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Vader VS.


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Anakin was up there with the likes of Obi-Wan, Windu and Yoda before Mustafar, after he got into the suit it would not surprise me if he could beat all of them, except maybe Windu. By saying that Kun could beat Vader, you're saying that he had more than 80% of Sidious' power and ability, which is just not true.


Prove me how Vader beats him.



Kun beats him in saber skills and Kun's force abilities are beyond Vader in a suit.


Vader is powerful, but Kun is stronger.

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Prove me how Vader beats him.


Kun beats him in saber skills and Kun's force abilities are beyond Vader in a suit.


Vader is powerful, but Kun is stronger.


Lets see, isn't Vader supposed to be the most skilled Djem So user of all time?


This should prove sufficient. Scroll down to Powers and Abilities.


Exar Kun was exceptional for his time period, there's no denying that, but Vader was exceptional in a time of exceptional Force Users. At the very peak of the Jedi Order's strength, he was considered to be one of the most skilled ever trained. That's even before he reached his prime.


Also, I don't have to prove anything to you, you on the other hand need to prove that Exar Kun does indeed exceed 80% of Palpatine's power and ability.

Edited by Aximand
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As the title suggests, if Vader were pitted against any of the following sith, who would be the victor?



Vader vs. Caedus

Vader vs. Sion

Vader vs. Nihilus

Vader vs. Exar Kun

Vader vs. Vitiate


I like your sig :) Revan fan bois piss me off.


and Vader would win all. Even though the prequels made me hate him :D

Edited by Tekkoclarky
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Lets see, isn't Vader supposed to be the most skilled Djem So user of all time?


This should prove sufficient. Scroll down to Powers and Abilities.


Exar Kun was exceptional for his time period, there's no denying that, but Vader was exceptional in a time of exceptional Force Users. At the very peak of the Jedi Order's strength, he was considered to be one of the most skilled ever trained. That's even before he reached his prime.


Also, I don't have to prove anything to you, you on the other hand need to prove that Exar Kun does indeed exceed 80% of Palpatine's power and ability.


In Vader's prime post-Mustafar he couldn't use Djem So. Only a couple variants of it. Thats canon.


In Vader's suit he used Makashi and a some variants of Djem.



Prove to me Vader's force abilities in his prime are greater than Kun's.

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hmm i didnt read the legacy books about jaicen going to the dark side so i dont know if he was powerfull enough to fight vader but from the rest od characters i dont see him winning against darth nihilus he was extremly powerfull and personally for me one of the coolest sith invented in expanded uniwerse
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In Vader's prime post-Mustafar he couldn't use Djem So. Only a couple variants of it. Thats canon.


In Vader's suit he used Makashi and a some variants of Djem.



Prove to me Vader's force abilities in his prime are greater than Kun's.


That's not how proof of evidence works. I've cited Canon sources that Vader has 80% of Palpatine's power and abilities (George Lucas himself), you need to prove to me that Exar Kun was Vader's superior in both using the Force, and Lightsaber skills.

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That's not how proof of evidence works. I've cited Canon sources that Vader has 80% of Palpatine's power and abilities (George Lucas himself), you need to prove to me that Exar Kun was Vader's superior in both using the Force, and Lightsaber skills.


Vader takes Lightsaber combat against almost anybody, that includes Kun.


But Exar Kun was by long and far a stronger Force user, much more powerful than Vader.

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That's not how proof of evidence works. I've cited Canon sources that Vader has 80% of Palpatine's power and abilities (George Lucas himself), you need to prove to me that Exar Kun was Vader's superior in both using the Force, and Lightsaber skills.


The fact that he beat nearly all of his masters as a mere apprentice in dueling? Or the fact that he managed to create Force Blasts that could crush stone-walls?




IMO Kun is #3 for Most POwerful Sith. Caedus being #2(Not many people can be manefistations of the Force) and Sidious being 1.

