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There wont be an FPS fix


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The engine needs to be torn down and rebuilt from scratch, or severely overhauled at the least, otherwise its just more bad days ahead for swtor...


Thats an unreasonable, and not a plausible suggestion. It won't happen. It took them this many years to get what they have, to rebuild from scratch simply isn't a possibility, never mind what it would do to the actual game's sales if people find out they need to basically re-download the entire game because they redid the engine.

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Thats an unreasonable, and not a plausible suggestion. It won't happen. It took them this many years to get what they have, to rebuild from scratch simply isn't a possibility, never mind what it would do to the actual game's sales if people find out they need to basically re-download the entire game because they redid the engine.


I agree that is why im done with this game. The fact they still dont change the min specs list is an insult to new players. Its just a blatant lye.

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As I have said before..the engine is OLD and it is all they can do to give us what we have..period.


I am done as are many...... very sad.


The game had so much going for it yet BW till holds to no telling people whats up.



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Since 1.2 the game runs very smooth and it looks much better. They have made improvements and they will continue to do so.


People really need to stop talking crap about having to rebuild the whole engine, they are tweaking it and the tweaks are working well.

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Since 1.2 the game runs very smooth and it looks much better. They have made improvements and they will continue to do so.


People really need to stop talking crap about having to rebuild the whole engine, they are tweaking it and the tweaks are working well.


looking at your specs.. of course its running fine for you.


most don't have money to drop on a rig like yours.

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People really need to stop talking crap about having to rebuild the whole engine...


I agree. Though there is sensible anatomical logic to "talking crap" when they are most often talking out of their poop shoots to begin with. :)


The engine is fine, not perfect, but it's fine for the large majority of players of this game. They have done some good tweaks on the graphics performance since launch and it gets better each time. And they are giving players more knobs to tweak to adjust and have control over their performance vs their hardware.


Sure, the perfectionists who want a constant 60 fps+ no matter what in PvP and claim to be running on $5K top end machines seem to be perpetually hurt about it, but when have you ever seen a hardcore PvP player actually happy with any MMO?


Personally, the game has run fine for me since day one on a mid range gaming laptop. It's smoother and runs better fps with no changes on my end since launch, so clearly they are continuing to improve games performance over time. It's nice, but for me it's fluff beyond what I need. I am positive it helps lower end machines though.

Edited by Andryah
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I never believed the hype about FPS, until I changed from a gt220 back to a hd6770, and I'm not sure that I really notice much of a difference between low med and high. Changed all of the catalyst settings for a better performance, installed dx9, and i swear I'm still getting similar FPS on low as I did with the gt220, the only difference is is that I can now play on higher settings.
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looking at your specs.. of course its running fine for you.


most don't have money to drop on a rig like yours.


I'm running this game on a bootcamped 13'' Macbook from two years ago. I get ~30 FPS


so.... there's that.

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looking at your specs.. of course its running fine for you.


most don't have money to drop on a rig like yours.


I do understand that but its a new game and people cant expect old low end systems to run well and then blamed it on the coding, which is happening a lot. It is unfortunate for people with low end systems and I do feel for people that have problems with it.


But they have to make the game look good and to make it look good it needs a good system to run it. The tweaks they have made have improved the smoothness of the game. The game is massive with massive world environments and visual effects it needs the resources to play it well.


The said truth is that if you want games to run smoothly you really need to update your system every 2-3yrs, and that's if you get a mid-high end system to begin with. Even the 460 which where highend what maybe 2 yrs ago are now just make it in.



Edited by RicoFrost
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Seeing how they try to move players from non playable Ilum to warzones with 1.1.5 patch i am more and more sure the engine wont be fixed anytime soon, if ever. Despite the fact that generally i like the game, this is unacceptable.


Ilum is WG from wow all over again. I'm sure everyone remembers how bad that was when it first came out. It was unplayable, getting single digit FPS, system crashers and so on. But they fixed it, sure it took them some time and they had to place restrictions on the zone by limiting players but they got it.


They are trying to do big things in the game, some things fail some are successful. Ilum was a good idea but didn't work out as they hopped and they have pretty much moved on from it i believe.


The engine is not bad, I feel the game runs well and has improved with the last patch (1.2). I do find the graphic to be impressive and the animations of the effect to be rather nice. Sure there are still more tweaks needed but it has improved.

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this is acceptable to you?


