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Marauder/Sent starting to become FOTM


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How many times do I have to say to you that it is not a L2P issue? I bet I can beat you 1x1.

I was leader of the biggest pvp guilds in AOC and WOW at their respective servers.

I also got gladiator at wow, and have several alts with 2200+ arena rating.

I use Razer Naga and Anansi plus have everything keybinded.

I get top 3 in most WZ dmg done, most of the times top 1 and 2.


I do the perfect rotation, everything. Just perfect. I myself dont find it dificult, just annoying cus its too much micro management.


If you don't find it annoying, hey good for you. Just dont jusge my player skills based on my GAMEDESIGN opinions to make the class acessable to the masses.


Happy gaming


I somehow doubt that. But hey, while we're throwing out childish, retarded insults: My dad could beat up your dad, punk! :rolleyes:


I don't care what you've done in WoW. I doubt anyone but you does. Children perform well at WoW. It's not at all an accomplishment.


Never once in my post did I knock your player skills. I have no clue who you are and really couldn't care less. My point was this: the class does not need a nerf. Not to their damage and not to the skill required to perform well at it.


So really, if you're "so good" at it, then please stop crapping up every single Marauder thread with your nonsense about how hard they are to play. You're a walking contradiction. "The masses", as you called them, are doing just fine.


Have a quality evening.

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No wait. HAHAHAHA.


If you really think the derps playing Sorc/sage/commando/mercs can play marauder/sent at a high level? You haven't tried one of those classes.


I am on fatman and can take out 2-3 marauders at once on my sent. I HOPE it becomes fotm...Easy kills, derps doing 1/3rd my damage and we will prob get buffed due to these people asking for easier rotations, blah blah blah.


The last thing I am worried about is Sent/marauder becoming "fotm". The 10-49 brackets on Fatman are all sage/commandos on republic side (which is why they dominate that bracket) as opposed to the 50 one where stacked Hybrid sorc dominate the 50 bracket.


There is one spec that needs the nerfbat and it revolves around a talent that aoe roots players on full resolve rendering all melee useless with the more hybrid sorc/sages you have.


BTW there are a TON of sentinels on Republic side on Fatman compared to Empire. There always was. The thing? There are like 4 good ones and the rest are all making sage/commando alts and hate their sentinel.


I see NO sentinels in the 10-49 bracket. I see HORRIBLE marauders though. They are prob all sorc/mercs who are bored with their class (go figure). They are the biggest "free kills" I have ever seen.


Worry about jug/guardian rage/focus being fotm before marauders/sents. People like big numbers and the spec is as faceroll as it gets for melee in this game. If any melee is going to get the nerf bat? It is them. They don't need nerfed but people are crybabies and by people I mean the majority of players on the forum who can't even do well with the most stupidly OP ranged class I have every played in an MMO.


Sent/marauders are worse then arms warrior in every way outside a party speedbuff and sorc/sages are better then frost mages in every way (as well as WAY easier to play). Any nerf to ANY melee at this point would show that the developers are clueless. The only reason melee are even viable atm is most of the people playing SWTOR are horrible and come from games with damn near turn based combat like SWG...


Glad your knowledge on how "bad" most marauders or sents are is from 10-49 warzones, Since you are so good with the class you do know that sent/marauder is very gear based. But we'll see your input at 50.. =p

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It's not uncommon in my server to join a wz and see it being 2 sorcs and 6 warriors. It's not so much as marauders being fotm but rather that they are cool, iconic class fighting with 2 sabers and all that.


It's even pretty apparent that people mostly don't roll marauder because of its amazing potential once the match starts cause they usually run like headless chickens and get slaughtered without utilizing their skills properly.


Actually, marauders are in an interesting spot right now cause they might receive buff so that less skilled people can actually do good. However, if that happens, good players will absolutely demolish everyone. And going the other way, if marauders get nerfed because of how good they can be in skilled hands, those less skilled people won't have any other option than to reroll.

Edited by gibmachine
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If anything the consensus is that the class is going to receive some minor/substantial tweaks and buffs to make it more accessible.


I'm definitely not against that. :)


I have to say one thing however: the class being so gear dependent, it is a very unpleasant experience in WZs until you get your Champion pieces. Centurion is complete and utter crap save for the expertise on it and it is very painful to go through 50 PvP ranks before you can consistently be a threat to others.


I think that's what puts off most casual players: for marauders to be effective, the time and effort invested is not a fun ride, at all.