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The fact that he beat nearly all of his masters as a mere apprentice in dueling? Or the fact that he managed to create Force Blasts that could crush stone-walls?




IMO Kun is #3 for Most POwerful Sith. Caedus being #2(Not many people can be manefistations of the Force) and Sidious being 1.


And Vader was starting to get the better of some of the best Lightsaber duelists of all time before he was out of his twenties.


And crushing stone walls? Really, that's it? Vader was considered to be an undisputed master of telekinetic combat. Choking people he wasn't even on the same Star Destroyer as, holding a Jedi Master (or Knight, can't remember which) completely still in mid air without being able to move at all while missing a few of his limbs about a month after entering the suit. Pretty much ripping apart the inside of Cloud City in his fight with Luke. Getting blasted through numerous bulkheads by Starkiller and just standing right back up.


Vader and Palpatine are the culmination of the Rule of Two, they are the top and everyone else is below them. As much as I may like Exar Kun, there's no denying this.

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As the title suggests, if Vader were pitted against any of the following sith, who would be the victor?



Vader vs. Caedus

Vader vs. Sion

Vader vs. Nihilus

Vader vs. Exar Kun

Vader vs. Vitiate


Vader vs. Caedus

Jacen is not as strong in the Fore as his uncle or grandfather, but he is pretty close. As such he would easily crush the 1/2Grandpa that Vader post-Mustafarr was.


Vader vs. Sion

Vader is not that good at Dun Moch, and Sion is kind of unkillable otherwise unless you strip his ability to use the Force to hold himself together or something. A technique that Vader even if he had the Force potential to use, did not know. Sion can't actually beat Vader in a fight though. SO its pretty much an eternal draw until someone gets bored.


Vader vs. Nihilus

You need to be a Wound in the Force or a stupidly powerful Force User to off Nihlus. Vader is not the former, but he is/was the latter. I give him a chance to beat Nihilus, not a "given" victory like it would be for say Sidious or Vitiate or Ragnos. But he has a decent shot.


Vader vs. Kun

Vader even weakened, is still probably stronger in the Force than Kun, but neither of them OVERWHELM each other in power so this comes down to who is the better duelist. They both are the best of their era. Vader can probably take more punishment but the cybernetics may slow him down a bit. On their best days I would give it to Vader since I hold their swordsmenship about level and Vader's Force Potential a bit higher even after his injuries.


Vader vs. Vitiate

Vitiate may be a tough one. Vader can kill the avatar no problem, and keep killing. But can he actually reach the true body? And even then Vitiate's Force abilities from what I could gather from TOR and "Raven" are edging on Plageius or Ragnos's level.So he may be able to overwhelm Vader with the force before they have to cross blades.

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  • 3 months later...
I actually don't consider Caedus a real Sith. He wasn't trained by a recognized Sith master (Lumiya was not recognized as a Sith Master by the ghosts of Korriban, nor was she a product of the Rule of Two), he didn't follow the Sith code, he failed in so many ways to be Sith that he never really made it to real "Sith-hood".


Vader would win all of them, though.


Since when do power hungry, Force-users need the permission of long dead Sith apparitions?

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Vader would win all of them.

He is the ultimate Sith Lord ever!


Plus, he was a master of both Light and Dark sides.

I know, I know.

Kun was too.

But Vader was a master of the Light and Dark sides that were more evolved than the time of Exar Kun.

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Sidious most powerful sith of all time.

Vader second most powerful sith of all time, would have been most powerful had he not lost 40% of his body.

Vader kills Sidious and he could do nothing to stop it.

Also fact the force users of the Yoda era are more powerful then in the old republic, fact .

Vader was one of the most skilled dualist of all time, fact.


So in other words, Vader kills them all easy.

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And Vader was starting to get the better of some of the best Lightsaber duelists of all time before he was out of his twenties.


