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Darth Baras VS Darth Thanaton


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  • 7 months later...

Baras wins, especially if you take him at his supposed power level before the sith warrior starts killing his dudes.


Seriously, the entity, his sister, DRAAHG, dude has the deck stacked in his favor. And that isn't counting the fact that, if this took place before the warrior started tearing down his power base, he would also have the assistance of the future wrath of the emperor most likely.

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I actually find this fight close. Thanaton and Baras are in my opinion the most underestimated sith in the empire. Alot of people dont think Baras can fight cause in the SW story hes the fat guy who makes you do all the work but in reality he is incredibly powerful. My logic in this is after The Sacking of Coruscant he was able to defeat Darth Angral (who was Darth Malgus' superior during that battle) just by his force lightning. Also i can relate how powerful he is to his other apprentice Lord Draahg. Draahg was taught by Baras to hold back his true power to suprise Darth Vengean and the SW. By logic if Baras taught Draahg to do that he must be doing it or at least know how to do it himself.


Thanaton on the other hand had proven he was able to defeat opponents who were considerably stronger than him when as an apprentice he beat the Emperor's former apprentice Exal Kressh, he beat her not because he was stronger (in fact he was considerably weaker) but because she underestimated his resolve.


Although i find this fight close id give the edge to Baras cause he was so strong he was able to convince the dark council (including Thanaton who was on it at the time) that he had the Emperor's spirit inside him also as Thanaton got older he also became more arrogant and made the same mistake of underestimating the SI's power as Exal Kressh had undrestimated his resolve. In a 1v1 fight in my humble opinion Baras would hold back his true strength until Thanaton got complacent where then Baras would then catch Thanaton off guard with his Voice of the Emperor shouting: (RESPECT MAH AUTHORITAH!!) -credit going to whoever posted that in "The Making Fun of Darth Baras Thread" Baras<Thanaton but itd be a good fight.

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Thanaton got to power the honest way. That is why he is looked down upon. I know many of you have read the web comics. One of them is about him and how he killed the apprentice of the the supreme ruler of the Sith, the emperor, because no one else would or could.


That in it self should have given him the respect he so rightfully deserved and the emperor granted his request and made him a dark lord of the sith. But you see, Sith like deception and manipulation and thus respect someone more, if they can sheme their way to the top. In this, Baras is an absolute master, so was Zash. They send their apprentices to kill their masters while they keep their hands clean. This was looked down upon by Thanaton.


the players (warrior and Inqusitor) come to power like Thanaton did. Brutal honesty, they killed and took their place. So, it is my belief, that both player characters will also be looked down upon by the rest of them (Marr, Ravage etc.), even if they wouldn't dare say it to the warrior's face in fear of being executed for treason.

Edited by Fallerup
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  • 3 months later...

I don't think Thanaton would win. Baras is not stupid, he would know to avoid at all costs the destructive lightning, and he himself can scream with enough power to one shot the person who killed him, and a member of the dark council.

(Inquisitor, most undoubtably)


And, as already mentioned, Baras has a large network of spies.


Maybe though, in a fight of interrupts, Thanaton could beat the fatty.

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Baras would just have Draahg fight. Done deal.


Draahg the second time was harder than Baras. Thanaton was fairly easy, so Draahg wins, hence Baras wins.

This is all based off my personal experience. Baras and Thanaton were easy, but Draahg was a HUGE pain.

Edited by Bird_of_Thunder
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  • 3 weeks later...

Have played through both Sith Inquisitor and Sith Warrior, I'd say Baras, hands down.


Thanaton did not play the Sith game well. From the perspective of the Sith Inquisitor storyline, he played it fearfully... His 'strong arm', Darth Skotia, was just a cyborg brute, who drew more strength from his cybernetics than from the Force, and who was defeated by an Apprentice. He knew Zash had maneuvered things somehow, but rather than do something about it, he sat on his hands until the SI took care of the problem for him. THEN he tried to take out the SI... who at that point was still loyal, and could have potentially been a useful pawn... by sending her into an old tomb to be killed by a Force Ghost. The same SI who had spent the first part of her career going into tombs filled with Force Ghosts, and coming out again. Granted, it almost worked anyway, but 'almost' gets you a pissed-off and powerful enemy.


Thanaton seemed to be all about neutering his own underlings, ensuring that none were strong enough to potentially pose a challenge to him. His tactics weren't as much about making himself strong, as making anyone who might jostle his carefully arranged order weak.


Baras was more about balancing strength. He solicited and encouraged powerful, resourceful, dangerous underlings. He fed their power... and at the same time, he created countermeasure and plans to deal with them should the time come. And when he dealt with them, it was never when their usefulness was exhausted, or they had betrayed him... He always plotted it out a couple of steps before.


He fed the Sith Warrior's power, built them up... and at the same time, cultivated Lord Draagh as the counterbalance. Then, when the SW is well known as Baras' pawn, and is starting to realize Baras tends to cull his allies early, he cut him down. Even when the SW survived, it was difficult to convince potential allies against Baras he wasn't still working for him. Whereas the SI literally had allies Thanaton had screwed over throwing themselves at their feet in order to get in on taking Thanaton down.


