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14k hps?

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20k as a DPS is full Rakata gear, which means you've basically completed the entire current endgame. Hardmode Flashpoints are entry-level endgame content, meant to be even easier than normal-mode operations. You're confusing two worlds here.


Hmm I can tell you that even with full rakata tier gear and rakata implants and ear piece +weapon etc as a Jugg DPS you are sitting at about 18k unbuffed health. Maybe c.19k with full raid buffs.

Edited by JamieM
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I responded to a LFG for BT HM yesterday. I was told I was undergeared for it (just like you were). My Merc BH has 20492 HP, wears Rakata Helm, Gloves, Legs, Boots, Columi Belt and Bracers, Rakata ear and both Implants. Both Guns are Rakata. (I have done a decent amount of mod/enhancement switching). I have very few things left to upgrade on my gear, other than a couple tweaks to modifications. How someone saw that and concluded that I was undergeared for BT is beyond me.


My point is: Some people are just plain stupid.



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20k as a DPS is full Rakata gear, which means you've basically completed the entire current endgame. Hardmode Flashpoints are entry-level endgame content, meant to be even easier than normal-mode operations. You're confusing two worlds here.


LOL HM EV 8 man is easier than normal mode ev 16 man so your logic is flawed. some of the 4 man HM's were harded than 8 man ev when we were under geared. Just pointing out facts.


To the original poster. Your gear is perfect for HM BT. with a few normal OPS under your belt all nay sayers won't have a leg to stand on.

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I wouldn't worry about it. Just find a good guild or friendlier people on the server. I've taken a DPS that only had 12k HP into an ops and he did fine. He had good raid awareness and didn't stand in ****, followed kill orders, CC'd what he was told to, etc.


In fact, I never use gear as a gauge for player ability. If I take you into a flashpoint or operation and you can't CC worth a shiz but you have 20k HP then you are of no use to me. I rather take the person with slightly worse gear and knows how to use their characters skill set.


In all honesty I would just chalk it up to bad luck and move on. Some people have a skewed view of the game. Primarily because most of those types of people are trying to compare this game to others and using the mentality from the other game. I've even heard about a guy that is not interested in playing swtor because the max mount speed is only 110% vs 310% in the other game. As if the physics of both games are even the same. :csw_jabbapet:

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i wont do HMs with people that have less than 12k HP or tanks that have less HP than me as a light armored healer.


i USED to but probably wasted 1mil or so creds on repairs and got fed up.


here is a good indicator-i you wipe on the FIRST encounter of BT, you're overall group is undergeared.


i think what's happening is MANY people are leveling up via PvP and trying to jump into PvE with subpar gear....

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i wont do HMs with people that have less than 12k HP or tanks that have less HP than me as a light armored healer.


I don't blame you. HMFPs have a gear check and the bar is higher than the questing greens that people are finding on Corellia.


i think what's happening is MANY people are leveling up via PvP and trying to jump into PvE with subpar gear....


That, and you have people who solo quest grind to 50 and then want to jump straight into FPs. I don't necessarily fault them for wanting to do FPs, but they expect to be able to skip the gear progression that leads to them. HMFPs are not for fresh 50's. You run your dailies until you have all purple rank 50 mods in EVERY slot. You upgrade your belt, wrist, offhand, implant and ear slot to blue or better level 50 gear via crafting, GTN or whatever. Then you can set foot into a HMFP and start working on Tionese/Columi gear.

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My point is that i could go change all my daily mods out for the higher endurance lower strength and that would put me well over 14k, but because i chose to mod correctly i am "too under-geared".


The fact that you're hovering around 14k means you're undergeared. It has nothing to do with swapping mods for a few extra endurance. Doing that is even worse. When you have purple crafted or daily level 50 gear in every slot, you should be well over 14k HP even when properly itemized for high str/crit/power.

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It's not that HP is necessary for doing damage, it's that HP is an indicator of gear level simply because everything has endurance and the better the gear the more endurance. Even better DPS gear has more endurance than lower level DPS gear. Obviously you should not be changing out mods to stack endurance at the expense of your main stat or power/crit, etc. You should be looking to get better DPS gear that also gets you to the 15k HP range. 14k-15k is an average hp total that I see on most DPS characters. You can pretty easily get there in just daily quest mods/implants/earpiece.


Or would you rather have gearscore back?


i dont no wot server your on but technically 14-15k hp is not starded for good geared dps.


my dps commando with almsot full columi now has 17k health buffed. with hardly any datacrons to increase it. but for fps in hm u dont have to have 14k hp to do them but there get abit easier the better gear u have. and on republic side its actually abit easier to do normal mode operations than doing a certain 1-2 hm fps.


generally those people making that requirement are probably people you dont want to group with, elitists that want to easymode everything and ruin fun for others by being unfair on group requirements. if it was an operation or hm operation id agree with them but for fps u can get by with 13k hp if u no wot ur doing and have mostly blue/orange/purple armour and stuff slotted

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I was also removed from the group for not having 14k HPs and being "undergeared". As a DPS sorc I made the clear and noob mistake of not gearing up with pvp gear so I could have lots of HPs and a useless stat for flashpoints.


