiders and up.
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No prob bro. I think it's fun going back through some of the low level content and just 1-shotting everything before the other person can even attack. I also always ask "have you done <insert activity> before? No - here's what you need to do" people can't learn if no one is willing to help
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Same here... I gave away a few 100 grands to players who asked...


There was a player on Tatooine that asked for help getting speeder mount training money, I just gave them 70k. A guild mate needed some creds so I gave them 100k. (I usually give away about 150k a day to people in need) But I also help out on low level planets if someone just can't beat that boss that they need.

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Thats part of playing a social game, i do allot of drive by's..buffing that is :)


One of my faves is to throw some Force Lightning onto NPCs fighting lower level PCs, to help clear the way as I walk by. I'll actively join a battle to help if it looks like the PCs are doing poorly. I'll heal and throw buffs if I can.


It works both ways, too. The other day I was going nuts trying to find a way to grab a datacron and a random lower level guy came over to help me! After we were done, I sent him some equipment that I had out leveled but he had not.


The social side is fun.




Edited by Sandtrooper
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