As far as personal power... Sith Lords seem to ebb and surge quite a bit in that department. Thanaton probably knew a lot more arcane and obscure paths to power, whereas Baras is more of a traditionalist. But ultimately, Thanaton is too fearful. When the fight went against him against the SI, despite all of his talk about tradition and honor, he cut and run, and tried to get the Council to kill the SI for him. He is, beneath all of the pompous arrogance and adherance to tradition, fearful. And as soon as the fight goes against him, that fear takes over.


Baras would win on any front, I think.

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  • 1 year later...
Thanaton would definitely beat Baras. Baras' force lightning is no where near as tough as Thanaton's bigass lightning storm. Thanaton's knowledge in the force is just far greater. Near these guys prefer lightsaber combat as we've seen in both storylines. I all comes down the force which Thanaton dominates.
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  • 5 months later...

Baras - Would win a "kaggath"

Thanaton . would win the duel.

Thanaton is a warrior, Baras is a politician. Had they just met in a hallway and said "Hey bro, let's fight" then it's simply not a fight Baras would win. Has he fought anyone in the last ten years? Has he even touhed his lightsaber?

Baras is the superior leader, the superior sith in terms of manipulation and deception. He's the most cunning man in the Empire. But he's not the strongest sword. And he would likely lose to an experienced sorcerer and warrior such as Thanaton. One that earned his place through blood, not through words. But Baras is obviously the superior man overall, his schemes are grand and truelly inspiring. Serving Baras would've been an honor! If he didn't betray you, that is.

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Thanaton got onto the Dark Council on his own personal power, Baras got onto the Dark Council by playing politics and using lackeys to do all the hands on stuff. In a duel Thanaton would kick the lard out of Baras's fat *** no contest.


As for Baras having enough power to pass as the Emperor's Voice? He very explicitly did not, everyone who wasn't his supporter was pretty clear in pointing this out. His entire plan basically fell apart because his detractors sat back and said 'prove it by killing this guy claiming to be the Wrath yourself instead of ordering us to do it'. If he had enough power to make a credible claim to being the Voice they never would have dared to do that because he would have one shotted them for it.

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  • 4 months later...
Well, everything have already been said. In a fair duel, Baras would have no chance against Thanaton, but fair duels are anything but what the Sith do.


Where is your proof of this claim? Many on the Council remained silent when Baras nearly took power, INCLUDING Thanaton who was in the Dark Council Chambers when the whole thing played out with the Sith Warrior and Baras. He was one of the few that said nothing, did nothing. Thanaton was a frightened pup and would have let Baras have his way. If he thought he could win do you really think he would have let Baras continue, or for that matter almost all of the other Council Members? It is clear to me that the top dogs at that time were Baras, Marr, Ravage, and Mortis. The reason Thanaton was there at all was a fluke and was just keeping the seat of The Sphere Of Ancient Knowledge warm for the person that was inevitably going to take his place. On top of that The Sphere Of Ancient Knowledge is not a seat of power for the most combat ready of the Sith Order. Darth Baras on the other hand was apart of and later lead the Sphere of MILITARY OFFENSE. Need I say more? No, I think not.


Baras - Would win a "kaggath"

Thanaton . would win the duel.

Thanaton is a warrior, Baras is a politician. Had they just met in a hallway and said "Hey bro, let's fight" then it's simply not a fight Baras would win. Has he fought anyone in the last ten years? Has he even touhed his lightsaber?

Baras is the superior leader, the superior sith in terms of manipulation and deception. He's the most cunning man in the Empire. But he's not the strongest sword. And he would likely lose to an experienced sorcerer and warrior such as Thanaton. One that earned his place through blood, not through words. But Baras is obviously the superior man overall, his schemes are grand and truelly inspiring. Serving Baras would've been an honor! If he didn't betray you, that is.


Thanaton a warrior? Um no he was most definitely a scholar and it's pretty clear as to why that was. He hid behind his underlings and ran away from a fight he started. Baras has lead attacks and fought many Jedi and Sith prior to the Treaty Of Coruscant. Oh and Thanaton is not a Politician? Really? Do you recall the Sith you fought in the anti chambers before you fight Thanaton? "There is a whole world of politics you can't even begin to understand" <---Was said by that one low life sith before you cut him and his 2 apprentices down. Never bothered to remember the chump's name. Baras also was able to easily defend himself from Satele Shan's attacks with a calm demeanor. And it was Darth Baras and Darth Angral that fought off the Jedi on Dantooine, including the Grand Master Herself among other accomplished warriors. He had also fought off Angral. Where was Thanaton when all this happened?

This is what wookie had to say about him and lightsaber combat:


" Baras was skilled in lightsaber combat, being able to hold his own against opponents such as Jedi Satele Shan and Sith Lord Angral. He also demonstrated skill in Force lightning which he used to force Darth Angral into standing down. Judging by his masking of his dark side nature from Satele Shan, he was either genuinely capable of drawing power from the light side or extremely adapt at masking his own emotions.[9] He was also adept at Force scream."