As someone stated earlier, we clearly have not invested enough time into our gear to run a level 50 Black Talon. You think Lvien is bad, I only have 13.4k HPs! When doing our dailies for the last week and getting the mods I couldn't be bothered to move my mouse over to the Force Wielder Mod/Armor and stupidly picked Resolve Mod/Armor. I always knew my laziness would catch up to me one day.


So, instead of getting the hard working and elite Black Talon HM pros in their Centurion/Champion gear to carry us lowly scrubs, we went and duo'd The False Emperor instead.




you sir are full of win, and i wish you were on my server

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HP is the new Gearscore/iLvl.


Bahahahahahahahahaha. Star War of Republic Craft, so many said you were nothing like WoW. So much wishful thinking on the parts of those with rosy-hued lenses of hope and joy and enamorment of lightsabers.


And yet...you play like WoW, you foster the same divisions between people by your itemization and priority selections of people to run content with as WoW, you encourage people to chase the same sad old carrots as WoW...you're WoW in every single way that matters.




Oh man, am I so old that I remember when people DID use HP as the dividing line for heroics in WoW? Oh yeah those were the days in Burning Crusade, when there were gear guides for getting in heroics that explicitly told people to get pvp gear to hit the proper hp mark so they would survive in the harder heroics.


Which is why I always laugh when someone complains about gearscore. This is the alternative folks, w/o a clear measure, people start using ******** and seat of the pants nonsense like "link a piece of columi" or "14k HP only."


The problem isn't the game or any specific system. The problem is PEOPLE. That is, people will ALWAYS take the most efficient method to avoid failure and wasted time. In a hardmode that requires cooperation from others and in which failure means several minutes or even hours of wasted time and repair bills, people WILL do whatever is practical to avoid this. This means avoiding grouping with anything who is unknown or who they are uncertain about. If they can't guarantee a smooth run, they won't take the sketchy people, they'll simply just not try at all.


For the OP, I really have no good advice for you. Leaving aside the merits or detriments of using HP as a marker to get into heroics, 14k is really high for HM Black Talon. HM BT is the easiest hardmode out there. You can do it as a fresh 50 in blues bought off the AH. If the guy thinks he needs skilled and geared people to run HM BT, well he's just dumb and you are better off starting your own group with the people he rejects. Alternatively, join a guild and have your guild buddies run the HM FP with you.


I suspect however, that he actually meant HM Boarding Party. That flashpoint is harder and requires more coordination and actually has a couple of enrages that serve as dps checks. I can see someone wanting people in full or mostly Tionese gear to run that without any wipes. In which case, he's perfectly appropriate in deciding who he wants to run with and 14k is a close enough approximation of what he wants without having to type "looking for dps in a mix of tionese and columi gear for HM BP. Please link all your gear so I can compare it and crunch numbers to figure out if you are likely to make the dps checks in the flashpoint."

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I was also removed from the group for not having 14k HPs and being "undergeared". As a DPS sorc I made the clear and noob mistake of not gearing up with pvp gear so I could have lots of HPs and a useless stat for flashpoints.


As someone stated earlier, we clearly have not invested enough time into our gear to run a level 50 Black Talon. You think Lvien is bad, I only have 13.4k HPs! When doing our dailies for the last week and getting the mods I couldn't be bothered to move my mouse over to the Force Wielder Mod/Armor and stupidly picked Resolve Mod/Armor. I always knew my laziness would catch up to me one day.


So, instead of getting the hard working and elite Black Talon HM pros in their Centurion/Champion gear to carry us lowly scrubs, we went and duo'd The False Emperor instead.




Now HOW ON EARTH did we 2 man that with under 14k Hit points?

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Glad I've got friends and guildies.


Both my Sniper and Marauder drop End for power/crit/surge so my endurance is definitely not cut out for those fools.


But I bet I pump out more dps on average too, thereby keeping alive with a faster kill.

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Glad I've got friends and guildies.


Both my Sniper and Marauder drop End for power/crit/surge so my endurance is definitely not cut out for those fools.


But I bet I pump out more dps on average too, thereby keeping alive with a faster kill.


agreed, hp doesnt make a player good, just means they prefer to hug health to sirvive longer than actual stack the more important stats.


my dps commando has 17k health but aim is higher than endurance, i have 101.5% accuracy 65% surge 37% crit and a good amount of power aswell. i can actually tank the second turret in eternity vault with a healer and get it down to 50% solo before raid has killed first turret so endurance for me means nothing. if u got a good group u dont need more indurance than u base stat. it really makes me laugh people think endurance is what clears content, its not. its a group of people that no wot there doing no the class and have appriate gear/stats for the class. more aim or stenght or will power for dps will be alot better than endurance for dps. end wont increase how much damage u do ur primariry stat dsoes, power does and crits/surge ratings help dps.


sooner people learn that the better they will be at there own class. as raid leader for my guild if someone was stacking end over the prim stat i would ask them to chance that asap and not take some1 who is hugging health as it means more work for everyone else. when ur trying to beat an enrage timer u wont dps that are dealing the best amount of damage they can not how long they can survive not to mention if your healer dies in a hm fp 17k hp instead of 14k hp isnt gonna make u survive much longer. quicker u kill a boss the better how lonfg u survive is down to healer. sucky healer 17k health wont matter u might as well have 14k health it wont make anything easier.