And crushing stone walls? Really, that's it? Vader was considered to be an undisputed master of telekinetic combat. Choking people he wasn't even on the same Star Destroyer as, holding a Jedi Master (or Knight, can't remember which) completely still in mid air without being able to move at all while missing a few of his limbs about a month after entering the suit. Pretty much ripping apart the inside of Cloud City in his fight with Luke. Getting blasted through numerous bulkheads by Starkiller and just standing right back up.


Vader and Palpatine are the culmination of the Rule of Two, they are the top and everyone else is below them. As much as I may like Exar Kun, there's no denying this.


Pretty much this, i'm a huge fan of Exar Kun but what you say is true from a canon point of view.

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I'd say Vader had more power than any of these guys but that does not mean none of these guys could catch him on a bad day or some such. Like between Vader and Kenobi, Vader is obviously stronger, but Kenobi could still take him out. Still in any case I'd say all of those guys would be HARD pressed to beat Vader. "You don't know the power of the Dark Side"......in Vader. ;)
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I would say Vader would win all of those fights hands down. If Reven were one of the choices, I would say Vader would win, but not without crippling his ability to fight ever again; we're talking about the two most powerful force users in their time. Edited by cool-dude
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The volume of Vader fanboyism here is almost suffocating. Too bad it's all misplaced.


Caedus: He gave Grand Master Luke problems, and Luke has Vader's Original Potential. So, yeah, Vader loses out in power and abilities.


Sion: Vader, simply put, Can't win. Even though Vader should be the better duelist and possibly stronger in the force, Sion can't die. Vader can knock him down again and again, and it won't matter. Eventually Vader is just going to wear down and Sion will keep hammering him until Vader stops twitching.


Nihilus: Vader can't do anything here. Nihilus is a Wound in the Force. Both Nihilus and the Exile were created by the same phenomenon on Malachor 5, and it is why Meetra Surik was able to counteract him and stop Nihilus. Vader doesn't have that ability. Being "The Chosen One" is irrelevant. His Role is different than that of Meetra Surik's. She was Designed to stop Nihilus. Vader wasn't. All Vader will do is be a meal for Nihilus.


Exar Kun: His Force Ghost corrupted Luke's students and put Luke in a coma. When he was alive the ground shook beneath him as he walked and he was in the possession of Naga Sadow's Force Amulet which augmented Exar Kun's abilities. Exar Kun is a master duelist as well and is one of the strongest users of the Double-bladed lightsaber, easily outclassing the likes of Darth Maul. Speaking of, Vader was nearly killed by a Clone of Darth Maul in the EU comics.


Vitiate: Vader dies. Period. He couldn't stand up tp Palps while he was a gnarled, wrinkly old coot in his Weakest form. Vitiate is an immortal with enormous power and over a millennium of experience and was given his title of Darth Vitiate by Marka Ragnos. He easily outclasses Vader in power. Vader won't even have the chance to approach the Sith Emperor.

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Why is it so hard to face the CANON fact that the most powerful force users of Sidious era was way more powerful then any force user before.Hs nothing to do with beeing a fanboy of who ever, but a simpel fact.You see in the old republic

lots of tricks and things with the force,but what it all comes down to in the end is pure power of the force.

And when you watch the movies you will see there are only certain times in a fight were in a dual they will use the force more,when the other is of balance or there is an opening during the fight.You see this clearly in all the movies.

Like in epis V when Vader overwelms Luke on Bespin with the force,but in epis VI fight he does not do this because Luke have become way more powerful.

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Vitiate: Vader dies. Period. He couldn't stand up tp Palps while he was a gnarled, wrinkly old coot in his Weakest form. Vitiate is an immortal with enormous power and over a millennium of experience and was given his title of Darth Vitiate by Marka Ragnos. He easily outclasses Vader in power. Vader won't even have the chance to approach the Sith Emperor.


You act like Vitiate is stronger than Palps.


And Canon says Vader was at his strongest in Robot Form.

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