Baras is one of the most underrated Sith of all time and the truth is because he is fat and people hate on him for that (which shows the mentality of some people). Thanaton the warrior you say? Yes Thanaton fought too, mostly against people who had no force affinity at all and some he just surprise attacked, like Maggot.


This is what wookie says about Thanaton's lightsaber skills: "Before becoming Darth Thanaton, Teneb Kel was a clever young apprentice, considered by many to be destined to be a great Sith. He first started out as a Sith assassin. He was proficient in the use of a lightsaber, utilizing a double-bladed one in combat. His prowess with his lightsaber allowed him to temporarily hold his own against the likes of Jedi Master Jerbhen Hulis and Exal Kressh. However, Kel's style was not enough to best either of these combatants. He relied on his wits rather than pure aggression, as demonstrated by the immediacy in which he "measured up" Master Hulis in their encounter. But in his final duel with Kressh, his skill matched his resolve; he also had to rely on his cunning to defeat the seasoned Sith apprentice."


^ Well it doesn't sound like he is bringing anything to the table that Baras himself could not also bring, and then some. A double blade means nothing if the wielder is not as proficient as the opponent wielding a single blade. The Double blade can just as easily hamper as help you in combat (probably why he ditched it since he was lack luster when faced with other force wielders). Baras has been beaten in saber combat but after very lengthy duels and against very powerful, top tier warriors.



wookie continues:

"On Lenico IV, Kel displayed the ability to not only be able to Force Jump his way across the Baron-Surgeon Ybann's suite to avoid the blaster shots of the Hutt's guard droids, but also to render the droids in question hostile towards one another while doing this, using only the Force. In addition to that Kel managed to mind trick a guard to let him through the secure area. Kel has also shown himself capable of producing Force lightning. In his first duel with Exal Kressh, Kel utilized Force Throw to toss crystalline permaglass at Kressh even though the attack was deflected by the renegade Sith apprentice. In his final duel with the Emperor's apprentice, he ultimately defeated Exal Kressh by using Force Pull to skewer her through the chest with a lightsaber."


^ So he might have had more variety but a lot of that Baras could also do and what he couldn't didn't really matter as it would not be relevant if the 2 met face to face in a fight. Thanaton also did not have the experience that Baras did with much more life threatening opponents. So all that said to me Baras wins this 2 out of 3 times, maybe more.



Thanaton got onto the Dark Council on his own personal power, Baras got onto the Dark Council by playing politics and using lackeys to do all the hands on stuff. In a duel Thanaton would kick the lard out of Baras's fat *** no contest.


As for Baras having enough power to pass as the Emperor's Voice? He very explicitly did not, everyone who wasn't his supporter was pretty clear in pointing this out. His entire plan basically fell apart because his detractors sat back and said 'prove it by killing this guy claiming to be the Wrath yourself instead of ordering us to do it'. If he had enough power to make a credible claim to being the Voice they never would have dared to do that because he would have one shotted them for it.


Okay so addressing the first part, Baras did a LOT of his own foot work before he had "lackeys" to do things for him. He earned his stripes, just like any other Dark Council Member had to. He has fought some really nasty battles against some really powerful opponents. To the Part about being the Voice. Many on the Council were going to let him go unopposed, this was mentioned in the story line 2 or 3 times. Vowrawn was just not in the dark about it since he had the connections and Marr clearly suspected something to be fishy but for all that Baras was very close to success. Add to the fact that if his sister had lived she might have been all the difference he needed to succeed. For the part about the Wrath, just as in the case with Nox if a challenge is issued like that in front of the Dark Council it is the Sith way to deal with such things personally. Had the Wrath lost, Vowrawn would have been killed and the Empire would have bent the knee to Baras.


That's how serious a threat he was to the entire infrastructure and I dont think you fully comprehend or appreciate the severity of the situation. And what do you mean he would have "shotted them"? Not sure what that was supposed to mean but if he just started killing council members the whole lot of them would have attacked him at that point. I don't think he could take Marr, Ravage, Mortis, AND Thanaton all on at the same time and even if that was the case and he did do that then the entire empire would crumble due to a large power vacuum and no one to take their places in the 12 Spheres and Baras would have been completely overwhelmed and fail to maintain the Empire. Too much administrative work for any one man to do, and while at war to boot. Where is your logic?

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As much as I hate Baras, Thanaton is a coward. If Thanaton came up on Baras while he was sleeping or eating some pizza, maybe.


At best, Thanaton would try and beat Baras in a Kaggath... and if that didn't work, maybe checkers.


Havent played the SW story yet, but I 100% agree that Thanaton is a coward. He was all talk, every step of the way. He calls the SI out for a kaggath and runs, gets in a duel with the SI and runs, calls on the council to save his skinny ***, they say no, and he craps himself before the SI kills him.


Just for the record though, my SI will beat the snot outta your SW. :D

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