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Centurion PVP gear is better then Tionese so even if thats all you had you should be able to run BTHM provided the rest of the team isnt a bunch of gimps.


This is not true, at least not for sentinel gear.


The fact that you're hovering around 14k means you're undergeared. It has nothing to do with swapping mods for a few extra endurance. Doing that is even worse. When you have purple crafted or daily level 50 gear in every slot, you should be well over 14k HP even when properly itemized for high str/crit/power.


I had all artifact mods and all my gear was rated 126 when I was a fresh 50 and was sitting just under 14k. So no, he was not undergeared for hard mode flashpoints. I have taken a guardian with me on a flashpoint who had all blue mods and all his gear was rated in the 100-110 area and he did just fine in the run. And thanks to some luck he got 3 pieces of tioneese tier gear and a columni token.


Hardmodes is how you gear up. Get off your high horse about it and either help them gear up or go do something else. People who refuse to run with fresh 50's should just be blacklisted. It's a learning process, everyone starts fresh at one point or another.

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agreed, hp doesnt make a player good, just means they prefer to hug health to sirvive longer than actual stack the more important stats.


my dps commando has 17k health but aim is higher than endurance, i have 101.5% accuracy 65% surge 37% crit and a good amount of power aswell. i can actually tank the second turret in eternity vault with a healer and get it down to 50% solo before raid has killed first turret so endurance for me means nothing. if u got a good group u dont need more indurance than u base stat. it really makes me laugh people think endurance is what clears content, its not. its a group of people that no wot there doing no the class and have appriate gear/stats for the class. more aim or stenght or will power for dps will be alot better than endurance for dps. end wont increase how much damage u do ur primariry stat dsoes, power does and crits/surge ratings help dps.


sooner people learn that the better they will be at there own class. as raid leader for my guild if someone was stacking end over the prim stat i would ask them to chance that asap and not take some1 who is hugging health as it means more work for everyone else. when ur trying to beat an enrage timer u wont dps that are dealing the best amount of damage they can not how long they can survive not to mention if your healer dies in a hm fp 17k hp instead of 14k hp isnt gonna make u survive much longer. quicker u kill a boss the better how lonfg u survive is down to healer. sucky healer 17k health wont matter u might as well have 14k health it wont make anything easier.


Just because people have a lot of endurance DOES NOT mean that they are stacking it, you get high endurance naturally though the PvE Tier sets.


I have 20k health on my Commando. I am in full Eliminator Rakata Armor(except legs which are Columi until I get lucky and have the legs drop from the Pylons), Augmented Rakata Belt/Wrists, Augmeted Rakata Relic(power one), Blue Matrix Cube Relic, Rakata Earpiece, 2 Rakata Implants, Rakata Mainhand, and Rakata Offhand. I have 1885 Aim, 1772 Endurance, 466 Bonus Damage, 99% accuracy, 32% crit chance, and 76% surge. I haven't reworked any of my gear to drop dps stats for endurance, yet I still have 20k health and hit like a truck.


HP does not make a player good but it is a good indicator as to how well geared the player is at first glance as the PvE armor naturally increases your health even though you aren't "stacking" it.

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Also the Rakata implants each have something like 90 Endurance, however the crafted implants have only about 50 endurance but they have more then 60 additional secondary DPS stats over the rakata implants. The crafted ones are far superior to the rakata ones for a DPS or healer, but you will lose out on about another 100 endurance to take them.


I keep seeing this thrown around and I don't get where it came from. I bought a mastercraft one right now to test it out. I gain 1% crit and 1% accuracy which are both very small increases for what I lose. I lose 2% surge, 22 bonus damage(decreases my overall damage range by ~200), and 300 health. Really not seeing how this is "superior" to my Rakata implants. The only implants that I see being superior to Rakata implants(at least for me) would be crafted Columi Implants if you crit and get an augment slot.

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I keep seeing this thrown around and I don't get where it came from. I bought a mastercraft one right now to test it out. I gain 1% crit and 1% accuracy which are both very small increases for what I lose. I lose 2% surge, 22 bonus damage(decreases my overall damage range by ~200), and 300 health. Really not seeing how this is "superior" to my Rakata implants. The only implants that I see being superior to Rakata implants(at least for me) would be crafted Columi Implants if you crit and get an augment slot.


There are over 10 different version of mastercraft implants. You need to find one with a slot and also gives you +power, + crit and + surge.

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Hardmodes is how you gear up.


Not for a fresh 50, no they are not. Most fresh 50's come in with level 44 blue mods and green implants. They're skipping the whole daily series of missions and mods that are available.

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