**** happens, to be honest it doesn't bother me. I haven't checked it since 1.2 so maybe its much better now but its in no way game breaking for me.


Better to have tried and failed then not try at all.


I see them constantly trying to improve the game and they have improved performance and released new constant. I am rather enjoying playing this game. Some people think its gaming breaking and leave, that's ok.

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I do understand that but its a new game and people cant expect old low end systems to run well and then blamed it on the coding, which is happening a lot. It is unfortunate for people with low end systems and I do feel for people that have problems with it.


But they have to make the game look good and to make it look good it needs a good system to run it. The tweaks they have made have improved the smoothness of the game. The game is massive with massive world environments and visual effects it needs the resources to play it well.


The said truth is that if you want games to run smoothly you really need to update your system every 2-3yrs, and that's if you get a mid-high end system to begin with. Even the 460 which where highend what maybe 2 yrs ago are now just make it in.




You can actually run quite many games with 4-5 year old rig if you just use lower resolution. I'm quite happy with my 6 year old 19" viewsonic, don't need a widescreen or higher res. Running at 1280x1024.


PC Gaming has always been that. Invest or opt for "worse".

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You can actually run quite many games with 4-5 year old rig if you just use lower resolution. I'm quite happy with my 6 year old 19" viewsonic, don't need a widescreen or higher res. Running at 1280x1024.


PC Gaming has always been that. Invest or opt for "worse".


Agreed. I have a 5 yeard old computer that runs most games just fine. In fact, the only real problems I have are with my CPU and RAM not always being up to the task. My problems with SWTOR don't come from PvP, because I actually get good frame rate in warzones when I don't have anything running in the background. It is only a few certain planets, being Tatooine, Alderaan, and occasionally Balmorra where I have FPS problems. I don't know what it is about them, but suddenly I go from using 1.2 gigs of RAM total from the swtor.exe's to a total of 400-500 megs, yet all other planets and instances I will get my standard on with only the occasional FPS lag.


Anyway, most of the problems are on my end and too few people recognize that. People always complain that it is all the engine. Sure, some of it is bound to be. I remember that the fleet was insane in how low the FPS was until they did a localization patch to it and after that it was amazing how much better it was. It doesn't mean though that the entire problem was theirs.


We simply need to give them time to find the problems on their end, give us more options to lower our graphics (such as having an animation option to turn animations on high, low, or off), but most of it is going to come from the players getting better computers. Just because my computer can run the game with 1.5 gigs of RAM (I have 2 gigs with XP) doesn't mean I shouldn't give it an extra 2.5 gigs above that to work with.


I have close to min specs, but by taking care of my computer and knowing how to keep it running well by doing standard maintenance on it, I am able to run this game fairly well.

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You can actually run quite many games with 4-5 year old rig if you just use lower resolution. I'm quite happy with my 6 year old 19" viewsonic, don't need a widescreen or higher res. Running at 1280x1024.


PC Gaming has always been that. Invest or opt for "worse".


You can and you if you're happy understanding that your system isn't powerful enough and need to turn things way down and at lower res then that works out for you. Some people don't seem to understand that. Not all computer will simply be able to do that, there is a point when that simply wont cut it and you will have to upgrade.


Some people think getting 30fps is more then fine some don't. For myself If the game I am playing starts to run badly or i have to drop res or turn settings down, i know that's when I have to upgrade. If i drop under 50fps often enough and I would have to turn AA and FS off I would be looking to upgrade. But that's just me.


3 yrs is the general rule for upgrading a computer.

Edited by RicoFrost
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**** happens, to be honest it doesn't bother me. I haven't checked it since 1.2 so maybe its much better now but its in no way game breaking for me.


Better to have tried and failed then not try at all.


I see them constantly trying to improve the game and they have improved performance and released new constant. I am rather enjoying playing this game. Some people think its gaming breaking and leave, that's ok.


New content? You mean the 2 Flashpoints and an Ops? As for PvP, they have REMOVED content from the game. PvPers have less content now than we did at launch. That's NOT OK to me.

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The FPS doesn't really bother me (still too low) but the insane loading is unacceptable. Loading screens can take up to ten minutes and even after that it's not done loading and gameplay is interrupted by stuttering constantly. Every time a new sound or a character appears, the game stops to load for a few seconds. The first fight in a session is a slide show because it has to load everything. It's unbelievable, it's like everything's being read from a CD. No other game I've played does this.
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