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Is it possible to get a launch right?


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You know: without people complaining about one thing or the other? I've seen quite a few launches in my time (well five to be precise, but at least it's more than one) and there was always complaining about the queues and massive server-downtimes.


Now here's BioWare trying something new in order to circumvent the usual problems and inadvertently creating a new source of complaint: the "I-did-not-get-in-when-I-expected-I-would". I'm not in myself, but from what I hear there seem to be little to no problems for those already on the servers and isn't that a goal every MMO should pursue on launchday?


So the question remains: Is it possilbe to get it right without resorting to opening a ridiculous number of servers, which will be merged after half a year? I suppose not, but please keep in mind, that what we have here is a lot smoother than anything before it.

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Folks realise that this is not the release... right? This is early access for those who were committed to pre-ordering at the early possible date. It is a way of thanking those customers by allowing them to get into the game at a pre-defined date earlier then those who either did not pre-order at all or who pre-ordered at a later date.


The release date is still December 20th. Save the comments about the release until then please.

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I think Bioware is handling things incredibly well and I feel sorry for them because apparently our community is filled with a bunch of crybabies and Bioware has to hear all this crap from them. For God's sake just shut up, we will all get into the game, don't attack Bioware, the company that made the game you are so eagerly wanting to play. Ugh, honestly, all these people QQing are so much worse than reading troll posts....
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Folks realise that this is not the release... right? This is early access for those who were committed to pre-ordering at the early possible date. It is a way of thanking those customers by allowing them to get into the game at a pre-defined date earlier then those who either did not pre-order at all or who pre-ordered at a later date.


The release date is still December 20th. Save the comments about the release until then please.


Indeed, but for four to five years at least the early accesses or headstarts or whatever you want to call them have become kind of a first-launch. If I recall correctly, when I was in RIFT's headstart, they had way more problems with the pre-lauch than with the actual launch. But to be fair: RIFT's pre- and real launch both were comparably smooth.

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I think the whole reason for the early access like this is to take alot of the stress off of Launch day.


But with-in the last few years, pre launch has become launch. Now instead of all your stress from players occuring on the day stores sell the boxes, it begins on the day you begin early access.


And no, you can never have a flawless launch. You will not please everyone. Thats why most MMO devs just open the gates and let the players then themselves out over the first day or two. Then if you fall behind the other players on the server its your fault, not theirs.

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If the game has a smooth launch, then a week from now none of those crying about not being in will remember it.


If the game launches badly, people will remember it forever (or at least 5 years, which was about how long it seems to have taken everyone to forget WoW's horrible launch experience).


Those crying "Why don't you just do it like every other MMO launch??" are obviously forgetting the crushing lag, multi-hour queues, and crashes which have gone along with pretty much every other MMO launch.


Let's face it - if they did that, you wouldn't be playing today anyway. You'd just be staring at a queue counter, or raging about how you got disconnected and can't get back in instead of just how you can't get in.

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If the game has a smooth launch, then a week from now none of those crying about not being in will remember it.


If the game launches badly, people will remember it forever (or at least 5 years, which was about how long it seems to have taken everyone to forget WoW's horrible launch experience).


Those crying "Why don't you just do it like every other MMO launch??" are obviously forgetting the crushing lag, multi-hour queues, and crashes which have gone along with pretty much every other MMO launch.


Let's face it - if they did that, you wouldn't be playing today anyway. You'd just be staring at a queue counter, or raging about how you got disconnected and can't get back in instead of just how you can't get in.


Exactly. It would be much more teasing to theoretically be able to log in, but the servers would constantly crash and you'd spend most of your time in a queue.

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I think the pre-launch of the pre-lauch was a good thing bio-ware did and people still can't appreciate it for what it is.


I just can't understand why it is so importatnt other than naming issues. It's not like you get a special reward for being the first of x class to be 50! As a matter of fact most people wouldn't even know (or care) you were the first to 50 unless you remind them "hey I was fisrt to 50 on x class".


I guess I'm just used to being behind the pack of rush to end-game have nothing to do after the first month other than farm useless stuff and be bored and move on to what claims to be the next best thing.


Would I have liked to get in today? YUP! Does it really matter in the end? NOPE!

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Considering the massive bulk of this game's population is going to being playing before the 20th, we can safely interpose release and launch for early access. That said: People will find something to complain about in the most perfect of circumstances. The game just released, flawlessly? The air quality in New York is ****! People like to ***** in order to garner sympathy and attention. I think people just like feeling like crap and perpetuate doing so habitually, like a drug addict.
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Guess we will have to wait until Dec. 20th comes and the game ACTUALLY LAUNCHES!!!!!!!!




With persumeably over one million pre-orders you can't really be thinking that. As I said (and I don't have a real proof other than my observation) in the last few MMO-launches I participated in the rush at early access or headstart was way bigger than at launch.


So yes, you are right. This is not the stress the servers will get come launchady. It's worse.

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You people need to learn to READ. This is Early Game Access not launch. They said and quoted "You could Get up to 5 days of early game Access if you pre order the game". The Keyword their is Could. It doesn't mean that you will get early access. You could get it. Learn to read please and stop flaming bioware of how fail this launch is. It's not a launch it's an early access. Go do something else while waiting instead of whining about getting into the game early. I haven't gotten in yet, and i don't think i will get into the game no later then friday.


Which i am fine with that. You should be happy that they are letting you in early if possible to play early. I am glade that they are adding a 2 day extra to let people in the game. So that the server wouldn't explode. Then you will not have a good launch. Think of it this way. They want'ed quality instead of quantity. I think they are doing a good job so far. This is a game people stop acting like it's your job. It's just a game. If you don't get into today, their is always tomorrow to play. Stop acting like it's the end of the world, just because you didn't get into the game.

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It did. It was one of the smoothest launches I have participated in so far, but it still hat massive queues on some servers and there were downtimes. Not many and not long but they were there.


lol Wolfsbane.


Glad I wasn't on that server. My queue time was relatively short and my server uptime was quite excellent. So I agree, Rift had a pretty good launch for the most part.


To the above poster, people are going to judge the game on it's pre-launch whether you like it or not. It's inevitably going to be compared to other pre-launches. For all intents and purposes you might as well consider it a launch.

Edited by deneeve
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