Edited by lollermittens
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In my case ive taken my main (sorc) as far as it can go outside of raid nights and wanted to play a melee class. I think that could be true for a lot of players so maybe thats why we are seeing a lot more warrior alts in wz's.


Plus its fun as heck

Edited by sw_dragon
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Yeah to master the Marauder class you need to have a healer on you who is being guarded by a tank so he's unkillable. Unlock the secrets of the Marauder class, which are eerily similar to every Warrior class in every MMO. Edited by CaptainInsano
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This^ People passed Marauders off because it was too hard to play effectively, and gave up where as people got geared, and combining all the experience they had with the class they dominated.


I know a Sentinel who will crush your face, and a Marauder who will stomp your teeth in. And they are both people who spend a long time playing that class to know the ins and outs. Its a hard class, but once you master it people will cry when they see you lol...


Long time? Depends on your skill level Took me 1 war zone and a few duels to learn marauder class(I only use annihilation and rage). It is my alt and its very easy to play. There really is no hard Spec in MMO's they are all easy to play. But every one has different skill levels depending how much of a gamer you are.

Edited by Furyofwar
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Congrats you just saw a new wave of alts. It is very common in mmo's for players to first play the ranged fotm classes known for good pvp ... then when bored, move onto something completely different for a while. In this case sent/marauders because they are melee and have the fun factor of a ton of tools.


I would be that many recent sent/maur players have a main that is either ranged or healer or a tanker or a mix ... or bad operative players who think the nerfs ruined the class :)


I love my Op on Imp side (med/conceal hybrid since day 1) but am now trying out a sentinel after finding sage/vanguard/commando all boring as hell to play and ponder how many fingers the players of those classes have lost because they obviously can't handle a more difficult/interesting power rotation.


As for Rep side directly I am also finding many players/guilds making Rep alts for story change and to flesh out the weaker side and make things challenging. Although, on my server the Rep's are very strong actually anyway.

Edited by Tamanous
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80% of thos that roll mara/sent won't even get to lvl 30.

Most of them are playing easy range classes like commando/merc, sage/sorc.

And why you do you want to nerf mara/sent? Cuz ppl are rolling them in low lvls?


After i lvled mara i tryed to roll a range class, i picked commando to see republic side...i was very bored with it, sorry but it only takes like 4-6 keybindigs to play commando.

I just wish they could do more classes like mara/sents, its really a challenge to master it and there is little room for mistakes.

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80% of thos that roll mara/sent won't even get to lvl 30.

Most of them are playing easy range classes like commando/merc, sage/sorc.

And why you do you want to nerf mara/sent? Cuz ppl are rolling them in low lvls?


After i lvled mara i tryed to roll a range class, i picked commando to see republic side...i was very bored with it, sorry but it only takes like 4-6 keybindigs to play commando.

I just wish they could do more classes like mara/sents, its really a challenge to master it and there is little room for mistakes.


Actually im thinking of making mara my main, sorc just seems so boring now.

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I tend to enjoy leveling alts as the off peak PvP can be a bit dead on my server so i see a lot of alts coming up. If anything i'd say a lot more people are reroling juggernauts/guardians and vanguards/powertechs than anything else, sure some people are playing marauders but it's rare to have more than one or two in a match whereas i've been on many an all vanguard side.
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Dear friends, this game is USER FRIENDLY oriented.





Pfft wa wa what!?


Show me a thread where they complain about Marauders being over powered and i'll show you 10 that complain about Marauders being under powered.


And Yes it takes skill to play Marauder, I consider myself above average at most, but we are sooooo gear dependant. I am almost BM but im so handicaped because my guild hardly does FP and Operations and I need some brand new powerful sabers to do the damage I want.

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On my server theres been a few rerolling marauder, most of them suck and are free kills for me in warzones. The class on my server seems to be ignored for pretty much everything. I get top of the charts in everything, Could score all 6 goals and no one would notice.
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Started with assassin, found their energy consumption way to high. Rolled sorc, found it be way to easy to get really good at.

Rolled merc, dropped it after seeing that they are one-trick ponies requiring little skill to play. Rolled a Powertech, which is a very fun class. They rock in huttball with their many annoying tools, grapple into fire or acid is very fun:D... got bored.


Rolled Marauder, still low level but i'm loving it and I dont even have the really good abilities yet. They require alot of skill to use, have lots of fun skills to. So far i've managed to do 2v1, me being the 1, on more than one occasion and come of on top.

Give me a healer and i'm unstoppable.

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