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*** is Quinn's problem?


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So I just started my third toon which I chose to be a Marauder. I thought, oh yay, I get my healing companion on Balmorra, this will be great! In my experience, he is the buggiest companion ever. Whenever I go into a boss fight I have to turn off his blaster attacks so he only heals. Other times he just won't heal at all (even though he is in the Med Watch stance). Anyone else have this problem?
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I have not had any issues with quinn. I have him in medwatch and he heals me and attacks. Ive done a couple elites and Champions and haven't come close to dying. Once in a blue moon i do have to hit his heals but normally he is right on top of it. Not as good as a real player but i have even used him in 2 man and 4 man heroics and he keeps the party healed too.
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Quinn works great. just a few things to do/adjust:


get him good gear. That means keep him up with you. there are times that ill give him the gear if it boils down to a him or me choice). his heals scale well with decent gear.


watch your range. if your leaping from maximum range, he can (and will) resort to fighting over healing. not sure if his heals have less range then his Dps skills, but for some reason he just picks shooting over healing at max range. take a few extra steps in first. or use the hotkey idea in the next paragraph.


Watch LoS. even if you can see him, there's still a possibility that ground interruptions that force him to move around them can break up his healing. an easy solution to this is have one of his heal hotkeyed...if he bugs or starts shooting, hit the hotkey. this can often break him out of whatever funk hes in and he starts healing again. Other then that, just watch out for ground breaking clutter. make sure you have a decen't path to the group.


His heals also scale well. as levels have gone on, i worry less and less about my health as he just turns into a healing machine.


Plus, don't forget that even with quinn, the jugg/mar is still a very skill and gear dependent class. you can't just go EZ mode because you have said healer...your still paying attention to skill selection, using CD's when necessary, and calculating your pulls. it's just easier to do that and enjoy the class with quinn

Edited by Elyx
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I just got Quinn at lvl 22, and as far as i can judge... He sucks. He has one HOT and one healing spell with a cooldown. Even if i have him with medwatch, his heals suck vs a strong opponent. Is it the force charge at max distance or does he just suck at this level?
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I just got Quinn at lvl 22, and as far as i can judge... He sucks. He has one HOT and one healing spell with a cooldown. Even if i have him with medwatch, his heals suck vs a strong opponent. Is it the force charge at max distance or does he just suck at this level?


My experience with Quinn is very different + we're both in greens at level 20. As soon as he joined up I could felt supercharged; the heals are fast - his attacks weave in and out - and I don't feel like I'm risking death pulling 2 groups and a boss + anything extra without all my cooldowns ready. I've noticed range is certainly an issue, but one easy to adjust for.

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I have been having issues with Quinn as well. Before finding my old guildies, I started with a Sent on a different server. Doc, who you get A LOT later compared to the Mara getting Quinn, healed great and I never have the issues like I do now with Quinn.


I always enjoyed Carnage/Combat spec, but with Quinn not wanting to heal me, I switched to Anni and geared Vette up. Much, much faster burning through mobs and groups, not to mention I come out usually with more health than as Carnage spec with Quinn. Definitely needs to be fixed.

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I just got Quinn at lvl 22, and as far as i can judge... He sucks. He has one HOT and one healing spell with a cooldown. Even if i have him with medwatch, his heals suck vs a strong opponent. Is it the force charge at max distance or does he just suck at this level?


Give him time my friend. At 22 he is just starting out. With proper gear and a few levels he'll heal you through anything. Did 47 Heroics +2 on Hoth yesterday solo with Quinn. Trust me, he's worth the wait.

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I agree with above, Quinn is a great healer, as long as you stay close and in his LOS. I often walk out of a fight with full health after I got him. He makes single boss fight a lot easier (compare to my IA sniper),and he can take on some minor enemies on his own.


This, stay relatively close to him and in his LOS and he shouldn't bug out on you.

He is the sole reason you can kill a 32 Champion on your 30 Marauder :D

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Give him time my friend. At 22 he is just starting out. With proper gear and a few levels he'll heal you through anything. Did 47 Heroics +2 on Hoth yesterday solo with Quinn. Trust me, he's worth the wait.


Exactly this. His healing is limited (but still effective I found) at lower levels. He really shines as you get into your 30's and 40's. (Provided that you keep him geared)

Edited by AmedusTOR
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Quinn is a fantastic healer. As a Carnage Mara, I'm almost invincible with Quinn out.


Of course, if you keep wading into groups using only one attack and updating Facebook at the same time ... well ... even Quinn can't heal you out of that.


Overall ... skills and gear included ... Quinn has been the best upgrade I've gotten yet.

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I just hit 41 and finished Belsavis, and I've had Quinn with me pretty much since I got him. If you keep his gear upgraded (as well as your own) then you can keep him on Officer's Instinct and perform just fine. I should mention I'm immortal spec Jugg, so my dps suffers and as a result I tend to keep Quinn in his blaster stance to compensate slightly for dps loss.


The only thing of his that I have turned off is that completely pointless carbonized stream, since it's an 8 sec channel that takes priority over healing for some reason.

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Joining in on the Quinn Lovefest here. I'm a soloing Annihilation Marauder, and I find him to be invaluable. By having him in Med Watch stance and healing his cute little butt off, I find that solo content is pretty much trivial for me. Not only have I never had any problems with content, I also have pretty much bugger all downtime. I keep him geared up with quest reward greens as well as the odd random drop and he works fine for me.
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Quinn works great. just a few things to do/adjust:


get him good gear. That means keep him up with you. there are times that ill give him the gear if it boils down to a him or me choice). his heals scale well with decent gear.


watch your range. if your leaping from maximum range, he can (and will) resort to fighting over healing. not sure if his heals have less range then his Dps skills, but for some reason he just picks shooting over healing at max range. take a few extra steps in first. or use the hotkey idea in the next paragraph.


Watch LoS. even if you can see him, there's still a possibility that ground interruptions that force him to move around them can break up his healing. an easy solution to this is have one of his heal hotkeyed...if he bugs or starts shooting, hit the hotkey. this can often break him out of whatever funk hes in and he starts healing again. Other then that, just watch out for ground breaking clutter. make sure you have a decen't path to the group.


His heals also scale well. as levels have gone on, i worry less and less about my health as he just turns into a healing machine.


Plus, don't forget that even with quinn, the jugg/mar is still a very skill and gear dependent class. you can't just go EZ mode because you have said healer...your still paying attention to skill selection, using CD's when necessary, and calculating your pulls. it's just easier to do that and enjoy the class with quinn


Exaclty what I've been telling people who swear that Quinn sucks. The best thing to do when you can afford it is get him orange/custom gear... that way when you get quest rewards just get commendations. Far easier than trying to pick gear for you, him or commendation.

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